Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
It would be funny to see how many hot stampers there are of artists who played at the Dumpsterfire inaugural....

is suppose Great White Buffalo by Ted Nugent might provide an ironic twist....
What could be a fitting fate for our dear old Chump....?

Perhaps.....a prison term, of the same length as his public disservice...

With cellmate Bubba, the known psychopath...with a taste for tush...

Any tush will do just fine....
All things must pass. The world has survived worse but it will take some time to clean up the mess. 
Friend Mahgister....If your words fail you.....allow me to fill in those blanks....;) 
And for those on the thread wishing for dear old Ohio ( known as Ahia with ignorant pride in rust belt Nerk ), please do remember the dear capitalists managed to get the mighty Cuyahoga river to burn, ... twice....

ya, we need the Neo Republiklan to modernize the EPA

of course, Randy Newman memorialized this in a song, I don’t think he played at the inaugural.....
Perhaps if real news of the world existed for a day or two, in the daily news of the various popular newspapers of America, you will know the real damage to the USA, the total destruction of all alliances and treatises, this clown singled handly promotes in a total irrational frenzy never seen by anybody in the 20 th century...

All people that worked with this man are nowhere to be seen anymore...His formidable empty crooked brain creates the void...I am speechless...Really...No Hollywood script can produce his like in a film...Because Cinema must be believable...I dont even believe that he can exist and some can vote for that to this day...Then naming him the greatest of all history is …. I had no words.... Perhaps the simple word that came to my mind is good enough I will not say it...

"Never hire more intelligent man than you" Groucho Marx
" Remember John Bolton" Donald trump
" You are fired !" Donald trump
** Can’t run a charitable foundation because he stole from charity 

* to the n where n is a big number, let’s say more than one logic class, but does approximate the 16,000 lies Dotard has so far told in three years

he did after all say “ grab em by the carbon “... oh wait, he did say something different...
Darn Old Chump....he's the greatest, but not in any way positive.

You can be fooled, but continuing the charade is not only idiotic, but dangerous as well.....

Oh, pardon me.....He is the greatest at one thing for sure.

Rarely do I get this far, reading a thread like this one. The lure worked, as I think of snow with great affection. It's so true what it does to everything outside, and probably inside as well. My mind is quiet on walks in the snow, unlike the bickering and more that I see here. I have tried very hard to live my life in simplicity, without so much of the technology that is leaned on by all who are addicted and don't even realize it. Maybe that is part of the fact that to this day, I have never owned a cell phone. I own a computer and that is more than enough for me. 
 I can only hope that when we go outside, we look up. Maybe a large flock of geese are flying by. Perhaps a cloud formation, indescribably beautiful. Sure I am doing what little that I can to keep it this way, but in the end, just like watching the world news, I am helpless to do more than pray.  
  There is no doubt that mankind is arrogant, warlike, and greedy. That is the negative side of course, but no matter what you believe about it, or how you live your life, it cannot change this truth.
  Time to go out and watch the stars (I know, while I still can) Here in Wyo., they are horizon to horizon.
Good evening....*S* Regardless of one's political/environmental stance, planting a tree or 3 doesn't have to be considered a revolutionary act.
They're generally quiet and make good neighbors.
The shade (properly planned for) is a great place to hang on a hot sunny day.  And you can mulch the leaves, or just mow them into the turf and get the same effect.  They come in a pretty wide variety, because one size doesn't fit all.  Some have fruit as well as the O2 'freebie'.

They're not even all that expensive, either.  Wander into a forest, and you can find 'volunteers' (sprouts) for free.
Sounds like a 'win-win' IMHO....

The greatest of all time needs no asterisk. Doing the things he's done even while being impeached only makes his accomplishments all the greater.
This impeachment is way beyond incredible...I am speechless...

" I believe in the incredible, the credible do not need me" Groucho Marx
 " Why do you vote for this idiot? He needed me" Groucho Marx to his brother Harpo.

By the way, you forgot to put that asterisk by your greatest president of all time. You know, the one that denotes he was impeached.

All the best,
I miss snow . I still live in the exact same town, but growing up in central Ohio sixty years ago and having sleds, ice skates and winter gear for Christmas was always a BLAST. We ice skated all winter in the local ponds, snow sledded down all the neighborhood hills. Those days are gone. I know its "fake". But all this fakeness has brought on no snow, no frozen ponds, no winter activities. But man does it RAIN. Real wet, but no winter. Just mud. I think its more like the amazon than my old Ohio used to be. Not real fun stuff. Just mud all winter. I liked it better before all this "fakeness" showed up.
500 gallons of O2 a day

Malarkey. O2 is a gas. Gallons are volume. The volume of a gas varies with temperature and pressure. Gallons of O2 is therefore meaningless.
It only gets worse from there. Oh well. You will all be pleased to know the greatest president of all time is busy planting a trillion trees. So you must love him.
Tree are the real value in this world, some tree are many thousand years old... Those who thinks that money has any value except for mechanical utility are deluded...Money has absolutely no value at all...It is a means...The 
The average fir trees emits 500 gallons of O2 a day. Trees and the oceans are the lungs of the planet. They're all part of that delicate balance.

