Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?

Why should we be subjected to audiophile deniers, on a site dedicated to audio?
It’s antithetical to the hobby and adds nothing to the pursuit. I want to quote something from another thread.

@djones51 wrote "exposing bull products like "audiophile switches, cables, fuses " and other highly questionable devices that serve no purpose"

What then, is the purpose of people with this agenda being on this site? To “expose bull products.” It’s fine for someone to post they tried a product and it didn’t work for them, but to dismiss entire product categories is not a discussion that belongs on an enthusiast forum.

Would a car enthusiast site stand for this type of post?

Try going on a Porsche forum, just for example, and posting that your Mustang is just as fast 0-60 and that others poster’s claims about their driving experience is “dubious.” See how long that will be tolerated

There are plenty of sites to poke fun at audiophile’s obsession with cables, power conditioners etc. Why does it belong here, especially when we can’t mute specific posters?

What’s next? Arguing that speakers that measure the same must sound the same and that we are all suckers for buying expensive speakers? I thought we got rid of trolling?

Isn’t it obvious with all the ASR related posts here lately we are being trolled?

A couple of months back I read a post here about someone that ordered a new cat8 cable from China. I tried it and posted back my fantastic results for others to benefit.

Personally that’s the kind of forum I’m interested in, not to come here to be challenged about what I hear and that since it can’t be measured so it must be “dubious.”







And you can’t plug a Porsche into a wall socket to deliver power to an amplifier. Idiotic, childish, simplistic, and ill informed

Any car may be plugged into some pretty fancy tech analyser equipment to assess its performance and tuning characteristics.

But a full test is usually only done with performance cars where these things are important to the users for reasons.

Get those measurements right and there is confidence about its desired characteristics even before it hits the track.


What is with all this political garbage?

Like a pack of jackal's. 

Now back on topic what ever happened to the free exchange of ideas and theory.

If you are not on onside or the other you are called a charlatan, ignorant, or indignant. 

Then there are the flies that hang around the jackals looking to get their little shot or bite in. But most of time they hang around the bungholes of the jackals waiting for their dinner.

One should be able to express their feeling on a subject without getting nipped at by jackals and flies. 

My Father taught me that when we were fishing that when an alewife hit your line or a sucker fish (carp) you real it in a whack it against the hull and feed it to the Gulls. Otherwise it will just go back and hit your line again and again.

 Need to quit throwing the suckers a line.  




Yes Audio Afficianado  it is run by a dealer. He is very careful not to interfere or to push anything. I have been a member for many years. 

No mahgister, it's you who makes this a political discussion, not me. You simply fail (on purpose it seems) to conflate politics with a point of view, every single time you're in the minority or just flat out wrong. It's your last line of defense, to claim someone is being political when they're not. 

That is exactly what you did when the great debate raged on about Covid and vaccines. You were dead wrong so your only ploy was to accuse others of being political, which was silly.  

If one were to use a Venn diagram, the overlap with the general population would greatly overlap that of one particular party while the other one would barely do so, to the point where both circles would look almost adjacent. From that, you conclude that it's politics when one side is, for the most part, accurately reflecting the views of the people while the other is just creating their own, alternative universe, which you seem to relish living in.

So stop with your tiresome tactics and use of smoke and mirrors.

All the best,


No mahgister, it’s you who makes this a political discussion, not me.

is it me or you who attack people to be trumpist all the time here?

You simply fail (on purpose it seems) to conflate politics with a point of view, every single time you’re in the minority or just flat out wrong.

I am not in the minory relatively to a party or in the majority , i despise political borderline because they are UPROOTED from reality... BIDEN/TRUMP affair means nothing anywhere on the globe now...

It’s your last line of defense, to claim someone is being political when they’re not.

Last line of defense about what? 😊 I dont argue small politic then i dont need a " line of defense "...Do you think we are in a continuous party political debate you and me ? lolll

Ask to all those you condemned to be on the wrong side of US politic in the last years who is "political" propagandist here and who is not between you and me ...I talk to everyone whatever the party... True politic is not republican versus democrat.... Awake...

That is exactly what you did when the great debate raged on about Covid and vaccines. You were dead wrong so your only ploy was to accuse others of being political, which was silly.

you have no idea what i think about covid for two reasons... first our vision of the crisis EVOLVED in these ongoing 2 years event now, and second i was proposing vaxx. for at risk people ONLY and no FORCED mandate vaccinations for ALL...This is the perspective which made sense for most scientists and people now...I was behind Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier and Didier Raoult FROM THE BEGINNING, not Fauci monstruous action clear for all eyes to see now...

If one were to use a Venn diagram, the overlap with the general population would greatly overlap that of one particular party while the other one would barely do so, to the point where both circles would look almost adjacent. From that, you conclude that it’s politics when one side is, for the most part, accurately reflecting the views of the people while the other is just creating their own, alternative universe, which you seem to relish living in.

What you say here has nothing to do with me ... This is a reflection about Trump/Biden parties not about REALITY IN THE WORLD...You are so politically deluded you really think Trump/Biden are real and not puppets... Who give a damn about your counties analysis? Did i say you were wrong about that? No on the opposite i say that you are right but it is MEANINGLESS to understand the WORLD reality... You only are interested by dividing people here and promote your TRUTH : Biden against Trump... Children play ....

