Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
What is the "true" science and where do we find it?

millercarbon: Scroll up. Not hard to find if you really are interested.


Your source for "true" science is YouTube videos?

We enters dangerous waters!

Perhaps it will be better to not stop thinking without drawing conclusions...

As a man and child of science you know Geoff that the normal distribution allows a few whack jobs into the pool....
What are the odds that the folks who believe climate change is a left wing conspiracy also believe that the US was behind 9-11?  Gotta be 2 to 1.
Wow! Whoa! For a second there I thought he said Hillary. Whew, that was a close one. 🥵
I wonder IF they have a white hot stamper of the lousy music from the 2017 inaugural? You know the one where top talent appeared in droves.....
My instance of google works perfectly, when I type child actor a photo of reality tv actor Dumpsterfire appears...
Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years.
Quite the spin. That little girl figured it out on her own. What are you gonna say next, that the kids at Sandy Hook were just actors and were put up to it?

And you can’t trust google? That says it all right there. It’s an algorithm that keeps topics at the top (from search parameter demands, etc.) so if you want to narrow it down to topics you like, you’ll need to insert words like, crazy conspiracies, right wing nuts, unvetted sources, debunked topics, unqualified science, Qanon, Deep State, black helicopters, men in black, Pizzagate, the boogeyman under your bed, etc.

All the best,

Just skimming thru MC's usual pablum, I missed what he said about Greta Thunberg. It's all part of "owning the libs" thru defamation, insults, outright lies, etc. People forget there is a sadistic element.

Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years.

You know you've lost the argument when you have to stoop to this. 

The scary part is so many are so dumb and gullible they fall for it. Because if you really do believe the BS, if you really do believe we are all gonna extinct ourselves, then its only logical, by this mad demon logic, that anything and everything you can do to prevent it is okay.

And so you go setting huge fires just to have pictures to show the other gullible people and get them to do even dumber more extreme things. 


That's how search engines like Google get so corrupted and fake you can't even find what you're looking for. Like I know there was a news report on YouTube, a South American country with wildfires that after a police raid they found firefighters were contracted to start the fires. Paid for by global warmists. Who then used pictures of the fires to get Hollywood celebrities to pony up millions to..... pay the firefighters who started the fires!

Way it seems to me, far from being the slam-dunk you all seem to think, this smacks of desperation. The narrative is controlled but the truth is still getting out. People are seeing none of the catastrophes are happening. People are seeing China and India polluting more and more but Greta never wags her finger at them.

The End is always near. The End has failed to come and been moved forward another ten years or so, so many times you'd have to have all intelligence and attention span of a gnat not to notice. 

Scanning the comments, I'd say they know their audience.
Thanks Nonoise for the original musical take indeed … :)

But I think instead more with the final movement of the Beethoven ninth...
Unity is not only an hippies utopia, it is a working fact of life but visible and totally manifested only at greater scale than what we currently envisioned... End of the preach brothers!

My best...

By the way I also think like the OP. that sound is better in winter, more dry, more crispy; under snow, jazz is cool...  I will say cooler...  :)
Coolist or warmist...The story remind me of Jonathan Swift...A new version of the digital versus analog debate.... :)

When the house is not safe, and I dont speak here about temperature rise or decreasing, they are many other treats (asteroids for examples or wars, or big volcanos) and when humanity needs to be one, for the first times in history, only fools debate opposed in 2 camps, Coolist and Warmist...

The house need to be one, nevermind the reason, harmonization of mind is the only thing that an intelligent species can do to survive in this era...Only true science can arrive to some conclusions, but humanity cannot wait for a definitive scientific conclusion sometimes before acting ONE in one direction...The direction is less important than being ONE and acting...Because after being ONE humanity could or will correct the course of action, if it is the wrong direction...

I apologize for my rant....I only hope people will unite in some way....

