Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
Another happy Oppo 95 owner chiming in, and like the vast majority, no I have no interest in modding it. I've had several cd players over the years, a Yamaha, Panny S97 and most recently an Emotiva.

I can't understand those who find the Emotiva besting the 95, in my system the 95 has a more defined soundstage and a nicer top end. The emotiva is decent for the money, but the slot loader is kind of loud and clunky and it's too blingy looking with its bright blue lighting. They use an older chip set too, probably saved them a few bucks.

My use is for 2 channel only, I have no idea what the Oppo sounds like with multi channel.
Jayh31, I really feel you should compare the two players in your own system. Also, if you like the general flavor of Oppo, you must consider Modwright mod to realize its full potential. So, in the end keeping things in perspective, you are actually comparing a $3500 Modwright machine to other dedicated machines costing $xxxx. I picked oppo-95 with mod as a no-compromise dedicated player (strictly cd and scads) after comparing it to several other machines (not counting machines I have owned in the past). I had these players on hand and liked them in this orderÂ….Modwright Oppo bdp-95, Emm CDSA, Modwright Sony XA 5400, Oppo bdp-95 stock, Sony XA 5400 stock, Audio Aero Capitole and finally YBA cd1. I just did not have patience and motivation to continue to compare to other well reviewed players from Esoteric, EMM and playback designs. I feel xds1 could be special but system synergy is so sweet with Modwright Oppo bdp-95 (maxed out mod with vintage tubes and isolation devices) that I just think at this point I would be chasing a different flavor but not necessarily superior sound. In the end, nothing like A/B-ing the players in your own system controlling all variables.
Lmacuuga, just to be sure I'm clear, your friend bought the Oppo BD-95/105 it solely based on it's two channel cd capability? What source prior to the Oppo?
A friend of mine just bought one 2 mo. ago and it is very impressive. With his DQ10's and Parasound halo series it sounds like vinyl with some well done cd's
This is an interesting thread.
I had a BDA-1 at one point, but didn't really "hear" music as I am accustomed to hearing it. I bought an Oppo 83, which i eventually returned as well, yet I found the Oppo more "musical" than the Bryston. I'm not speaking of anything audiophile, Im speaking of music sounding like music, in the way that a JVC Xl-Z1010TN has a more "musical" sound to it than my Arcam FMJ-23, or the Arcam FMJ 27, Rega Apollo, or other CD players. The one that came closest to "the sound of music" was a Meridian 508.24.
I'm getting a BDP-95 because what I heard in my system reminded me of the JVC, which surpassed many more expensive units of the time, although they may have had 'better bass' or high frequency extension. The JVC was far superior at making music, from track to track, on the same CD, sound different from each other, rather than all the music having the same tone, the same ambience, the same soundstaging, etc. And I heard this in systems I gave my friends as well, with Nordost interconnects, Shunyata cables and some very other high end components. The Oppo did this as well: the Bryston did not.
Now, to be fair, I haven't heard the 95, only the 83, but there are systems, that, no matter how "good" they are, they do not allow each recording to sound like itself, instead of a "monolithic" sound to an entire CD. I've heard those - and had a few (my WATTS were phenomenal in terms of resolution, but they did NOT make each recording cut sound vastly different than each other. They (the WATTS) had a distinct "sound" to them, and consequently, so did the stereo system, which at the time was a Versa Dynamics 2.3, Convergent SL-1 MK II, Jadis, VTL, Rowland Model 5, Spectral Signature (and eventually, Clavis, Van denl Hul Grasshopper, Parnassus, Clearaudios) and Goldmund Super Dialogue speakers. At the time, VERY high end. Yet, cuts -and CDs - sounded more alike than different.
The Oppo BDP-95 may prove to be different than the 83, and with Shunyata Python and Cobra speaker cable, power cords and Valhalla and Tyr interconnects, it's not the same system. All the same, when it came to the sound of music as heard in Carnegie, The Met, and Davies Hall in San Francisco, the Oppo reminded me more of those halls than my Bryston. So, Oppo it is!
The problem is, digital standards get ripped (pun intended)out from under you again and again at alarming frequency. So much work for so much money for so little actual compatibility.