Read books quit american news propaganda on all news asset... It is the same in canada where Trudeau gives 600 millions dollars each year subventions for all newspapers... Do you think that truth can be seen in any official news?

Quit politic study philosophy and begin to love even Millercarbon...Or any trumpist... It will be an exercise...

Try it...

The brain work better when we love each other...



«Only an ostrich think everyone is a troll»-Groucho Marx 🤓



Taking the stand that others be silenced is far more offensive than any particular opinion on product X.

We are not always on the same opinion but you   have common sense...

And i concur with your sentence here...

Taking the stand that others be silenced is far more offensive than any particular opinion on product X.


Excellent response mahgister. This life is not about two parties, but many people live in that unreality.

Post removed 

Excellent response mahgister. This life is not about two parties, but many people live in that unreality.

The problem is some attack others here about this divide which is a sleepwalking conditioned state entertained by the unelected powers that are behind world events...

And i prefer we all discuss peacefully without dividing ourself in these two ridiculous game called republican and democrat...

We all have our prefered choices between democrat and republicans but that does not matter much at the end, why then insulting the other party members here ?

children play....


@nonoise  +10K!



 You're so predictable, pedantic and clueless, waiting to pounce on matters you're not very well versed on. But, by all means, keep on embarrassing yourself.

And the cultists come out of the shadows and follow in lockstep with someone they can hide behind, thinking that in numbers, they have strength. I know a lot of this, if not all, is not going over your heads. You just refuse to relate on what little points I've brought up, choosing, instead, to keep harping on what is not transpiring. Or you really are that obtuse. 

Seems to be you don't know how to walk backwards when you should. 

Reading around, I came across this piece by the former CEO of Reddit and it's a very informative read. Having read it, I've come to realize that what I said some months ago about leaving here is starting to make a lot of sense as it covers what I've been saying here, just now, in a more comprehensive manner.

Come to think of it, It will most likely go over the very same heads I'm been arguing with but hopefully, some will give it a read and ponder.

All the best,

it seems you have not read my answer... 


The matter seems to exceed your analysis ability...

You react to personality or political line too  instead of ideas...

Be happy...





And the cultists come out of the shadows and follow in lockstep with someone they can hide behind, thinking that in numbers, they have strength.

Complete political paranoia...

I spoke to you LIKE AN INDIVIDUAL, not like a number in the crowd of your political enemies...Or a "cultist"...If whom anyway? Trump? 😁😊 if i am not for Biden i am for Trump? what ridiculous logic...

I spoke to you about the bad idea to polarize threads with right/left political labelling names...

You are more silly than i was thinking...

By the way i dont like Trump but i am against his forced exclusion of youtube or twitter... I guess that in your political obsessive delirium you will classify me with him...

It serve no purpose to introduce these debates here ESPECIALLY if we are fanatic and unable to discuss save like in a war tactic fashion which is paranoia unleashed in your case..

Take philosophy course and let go politic... i was thinking few years ago that millercarbon was a political fanatic, he cannot hold a candle to you...i even can speak with him... 😁😊



I love the way you keep proving me correct in my analysis of your responses, but it is growing tiresome. Keep your day job.

All the best,

I love the way you keep proving me correct in my analysis of your responses,

For sure i proved you right...

I am sure that i did that...

Why do you think paranoiac political one or whatever are always proven right?


Where are your arguments about my point?

No argument only a labelling name: cultist....

Grow a brain if you have no heart and only like to divide people in two factions..

Myself i speak with left or right people and dont accept political insults for me or for others...I prefer argument out of political propaganda...

Call me a man from the moon, with pedantic tendencies, it is not false... 😊😊😊😊

At least i dont label people ...It is my point... Discussion with arguments out of political myopia...it is not for your taste why?

In war there is no neutrality and you are at war for sure...And your are right and anyone out of your propaganda wrong... I know...Simple paranoiac game..

ok i will mute myself... It serve no purpose to go further...




it seems you have not read my answer... 


The matter seems to exceed your analysis ability...

Your long winded BS posts are boring. 


Take one of my post and take a point and try to contradict me... We will discuss...

If you are not able to do that refrain your insult my friend...

my post may be boring yes, why not? I am a human but they are not ALWAYS bs... I invite you to discuss if you are able ...


Your long winded BS posts are boring.



Post removed 
Post removed 

Why bother--you would probably get that deleted also.


Are you another paranoiac?

What in the hell are the reason to accuse me of that?

i NEVER ask for censorship on any post here in 8 years..


You pick the wrong dude my friend...

I like to discuss unlike our friend nonoise who is ALWAYS RIGHT at the left part of the political wing and always in a war...

 discussing is not a war, it is an exhange of arguments and perspective in a friendly manner...

Be best, @mahgister and don't boolly people on Tvitter .

Sorry i read books and listen music... I am not on twitter, facebook or any social medias..

You mimic nonoise political folly... I despise Trump but i am against his censorship yes...

i despise Biden too...