Destroy the trees and acidify the oceans and it's all a matter of time before adjustments made by nature come back around to knock us all on our collective asses.

All the best,
Trees are sentient living beings and conscious one.... Imagine our amazement when we all will awake to that fact? It is no more new age salad...

You can smile at me or with me …. :)

I dont know how Glupson will check this fact.... :)

Oups! it is not a fact, only a dream being true, but a dream for now for most....No need checking...
Would Trump's plan be something like Obama wanted?
Also, that proposal you mention is being done to give the impression that Trump is an environmentalist. The whole idea of planting more trees has been going on since his first year in office:

In fact, planting more trees has been a "duh" moment for ages.

Then, there's this:
Scroll down to IMPACT OVERVIEW and click on "how many trees...."
and you'll see just how many will be needed to offset policies enacted now by Trump and what it will add up to if all of his policies are allowed to continue.

All the best,
"One of the pre-requisites for radiologic technologist is microbiology."

Not everywhere.

audiogon should hire a full-time fact-checker. I mean, it is fine to volunteer, but what gets thrown out here really needs a full-time dedication.
" if there isn't enough CO2 there isn't any photosynthesis."
How much exactly is "enough"? While we are at that, how much is "too much"? Anyone?
"CO2 is in fact as far as humans are concerned the same as CO, carbon monoxide."
Oooooopsie, not that fast. I think there are more efficient physiologic mechanisms to eliminate carbon dioxide than there are to eliminate carbon monoxide. from human body.
That's like saying humans "like" oxygen.
How much oxygen does a human really require?
Interesting article, nonoise.  Thanks for posting it.

Seeing as how trees would soak up the overabundance of CO2, you must be in favor of The Orange Man's agreement to the planting of a trillion trees, no?

CO2 & us:

Check out the last paragraph under Environmental Problems.
It's a real knee slapper. Also, it's role in humans is nicely explained.

All the best,
"NO ! Humans do NOT require CO2! CO2 is in fact as far as humans are concerned the same as CO, carbon monoxide."

Yeah right Einstein we only require CO2 if we want our blood Ph level in the normal range and oxygen and hemoglobin to bond correctly so we can survive.
I took logic in college too.

Guess what? Logic is an important tool but it’s still totally useless on its own in regards to drawing proper conclusions.

You have to feed the logic all the right facts for that. Not incorrect or selective facts for sure.

An example many are familiar with is early on, Mr Spock in Star Trek had trouble drawing conclusions about humans because he was unable to get the right facts regarding human emotion. But he learned over time.

never a mention of China, India or South America's influence on pollution.

That's strange was reading a couple of days ago how China and India were not meeting their goals in lowering  methane which is what scientists were counting on to meet the 2C rise. Need to move outside the bubble. 
One year at WSU, thought it would be fun to take Philosophy 210 Symbolic Logic. Fascinating course, it basically teaches you how to reason, rationally and impersonally, and gives you the tools to comprehend whether or not an argument is sound. Totally removes rhetoric, emotional appeals, all of that. Logic functions at this level are either, or, and, and if/then.
So for example somebody says if this or that then the other, the statement will be true if this is true, and if that is true, and if both are true. Only if this and that are both false is the statement false.
Read that one again, because this is literally how it works. This or that could be anything. That's where it gets depersonalized. That's where it becomes pure logic.
Okay. So most of the tests consist of fairly simple statements just like the one above, only with this and that replaced with more contentious terms just to see if the students really understand and are able to reason and use the logic functions properly.
Fine. Until this one test, midterm maybe, and its quite a bit harder and the last four questions are a couple paragraphs each. You're supposed to read them through, cross out all the flowery nonsense (which in the test as in real life is upwards of 90%) in order to restate the text in logic operands, and then work through them and conclude the argument is sound or not.
There's four of these and I work through them and look around and nobody else seems anywhere near done. Well the last thing you want is a bad grade after walking out early. So I go through the whole test again.
Still nobody done. Oh well. Not my problem. Its nice outside!
Next class, glum glowering faces all around. WTF? I get my test back. 100%. But how can it be 100% when there's points taken off on one?
Turns out the test was so hard nobody (except me) was even close to finishing. The prof gave them extra time, and let them all choose one of the four to skip. So the one I didn't get quite right didn't count anyway, and I got 100%.
This was a junior/senior level class. So no freshmen. These were all college students. They signed up for the class. They wanted to get a good grade. They were in other words very capable, and highly motivated. They had everything going for them, and yet found the subject so hard most barely squeaked by with a passing grade.