I'd love to see 124-bit 96K hi-def be the "standard" until superior listenable performance is achieved. Speakers and amplifiers just can't come close to what 124/96 can offer so WHY do we migrate from that standard? Yes, it can be on CD's, USB's or your hard drive. But, the digital file is the SAME. Ones and zeroes can be the same and move to new technology for storage but to keep molesting the format itself?
So my beef is very simple. We move away from a good possible standard and to a fragmented mess of temporary confusion that leads to my permanent insanity with respect to digital.
Ok db, I'll give it up. I guess I kept hoping to hear something that would help convince me that the Oppo was worth a shot as a stand alone cd player, but alas, I didn't. You're right, enough is enough. Thanks for the Emotive tip Harri009, I've read some very positive reviews regarding that whole line, however, I think I've decided to take the plunge with what I'm afraid may have a very good shot at becoming my new fetish, the new Copland CDA 825. Thanks again to all. Jay
I'm surprised this thread is still alive. It seems obvious by now that the OP was not a serious inquiry, and that Jay has a belief he enjoys stating over and over. Wonder what other fetishes he might have.

Jay, I know I sound like I am about to feed you another companies kool-aid, but the Emotiva ERC-2 is an absolutely wonderful CD only player. On top of that Emotiva has their Christmas sale going and 30day hassle free returns. If you do not need SACD and would like a wonderful cd playback to test against the ERC is wonderful and cheap enough to not have to sell to fund an A/B. Have fun!!
Thanks Harri009 abreciate Esoteric/Ayre comparison detail and yes, you are correct in that I am looking for a player that is unrivaled or at least an obvious audible step up from my Bryston, which would be no small task as that is a very good unit. Again, I am "old school" in my approach to this hobby as I believe that video, (especially surround) and hi end audio are mutually exclusive. Two completely different experiences that I don't combine. Not interested in sub woofers or venturing into the computer arena. I believe that the cd format is still very viable. The source I'm looking for would need to first and foremost be able to be outstanding with red book, SACD capability would be a plus but not necessary. Very interesting that you have had experience with the Oppo and direct comparison between those units many consider to be the standard and find the Oppo to be very good for the money, (there's that disclaimer again) but there are based on your experience and ears, better and less expensive cd only options available. Good thread fellas, appreciate everyones two cents. Jay
I bought my Oppo 105 as an upgrade from my 93 unit for the music side first and foremost, AND I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH IT !!! For the money it was the best purchase yet that has brought my system together in a harmonious bliss. Sure a $5,000 unit might be a bit better, but how much and to whom is making the opinion is questionable. My ears allow me to make that decision and my new Oppo is a pleasure to listen to and there is no need for me to look any further.
I'm certain I've purchased literately hundreds of cds over the years and I can honestly recall on only one occasion, (for some inexplicable reason) that a disc has not played in any player I've owned, so the error correction issue for me is of no real concern. Statman you are absolutely correct, I have not tried the Oppo and I would agree that by virtue of that simple fact, I really don't know enough about what the Oppo has to offer to have a real opinion. However, the reason I may sound so incredulous is that based on what I keep reading, people are buying the Oppo for it's video prowess first, which make no mistake about it, is a very different approach to the overall design of a components sound. Home theatre products are built to effectively recreate sound effects, not a realistic music experience, a very different requirement indeed. Which is probably why so many Oppo owners find themselves seeking out modification options, I'm assuming all in an effort to improve it's audio capabilities.
Lets say your vinyl had a scratch across it and knocked your needle out with your best sounding cart. If it played with one that sounded pretty good, would you throw out your best cart and keep the one that sounded ok for the usability? I infact even stated that if interested oppo had a wonderful return policy that I myself even took advantage of. I believe that for the money the oppo is very good, but not as good as other options out there, even chaper cd only options. There are better players in the wild and I believe from the op's stated desires he is looking for a stereo player that is unrivaled. This does not fit the oppo, hence his decision to not play the upgrade game and simply try and decide on a player that may last him. To the op, if you are looking at esoteric I listened to a x-05 a few days ago. I took my Ayre with me to A/B, the esoteric was a lot more forward and slightly more dynamic than the Ayre. The Ayre did have a little more depth and sounded more natural, but neither player had more detail than the other and each sounded wonderful on their own. Good luck on your quest for stereo perfection!!
Harri 009,

