Stereophile and the love of hotel decor

I often appreciate the Stereophile review of industry shows but one thing that always bothers me is the choice of images. They often lead with a full-system image which is usually 80% hotel curtains and rugs.  That is, there's a speaker in the left, the system in the middle and another speaker on the right.  That's fine but if you look at the image as a whole, the area of the image that is covered by gear is about 20% or less.  The rest is invariably 1980's hotel curtains and rugs.

Once you see it that way there’s no going back, your eyes see the curtains and rugs forever.

I really wish they’d focus on more interesting close-ups or even montages.


1980’s hotel curtains sound better than anything made today. 

That's just because that's all you are used to hearing.  If you heard 1970's curtains you'd realize what crap all other curtains are.

People are ignorant of Art Deco years and how acoustically good are curtains designed by the years 1910 till 1935...





«Utopia is a recipe that decrease a lot by cooking time, then it take a huge amount to begin with »-- Groucho Marx 🤓





I remember Art Dudley's  photos of shoes taken at an audio show.Some included the wearer's foot and the carpet. No equipment:-)


I'll admit that I do have a soft spot for 70's/80's Howard Johnson's carpet

... but does your room smell like fried clams????????