I welcome here any individual, audiophiles or not, Trumpist and Bidenist...

 The only i dont welcome are people labelling other people instead of discussing with open heart...

FACT. And who cares anyway.

 There is no rule or law that says people have to like you.

So one cannot be an audiophile, in your opinion, if one doesn't believe switches, cables and fuses make a difference?

How boring any forum would be if everyone agreed about everything.


am not in the minory relatively to a party or in the majority , i despise political borderline because they are UPROOTED from reality... BIDEN/TRUMP affair means nothing anywhere on the globe now...



[I was behind Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier and Didier Raoult FROM THE BEGINNING, not Fauci monstruous action clear for all eyes to see now...]



[This is a reflection about Trump/Biden parties not about REALITY IN THE WORLD...You are so politically deluded you really think Trump/Biden are real and not puppets...]




I'd also like to think that it was patently clear by now that there are forces operating above the accepted Left/Right dichotomy, but alas apparently not.


Nevertheless, I can't remember anything that Biden has ever said that seems worth committing to memory but that tweet of Trump's still resonates.

"In reality they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."


"In reality they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."

LOL!  Yup, Fat Donnie was the only thing protecting you from "them."

Haha.  For sure.

It isnt about what you believe it is about the reaction of others when they discover your beliefs. 

Post removed 

You're right, @mahgister , it doesn't matter one bit that the US came perilously close to having the democratic process subverted and an authoritarian administration illegally installed.  And if that had happened it wouldn't matter one bit to every Ukrainian today and it wouldn't have had any impact on the global situation.  

@mahgister You are Canadian right?

So you could care less if it's Fat Donnie or Dapper Diaper Joe ruining the USA. 

“The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs!”


How rudeness takes its toll

When rudeness occurs, it appears to rob us of cognitive resources, decreasing attention and overloading working memory, thereby reducing creativity.

Our findings allow us to conclude that rudeness has a spillover effect. Rudeness in our studies influenced not only helpfulness to the perpetrator (Experiment 1) but also to an experimenter who did not do any harm to the participant (Experiment 2). This implies that rude behavior can harm innocent bystanders.


You’re right, @mahgister , it doesn’t matter one bit that the US came perilously close to having the democratic process subverted and an authoritarian administration illegally installed. And if that had happened it wouldn’t matter one bit to every Ukrainian today and it wouldn’t have had any impact on the global situation.

If you read my posts i am not in favor of Trump invasion of institution..

Then attacking me about that is beside the point i want to made: no understanding of the actual world crisis is possible if we label each other with political name instead of discussing...

Then instead of putting what i had never said in my mouth think twice..

All the time i came here for 8 years you ere  very swift to put unorthox audio  people under the   "thin foil" hat , for one time grow mature without attacking people in 3 lines posts...

Post removed 

@mahgister You are Canadian right?

So you could care less if it’s Fat Donnie or Dapper Diaper Joe ruining the USA.

On which planet do you live?

ask every people on the planet the effect on them of American politic...


The United States are a friendly nation, great people, but the American military empire and multinational power is not the american people it is a BEAST who affect village in Africa or quebec city...

 American election is a puppet show but the puppet character affect all the world...

Trump was an INCONVENIENT clown for those in power, Biden is a CONVENIENT clown... Thats all....

Awake yourself...


Yes, @jerryg123

but Dementia Donnie makes President Biden seem like George Washington.

"Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory . . ."

Came to an audio site, ended up on Twitter.

I am sorry... You are right about that...

It all begin when i tried to point to someone his political labelling habit ...

It seems that many are unable to understand anything out of the political labels left/right their keepers feed them like in a zoo..

Instead of discussing they label each other with citation from their favorite political  news outlet...



Do you mean to say, @jerryg123  , that President Biden is living in your head?

Ha ha!  You need to get over that & move on!

Why not trying to be friends and trying to discuss WITHOUT animal reflex and political stupid labels ?

Anyone using political labels in this world crisis is an idiot anyway...

Why not trying to be friends here WITHOUT judging others by political affiliation?


@immatthewj kind of hard not to have that stupid old fool in your head every time you put gas in your car and go to the grocery store.

40 year record inflation and it was up before Putin shot one shell into Ukraine so that excuse and Covid are not working.

Record low approval ratings for a POTUS. People are fleeing the DNC faster than people are fleeing NY, Illinois and California. 

Matter of fact I am moving to South Dakota. 


Post removed 

Political posts here @ A'Gon should be deleted ASAP, IMO, and the posters banned if they continue with such.

I recognize a handful of the "political" posters here from their posts @ Audioasylum, though they use different monikers there.

I burned my bridges @ Audioasylum a while back (after posting there for 20 years) due to unsavory political and other* posts (*date rape drug "joke" posts allowed and even endorsed by one of their mods) that were not deleted.

Aside from DIYAUDIO (which I read, but rarely post @) A'Gon is the only other audio forum I currently participate in, and I would like to continue to do so (without the political crap).

As far as "audiophile deniers" go (the gist of the OP's post) I could care less as I just skim over their repetitive comments without being disturbed by them - it's a hobby (unlike the political posts).

