Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Hell I say if we have to look at opulence on full display everywhere then why not have to see the downtrodden as well? Maybe as a society we can learn to be more compassionate. Especially to our vets and those who suffer from mental illness which makes up a large majority of the  homeless population.
Glupson we are all in this situation of humbly admitting this fact about truth, you are now like those which are of good faith in the perfect place to appreciate truth... Think about this: who pretend to be smarter than you and pretend to understand what is truth? 

The great American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce, defines truth in his pragmaticist philosophy by claiming that we recognize a concept by the cumulative working of all of his effects...Like in Christ paraboles we recognize the tree by his fruits...I dont know what is truth, but truth encompasses and includes us all because truth may be the fruit of our action also....

Now before being a clown or a guru, I dont know which one I am already, but one ressemble the other, I will say nothing for sometimes now.... My best to you my friend... :)

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This just in! Let’s not call it what it is. Well, that’s just great! So, now Sec. Treasury is the spokesman for climate change? 

“Let’s call it an environmental issue and not climate change,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on a panel Friday at WEF. Mnuchin was asked how climate change — a key theme at this year’s WEF —would impact the global economy moving forward. “It’s one of many important issues,” Mnuchin said, adding that he believes technological advances over the next 30 years may help to solve climate-related challenges.;)  'Course, that hinges on how paranoid or straight-up concerned you may be over what's being reported, warned about, or nay-said about the issue..

My 'take' (or 'HO', be that as it is...); it'd would seem to be 'intelligent' ("Supplies are limited!  Order NOW, or miss the opportunity!") to engage in a response that just might make a difference..

Now, to some poor snot in an Indian slum (who may not view it as such; to them, it's Home....), climate issues may seem light-centuries from their daily drag.....but, responding to what 'perhaps' seems to be pending would seem by the major global 'communities' to be a 'good idea'....'just in case'....'not a bad idea'....:(

One would like to think that leaving one's children knee-deep in rising coastal water while the temps are acting like a yo-yo between storm and drought with all the bee's diseased or dead...and everyone acting like an armed militia, ready to pop a cap into anyone that lets their dog poop on their lawn...

(Yeah, I know I'm being a tad 'extreme'...but actually, I can 'crank it up' more....'Nut-Case Level 11' IS within my scope of trope....)

Here's one....The aliens arrive...(Not the South Americans....'Them', y'know....'off-planet tourista'...) find the cockroach is now the 'fittest survivor'.

Us?  DinoDirt. might have to forestall buying that new $15K amp!  How unfair is that?!  The 'off-worlder's' would have to not have the intrinsic and unique experience of hearing your collection of dusty LP's.....

Leaving them with....

"Humans....*tsk*  what a waste of protoplasm... they may have been fun to hang about with....  Oh, well.  Let's strip mine the place, and move on to the next system..."

You and yours truly likely won't be around for the worst of it.

What a Wonderful Legacy.
None of us will be around for the worst of it. Yes folks the planet Earth is doomed, destined to burn to cinders. Matter of fact it will be vaporized. Its a scientific certainty. Earth will burn in the atmosphere of the sun. When it goes Red Giant in just a few (billion) years.
I get it now! The Sec. Treasury is poo pooing climate change because the Government cannot afford to fix the problem. It looks like we’re on our own as usual. Thanks for nothing. As Bob Dylan says at the end of his records, good luck to everyone.
"On exactly what records has Bob Dylan said that?"

"Geofkait’s Lost Tapes, Vol. 27"

Or was it a tape "Lost Geoffkait, Vol. 27"?

No more fresh fruit or veg in school lunches, water pollution standards being removed, coal still being mined.  It's a sure recipe for success!

Climate changes there are, it is plain open to see... They are not  mostly and uniquely the results of human activities... The situation unbeknownst to most is far more critical, these changes are linked to greater changes in the solar system and Sun... But these news are not simple fact for ostrich newspapers... They are up to date specialized studies nowhere to be found except by those who search for some explanation...The irresponsible action of humanity economically does not help at all and increase the destruction of all life embeddings eco-systems... Negating this is ignorance and probably stupidity, which is only the persistant pursuit  of different effects with the same economical recipe... My best to all...  
I think some of George's tendencies of using the same, boring, discredited links (those photos of fuses) has rubbed off on MC. Either that, or he's deep into his drink.

