Which Ethernet filter?

Hello all,

My new Innuos streamer system is coming along nicely, and I've been startled how my A-B comparison of USB cables affected the overall SQ  - I settled on the FTA Sinope.  I'm now looking at enhancing the ethernet feed to the Innuos.

Presently, I have the SotM ISO-CAT7 (limited Red edition with dCBL-CAT7u cable to DAC), and noticed a lift in detail once installed.

I'm very interested in the Network Acoustics ethernet options.  Has anyone compared either the Eno or Muon systems to the either the IS0-CAT6 or ISO-CAT7?

Many thanks,

Netgear Orbi Satellite  =>  AQ Carbon  =>  SotM ISO-CAT7  =>  SotM dCBL-CAT7u  =>  Innuos Zenith Mk3  =>   FTA Sinope USB   =>  Hegel H390



Yes, you can bundled the M12 Switch and your choice of LAN cables. I am bit confused about your response on Net Isolator. The Net Isolator act as a noise filtering device and not a direct replacement for router. Maybe you meant something else? 

And yes, I am using JCAT Optimo III DUO LPS with M12. Please click on pic19 in my audio system to learn more about my Ethernet setup. 



My network attached DAC/Roon Player conforms to RAVEENA which requires Gigabit Ethernet. To further learn about the advantages of RAVENNA and why Merging choose to adopt the RAVENNA, I suggest reading up on both Merging Technologies +player and RAVEENA networking.

@lalitk As I recall you also helped me a while back. So thanks for then and now.

Looking at their web site it seems the Gold cables come bundled? I'll email them and get it all sorted. Doesn't look like there's a 30 day trial?

How could I forget I would need a cable to go to the Nucleus too? I know but I'm not telling.

I could avoid a router with use of their NET Isolator.

Then I'd need the Reference, Gold or Gold Mx12 cables. 

Did you also get a INITIO 3 or OPTIMO 3 power supply?


@lalitk thanks for the feedback. Why is a 1 Gb/s connection advantageous? Surely Eno’s speeds are more than sufficient for even the most high-res streams.

Just checked their site.  They rate both of them at 100Mb/s


EtherRegen is a distant memory :-) Between Muon / ENO, my experience is limited to ENO which is nothing but all positive. The only reason ENO is no longer in my system because it doesn’t support 1Gb/s connection speed. I suggest you read up on thread by @grannyring which outlines his transition to Muon from ENO.

As far as M12 goes, yes it does not use RJ45 connectors, instead you need a M12 connector. If you go M12 route, you must buy either Telegartner M12 X-coded/MFP8 IE GOLD LAN or JCAT Signature LAN Cable GOLD M12 X cables. You need minimum of two such cables, one from router to M12 switch and 2nd one from M12 switch to Lumin X1. And 3rd one to connect Nucleus. For me, this was a end game solution. I am no longer looking to upgrade or tinker here n there. Pic 19 in my virtual system shows how M12 is being used in my system.

No, JCAT Isolator is not needed with M12. I bought one and sold it. It did next to nothing with M12 Switch.

Hope this helps!

@wsrrsw +1 Less is more.

@lollipopguild Eno is very good and is enough to take care of filtering out garbage that lives in the analog signal traveling thru the Ethernet cable messing up our listening experience. Any time you think you need to add more crap to the Ethernet chain before or after Eno, in my opinion that’s the time to think about upgrading components instead of adding more clutter.

@lalitk Did you have an EtherRegen at one point? Wondering if i should jump/try the Eno or Moun. You are using the JCat M12 and their cables. Yes?

Looking at the hook up for the M12 their NET Isolator is needed from my cat 5 coming from wall.





Post removed 

@wsrrsw  ..agree with you on ‘less in the chain’


I found ENO to be by far the best and most natural sounding filter under $1500 range.  I used to own previous generation SoTM combo :-) 

Long story short - I'm sticking with the Eno having received it today.  Already it's clearly "just right".  The chaps at NA told me I'd hear a little more detail with the Muon, but that the sound signature would stay the same, so decided to draw this quite expensive odyssey to a close.

I think it's fair to say that the Eno is better than the ISOCAT7 (anyone want to buy a "pre-loved" one  ;-)  ).  I might still see some benefit in putting the Sotm between my stock switch and the Eno.  All opinions welcome.


The CAT7u was better then the ENO Ag between a SOtM switch and Innuos Statement.  I have not heard the Muon.

@lollipopguild Congrats on the SCM 40s — great speakers.  Best of luck with the streaming and interested in hearing what you find with the various options.  It really is a wonderful, awful hobby, isn’t it?


