Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.
Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched", "once considered", "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."
But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.
"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal arts" degrees"
The FACT that MC uses Einstein as his avatar is beyond an affront to reasoned thinking.
Dogmatically preaches about whatever the latest gear that has been added to the brothel listening room - as well as whatever drivel has shown up in whatever "fact" based feed happens to flash across the computer screen
Tells you all you need to know about our compatriot MC
Stubborn facts for the stubborn people, no one has refuted the fact the so-called pandemic has no excess deaths. If this is killing so many people then why doesn’t it show up in independently verifiable statistics such as Social Security benefits payments? Bottom line, when people die they stop receiving benefits. More people die, fewer benefits paid, ought to show up, don’t you think?
Oh man I love writing that question: Don’t you think? That’s the problem in a nutshell, ain’t it? You don’t think!
It really ought to show up. Especially since the highest mortality by far is among the elderly. The same demographic who also happen to make up the majority of Social Security recipients.
Kinda makes it doubly significant, doncha think?
Uh oh. There’s that word again. I’ve hit the nail on the head there.
To the covidiots above, who are effectively claiming to just let CV19 run its course.
The only reason why the numbers are such as they are is because of the lockdowns. Had they not been implemented, the numbers would be much, much worse.
Why is the US at the top of the pile with CV19?
Freedom baby. Enjoy your freedom
And I love how this is brought down to critical thinking. The ones who feel a need to project their supposed mental superiority, and who are most likely disenfranchised incomplete souls. Needing desperately to feel special, like they know the "Facts" and "Truths" because they are the only ones who are capable of this elevated thinking.
Hot newsflash, you are the ones being used by money grubbing industrialist spreading their doctrine of cash before all. Slave/Master mentality. The slaves want to be the masters. They want to do nothing, because thats what they think the masters do. Thats what the masters want you to think.
Covid has a very simple calculus, and it is exponential.
@cleeds , You're right in that those on the lower rungs of the ladder buy this hook, line, and sinker. It's those on the middle rungs and higher that know what they're doing.
And, yes, they follow the same tactics on actual audio posts, here.
@onhwy61 , I truly pity the job at hand that the next congress will have to endure once these madmen start the new session.
Given that many states were putting bogus death reasons on papers for several months when DC said nothing is going on, the offiicial count is low .\. .
Nonoise, you have to admit linking the election stealing demonic worshiping pedophiles with Hugo Chavez, Brian Kemp and Joe Stalin is something to be marvelled. You're right, you can't make this stuff up!
The sad and pitiful part of all of this is that those on the right vomiting already debunked BS know they are lying ... It's a pathology of sorts to do such a thing and they
get a kick out of it. That, and the pure sadism of inciting and
I think some actually do believe what they say @nonoise - they are the victims of propaganda and their own inability to think critically. There's sometimes evidence of that when they post on audio topics, too.
The sad and pitiful part of all of this is that those on the right vomiting already debunked BS know they are lying.
They do it in order to recruit those of low intellect and non critical thinking skills. It's a pathology of sorts to do such a thing and they get a kick out of it. That, and the pure sadism of inciting and trolling. These are some sick puppies, folks.
They did the very same thing to science climate and the warming of our planet. It's boilerplate tactics for them. You couldn't write this stuff up a decade ago and expect people to believe you that it would happen.
This pandemic will kill more people with the attempted restraints than the actual virus. Just wait.
It already is doing.
Patients suffering with various long term life threatening conditions are unable to get the treatment they sorely need.
Patients with cancer, with heart disease, with dangerous levels of diabetes vastly outnumber those with life threatening Covid.
In fact, I doubt whether has Covid alone has killed anyone in previously good health.
It's nearly always those unfortunates who have underlying health conditions, isn't it?
There's a reason why the average age of a Covid death is over 80 years of age.
Families are being pushed into increasingly terrible poverty worldwide. Millions of them. How are poor people in India and Africa being helped by the lockdowns?
Businesses have been hit hard by the totally unecessary and ineffective lockdowns. A huge number have closed and many more will not survive.
The rising levels of stress caused by unecessary medua fuelled fear and worry will no doubt have further unfortunate effects upon the physical and mental well-being of millions of people worldwide.