All the best,
Interesting article mahgister it explains what's going on with some here. Some will never believe but if they can help at least a number of people come to grips with the reality of the problem that's  a good thing. 

For example I read about the work of Dr. Alexei Dmitriev, near 10 years ago... His work was confirmed by report of voyager space probe since...then discussion about the real causes of climate changes are not news to me at all...I can go on but the attention span of news papers readers tend to be short...And the climate changes ask for many articles, books, and thinking...

At the times ostriches can deny easily reality without being stupid... "Times are changing" says I dont remember who...

For the influences of the sun on world population, I will pick an old paper(1918), by William James Sidis, a man no one dare to call stupid, who in a short study show some evidences...This is fun to read, and if you dont know him, his life is stuff for science fiction books only...

If you linked Dr. Dmitriev study with the Sun cycles influences on climate and people, showed By Sidis you will know why people are crazier than ever now...Because of these coming changes...

But the real news is this one and this one is no more a theory like Sidis or Dmitriev but hard scientific measured fact that gives confirmation to Sidis and Dmitriev:

«The strength of Earth’s magnetic field in the past, recorded by rocks and sediments, provides a proxy for past flux of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) to Earth’s surface due to the role of the field in modulating stratigraphic ozone. About 40,000 years ago, mammalian fossils in Australia and Eurasia record an important die‐off of large mammals that included Neanderthals in Europe. In the Americas and Europe, a large mammalian die‐off appears to have occurred ~13,000 years ago. » to be continued in the link just on top

Climate on earth and crowds ostriches psychology is unexplainable out of this link to the sun and to the general condition of the solar system...

Tony Heller web site isn’t actual science nor facts.

Really? Which part? Exactly.

I asked who Tony Heller is and found the answer "Jack of all trades" on his website. However, it was in many more words.

A book review for a book on climate changes that is supposed to be very good by the skepticalscience group organization itself...

And contemporary  serious research on climate and solar system  :
Climate changes indeed there is....

They are linked to the Sun and solar system, not only to the degradation of eco system by stupid economical exploitation at levels never seen in the history...

Actual situation of mankind is critical...

No times for lazy brain...

Left or right ideological agendas are a political distinction that stars, animals, and intelligent people dont lives with.( except historian and actually this week some American senators that cannot think for themselves it seems)...

We need new political imagination for new era...

That exist, but I dont want to be the sole provider of all links there is here.... :)

I dont know if the actual situation of mankind excuse my rant...I hope so.... My best to all...

 last links perhaps:
Earth's environment has been changing for approximately 4.5 billion years give or take 50 million and it will continue to change. The next little wiggle on it's axis and we will be back in another ice age. Humans will do what they always do, accommodate. Climate change has been weaponized for political reasons by people who have no f-n idea what they are talking about. The pity is that too many actually believe them.
Chicken Little. 
Now can we get back to snow and music?? 
The instable dynamics of the solar system makes impossible the linear climatical predictions on a long term...

Actual economical human activity ask for collective thinking and solutions, and you were right, left ideology or right political agendas plays with the brains of people...But the situation is serious, never mind the fear agendas or the ostriches agendas...It seems human are like chickens, they distinguish  only 2 possibilities...

I am ok to be back to snow and music, I ask for that many posts ago, but some dont want to, and I stupidly goes after them, I will gives you that... :)