There is no substitute for trying things in your system and access which one of these filters sounds best or not. I wouldn’t form any opinions based on price of admission. I have auditioned both optical kit and ENO filter in my system, and ENO was a keeper over anything else I’ve tried under $1200.

BTW, ENO offers the same 30 days money back guarantee :-)

I may try the optical Ethernet adapter bundle from Small Green Computer. A lot cheaper than the EtherRegen or the ENO filter, and SGC claims it’s as effective or moreso. sGC has a 30 day return option if I don’t hear an improvement.

I managed to find two old-ish TP-Link MC200CMs with cable and power supplies for £11 on eBay, and I think it might be the best SQ improvement I've ever made (even better than the speakers' Gaias).  The bass definition, dynamics and transparency have all gone up a level.

At the moment I have a 30cm Sotm dCBL-CAT7u ethernet into the Zenith.  I'll play around with different ethernet cables, and maybe reintroduce the Sotm ISOCAT7.  I've also got an Ifi iPower X on order for the 2nd MC200CM.

But wow!  Exciting times.  I can't see myself not trying a Sonore opticalModule when it becomes available again. 

@wsrrsw , thanks for that.  I'd really love to try both of Uptone's ethernet and USB regenerators.  Could be a while though, I guess.

“I’ll be enjoying things at this level for a bit ”

You should, Bricasti sports a rare combination of high quality build and exquisite sound, enjoy! 


The DX filters work very well ahead of the EtherRegen in my system. For a very modest price, there's a lift in soundstage height and clearer more defined separation of vocals and instruments. 

Highly recommended  .

@lalitk Yeah a relationship with Roon can be one of love/hate type but lately it’s been OK plus Roon works great with this DAC. 
I’ve not graduated to the level of Taiko Extreme or Merging + player yet.  I’ll be enjoying things at this level for a bit 



I am not at all surprised by your impressions of M3 as a Roon renderer + DAC. I honestly believe DAC’s with network cards is the future of digital streaming. One would be hard pressed to tell a difference between separates (dedicated streamer + DAC) to a integrated DAC with network card as long as their integration is meticulously designed and implemented. My Merging +player is another fine example of Roon Core player + DAC in one box. I am still not fully warmed up to Roon but regardless the sublime performance of Merging +player is so compelling that I don’t feel the need for a SOTA server like Taiko Extreme:-) 

@lollipopguild give it a shot with amazon. Return it if it didn’t produce the results you’re expecting. Get ready for additional wire mess though…hehehe 

@lalitk the M3 network player is a pure renderer. It has no UI. So it kind of marries you to Roon. Another option if Roon is not at play is Mconnect (not a fan, I use Roon). 

I have compared my 
Lumin U1 Mini to the Ethernet wired Bricasti M3 and I didn’t hear anything from Lumin that the Bricasti player isn’t already doing. In addition, the M3 was slightly smoother without any loss in resolution.
Lumin was connected to the Bricasti DAC via Audience AU24SE+ USB cable.

So, over a week into Bricasti at this point and I’m loving it! Running it off the EERO-> Network Acoustics Eno streaming system. Lumin’s boxed up, heading to a new home soon. I’m hanging onto the Audience USB cable for now…it’s too good to let go and might come in handy you never know….

@audphile1 - I’m interested by your description of the sonic signature of optical, as I currently have a system which is a touch too warm, with overemphasised mid-range.

This is totally my fault as I selected the USB cable (FTA Sinope - warmish, enhanced midrange) when I had some ATC SCM19s on loan from the dealer. When my SCM40s finally arrived I realised I had underestimated the warmth they impart on the sound compared to the dry 19s. However, I plan to give the 40s and Sinope a thorough burn in, and then address the USB issue first. I might ask NA nicely if I can try again their Muon USB - which I had previously rejected as being too aggressive, detailed and forward.

I think next I will try a budget optical setup (links below) to determine if the sonic characteristics work well. And if they are then gradually upgrade the components. And if not, then have a chat with NA regarding their Muon and Eno systems.

I would add that I’m finding to very tricky getting the sonic signature correct. It feels like such a fine line between too bright and too warm.








@p05129 agreed on good components. Very important!
However, a good filter like the Eno or an internet switch like the EtherREGEN can help improve sound further.
In my system the Network Acoustics Eno helps relax the overall presentation smoothing out the sibilance, opening up the soundstage and that attributes to a more natural presentation. This was the case with the Lumin U1 Mini/Benchmark DAC 3 HGC combo I was running and continues to do so with my current DAC the Bricasti M3 with a built in network player. And the M3 is already a very refined sounding D to A converter. I’m using EERO mesh network and I think it might be injecting noise into the analog signal it feeds via the Ethernet cable. The filter cleans it up a bit making the job of the network player/renderer slightly easier.

