Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


This thread is in jeopardy of being closed if the comments continue to be rude and off topic. 



So good initiative with this thread OP.

It is not just about politics. A big part of  Russian population is completely fooled by the propaganda and many of them support this invasion. Imagine how many are they, it's not Just Putin. My wife and children are Russian citizens, my wife's father was from close to Kiev, she was grown there. Me, my wife and daughter were born in USSR i am Georgian (just to say 25% of Georgia is occupied by Russia since 2008). I would not be too much surprised of a small invasion of borderline regions of Ukraine but nothing like this. This is a global war against Ukraine! Ukrainians do need our help and support now (in all senses). I hope they will defeat  the enemy and Russia may change then.

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... and if the leader of a large country did this, then he has very good reasons ...

could you elaborate upon what Putin's very good reasons are?

Audiogon Official

"This thread is in jeopardy of being closed if the comments continue to be rude and off topic. "


Dear Audiogon Official,

To be honest, with the amount of Reply Posts that have been removed by either you, the OP, or other Members, you might as well delete this whole damn thread. I’ve seen Top Security Clearance documents from the CIA and NSA that had less censorship and redacted statements than the five pages of this freaking thread.


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1.2 million people displaced and rising.

Please give if you are reading this and have not yet.

A huge thanks to all who made contributions to help the innocents in need.

The situation will become more and more desperate in the days and weeks ahead.


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I’m out of this forums any way , it is like Facebook and others which I likely never joined . Poor people who doesn’t read history . There is no future without history.  Gooood by socialistic forum, and have a fun here. 

I agree with allenf. This haphazard censorship is ridiculous.

Look to banning members who consistently display bad behavior. If the moderator finds a particular individual whose posts are consistently or often on the edge get rid of them.

For me one member who has participated in this thread comes to mind.

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Its truly unfortunate that some hop onto a thread and “contribute” with the sole intent to drive the thread into the ground, hoping beyond hoping to get the thread deleted. I do agree that moderating can be difficult although it doesnt have to be…moderating from the slippery slope is tough vs moderating from the high ground. I appreciate the effort and respect the decisions.


Once again, I appreciate that Audiogon allowed this thread and the fundraising effort to SUPPORT THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. They are being illegally displaced, murdered and the human rights violations are stacking up and we arent even two weeks into this. I hope you will continue to give to the charity of your choice to support these people.





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Its truly unfortunate that some hop onto a thread and “contribute” with the sole intent to drive the thread into the ground, hoping beyond hoping to get the thread deleted. I do agree that moderating can be difficult although it doesnt have to be…moderating from the slippery slope is tough vs moderating from the high ground.

Your first comment is an obvious straw man, unless you are referring to posters other than @serjio and me. We have simply been responding to mainstream narrative propaganda with counterpoints and facts, which brings me to the second point. Moderating from "high ground" would minimally entail removing parts of your posts, and others, which include cartoonish propaganda.

I’ve posted no propaganda and I’m collecting nothing, only donating to the cause. This thread was initiated for the sole purpose to collect donations for the Ukrainian people, to ease their suffering. Full stop.


If a few Russian audiophiles want to start a thread in support of invading another country, then by all means do so. I promise I won’t post on it. Until then, please refrain from polluting a noble thread with a noble purpose.


Looks like this thread is in danger of being removed. I hope it doesn't happen. I have followed it through the noble responses and the ignoble ones. 
My post here is to offer heartfelt gratitude to you for initiating this thread and continued pleas to keep it on track.

My wife and I have donated to a cause to help displaced Ukrainians. We pray daily about this horrific situation unfolding before the world.

Again, thank you and God bless you!

And, allenf1963 is right about the willy nilly nature of the deletions being done. There's no rhyme or reason to it which leads me to believe it's not the mods (who are doing their best) but the usual members here, simply out for revenge.

I've been in chats on other sites where none of this would be taken down unless you were a troll, polluting the thread with disinformation that's already common knowledge. Very easy to verify.  Those here wouldn't last a minute at those other sites. 

I say leave it all up for the world to see and for us to take note of for the next time we encounter them. That way we can just simply ignore them. This is not a kids table at a family gathering. Erasing the history of these comments and the ones who make them gives them cover to hide behind since they rely on people having short memories. 