Which part exactly? The part where he claims methane isn't  a big deal because there isn't a lot of it and what difference does it make because water vapor and carbon dioxide are in the same spectrum. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the most abundant greenhouse gases but methane is more powerful as he said about 28 times carbon dioxide. Methane doesn't stay in the  atmosphere as long so by reducing that we can get jump on climate change in the short run we were actually counting on reducing methane to meet the 2C increase but methane levels are rising thus the need to get a handle  on it. The part where he dismisses  methane because of some notion about it being in the same spectrum with the more abundant gases and being so much less then it doesn't really matter. The problem,  or with him more likely distortion, is what happens with methane in its oxidation process in the atmosphere it becomes yeah, carbon dioxide  and water vapor. The larger problem is when it does this in the stratosphere where water vapor creates a worse problem because it creates a feedback,  warming the climate faster. The other thing is with so much methane now in the atmosphere the ability for it to naturally oxidize with the other chemicals is believed to be getting harder making it stay longer. 
Yeah the climate has been  changing for 4.5 billion years, problem is humans couldn't have survived in about 95% of that time. If some naturally occurring force changes it so we can't survive again then nothing we can do.  The only thing we can do it try to reduce the impact humans are having on the climate that's  it, we can't  stop volcanoes erupting.  This planet is it we don't  have a plan B. 
Of course the weather has been changing for millions of years, give me a break! That’s why there are called seasons. Hel-loo! We’re talking about extreme weather and weather-related events like monster fires 🔥 and monster tornados 🌪🌪. Monster floods, monster mudslides, monster earthquakes and Tsunami. Our solar system and our galaxy are in equilibrium, so look 👀 elsewhere for the answers to these burning questions. You can take the Sun, moon and stars off the table. Even solar flares 🌞 and sunspots. No offense to anyone living or dead. I suspect I’m probably the only one here who was involved with the International Sun-Earth Explorer ISEE satellites that studied the dynamic properties of Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind in front of the magnetosphere.
The actual changes are certainly anormal and produced by the accumulate impact of man activities in a short span of times...But there is also some other factors at play... I am no scientist for sure...But it was my point...

 And if the human factor is coupled with other cosmic factor (sun) the situation is not pink for near future....
Yes, and my point is you can forget about the sun, the moon and the stars because you can’t control them. You can only do what you can do.  😳
Nobody can dispute that.... :)

I report that only to demonstrate to some ostriches that the evident climate changes are not simple matters at all if we want to understand the situation...

If we want to act it is not the Sun the important player, but the organization of one part of humanity that will be the involuntary host of millions of refugees for example, speaking here about only one of the "small" problems...

Look inside.
I cannot contradict you to say the least....Inside is the truth I speak about in the last days... :)
Truth is a debatable commodity. My final pronouncement, at least for now. 🤗
What is inside, like the emptiness of the bowl or the center of a wheel cannot be a debatable commodity...

« Thirty spokes share the hub of a wheel; yet it is its center that makes it useful. You can mould clay into a vessel; yet, it is its emptiness that makes it useful»

Now Geoffkait debate that with Lao-tse... :)

My best from the past to the future....

But I tease you indeed... I see your point also... :)
Take away truth and anything is possible. Literally. Its an unpredictable universe. Chaos. Nothing like the universe we inhabit. Therefore, logically, there is truth.
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I think you are more than right... and more than right is truth.... Thanks for this remark Millercarbon... My best to you....

But like said one of the great genius( I dont remember his name now) about mathematical truth....

« Truths exist in mathematics then perhaps God exist, but we cannot and never be able even for eternity to prove them all then the devil exist. »

Wow! what of a gem this song of Johnny Cash.... Thanks Mapman...
The universe is chaos, the inevitable slide from order to chaos, it's called entropy. 
Entropy is not the only factor... Life does not reduce itself to entropy...

The universe is not chaos, beside chaos exist another kind of law : BIOS...

In the universe the high scale structures are cellular and not chaotic...
Chaos is one face of something more profound...

In early post I cite William James Sidis articles, but this genius wrote a book I read, and in it at 20 years old, he predict black hole and the cellular structure of the universe ( dark matter and ordinary matter like on a chessboard the black and white) in 1920...He predict the existence of organic non living matter in the universe for example... He wrote this book when he was 16 years old and published it at 20...It is something to read...:)

For the anecdote this is the greatest I.Q. ever measured, (he outweigh simply the scale) and he speak almost all known languages including most indian languages of the Americas, invent an artificial language at 12 years old (vandergod) and speak before a crowd of mathematicians (Buckminster Fuller was there by the way and Norbert Wiener) at Havard at age 12 about the 4th dimension and the way to project it in 3 d spaces accurately... ( the text of the conference is at Harvard)

His bio read like science fiction and all that is reality...:)

His goal in life was meditating and being unknown...(a task easy for most especially difficult for him if ever even possible)

His life is forgotten now because too much incredible to be trusted true by those who had not known him...

