Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps

There have been a lot of posts on:

"tube amps with balls"
"amps to drive my 1 ohm, inefficient speakers"
"amps for rock and roll"
"Levinson, Krell, Bryston, Pass Labs etc"
"sounds more powerful than its rating suggests"
"despite low rating, puts out huge current" etc.

But I somehow find these threads divergent and confusing and still cant seem to short list a new set of monoblocks to biamp (low end) and COMMAND my Magneplanar Tympanis, fill up a large room with EFFORTLESS dynamics and CONTROL the bass with no debates, questions, reservations or tweaky failures.

So let's please hear your thoughts:

What are the all time, hall of fame, MONSTER power amps, where there should be no doubt whatsover about HUGE amounts, of effortlessly dynamic, clean, smooth, audiophile power.

I have to think that for the low end of biamping, this should be a solid state amp, unless someone can really suggest an unusually robust and low maintenance tube amp.

Mark Levinson 20.6?
Pass X-600's?
Bryston 7 B monoblocks?
Parasound monoblocks?

Thank you.
Can the Krell FPB 700cx be bridged to mono ? Definitely would tip the scales.  Evil grin..
ME Sound Australia.  The ME 1500. 220W into 8 ohms, 1500W into 1 ohm.  5kVA power supply.  Output current: 100 amps. At 54kg, quite "big".
I guess 13 years into this thread, the Electrocompaniet Nemo monoblocks remain an audio secret or at least vastly underrated.  Then again, I might be slightly biased :)
Emotiva XPR-1 1,000 watt @8 ohm Monoblocks are a seriously overlooked gem in high fidelity , open the hood and see McIntosh type lay out with an extremely robust parts list , I bought a pair on a whim because for $3,000 why not & they easily compete with my McIntosh Mc-1201 monoblocks ,the McIntosh 1201s are the absolute best bang for the dollar in high end audio ,after trying over 50 amps and 30 preamps the Mc-1201 and McIntosh C-2200 tube preamp combo has been so good it's been nearly a decade since I've had upgrade fever , the Mc-1201s drive Roger Russell's personal hand built XR-290 line arrays in Pearl white effortlessly and at 86db that says alot , meanwhile the Emotiva XPR-1 monoblocks drive the massive 80 speaker line arrays very well & it's not until both models of monoblocks are pushing 800 watts or more does McIntosh best the Emotivas except for the Mc-1201s having the McIntosh house sound from watt 1 due to the auto former design ,if you can find the now discontinued Emotivas you won't beat those $3,000 monoblocks without spending $20 grand & higher .
Although a little dated now, and not the biggest and baddest when looking at kilowatt+ amps above, but Krell Evo 900e monos are both naughty and nice. :)
For the best bang for your buck,ultimate clean power and dynamic range, I use QSC
I'm agreeing with Alberporter, the TRL GT 800's are the king of tube amps and will take on any amp made...but absolute overkill for your application. The GT 400's would be more than enough.
I'll nominate the Bel Canto ef1000m amps I use. 500w/ch into 8 ohm and doubles down to 4ohm. Very efficient, small and light as well, so not so "big but a powerful yet efficient monster power amp in a compact package courtesy of modern Class D amplifier technology.
I'd like to second EBM's recommendation... The James Brown amp has Soul... And it's Super Bad!
There is only one - the Opera Only. Max output of 160,000W.

I can't speak to the Sanders Magtech amplifier since I haven't had the opportunity to audition it at home. It does have some unique design features most notably it's power supply well worth reading about.

Generally and subjectively, I dislike the presentation of panel speakers especially if they,re curved. I also question my own impressions of demonstrations at audio shows. Life is too short not to mention the very few consistent stand outs that spoke to me.

The full Sanders Sound system with and LP source has consistently, show after show, impressed me. I can't say if the system is simply environment friendly, a synergy matched success, or both.

Most recently the Ayre amplified 9ft tall Soundlab Ultimates in what had to be the worst room for audio, a perfect cube, made side two of "Kind Of Blue" sound spectacular. In hindsight I was fortunate to have the room at the recent San Francisco (Millbrae) Audio Show very early Saturday morning all to myself. I revisited later in the afternoon and the demonstration was more about the speakers bass and SPL performance which, reportedly annoyed many but never the less proved their abilities.
Only three are notable, the Phase Linear 700, the Ampzilla, and the Sanders Magtech.
Gene Cerwinsky (Cerwin-Vega) produced one of the first commercially available high power (then 180-350 watts) in the early seventies. The amplifier an 18" driver and horn cabinet were the bottom behind the film "Earthquake." Theaters premiering the film were required to bolster their sound systems with the Ceriwn-Vega low frequency equipment and theaters never looked back.

The driver found its way into the legendary 200 watt acoustic 360/361 folded horn Bass Amplifier which throws a twenty-five foot low E wavelength.