All the best,


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New strategy, every time a brainwashed idiot posts, I send more $ to free the good people of Ukraine…. 

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I might also begin buying Russian bonds and donte them to Ukrainian causes. That would be an amusing hedge…if they remain at rock bottom valuations then no big deal. If they gain in value so does the power of the donation. It would warm my heart for a Russian debt to be repaid to the Ukrainian people.


Well, no - I don’t organically digest the oligarchs of any country (unlike you, I watched the life of many of them very closely for a long time)

True story as i multi task making yet another donation to free Ukraine..

when i ran a small factory making a mostly composite airplane, lets just say tge yearly budget $ number had a B in it, our Finance Director, a “ guest worker “ immigrant from Ukraine….was certainly very capable of much, including leadership…



the main thing is not to buy options - you will definitely lose money!

And about the debt - you screwed up again ... as far as I know, Russia covered the Ukrainian external debt for a long time, Ukraine itself is a debtor ...

Until 1917, Ukraine was not on the political map of the world at all - the republic was created by the Russian politician Lenin (and this was a region of Russia) ...

but long before that - for many many years Poland hunted the inhabitants of the territories of present-day Ukraine and certainly destroyed them - that's why they themselves asked for protection from Russia and became part of it ... (I explain on my fingers)

Russia just arrested American basketball player Brittney Griner at an airport. She will now be used as a pawn. Let's hear your BS now.

All the best,

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Russia just arrested American basketball player Brittney Griner at an airport. She will now be used as a pawn. Let's hear your BS now

Thank you for confirming just how easily you consume and regurgitate propaganda.

Griner was arrested in February after she was purportedly caught with hash oil in vaping cartridges while going through customs at an airport.

Feel free to seek out further, related facts, and debate their ramifications.

Griner was arrested in February after she was purportedly caught with hash oil in vaping cartridges while going through customs at an airport.

Yes, she was arrested last month and all she had were vape cartridges, not hash oil.  I missed out on the date but not the facts around her arrest. American intel already said she will be framed as a drug dealer. So thanks for supporting the Russian narrative, comrade.

All the best,



did I miss something? Because of a drug addict woman who got caught by the police somewhere, Putin should (shouldn’t) start a nuclear war? ... it's a really hard decision ... touches the word WE MUST ... and why should you? (where is America, and where is Ukraine - this is generally a different continent)

wow….that was fast….make a few $$$$ donations to free Ukraine, post or two here and my cell phone lights up with a call from…….. wait for it…….Mother Russia…

Lets make another donation…..

Yes, she was arrested last month and all she had were vape cartridges, not hash oil.

Wrong again, according to the New York Times, etc. Vape cartridges containing hashish oil were reportedly found in her luggage. It’s mentioned in every report that I’ve found. And, while it appears to be from the official Russian report, I have seen no claims by Griner or her supporters that it is false.

American intel already said she will be framed as a drug dealer.

Ah, well then, it must certainly be true. No need to wait and see what actually happens with the case, right?

The irony of you accusing others of "supporting a narrative" is frighteningly deep.


Wrong again, according to the New York Times, etc. Vape cartridges containing hashish oil were reportedly found in her luggage. In fact, it's mentioned in every report that I've found.

You're gonna need to backpedal better than that. Took you all this time to come up with that? ( must be true!) She wasn't charged with having pot oil until today. Let's seen now...arrested last month, Putin already plans on invading, gather up pawns, and now spring this on us and have his sycophants and supporters pollute the internet. Good job bot #215674!

The irony of you accusing others of "supporting a narrative" is frighteningly deep.

By the way, who's your scriptwriter?

All the best,

Please stop digging. You said:

Yes, she was arrested last month and all she had were vape cartridges, not hash oil.

That assertion is false, and there are no reported claims by Griner or her supporters suggesting otherwise.

Do you really imagine that they wouldn’t be shouting it from the rooftops if the claim were false?

Only one us is resorting to ad hominem attacks, and it isn't me. I have consistently produced facts in support of my positions.


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guys, are you really interested in some woman with a ball, with whom does she sleep and what did she dope? ... how I feel sorry for you! 21st century on the street... your level as an elementary school kid...

and then you climb to talk about politics and who is right and who is not