"My Loss Is Your Gain" remains my favorite. What a load of crap.
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.
Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched", "once considered", "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."
But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.
"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal arts" degrees"
Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched", "once considered", "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."
But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.
"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal arts" degrees"
201 responses Add your response
I’m a disabled guy on a fixed budget. Audio is my only hobby. I’ve been able to acquire an incredible volume of fine audio products for pennies on the dollar. They include JBL L200t3, L100T3. L100t. L80T, L20, L20t3,L3,L5,L1, 4311b, ES-90, S26, L46 RBH MC6.MC-6ct, MC-4c, MC-616C,TS-10an, SV-61, SV-61/r, SV-T2/r, 1010SEN,1010SEN/r,SV-661,SV-661/r, r-5/r, SA-200, SA-400, SV-12NR. Definitive Technology BP-2004TL, BP-6B, BP10, BP20 , SM350, supercube III. Pro 100 Hafler XL-280, SE-100, Hafler 300 Boston VRM-50, VRM-60 Zu Cubes Nakamichi. PA-1, AV-10. z480 Onkio TX-NR905 Crestron CNAMPX-7x200 Pioneer VSX-59TXI Lexicon MC-8 V2 Crown XLS-1002, 1502 There has been so much more. I’ve always done handshake deals and I’ve never been burned yet. It’s been so much fun. |
I am not sure about your area, but I have seen types of businesses being closed, not individual stores. For example, grocery stores stay open, gyms close. In my observations, it was not "only this particular grocery store can stay open". It may be different in different locations, for all I know. No crowds in grocery stores I have seen. In fact, they limit the number of customers at any given time. They were doing that in some stores in the spring but not all stores. Now it's like black friday every day. Plus there was huge lines outside the store in the spring so what is the difference. |
"The few businesses that are still open are so busy..." I am not sure about your area, but I have seen types of businesses being closed, not individual stores. For example, grocery stores stay open, gyms close. In my observations, it was not "only this particular grocery store can stay open". It may be different in different locations, for all I know. No crowds in grocery stores I have seen. In fact, they limit the number of customers at any given time. |
Masks and keeping a six foot distance are fine. Closing businesses is not, and this is why I think it isn't. The few businesses that are still open are so busy you have a better chance of catching the virus, it's impossible to keep a six foot distance at most grocery stores in my area. So how does it help to keep only a few open, when that's where everyone is going, because nothing else is open. seems counterproductive. |
In every med school across the world, in the graduating class, there is someone who has the worst grades, worst aptitude and abilities for a career in medicine. You know what they call them? Doctor. Some Doctors opinions are important, valid and should be listened to. Others, well not so much. Kinda like this forum. |
"Surely by now the increasing number of of first hand testimonies by worldwide medical professionals should be giving some of us cause to think...We should be grateful that these brave doctors are willing to stand up and speak their minds. They have little to gain and plenty to lose."Start thinking, finally. You have little to gain and not much to lose. "In another time and place we might even call them freedom fighters."They may not care what you call them. They just want to go for dinner in peace. |
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140 million babies are born every year. 65 million die every year. 7.6 billion current population. 10 billion projected by 2056. There is a reason for only 100,000 or so ventilators in the US. Some countries have 50? Don’t get sick in Haiti, Dominican, Sierra Leone, Syria. I’d doubt you could find a ventilator.. Regards |
Let’s see if we can guess when the following was written. "Currently there are 105,000 ventilators in the United States. During a regular flu season approximately 100,000 are in use. If, as some experts predict, we see an avian flu pandemic—a virulent human flu that causes a global outbreak of serious illness2—the country would need as many as 742,000. Such a shortage underscores the country’s lack of preparedness for a pandemic." CAUGHT SHORT Posted by RT Staff | Feb 7, 2007 | Influenza YES, 2007! Does it sound at all familiar?Ring any bells? Respiratory infections that might need respirators? https://rtmagazine.com/disorders-diseases/infectious-diseases/influenza/caught-short/ Surely by now the increasing number of of first hand testimonies by worldwide medical professionals should be giving some of us cause to think. Not so much the homeopaths and chiropractors maybe, but some of these professionals are extraordinarily well experienced and qualified. We should be grateful that these brave doctors are willing to stand up and speak their minds. They have little to gain and plenty to lose. In another time and place we might even call them freedom fighters. ------- Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) - Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook https://brandnewtube.com/v/75grLS As for the various no doubt politically motivated Covid scaremongers, is it not obvious by now that lockdowns and a climate of fear will have serious psychological, physical and economic effects for all those affected? All those who live in the real world that is. In any case why do you wish to perpetuate this fear when a vaccine is now readily available? Go ahead and take it. Be my guest. |