Ya, there should be a way to ban those who criticize those with autism  - just ignore him but ask his sponsors IF they hold those same views and get the answers in writing...

synergistic and perfect path how about you go first ?
Just skimming thru MC's usual pablum, I missed what he said about Greta Thunberg. It's all part of "owning the libs" thru defamation, insults, outright lies, etc. People forget there is a sadistic element. 

By the way, here's some more "fake news" from NASA:
Click on any graph...

All the best,
Post removed 
What's the deal everyone else can shill tweaks on post after post but I can't shill these same tweaks to save the planet?

It could be they're really good zingers and the OP has the right to delete posts he deems inappropriate. Or it could be the mods but their being selective does induce some head scratching.

All the best,
On the next high tide, let's send millercarbon to camp out in the middle of St Mark's Square, Venice.
What's the deal everyone else can shill tweaks on post after post but I can't  shill these same tweaks to save the planet?
Post removed 
What does one do when the Phoenix has nowhere to make the flight to?

Even the animals know better than to crap in their own nests.

Why should we think we're 'better', 'smarter', or 'different', just because we're able to notice 'something's not right'?

Sticking one's head into the sand is a long as you don't inhale....
Sounds like Millercarbon is a fan of selective science that supports his views, knows the effects of carbon dioxide by whatever means it gets there and is admitting Global Warming is real, but does not think it so bad if you are a 500 million year old fossil mollusk or trilobite. Those guys snuffed it a long time ago.  I get it!
Ah, the old Cambrian Explosion BS. 

At the beginning of the Cambrian, the air at sea level would have felt like base camp at Mount Everest, but the climate was milder and more uniform than today. A bigger problem would be finding something to eat because there were no land plants or animals. You’d need to find a way of catching trilobites and other strange-looking shellfish, without wood to make a spear or plant fibre to make a fishing net. And you’d have to eat them raw, unless you could find a way to extract oil from these animals, or burn dry seaweed.

For a more comfortable existence, you might be better off skipping ahead 100 million years to the Silurian. This had slightly more oxygen and a warmer climate, as well as simple land plants and the first bony fish, which might have been more palatable. Unfortunately, you would have to share the land with prehistoric millipedes and spider-like creatures.

Not like eating your favorite shellfish but heck, MC would see it as his personal buffet.

Then there's the BIG Oxygen Crash brought on by the Cambrian period to deal with:
Turns out the oceans acted like one big carbon sink, just like they're doing today and viola!, lots of life ending scenarios for myriad species.

All the best,
What is the "true" science and where do we find it?
Sad to say but warmists have so poisoned the debate its hard to see your question as anything but sarcasm. Especially since the link that answers the question preceded the question!

Scroll up. Not hard to find if you really are interested.

The really sad part is all the people thinking they're right and smart, the more nonsense they post the more childish it looks. Is it not known uncontested scientific fact that the greatest burgeoning of life in the history of the planet was the Cambrian Explosion? Its a fact. You could look it up.

CO2 levels during the Cambrian Explosion were around 4000ppm. CO2 must be pretty bad to have caused all that life. 

Hard science facts. Forget the silly climate models. The whole point of the models is to show how uninhabitable Earth will be unless we reduce CO2 below what are already extremely low levels by historic standards. Go ahead. Seriously. I say this so often in so many posts I should have a macro written to plug it in: DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT DYODD!

While you're at it look up how plants work. They have these things called stoma that open up and allow gas to transpire in and out. They do this to GET CO2! Because plants NEED CO2! Its a molecular requirement. And the less CO2 in the atmosphere the more and longer the stoma must remain open. Allowing moisture loss. Which plants also need. Not sure if warmists are aware of the scientific fact that plants need both CO2 and H2O. Water. Ring a bell?

Are you getting this? The lower the CO2 the longer the plants lose water out the stoma, the more water they need. This is why greenhouses add CO2, to increase plant growth and reduce water needs. Same goes out doors. The biochemistry does not change just because its a Sequioa in Yosemite instead of a tomato plant in Fresno. Thus rising CO2 is GOOD. 