Nice try with the smart ass comment about "uncared for disc/media. I take care of my media.I've got vinyl records probably older than you! I unfortunately have a disc in a box set that was scratched by me. The "uncared for media/disc" plays fine in other machines including my PC! I meant no disrespect to Ayre or Charles Hansen as I like the sound of his products.I was intoduced to them many years ago by Brooks Berdan.
I was trying to convey the fact that the Ayre sounds good but the lack of error correction is a killer. None of you in your right mind would sit down and try to listen to a piece of music on a player that could not play a CD that every other machine with a CD drive including the one on my computer can play! You have not even tried the Oppo and you keep repeating that Oppo owners say only the video is good. I am going to have to call BS on that one! Who exactly said that in this thread? The people that own them enjoy them and are using them for music playback not sure what forums you peruse but the ones I visit have extensive feedback regarding Oppo players.

You refuse for some unknown reason to acknowledge that the player does sound good as a 2 channel unit even though you have never heard the unit especially in your own system! I have one in my system to back up what I say and not just theorize as you are doing over and over. Please visit the AVS forum and read the Oppo OWNERS thread. There is plenty of info regarding 2 channel playback and comparison from the owners and their existing units prior to Oppo. I was like you and said why do they hype this player so much? I needed a universal player that sounded good on 2 channel playback but not cost ten thousand dollars as the Ayre DX-5 does. The Ayre DX-5 is a modded BDP-83!
Fellas, c'mon man. Is it just me, but why is it that so many Oppo owners feel the need to mod it? And Statman, you don't care "how good it sounds" as long as it does a good job of playing scratched disc? With all due respect, that doesn't exactly sound like a ringing endorsement. Actually I am looking to part with my beloved Bryston, in fact, it's listed on this very site at the time of this writing. I was hoping that maybe just this once, there was something to all the hype surrounding the Oppo. That it actually was a true giant killer and that just maybe, after twenty plus years of cd player technology, we had progressed to the point of allowing for a low cost, audiophile grade component to actually exist. For a minute there, my faith had me a bit excited about all the buzz, which in fact prompted the thread. Unfortunately however, my hopes have been dashed, because that's not what I'm hearing from Oppo owners. what I'm hearing instead, is that the Oppo is a great video piece with a whole slew of cool digital features and flexibility that happens to also play cds, almost as an afterthought, with the suggestion that while they really enjoy their Oppo, it does not compare to the best dedicated audiophile digital sources out there, e,g, Ayre, Esoteric. Cary, Copland, etc. Which for my needs and point of view, pretty much excludes the Oppo from consideration as a serious cd player. Thanks again, Jayh31 jayh31
I would assume that the Ayre does not have as much error correction in an attempt for a purist approach. I figure Mr Hansen cares more about the quality of the sound than his player working with uncared for media. That is also my priority, I would MUCH rather throw out the disks I purchased used than sacrifice any audio quality due to error correction.
+2 for Statman !!! I needed the universal player for home entertainment as well. But this unit is mostly 85% +++ for music only and serves as my stand alone source. It is nice as well to be able to play digital computer files as well, still don't compare to most of my SACD's and DVD Audio's as those are really revealing with this BDP 105. And another plus for Statman, I plan to not mod my player as I had already modded my Modwright SWL pre-amp with his rectified power supply and improved capacitors (Dan does some justice to this end). This combo sings nicely as well as feeding my Coda integrated.
I believe that the Ayre probably does not have as much error correction to try and give you as pure of a signal as possible. I would guess Mr. Hansen cares more about sound quality than playing uncared for disks.

I still have the Ayre CX-7e and have not sold it yet.To answer your question at this point yes I would chose the Oppo BDP-105 to the Ayre. I still love the sound of the CX-7e but as I stated using the same power and XLR cables helps eliminate the variables involved. I do not care how "good it sounds", if it cannot play a slightly scratched disc then that is a fundamental problem that needs to be addressed! When you have less costly players including 200 dollar units able to play the same disc that your "high end" player can't, it's time to face the truth. The Oppo holds it own against the older CX-7e. The Oppo has a quieter background and more detail than my CX-7e.