Cerwin-Vega amplifiers were quickly followed by Ampzilla, Phase Linear, and Crown which were quit different in design from one another. For all those who complain about class D, in those days of early solid state the incredibly edgy presentation was easily overlooked for the high power output. Within months the controversy between tube watts vs solid state began and life as we know it was born.

Personally, I bypassed the volume pots, replaced the capacitors, a few resistors, and most of the hook up wire in a Cerwin-Vega A1800 and the results were quite dramatic and used the amp well into the 80's to power the ever less efficient speakers being offered.
The Legendary Krell FPB 700CX, I have a new modded one, 120 db signal to sound noise ratio stock, 6000 watts at 2ohm of pure class A power total power output!, extremly clear and clean sound with the modds, for stereo amps, this one is the most powerfull and none fatigueing Krell has ever made in my opinion.
I have VTL Wotans and they do a very nice job, I won't sell them. That having been said, the Icepower 1000ASP (there are MANY amps that use this module, or simply build your own...) is the ticket for controlling bass, high power, high dampening factor, low impedences, etc. VERY taut bass, lots of power, sometimes can sound a little cold and dry, but you won't mind a bit.
I think it would be hard to beat Atmasphere's MA3 monoblocks;power,regulation,and tubes; what could really beat these amps?
Cwlondon, if big or bad are what it takes, the Magtech is not going to make it. If powerful and clean is what it takes, the Magtech is the ticket.

The Sanders may have high power (and current?) but it otherwise doesn't strike me as particularly BIG or BAD.

But I hear it's a good amp, especially for Magneplanars.
The Sanders Audio Magtech amp in mono can put out 1600 watts per side but needs 240 volts. It is by far the best sounding "monster" amp I have heard.
Yes, this is much less "divergent and confusing".

The Tympany's don't require "monsters" and shouldn't respond well to tight-fisted control. They do like current and watts but not like heavy conventional dynamic bass drivers. Especially with an active XO, they are non-reactive loads. As always, you have to find the balance between brute strength and gentle finesse, even it's just for the bass.

Never having owned any Maggies, don't have any specific recommendations. I do have planar magnetic hybrids and found a satisfying balance with Plinius and the older JRDG (models 8/9) amps (which seems contrary to popular misconception and idealism). Then again, I've only heard half a dozen amps with these speakers and my budget is definitely limited.
Wolcott CA/PA 250 Instrumentation Monoblocks (Used by the National Institute of Standards & Technology); Threshold SA-1's and SA/12e's.
Forget about Pass labs X1000, Classe Omega,Mcintosh 1201...Simaudio Moon Rock mono blocs currently selling for $50,000 the best money can buy.You have to hear them to believe them. Jm labs Grande Utopia + Moon Rock = Heaven
May be not hall of fame but Bryston 28b sst is defiantly a monster also Krell's FPB 600.
I'll throw the following into the fray:

Gryphon Antilean Monoblocks (175W-Class A)
Boulder 2050 Monoblocks (1000W-Class A/B)
Classe Omega Monoblocks (500W-Class A/B)
Karan Acoustics Monoblocks (1500W-Class A/B)
what about the crown MA10000. 10.000 watts

http://www.crownaudio.com/crntime.htm 1987
The Tower superstore in Vegas used to have the full Denon(including the mono amps)set-up in a semi-private room.
I'm lovin' my McCormack DNA-500. Tons of power when called for, lightning fast without being edgy, but can be incredibly delicate and detailed when the music calls for it.
The Karan monoblocks that pump out 1200 watts with a damping factor that is above the measureable ( 10,000)theoretical limit.No other amp can control a speaker the way it Karan !!
I had a HUGE Altec 9440 amp connected on my pretty inefficient spendor BC3. When I would play it full blast, the huge level meter would barely oscilate! Never seen anything like that. It felt like it had no power limitation. And it sounded really well too. But it was a bit heavy to move... 56 pounds!
For me it would definetly be my Levinson 336. It's quite a step up from my Linn 5125 (which itself is not a bad amp).

I love this thing!
How about the new McIntosh monoblocks. I have seen them only in pics, they look powerful.
CAT's! My Levinson 336 went bye bye after a very brief comparison with CAT JL1 mono's. When compared to my Levinson, the CAT's absolutely controlled my Soundlab M1's and at "only" 100w/ch vs the Levinson at 350w/ch.
I've owned and used the Denon POA S1 and compared it to Atma-Spher MA Mk3.1 tube amp for six months before I could decide which amps I wanted to keep. I chose the Atma-Sphere but would go back to the POA S1 any time. 235wpc effortless and especially good for the low end. A truly remakable amp.
The pics Twilon posted above is not of a POA-S1, but of a POA-S10, which is very less impressive in terms of size, finishes and performances.

Here is a pics of two POA-S1:

tango tilingo

do you mean this:


nice looking amp....
Denon POA S1 mono amps.
These amps were massive and awesome sounding.
The Absolute sound rated them as one of the best amps ever.
Here's a pic of the Denon.

The Gamut S300 is a monster amp.
Here's a pic.