Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


She has great marketing skills.  I don't listen to her either.  Not my style. As for the hype, most people are like sheep.

As an audiophile who enjoys pop, yes, I enjoy her music and her tracks sound great on my system.

I’m a huge fan. What she has accomplished is admirable on many levels. Her economic impact is staggering and was even noted in a Federal Reserve report (Beige book). Her tour will yield approximately $1 Billion in revenue. Ms. Swift is even increasing NFL viewership and revitalizing Singapore as a tourist destination. She has also sold approximately 3.5 million Vinyl records and one of every 15 Vinyl albums sold in 2023 was hers.

Absolutely! I use Swiffers™ to dust off my equipment regularly. My wife’s a fan, too. Could be why we live in harmony?

You mean to tell me she's a singer? I've never heard her sing anything and Candice Owen's says she's a psychopath.

Her music does nothing for me. Her writing/lyrics are great. I do not listen to her at all. However, the stink she created by dating Travis Kelce was incredible. The haters really came to play. I loved how it revealed the true side of a lot of people I know. I asked a few, how in the FACK can you hate someone you never met, has no impact on your life, and does so much good with her money? I never got a real response. I loved watching them squirm to answer the question. It was akin to someone hating Dolly Parton, someone I do listen to. She is a real national treasure.

I couldn't say as I have honestly never heard her sing. I stopped listening to radio in 2002 when Sirius XM debuted, and I don't watch talent reality shows. I never had any use for Madonna, J Lo, or Beyonce either, and Taylor looks to be a continuation of that ilk, so I never bothered to explore. I'm happy to acknowledge all the 'Swifties' out there because I would never begrudge a music lover their choice. Last I checked, this was still America and there are some pockets of resistance doggedly clinging to the freedom of choice.

She seems genuinely nice and decent. Don't dislike her music necessarily, but I'm mos def with the "cue Joni" crowd.  

So I’m a fan but I don’t listen to any of her music. Just follow her dominance of pop culture at the moment.

she seems to be a generous and genuinely good-hearted human being who puts on a great concert and as far as I can tell deserves her success.  If there were more people like her the world would be a much better place.

Well said and completely agree. My wife turns it up when comes to Taylor Swift. I have no problem leaning into it, especially if the windows are rolled down with the sunroof open on a Spring afternoon. 

She seems like a cool girl but musically speaking not my cuppa but she is certainly a lot of peoples.

Not a fan.  I agree with @bigtwin, spin up some Joni Mitchell.  But, I do not begrudge her any success she’s had or condescend to any of her fans.  I don’t get it but I don’t have to.

Not into her music much but do like maybe 2 songs that struck me the right way, but by all accounts, she seems to be a generous and genuinely good-hearted human being who puts on a great concert and as far as I can tell deserves her success.  If there were more people like her the world would be a much better place.

I wouldn't go so far as be a Swifty and I do not own any of her music, but I also have no problem with her as an artist or listening to her music.

Any music that drags music back towards singer/songwriters and further away from the repetitive and stagnant drone of hip hop and rap, is okay with me.

I respect anyone who can achieve what she has done.  Having said that, there is nothing about her music that "speaks" to me.  Cue up some Joni.

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