@cd318 "The Matrix" is actually a documentary. Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUOGxePBs50 |
@cd318 Bahahahaaaa You are lost. You do realize you are being used as a pawn by those who seek to undermine civilization for their own gains, right? The ones who start and spread these ridiculous conspiracy theories, praying on those who are lost and looking for belonging. The ones who actually believe the nonsense started by the ones who want you to look elsewhere, this so as to not pay attention to the real problems. And to help find all the others who are lost and looking for belonging to also believe and spread the nonsense. The ones who need to feel special, and do so through conspiracy theories, because they are the only ones who understand the truth. You should get together with MC, dawn some aluminum foil caps, go into the brothel listening room and then explain to us how the metal caps not only let you speak to demonic sex starved alien demons, but also how wearing them improves the sound of the system... |
They’re now talking about Covid mutating. If it actually existed in the first place that is. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manuel Encarnacion WAS his name, it exist all right!!! 89 years old, loved model RR, 44 years at Dupont, 16 more at Ace hardware, loved by a lot of folks. They all lived to be 95 + years old. I say he was robbed, after 56 years of hard work and service.. It’s gonna get better, people can act silly all they want and say STUFF isn’t happening, We NOW get to see how the gene pool, "self corrects".. Darwinism at its finest.. I say. They may be able to delete the post, but it doesn’t remove the fact, Covid is BAD, Amego... real Bad... So is my next door neighbors breath, it’s bad, what’s a neighbor to do? Hand him a gallon or two of SCOPE for Christmas... Merry Christmas.. Wo Wo Wo, don’t Ho Ho Ho, the mistletoe will wilt and die, along with the Christmas Amaryllis, and Poinsettia. Got no idea what could cause that smell, chompin’ on turds for snacks and a pinch of black pepper maybe.. Regards |
@glupson I'm the poster who mentioned elected officials (which would include PM
Stefan Lofven). I didn't reference the King...that was someone else. I thought you were attacking me for suggesting elected officials have admitted failed policy when in fact only the King and no one else said this...which of course would be false. |
three_easy_payments, I am relatively familiar with Sweden, but thought it was interesting that one poster mentions elected officials and the other one shows the proof by linking to the King of Sweden. This one might have been better aligned with intentions... Swedish PM says officials misjudged power of Covid resurgence | World news | The Guardian While we are at that, to clarify this innocent confusion, King is not an elected official in Sweden. |
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@glupson Is Sweden's king an elected official? Sweden has elections too. In fact they have something like 8 different parties routinely on their ballot and it takes them months to sort out their results. They have a Parliament along with a King. Don't pretend that their aren't elected officials in Sweden who also make public comments about COVID....seriously man? |
It looks like we’re not getting back our previous freedoms anytime soon, are we?The disease itself is a reality and the long term sequels linked to it in many case another reality... The geopolitical interpretation and analysis of the emergence of this disease another thing ... Mixing the 2 for various political purposes was the most ideological voluntary blinding and negative work that we have observe muting and extinguishing many intelligences for different purposes than helping humanity... |
I think that rift between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards in the 1980s counted as one of the world wars. I am not sure about the remaining eight.Good point. Let’s see, there’s the war on poverty, the war on obesity, the war on drugs, the War of the Worlds, (does that one count as two?) the war on the truth, the war on unsightly stains, and I guess you could count that whole Yoko dust up. |
Not to sound any alarms but Covid has inter species jumped again, now to minks. They've found it in cats, dogs, snow leopards and a few other species as well but since it's a virus, it's to be expected. They just didn't think it'd happen so quickly. So far, it doesn't indicate a jumping back in same or mutated form but only time will tell. tick, tick, tick..... All the best, Nonoise |
cd318, just so you know and don't feel too oppressed More than 7,000 people have died of Covid-19 in Sweden, giving the country of 10.2 million one of Europe’s highest per capita death rates. Sweden has recorded significantly more deaths in the past fortnight alone than neighbouring Norway and Finland – with populations roughly half the size – have since the beginning of the pandemic. |
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-12-18/swedish-king-says-countrys-coronavirus-response-failed/12995732 @cd318 Fantasy worlds are generally supposed to be comfortable to live in; I'm sorry yours isn't. |