Its no wonder then that of a random selection of forum posters many will be incapable of anything even resembling rational thought.

  • "By the way I summon Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway at your recommendation in my own time machine and I thank you for that ... "

Thank you, and you are welcome, Mahgister. Now if only I can find a clean, Hot Stamper on vinyl of that recording.

^^^ And the problem always lies with the liberty of the individual and capitalistic societies. You're right, MC ... never a mention of China, India or South America's influence on pollution. 

I hear the nightlife is great in Mexico City. Not so much the day life though. You can't see the sun.

The problem with time and audio is that the time coordinates when the recording was made are captured on the recording, just as a camera captures the time coordinates on the photograph. The problem arises when the recording is played back, at some point in the future. The time coordinates that are integral to the recording interfere with our natural internal “time clock,” which is always PRESENT TIME. The confusion in the brain over conflicting time coordinates degrade our perception of sound significantly. The real sound, the very good sound, is in the room but we just can’t hear it properly or completely.
I think I will side with you against dogmatic Groucho... :)

By the way I summon Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway at your recommendation in my own time machine and I thank you for that ...
  • "The brain is the only time machine " Groucho Marx

Nope, with all due respect to Groucho, my audio system is also a time machine.

Last night I invited Billy Holliday into the listening room to transport me back to the live performance she did with the Gerry Mulligan Quartet at one of the Montreux Jazz Festivals.


I like snowflakes, prime numbers, music, they are linked; and some other not so linked delicacies.... :)

"The brain is the only time machine " Groucho Marx

"With the right forgetful functor you can modify the world at will " Groucho Marx at college.
Wow!! That is exactly how the super beings in Contact communicated with Earth! “Those are Prime numbers!” Then they sent the video of Hitler speaking at the 1936 Olympics to see if the guys and gals at the antenna array in the desert were on their toes. Then they sent plans for building a time machine. 
Classic attack the opposition with slander rather than presenting a counter argument. And it’s pretty astonishing to say....

" being a good 10 years past the point we were told all the green Doug fir in Western Washington would be dead from forest fires."

When a good chunk of Australia burns and CA has been beset by historically massive forest fires.
If you dispose all odds numbers, beginnings with the number 5, in a 6 levels rectangular infinite array of equal little squares on each level and go looking for the primes, chasing them with the chess movement of the rooks, the bishops, and the knights, you will see all the primes only left...Squaring each primes will gives you all the rest to infinities.... Very beautiful and containing visually the flavored essence of number theory...Begins with the number 5.... :)

After that,transpose this rectangular array on an hexagonal tiling plane instead, beginning with 5 also, around a center hexagonal unit of the tilings and you will see the primes numbers lightning on 2 of the 3 axes … This hexagonal increasing spiral between these 2 axes is one of the mysteries behind snowflakes and number theory...

These abyssal geometrical harmonies are veiled by the, at first glance, trivial numerical fact that all primes are congruence modulo 6...The Euler Pi/6 formula for the sum of squares you will see...

I suggest that like an unending puzzle to mind bored by agendas...

This meditation opens for me some beautiful doors ...

Maybe when folks here someday get the science behind expensive esoteric and very poorly documented hifi tweaks down to the extent needed to have a meaningful discussion then there might be a useful discussion of more serious matters like climate change.

Meanwhile posting here is at least free so people will get their money’s worth.

>>>>Uh, oh, any time there’s talk of snow the flakes show up. ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Why do radical environmentalists appear to be so anti-human? Is there a hidden agenda there somewhere?
There you go again. Stating as true something which is not, and proceeding from there. If you can't get your premise right, what can one do but smile and carry on.

To help perpetuate an alternative universe where only alternative, convenient facts reside makes for a lot of bumping into reality, which probably accounts for all the political outbursts that come up in audio forums.

All the best,

"Stubbornness is changing anything except the one idea in your head" Groucho Marx

"Scientific mind are rarely right more than one day, they are the only minds that always recognise to be wrong most of the times " Groucho Marx the real brain behind Popper :)

Why do radical environmentalists appear to be so anti-human? Is there a hidden agenda there somewhere?
Because in any crowds, in any trends, there is out of the Bell curve rarities, eccentricities of the mind, obsessions, improbable possibles that are only the heads and tails of some event in the history of consciousness ...

The error is to identify ourselves totally to one trend, without no more conscious critical thinking...And believing that exaggerate foolishness is the mark of the trend we dont like only is precisely the end of our thinking...

