Make way for the future....

Cambridge Audio talks Evo: “I can accept ‘lifestyle’, but this is a proper hi-fi product” | What Hi-Fi? (

My kind of product.  Slick looking, compact and functional.   Bet it sounds good!

Time to downsize?
Has anyone attempted to replace an existing system with a one box solution like this? The NAD M33 perhaps, which has been out longer, or others? Just wondering if anyone has tried and what was the result.

I am always interested in downsizing so a device like this has some appeal to me.

I have a Bel Canto C5i in my second system currently. Wonderful device! Only sixty watts/ch though which gets you a long but not quite all the way with most speakers.  It has most everything including phono stage but needs an external streamer.
A useful product but one step up from a table radio. A good integrated and a great pair of speakers will do so much more. 
russ69 says, “A good integrated and a great pair of speakers will do so much more.”

Well, what do you think EVO is designed for :-) I wish people are not so quick to dismiss a product without learning first it’s capabilities. A good integrated on its own, without a source is just a pretty box.
A useful product but one step up from a table radio. A good integrated and a great pair of speakers will do so much more.

It is an integrated amp.   A modern integrated amp with modern features.  Do you know that it is not good?  The article thinks otherwise.