Anyway, the simple fact that almost all the worlds coral genera came into being during the Cambrian when CO2 was a hundred times higher would cause a normal, sentient, minimally aware being to consider hey, just maybe those climate alarmists are being, you know, alarmist.

Not to mention, if the case is so scientifically rock solid then why the need to trot out an autistic teenage girl to wag her finger at us?
Me being a man of science, genuine science not fake, and from childhood, I know perfectly well that truth is not a democracy.

>>>>Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us. 
Snow, the heavy sound absorbing deep stuff is a chance to baseline your listening rooms noise floor, that is if ya have an spl meter or RTA,

shut off go juice at main panel before

most people think clean power happens at night when it’s just better S/N

and audiogon has enough posters that one ( at least ) is a science denier, AR-15 toting, China Hoax, Qanon idiot claiming Jesus sent him a nano particle fabric stain remover... ignore them or laugh at em... Mother Teresa is among us as well 

millercarbon "No amount of fake science can ever overcome the fact its fake."

What is the "true" science and where do we find it?

millercarbon "No amount of fake science can ever overcome the fact its fake."

Please share with us the studies, data, and analysis that supports you're climate change denial and insistance that those who have accepted the data that led to their conclusions are committing an act of "fraud."
Embracing "Love it when it snows"... Listening to Snowpoet (recently discovered via Roon Radio).

Snowpoet: (vocalist Lauren Kinsella, bassist Chris Hyson, drummer Dave Hamblett, pianist Matt Robinson, guitarist Nick Costley-White, and saxophonist Josh Arcoleo)... out of London. 
Post removed 
I read somewhere that Karl Marx was the first environmental alarmist. Is this true?

This explains why he's been in a piss poor mood as of late.
The truth is hard to take and the more it hits home, the
harder he has to work to deny it. 
People woke up to the ozone problem and even politicians (!!!) did something about it.  I guess this time round we're not so lucky.
The before and after photos of the Arctic and Antarctic ice shields tell it all.  But I suppose those are fake, right?  In a world where anything you don't like or is inconvenient is "fake", there's not much left.  Derrida has a great deal to answer for.
As a society, in spite of oddball opinions, isn’t it time we ask ourselves what kind of world are we going to leave for Keith Richards? 
In a world of lies it takes courage to speak the truth. Wake up guys ...I have actually lived through so many BS lies its baffling how anyone can be so daft as to fall for it ... fools drinking the Kool Aide ... Me being a man of science, genuine science not fake, and from childhood, I know perfectly well that truth is not a democracy.
Truth is not a democracy, but it is also neither a dictatorship nor a monopoly.  As for courage, posting anonymously to the Internet does not require courage.
In a world of lies it takes courage to speak the truth. Wake up guys. Maybe if you are all teenagers you might have some excuse for believing the BS. Me being over 60 I have actually lived through so many BS lies its baffling how anyone can be so daft as to fall for it.

They are right now busy removing the "Disappearing glaciers will be gone by 2020" signs from Glacier National Park. That's not fake news. The fools drinking the Kool Aide really did think they would be gone. Just like Algore said the polar bears would disappear and the North Pole would be ice free.... by some date long since passed. Reality? More bears, at least as much ice.

No guys I really do not care how many of you fall for it, or how silly you want to make yourself with your playground taunts. Me being a man of science, genuine science not fake, and from childhood, I know perfectly well that truth is not a democracy.

Post removed 
Wow, millercarbon.  You are in earnest, it seems - - I had assumed you were just trying to be cheeky.
Geof's point is pretty spot on.  And having lived one climate locale for 60 years, I can tell you Minneapolis has certainly changed for the warmer.  Now amount of shouting "fake!" changes that.

millercarbon OP
Warming trend? Save your climate fraud narrative for the less well informed, okay?

>>>>As fate would have it we are enjoying the warmest January on record here. Coincidence? Just as we enjoyed the warmest Year on record last year. The trend is not necessarily your friend. 
As a Southern California boy, I prefer my snow in the mountains where it belongs.
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