Meanwhile the rich and wealthy can continue to preach and pay lip service to the rest, whilst happily and hypocritically ignoring their own words themselves.
Sweden (China and Russia too) with its unwillingness to lockdown is doing far better than many countries which did.
That alone should convince that the lockdowns were not necessary.
Covid and the lockdowns may well be the greatest fraud in history. A fraud used for nothing more than political gain by unscrupulous politicians.
Covid was declassified as a high consequence infectious disease way back in March 2020 by the British government themselves!
So why did Boris Johnson immediately put the entire country into a lockdown a few days later?
A lockdown that is now generally accepted to have served no purpose than to send the UK into further debt.
Meanwhile over in America President Trump was saying that Covid is no worse than influenza and that masks were largely a waste of time...
The scaredemic is ending as more and more people have begun to realise that it was little more than a case of smoke and mirrors.
For what ultimate ends has the western world been shooting itself in the foot for the past 10 months?
Well, that we shall see. No doubt when or even if they manage to get creepy, sinister Joe finally wheeled up into the White House.
" The fact of the matter is this China virus is not even as deadly as Swine flu " Data reported:
Swine Flu - The number of lab-confirmed deaths reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) was18,449, though the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic is estimated to have actually caused about 284,000 (range from 150,000 to 575,000) deaths.
Worldwide COVID "attributed "deaths to date 1.6 million.
Just when I thought it cannot get more bizarre, here comes the view of the world seen for only days. You would think that a person would have figured it out. Well, do not underestimate the hidden long-term cognitive effects of COVID-19.
How can you worry too much about a virus that has a 99.4% cure rate. I am very deeply sorry for all who have had it or are suffering from its effects. Just wear you mask and keep up the hygiene everywhere you go.
My family was struck by Covid. A 19 year old young man got his mother and 3 other family member sick... The Uncle passed he was 89. The rest recovered. 5 total.. Very contagious.. SARS/Covid is different in that vaccines, are just now coming out. SARS I’m not sure, but Covid is a variant. The flu we have some sort of idea what to immunate for, THOUGH it’s not always the right choice. Different types of flu require different vaccines. Same with the SARS / Covid...
PC I could give a hoot! The truth without malice or public embarrassment is more important than any of of the political finagling. Manners don’t cost, they pay...Plane and simple.. Manners and TRYING to be a gentleman will always be PC... Tough though...:-)
I got derailed, broke a little toe.. WOW.. Amazing how much you use that little guy.. LOL
I usually stay out of these types of arguments. But all anyone has to do is fact check the nonsense MC is going on about. Where in the world is he coming up with his bizarre statistics?! Now I'll go back to ignoring his crazy talk.
MC, you're not all there, are you? Conflation and confusion seems to dominate your way of thinking. That, and outright fabrications, lies and mistruths. You're as far away from decency as anyone I've encountered.
You really can't be trusted to honestly present a differing point of view. Someone else pointed out in another thread that you said you didn't have Covid but some form of pneumonia. You never challenged that. How are the two relatable in this discussion? You know what, never mind. You're beyond hope, or rescue, for that matter,
Another thing you know nothing about, being short of breath. I was there. Remember? Nine days in hospital. 7 to 9 liters O2. No sealed tent, you are living in fantasy land. Joking about being intubated only shows just how depraved you really are. And all of it pure insult, with not one shred of evidence to back up your point or undermine mine. Which of course, because there are no such facts, only fake news and twisted insults.
The fact of the matter is this China virus is not even as deadly as Swine flu, a fact borne out in US mortality tables that show this year below average. Say again, below average.
Haven't bothered to look any of that up yourself, I can safely bet. Never will, I will double down. Its simply not in your DNA to figure anything out for yourself. Possibly tried once, failed, figured its a waste of time. Which maybe in your case it is.
See, I can throw insults too. Only try and notice the difference. In between the (richly deserved) insults there was a tight, cohesive and irrefutable argument. Try it some time. If you can.
MC, you’re like those Covid patients dying in Mid West hospitals, yelling and cursing with what breath they can muster, in a sealed tent, that they don’t have Covid and for the nurses and doctors to take off their PPE gear, right up until they’re intubated. Then they shut up.