Sweden is a train wreck right now with 165 COVID deaths per day projected by Jan 1 as they have the steepest upward curve of anywhere on the globe right now. That’s in an entire country of only 10 million people. They have zero ICU capacity today. The herd immunity approach they employed failed by their own government’s admission. Not fake news, real words coming from real elected officials. Seriously?....that’s the gold standard example you really wanted to use @cd318 ???? Sweden?...wow. |
@ml8764ag, “...Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners...” GC Indeed. UK tier 3 lockdowns extended at the same time as administered vaccine totals approach 150,000. It looks like we’re not getting back our previous freedoms anytime soon, are we? They’re now talking about Covid mutating. If it actually existed in the first place that is. How handy. Might mean even more different regular vaccine jabs. More jabs = more profits. Just when are these ’vital’ lockdowns going to end? Let me guess. How about sometime after Wednesday 20 January 2021? Or maybe Jan 2022, given it might take a year to quell the rioting once the coup is exposed. Or maybe they never will be lifted. What do you think? In the meantime the UK economy begins to grind into dust as 1000s more start to lose their jobs. Merry Christmas to all. Then there’s those poor souls frightened of the untested vaccine on the one hand and scared witless of Covid on the other. Sweden meanwhile still has less than 8,000 Covid deaths WITH NO LOCKDOWN. This kind of whipped up public hysteria has not been seen since the 1930s. Many of its future victims back then were also contributing towards it back then. A bit like paying for your own noose? |
Thanks, your correct, I wasn't paying attention. Africa does have it bad. The issue is migration, from there to here. The cost is not high to treat people, but there is a cost. The side affect of some of the things you catch anywhere can have LONG lasting effects. Montezuma's Revenge, can have LONG lasting side effects. Valley fever, bad stuff! Mechanics, field workers, and EQ operators.. Covid, took the wife's uncle, but kidney failure is what got him.. Flu is no fun, been 10 years for me.. TG I wish EVERYONE good health, good hearing (:-)), a happy Christmas, and some goodies under your Christmas tree... Gettin' ready to play with a new toy.. RtR... PC or not. :-) PC? Time to feed the chickens... ponder that one, a bit... Regards |
The point about malaria is, it has been a world wide issue for MANY years. It is somewhat controlled. Yet every year thousands upon thousand are affected. It is an ongoing pandemic... Malaria is the perfect example of an endemic, NOT a pandemic. "Pan" means everywhere. Malaria is endemic to parts of Africa (for example). I think we are simply arguing about the definition of a pandemic and you're a bit confused. Just look it up in Websters. If you can't contract it globally it cannot be a pandemic. Period. It can be highly dangerous, lethal etc....but not a pandemic. |
@seekerbob You'd think this organization might know a thing or two about what happened. Check it out and scroll down a little. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-us-military-numbers And while we're at it, let's compare oranges with oranges, US with US. |
Well, checking the "facts" shows more than 308K deaths from Covid so far and that exceeds WW II American deaths by quite some margin. Just yesterday, 3,400 died and they're expecting over 3,000 dead per day for the foreseeable future. At that rate, expect 40K more dead by Christmas and maybe hit 400,000 by end of year if it rises at present rate. If anything, it's blushing in comparison. All the best, Nonoise |
The point about malaria is, it has been a world wide issue for MANY years. It is somewhat controlled. Yet every year thousands upon thousand are affected. It is an ongoing pandemic... There are some lasting long term affects.
It is on the RISE again because of bans on DDT for one, and a few others. Influenza on the other hand does not have as many long term effects. BUT the same principal apply as far as prevention. Social distance, mask. 50-100K per year, die. 50-150 million infected. It's pretty darn contagious. SARS, same as Covid, VERY contagious, Ebola the same way VERY contagious... Higher death toll per infection, capital, and many more long lasting effect on some, heart, kidney, lung issues.. The problem was a treatment, we had treatment for most of the other illnesses. We now have a vaccine, things are a lot better. But I haven't been vaccinated, yet either.. As for the pandemic is "Only if American have it", you haven't traveled much have you?.. You know out of the US. When you have to work outside the US, I mean WORK!! You understand how clean it is in the US, and how good working conditions are.. We have a lot going for us in the US, a whole lot.. Regards |
I am not sure what Malaria has to do with all of this, but it may not be the perfect example of diseases that are less common these days because of Coronavirus pandemic. The mode of transmission of Malaria is hardly affected by the measures we are using against Coronavirus (masks, hand hygiene, social distancing around two meter). These measures may not prevent Malaria, save for social distancing for which two meter may not be enough as long as the mosquito is not severely crippled. |