At least that’s the explanation that makes sense to me.

@lalitk my DAC upgrade materialized!

Why use a filter? Why would anybody use toslink? Toslink doesn’t support hires files like dsd or MQA. 
I’ve tried the Ethernet to fiber then back again, didn’t do anything toward sq. 
I also tried all the tweaks/gimmicks for usb and that was also a bust. 
Keep it simple, get the best equipment you can afford and you probably won’t need any of these tweaks


I’m using a Netgear Powerline extender that uses your home wiring.  Can I plug the Green Computer Dirty box into the the second Netgear box? 

NETGEAR Powerline adapter Kit, 2000 Mbps Wall-plug, 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports with Passthrough + Extra Outlet (PLP2000-100PAS) https://a.co/d/2cIHiLT


+1 @lalitk

I also found good ethernet cables (in/out of a ethetregen) better than using optical from a switch or out from the ethetregen. With my gear optical was too sterile.

Room and the other usual factors make up the rest.

My experience has been both up and down with ethernet and optical, I agree, depends on implementation. At this point I prefer optical post server, ethernet pre server. I did try generic FMC prior to server, heard presentation similar to audphile1, also heard similar presentation adding audiophile switch prior to server. At this point prefer my router powered with lps direct to server vs. either of those two solutions. Network Acoustics Muon filter will be my  attempt at lowering noise pre server. Post server I prefer optical via generic FMC,( soon to be Sonore OpticalModule), and Sonore OpticalRendu. This streamer much preferred to prior SOTM SMS 200Neo.


I think optical gets criticized mostly because of these generic FMC, they have pretty poor clocking and noisy power supplies. Not to say they're not helpful, they are in many cases, but one can do better with optimized optical.

FWIW, I used to own a Sonore opticalRendu which was using fiber optic conversion. It was really good, but my current combination of Eno + Innuos Zenith is more natural sounding as @lalitk mentioned in his post. I don't think optical is best by default -- like most things it depends on the rest of your system and preferences.

I started with Fibre Optic converters similar to what’s shown on the Green Computer website but ftom amazon and much cheaper (looks like it’s the crap). That did improve some things and it gave me a taste of what’s possible.
I started this post to get some more thoughts on the subject.
The fibre optic media converters lowered the noise floor but also thinned out the presentation and imparted this slight dryness in the midrange. In a long run I couldn’t live with it. So I gave the Network Acoustics Eno a try and am really enjoying it. As @lalitk pointed out, smooth and natural presentation.
I heard the EtherREGEN is also solid. But I kind of dig the Eno - no power supply to worry about, no power wires to run.

Ultimately, only trying this in your system will show wether or not you like one network filter or switch over another. 

What lalitk said, the only valid comparison has to be done by you.

I am an ENO fan. The only SOtM I ever tried was returned.


Looking forward to your impressions. As I've said in my first post, no two systems are alike!

@lalitk .   Point taken.  I'll be feeding my Innuos Zenith mk3.  I already have a SotM ISOCAT7, so will be able to compare a compete LAN option against optical.

“best filtering is well implemented optical in my experience”

That is not my experience. I found LAN cables to render fuller sound that is closer to analog than the digital sheen experienced with fiber optical kit. Also, the quality of server/streamer matters as well. The consumer grade laptops, Mac-mini are more prone to producing excessive noise. 

Thanks again @jjss49 .  Looking at that bundle, it's clearly cheaper than many ethernet filter products out there, and I guess I can also incrementally upgrade the bundle at a later date

Thanks @jjss49

I hadn't considered optical as, for some reason, I was under the impression it was best suited to long cable lengths.

Is it as simple as feeding an ethernet from router to an optical module, then a short optical cable, followed by another optical module, and another short ethernet cable into my Innuos? 

@jjss49 is correct. 


 best filtering is well implemented optical in my experience

eno is good, as is the uptone etherregen

best filtering is well implemented optical in my experience


I used to own a combination of iSO-CAT6 and dCBL-CAT7 and enjoyed the ultra detailed and fuller sound of the combo with my Aurender N10. While I didn’t directly compare ENO filter with aforementioned combo, I preferred the relaxed, natural sound resulted from ENO streaming system which included their Ethernet cable on both ends. No direct experience with Muon but in reading other user’s feedback, its a further improvement over ENO. I have moved on to Telegartner M12 Switch Gold with JCAT Signature LAN Cable GOLD M12 and quite happy with the results.

Since both ENO and Muon comes with 30 days money back guarantee, I suggest you should audition and compare them with SOTM combo in your system and keep what you ending up preferring. No two systems are alike, not to mention room acoustics and personal preferences.