When I sold motorcycles, Honda's in the early 80's trained us to substitute some jargon; Safeth helmet, not crash helmet. Engine Guards, not Crash Guards. Back Rest, not Sissy Bar. Bold New Colors, not Same F..ing Crap.
There is no pandemic, unless you want to talk about superstitious obedience to communist talking points. There is no pandemic, because there are no excess deaths. These are not talking points. These are the facts.
Excess deaths are just what it sounds like, more people die than normal. If there's a pandemic then for sure there must be more people dead than normal. Whatever the cause. We can set that one aside for now. Forget how fake the testing is. Forget the exaggerated causes of death. Forget all that. If the word pandemic is to have any meaning at all it must be more people die than normal.
Well, its just not happening. And we can be certain its just not happening simply by following the money. The Social Security Administration pays benefits every month. More people die, less people collecting, less money paid out. Its pretty simple.
So you look at the graphs, and the graphs are flat. Not even a burble. There are no excess deaths. Its all fake news. Sorry. I know people have totally lost all ability to think and reason for themselves. Too bad. Don't change the facts none.
You need to distinguish between infections and death rates. There is quite a difference. Billions catch colds each year, but billions don’t die from it, do they?
Billions do die from old age, cancer, heart disease and diabetes and starvation, but they aren’t so easy to use as political weapons are they?
And what’s the point of mentioning the plague? Do you think this is on the same scale? Really?
As I said the average age of Covid death is 82.4. Is it not clear that Covid is not the sole killer in these unfortunate cases?
Various co-morbidities brought on by age and declining health are the main contributing factors - not Covid 19.
Besides, testing and recording death rates are far from accurate. Remember when Elon Musk tested positive and negative 4 times in just one day.
Not saying Covid should be ignored but distancing and hygiene should be just as effective as the economic disaster of the lockdowns. The economic disaster that will affect billions worldwide and not just 0.01% of the population.
Billions who may not have the economic comfort and safety net that you might enjoy.
There was a merchant ship anchored in port that was not allowed to unload it's cargo during the black plague. The merchants kept complaining about loss of business until they finally unloaded the ship, killing the people of the city in the next few weeks.
History does rhyme. Real world economics? Nice try.
Please try to understand real world economics. If you are able, try to see what these lockdowns have done to the future livelihoods of possibly billions of people worldwide.
Millions die every year and now millions more will die due to frenzied media fuelled covid over reaction.
Satan would definitely be on the side of the lockdown advocates. He wouldn’t even need to be a mathematician.
At least the British government have got their vaccine priorities right.
This priority list is as follows:
1 residents in a care home for older adults and their carers 2 all those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers 3 all those 75 years of age and over 4 all those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals [footnote 1] 5 all those 65 years of age and over 6 all individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality 7 all those 60 years of age and over 8 all those 55 years of age and over 9 all those 50 years of age and over
Regarding the correlation between marketing phrases and being PC, why can’t people just tell it like it is? If I’m selling something I strive to be as honest as I can, if it has a light out or scratches, etc., I show them in pictures and words. Embellishing a turd still makes it a turd, albeit a very well described turd. I have bought many items on Audiogon and Audiomart and zi don’t know if I’m lucky or not but with the exception of UPS destroying a McIntosh tuner before I received it, all items have been perfect. Respect your fellow audiophiles and tell the truth.
Unfortunately the completely unnecessary lockdowns are going to do far, far more damage than the wu-flu alone ever could have.
Something smells fishy. Even with the vaccine rollout here in the UK, the authorities still want to elevate the restrictions in London. Some, especially those on the left even want to introduce another lockdown!
Even when it's clear that they didn't work! Can't work and can't even be enforced. When nothing was wrong with observing social distancing and good hygiene.
Something that has a death rate of less than 0.01%, and whose victims average age is 82.4?
Something that is needlessly preventing the treatment of other illnesses? I've heard of way more people dying from catching Covid in hospital than outside.
All of this needless destruction of businesses for what? 2021 will reveal just how much this scandemic scaremongering has affected the audio industry.
Meanwhile in other news, we're glad to report that no one has died of flu in 2020.
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