I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.
What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.
I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.
Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!
Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.
The discs are only placed at the sending end of the cable. So, for a pair of interconnects only 2 are needed.
Since I only have a couple of them, I have not been able to try them on both the interconnects and speaker cables at the same time.
But, at both the speaker cables output (at the amp end) and at the interconnects output (at the source end) they proved to be very beneficial. Perhaps too many of them would not be as good, but at this point I can't say.
A package of 4 should do a system. However, the tweaker that I am, I would also like to experiment with them on power cords and video when they do become available.
BTW, thank you for the support against the rabble rousers.
Thank you @mesonto. The people who don’t like my products usually don’t understand electricity. They have a late 1800s view that it’s electrons flowing down a pipe, think water. Or, “how can the last 5 feet of a power cord blah blah blah.” They just don’t understand electricity, and they’re very angry and insistent in their misunderstandings.
Electrical Engineers understand electricity best. Pretty simple. I tend to believe what I learn from them and how it may or may not affect sound quality. Especially ones with no agendas, hidden or otherwise. Guys like @kijankifor example.
Also a video about how electricity works is fine but how a particular product works or not is a different thing. Its not a purely subjective thing. Research is NOT subjective. There is either data to support a conclusion or not. Otherwise its a leap of faith. Synergistic Leap of Faith....does not have a good ring to it eh? Does it sound good or better? 100% totally subjective. Not that there is anything wrong with that.... Except when it is the mantra of a company with "Research" in its name, perhaps.
Just saying. PEople buy lots of things just because. That’s their choice. High end audio ain’t no sanctuary holier than the rest. Same thing. PEople sell and people buy for whatever reasons they choose. YMMV.
Thanks Ozzy, looks very interesting...do we know when they will be available and price?...interesting how so many responders sound like they will be forced to buy these...
I've got these Black Discus discs I got from Mad Scientist Audio in New Zealand about 10 years ago that seem to do something similar when placed in similar locations.
*Carbon fiber which in this instance acts to increase the EM interaction between the UEF disc and the EM field of whatever it is you are interacting with. In the past we have used aluminum for another UEF disc working in the acoustic realm, but for this application, carbon fiber proved by far the most effective material.
Why does that interacting with the EM field make for better sound? Because it can? Also carbon fiber cannot cost much so one would expect price to reflect that. One might try a lump of coal or two and see what happens. Inexpensive if it works so you can add as much as you want cost effectively. @mahgister could probably advise well regarding what materials work best and most cost effectively.
You never heard of the place. How about AA or NA, I'm just trying to figure out who you are, I know what you are just like jerry123. Both rather sad individuals that take cheap shots OVER and OVER.
I stand by what I said you clowns need to go. I've outlast the whole friggin bunch of nitwits that have slithered through.. BTW without 15 name changes. I don't post under different names.
You and your buddies I'm working on, we'll see how this plays out. You're all worthless.
I will say this I won't take the high road any more. You and your buddies are on my CRAP list..
We just got started, you were asked several time to quit being jerks. Now you get to play with me.. MC and Ted are NICE guys. I'm NOT..
No need to look any further gents, step right up. This here little shiny $300 hundred dollar digital device will dazzle and amaze! She is oh so dreamy … You know which box I’m referencing.
So, you’re either tone deaf, have been conned, or the one conning 😬😂
I am always amused by some of the visceral responses when a new product appears. I think many of us on this forum let their ears do the deciding and don’t dismiss something out of hand just because it’s something new or innovative. I am looking forward to this product hitting the market and comments from users
I wasn’t being snarky, i would hazard a guess, nobody on audiogon has more direct experience with CFRP dating back to the now ancient B2 up thru 7-x. I could comment on emi, emf, lightning strike, emp, etc..but you would have to shoot me….
I do look forward for more of the Audiophiles on Audiogon trying them and posting impressions with actual listening experience.
I am always amazed at the creativity of some of the companies in the Audiophile land. They are entitled to make a profit for a good idea/product. The small cost for such an increase in performance is remarkable.
Thank you, Synergistic Research and all the others who work outside the box...to advance this hobby.
One thing seems pretty clear from the naysayers’ posts; SR honors their money back guarantee. Good to know, if I ever need to use it. So far, though, they ain’t getting any of the stuff I’ve tried back😉
That’s Mr. olhvymec to you and your CRAP attitude. Please leave the site and don’t come back. I really don’t like you or your underhanded buddies..
jassonbourne52 has no hidden agenda he is just hard headed. At least he has enough sense (since cents) to say what he thinks with the hidden BS. I could almost admire george too, if he didn’t cost other people revenue behind his screw ball antics.
You, make most dislike you. That’s a dressing down if you don’t understand, you're a jerk.. Act with kindness and respect or LEAVE. QUIT talking about what you have not tried. Better yet, QUIT posting at all.
You are dismissed now, Go away kid you bother me!!
It was GAS.. ROMP..
Chapter 15 page 245 mid page. There will be a foot note at the bottom referring to you. AHole # 99. Full disclosure here!!
@tommylionThe new Carbon Tuning Discs are orders of magnitude more powerful than the now outgoing ECTs. We are really glad you enjoy the ECTs, I hope you and everyone else who own them will continue to enjoy them even though we have finally developed a technology to surpass their benchmark. It only took us five years lol
”Wow new product and already we have "naysayers"! New record!
How about we stick to talking about the product and NOT label people?”
Naysayers seems like a pretty apt, and polite, way to describe members who, whenever a new thread about certain products is started, are pretty much guaranteed to post dissing the product and company.
@oldhvymecer Lenny I said I am going to order these things and try them out. My beef with Ted earlier was about the way he treated a member here that is Autistic.
You know what I could care less what you think go feed the chickens.
I have been a critic of the SR fuses because they blew in my system. I have SR HFT's in my system and they provided a positive sonic improvement. I will not judge the new discs until I try them. If I like them they will stay, if not they will go. As simple as that.
Also, deciding not to try them at all may also be very rational too. Coming here and throwing a tantrum (like some) on something that may be of zero interest to you, it’s very emotional. To say the least.
It never ceases to amuse me how some of you are so vehemently negative towards something you have no experience with, and how others spend their money.
I am amused by the negativity as well. They are the guys that always have an opinion whether you ask it or not. Its a wonder anybody has made it this far in life without their guidance and wisdom.
I wonder if they also dictate to luthier’s on how they build musical instruments? Hell I just listen to music, I can’t sing myself, but I know what I like.
Ted has criticised me for being a sock puppet member of an objectivist hit squad left over from his cable wars with Gene from Audioholics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ted loves to label people, including those with disabilities, as well as delete posts and entire threads in order to cover his tracks.
I have never criticised Ted’s products, only his unsavoury behaviour and some of the patent nonsense used in their promotion. If you search my posts you will see that I have called out GeorgeHiFi for his obsessive war on fuses on multiple occasions.
If you sell a product and it works, it works, if it doesn’t it doesn’t - let a product stand on its merits alone. Isn’t that what subjectivism is all about? There is no need for pseudo scientific psychobabble invoking the spectres of quantum science and Nikola Tesla to sell a product.
The referenced video brings into the mainstream things that have been known in science for decades and is relevant to the discussion at hand.
I happen to own several Bybee devices that work the manner described, by interacting with the surrounding electrical field. I have subsequently found these devices to be extremely effective, The improvements they offer has been totally disproportionate to the outlay. The explanation given for their functioning is beyond bizarre, but the point is, they work.
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