What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000


Considering AudiogoN prices - You can buy many fantastic used $20,000+ Speakers for under the magic $10,000 level.

This is really a different topic than previous questions in this forum.

I've bought Avalon Eidolons, Joseph Audio Pearls, Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and others for (slightly) under 10K

I would love to hear from other A'goners their opinions on what are the best you can do - for under 10K (Or even a "little bit more").

Thanks for sharing your opinions!
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Don’t most speakers drop hi frequency when measured off axis? I thought that the Revels actually do this a little less than most due to their waveguide on the tweeter...
I think Kef Uniq drivers are pretty even out to 30 deg off axis. Revel does work at making the off axis as linear as they can since the data shows first reflections play a significant role in what we hear and like. The speakers don't lack mid range energy from my listening chair. 
There are 2 ProAc D48 on audiogon for much less than $10k. Amazing speakers, to say the least, from experience!
I got to listen to a pair of kanta 3's at the store and first impressions are very good. Dynamic and detailed with bass that favors 70's rock. My couple of reservations are how far out in the room they were placed, 8' from the front and at least 10' from the sides with a 7' listening triangle. My other concern, and it was only a half hour demo after work, was the woofers output... It was exciting to listen to but I got the feeling the drivers were at on the edge without going over it. Definitely worth another listen and possibly my new favorite speaker new or used in this price range.
Yes, at only $2k higher price, the Kanta No.3 are a no-brainer vs the Kanta No.2, IMO.  If you look at the dimensions and specs of Kanta No.3, they are near identical to those of Sopra No.3. 

I do think it may be the case that the W cones of the Sopra may be able to handle higher output well than the flax cones of Kanta.  I see a Sopra No.2 on audiomart for $8k, which may be a screaming deal.
I just grabbed a pair of Usher BE-20 DMD speakers that list for $18,000 new I got for less than 1/2 price in vgc. BIG. Love the look, 3 days into listening so to soon to judge, I'm enjoying how dynamic they play.
Anybody see the dynaudio C4 for $8800? They are too tall to fit on 1 side of the room so I passed but I would expect them to be hard to beat. 
@steve59 there is a new Confidence line so I expect the prices of the previous generation to crater.

Dynaudio uses 1st order crossovers so the sweet spot tends to be pretty small. They sort of off-set this with a relatively lower crossover point of around 1.8K, but that's still a bit too high to mate a 1" tweeter with a 7" woofer, around 1.4KHz is much better like what Klipsch does. When you are in the listening window they are very very good I agree, but in larger rooms they are going to sound dark due to dispersion issues.

If you like Jazz vocal this speaker will be best with pristine treble out of plasma tweeter.

With high efficiency, it can be driven by 300B SET amplifiers.

I had been happy with larger model Lansche 4.1 since 2007.
For less than 9k you can have a new pair of Charney Audio Companion with Voxativ AF 2.6 drivers. Your choice of cosmetic design with the wood used and paint colors. Very engaging sound with deep bass that envelops the listener and draws you deep into the music. If you can get to NJ very worth the audition.
I actually was able to audition the smaller new Dynaudio with the Esotar 3 tweeter. I was really impressed by the sound.  Beautiful looking also.  Very impressive.  
I second the Charney Audio Companion with the Voxativ AF 2.6 drivers.  I wasn’t a believe in Brian’s speaker design philosophy until I went and heard them in person.  And then I went to the New York Audio Show to hear systems that are 10’s to 100’s of thousand of dollars to be fully convinced that for <$9K, this is probably the best I can do - and Brian is an awesome guy in general.  Pretty much a no BS-er who let your ears decide for yourself (rather than “pro audio” magazine reviews).
Without a doubt, JBL 4367.

Simply put they are state of the art, amazingly designed and engineered. 

Why buy used when you can get new but sold direct, saving sealer markup?

Contact Emerald Physics (sold direct) to see who has their 2.8s in your area

2.8s received an Absolute Sound award

MSRP $9998, but they run specials,

I have the KCIIs with upgrades similar to their Pro model. One of the veery best speakers I've owned, including Genesis Vs, Accoustat 2 + 2s, Nearfield Pipedreams, Magnepan 3.5Rs

KCIIs < $2500    
I just went active with a pair of DSP8000’s so the big ushers are going on the market, sniff. Then I’m done being tempted by the next best thing.
I was on the same hunt about a year and a half ago. Did a little traveling and listened to maybe a dozen pairs of speakers. I ended up with the Aerial 7t’s and couldn’t be happier.
The direct sales approach may save you money or it may not.  It's still all about how good it sound sin your system/room.  Many of these companies still are pricing their products where they would sell if done through a dealer network.  They just make a larger profit margin compared to those sold in stores.  Not picking on EP at all, but making a blanket statement that it's not always the case.  Psychologically many feel they are getting the bargain of their lives, but it still comes down to sounds best.  

If you are a good shopper, you can easily find a great deal used.  There are many companies who don't have as large a dealer mark up as say a Wilson or Magico and are also a great deal new.  No absolutes in audio as we know.  

Interesting conversation though.
BUMP: Hoping to hijack this thread for Mid-Year 2020.
What would be your <$10K used speaker pick?
Also, would you ever consider HiFiShark purchase from Europe? 
I have had issues with purchases from overseas (to the US).  That's me.  I"m also not a big buyer of used speakers as they can have issues.  Most are fine, but you have zero recourse buying from folks you don't know etc...  That's just my take, because you threw it out there. 

Under 10k, my favorite are Vandersteen Treo CT's.  It's what I like. What do you like?  I need a speaker that conveys the nuance of the music and has micro and macro details.  Wilson and Magico to MY ears are dynamic, but not as coherent as I personally need.  I've never been one to go fo the companies who spend a ton on marketing per say.  We all like different stuff, but man those carbon fiber tweeters are so difficult to beat for detail without fatigue.  

As a 3+ year owner of Emerald Physics KCIIs (Open Baffle) where every change Ive made to the system or room was immediately revealed, their full line is amazing with some models, including the KCIIs, winning awards. NOW, they are moving the factory and are offering their line at crazy low prices. Contact them ASAP as supplies are limited

When was the last advancement in speaker design? I tried a boatload of used $10k speakers and they're all different, some are shams but the legit brands offer their version of the best that $10k is enough  to find for the average room. Most don't need a chronosonic when a sasha will fill a room. the b problem with buying used and the reason I went active dsp is component matching to get the desired sound out of chosen speakers.
Thank you for all the input. I like speakers with punch, detail and wide dispersion. I've listened to a few brands. Focal Aria 936 on Yamaha sounded fat and bloated to me. I'm leaning towards Paradigm Persona B with a sub, as my wife has nuked the idea of large speakers. Focal Sopra were nice, but couldn't justify the money to go from Persona to Sopra. My challenge with buying used (and all of your suggestions) is I'd really like to hear them before purchasing, and that's nearly impossible with so many brands. Second issue is matching of components. I really need the help of a good retailer to match the right amp and cable configurations (usually found as a result of trying different combinations). Hence, I think I may need to bite the bullet and buy new from the limited selection available from the retailers within reach.
I personally have never cared for the Magico house sound.  I prefer a little more warmth and extension.  For my money, a used pair of Legacy Focus SE, followed by a Legacy Whisper.  But I would take the Focus SE if given the choice
FYI - I ended up purchasing a pair of KEF Reference 1, complimented by a used Martin Logan Depth Sub. Powered by Hegel amp. Very satisfied.