His genius is so great that the comparison with other child prodigies like Wiener and Von Neumann kept the stakes on his side... He learn greek alone at 4 years old after Latin and french and some others … I know what some will think but it is true... :)

His father, almost a retard because he speak only 27 languages, cannot teach him at 8 years old anymore :)...the father obtain medicine diploma at a speed that is a rare feat, wrote 17 books on psychiatry, field in which he was one of the most important pioneer scientist in the end of the 19 century... His best friend was William James the philosopher and psychologist...He named his son after him....

Chiming in, thanks for the Cash, maps....*S*  We've all went through the eye of that needle in our various ways....

MC, absolutely...the Sun will go *foom* eventually, and I suspect long before then, we will have as well.  However....there doesn't seem a real need to rush that scenario in the short term, right?  Or, one would hope...

Fascinating possibility of getting to see Betelgeuse 'go nova' perhaps in our current era...'course, it may have already but the 'light show' hasn't reached our neighborhood yet... Maybe we'll all become zombie's, due to some 'effects' we've no knowledge of.  Maybe we'll all have all the brains we've lacked all this time...;)

We certainly don't appear to have enough now....despite the greater majority of our best 'brains' pointing out that the greatest amount of information and details are indicating that We, the People...all of us, not just here in the (vaguely) United States (of divisions)....have fouled our nest enough to potentially make it break.

"Yeah, we got dogs 'n Valvoline, it's a pretty damn good time...."

And Plan B begins to look like ethical suicide on a large scale.

Well, meanwhile....Happy Friday, y'all. :)  
asvjerry… Thanks... I think your posts are not replaceable and make smile and think at the same times, a feat which I was never able to accomplish myself.... :)
"Humans will do what they always do, accommodate."
That accomodation is mostly "accomodating the environment to humans" and not vice versa. Anyone has a heater, air conditioner, clothes, etc? You can live only within a few degrees of environmental temperature, and within even fewer of your own.
Heck, I can’t stand to be a few degrees from lots of people, let alone the temperature.

Apologies to Kevin Bacon.

All the best,
(...placing a "Do Not Fold, Bend, Spindle, or Mutilate" sticker on my backside....)  Thanks,'s good to have support, even if some will query your sanity....*G*

"Humans will do what they always do, accommodate." ...and when they don't they'll slaughter or abuse whatever's in their way.  Or, if overpowered, will simply 'lie low' until they can 'get the drop on those bastards!'...

We really don't have a great 'track record' in many I shan't blame extraterrestrials for keeping us at a distance with a 10 parsec pole.

That ought to be enough 'degrees of separation' for the while...;)

I spend an amount of 'free mental time' considering the various 'n sundry....

What drives us to take opposite poles on an issue, even if things can be demonstrated accurately to support one viewpoint...and it alone?

"Pseudo-science', 'Fake news', Lies vs. Statistics, "Guns don't kill people; People kill people"....the bees' in one's head that distract daily...

"The royal couple has decided to 'live a Normal Life".
OK, cool...define 'normal', as it seems everything But. 

If I met Kenjit in the flesh...would he actually be 'like-able' in most ways?

Am I tolerable for longer than a post? (I heard that...back 'atcha...*L*)

Is 'functional schizophrenia' becoming a means of coping in our 'modern era'?

We think so....*oops*...I mean.... 

*L* ;)
"I've been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
a Communist, 'cuz I'm left handed.

But that's the hand to use!
Well, never mind." - A Simple Desultory Philippic - Paul Simon.

Right handed myself, not that it matters...except to me..

I've always thought that giving up a tail was a bad bit of evolution....we always seem to need another hand on a daily basis....*tsk*

But, we went and evolved so we need each other.

Which is a gift and a lesson that we haven't evolved enough to to appreciate as much as we ought to....

...and quickly, if we have as much sense as we give ourselves credit for...
" I've lost my mind/but I don't mind/become mostly blind/changed by our time/politically slime'd/financially crime'd/rhymed and dime'd/been sublime/less inclined/plied/fried/spy'd/declined/


...lost my virtue, Chump. Thanks...for nothin'..."

Desolation, Roamed, 2020

 Just another 'diss in the dark'...:)
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