For example political parties, being democrat or republican, are not suppose to be only opposite ennemies camp, but waves complementing each others in a true acting living democracy where like in a living organism one trend complement the other in a balancing free political act ... When they are only enemies democracy is dying or dead...It is on TV if you open it up, near the Simpsons show...
Carbon dioxide is ESSENTIAL in humans. If we didn’t have any carbon dioxide in our bodies to regulate blood Ph and determine the bond between oxygen and hemoglobin for release in cells and tissue we wouldn’t live very long. Low carbon dioxide causes blood vessels to constrict it also causes decreased uptake of glucose raising your blood sugar. Having low carbon dioxide messes up oxygen distribution in the body it’s known as the Bohr effect. It was discovered by Neil Bohr’s father.

Did you think the only thing we did was exhale it?

Yeah you’re right, the level of ignorance is staggering.

Humans require CO2 as well we can’t live without it.
Maybe when folks here someday get the science behind expensive esoteric and very poorly documented hifi tweaks down to the extent needed to have a meaningful discussion then there might be a useful discussion of more serious matters like climate change. 

Meanwhile posting here is at least free so people will get their money’s worth.
Why do radical environmentalists appear to be so anti-human? Is there a hidden agenda there somewhere?
With that thought, I'm going to brew up some fine, home-roasted Ethiopian coffee grown on a small, family-owned organic coffee farm under fair-trade conditions. Yum!
Which is bad enough all by itself. But the lies are all being used to steal my money, and time, and make everyone’s lives worse not better. Then on top of that they all preach and carry on with their sanctimonious we’re the good people act when in reality they’re Pod people, Stepford wives, Children of the Corn, Zombies.
This reminds me of the Simpson shows...A perfect mixed balance of right and wrong, false and truth, impossible to work out...Only one way left is smiling...If it is possible out of the show tough... :) 

But we are most of us, me included, guilty to pity ourselves, to amuse ourselves using others, to bend the truth to our own taste, but at the end, perhaps it is necessary to think harder and be silent...I say that part of my post to myself first like a prayer...

millercarbon, I totally agree with you but you could put it in a nicer way.

One of the pre-requisites for radiologic technologist is microbiology. Its a lot more detailed than it used to be. Everything is mapped out step by step right down to the atom.

Photosynthesis, at one point it becomes painstakingly obviously in your face, clear and plain, if there isn't enough CO2 there isn't any photosynthesis. Which was a shock, having been told for years how bad CO2 is, to see so starkly black and white plants absolutely will die without it. 

So just to be clear I stick up my hand and say, "So CO2 is a limiting factor in plant growth?" Which clearly it is. The answer is yes.

That's not what I got. What I got instead was a five minute diatribe that started, "This is what republicans say when they want you to think we can all drive SUVs and burn" blah blah yada yada for like 5 minutes. At the end of which he says, finally, "Yes."

This was 15 years ago. Until then it was pretty easy to fall for the warmist narrative, even though by then the narrative had already been falsified by the mere passage of time, it being a good 10 years past the point we were told all the green Doug fir in Western Washington would be dead from forest fires. But let's just go with 15 years. That's a long time to be lied to, and know you're being lied to, and to have to suck it up and endure sanctimonious lectures from a guy you are actually paying to educate- not indoctrinate. Educate. 

Which is bad enough all by itself. But the lies are all being used to steal my money, and time, and make everyone's lives worse not better. Then on top of that they all preach and carry on with their sanctimonious we're the good people act when in reality they're Pod people, Stepford wives, Children of the Corn, Zombies.

So, do I go off on them? Yes. Yes I do. Would I be better off being nice? Not so sure about that. For sure they do not deserve it. Nice is how you treat immature little kids who can't be expected to know any better.

What's their excuse?
"We have only four years left." ___ James Hanson, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a division of NASA. Predicted in 2009.


Very easy to deform truth indeed...

This was not false doom prediction, this is an urgent invitation to act after his own reading analysis models conclusion and to act at the right times window, being right scientifically speaking or being wrong is always a possibility and a chapter in science history; but not urging to act in your soul and spirit when you think so is criminal...

Then cititation out of the context of this model analysis window that urge humans to act, interpretating that like a doom prediction only, and after that suggesting that this prediction is patently false because we are all here, this is bordering on fraud practice at worst, stupid political propaganda at best...I dont know what your profession is but like mine it is not science...

This guy is not an angel nor Einstein and many serious people criticize his exaggerated interpretation but it is no excuse for you( not a climate scientist or are you one of his peer?) to reduce him to be a total fraud by linking his urge to act to doom prophecy only...

Balance of views on many levels is the culprit of thinking process...

I apologize for a second times I think to nonoise that say the same thing shorter and better than me before me, I confess to have many human defects...:)
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