My advice as you stated just keep your Bryston as it seems you do not want to part with it? I will keep my Oppo and modify it where it needs to improving as that is what Charles Hansen did to start the idea of using the Oppo as a base unit for his DX-5. My choices for modding are either using Dan from Modwright or Ric from EVS.
I'll add to rower30's wisdom, I've turned to computer audio many times, Squeezebox, Transporter, PS Audio Perfectwave, and often I looked at my turntable as an easy means to play music. No fuss just drop the needle and listen. And it sounds great to boot. Even my what I thought worn out albums from the 60's and 70's were revived once I actually cleaned them.

On the flip side, now that I've dialed in the computer and software headache, having my library, my entire library ready to play through my IPAD, my iPhone, and even my iTouch, not to mention the keyboard in my room is very cool. Not just that but while I'm scrolling through my library, creating playlists or rating songs I can dig into whatever artist bio I'm listening too. Hell even my 2.5 YO knows JRemote and plays his music. Crazy.

Now, in my "dialed in" setup, it sounds a little better than my turntable. Not an easy feet given it's a VPI Scoutmaster mated to a very good cart.

Jayh31 nails it too. Good discussion.
Thanks Harri009. I considered taking advantage of the retuen policy with the Oppo 105, however, after considerable discussion with several video and audiophiles alike who have consierable experience with the 95, my suspicions have been confirmed. And those are, (just as you have pointed out) that the Oppo 95/105, in spite of all the hype, is not, (nor is it intented to be), a source designed to compete with the best dedicated audiophile digital sources, such as your Ayre or my Bryston for that matter. So with that, based on my needs, I don't believe the Oppo offers enough for me to go through with the try it and return it exercise. It does appear as though that Oppo is hitting it's target market, those being the video enthusiast looking for a quality, flexible, digital TV source, and not to those committed to recreating a dedicated two channel, lifelike, music experience, which of course as we know, is a completely different ball game. jayh31
I can confirm statman remark about the ayre being picky with scratches. I had a couple used cd's that were slightly scratched, never had an issue with my other players. Lets just say they were not playable in the C5xeMP. Since I realized this I have not purchased a single used cd, I also keep my new disks in immaculate condition, have not had a single skip since I got rid of the used disks almost a year ago. On the oppo 95, I felt it was an obvious sonic downgrade, but as statman pointed out I tried it for a month and only paid about $30 or so for the shipping and was promptly refunded. It's worth trying if you can detatch from a grand for a few weeks. But after a year with the Ayre I am still thrilled with it and have no desire to sell it, which as an audiophile is definitely saying something lol.
Thanks for the input Statman, appreciate it. I'm curious, would you prefer the 105 over your Ayre if you were not converting to multi=channel? Thanks, Jayh31

The only way to truly know if it is for you is to buy a unit and try it, remember Oppo has a 30 day return policy you just pay shipping. You can read what we say all day but it is your ears and your system that it will be working in. I am a 2 channel lover and have converted to multi channel also. I just replaced my Ayre CX-7e with the Oppo BDP-105. I was set to buy the BDP-95 but had heard that the 105 was being released. I wanted and needed a universal player and did not want to spend 10K on the Ayre CX-5 unit. I am so glad I waited. Before I even get into the sonic differences I used a particular CD that has been scratched and cannot play correctly in my Ayre Cx-7e. I tried the same disc in the Oppo and it played it flawlessly!

I did allow the 105 to "burn in" before making a serious comparison. What made the comparison easy is I was able to use the same XLR (Synergistic Research) and power cable (BMI Whale elite) so the same sonic signature would be there. In a nut shell the Ayre was slightly warmer and lush in the mids. Low end about the same with both units. The Oppo BDP-105 has slightly better detail towards the top but not bright and a wide soundstage that puts the soundfield into perspective as it should be especially on classical pieces. I think you should try it and decide for yourself as I am referring to the BDP-105 and not the BDP-95, the analog section in the BDP-105 is really nice and as I said the Ayre is a good sounding unit as we all know. I personally believe Oppo took some of the ideas that Charles Hansen from Ayre had put into the older CX-5 universal player but in a more cost effective solution such as upgrading the power supply.
I have records and a PHONO unit that are 40 years old and still work! Chew on that for a second.

Now chew on this, are you going to capture that "elusive" (it sure is!) sound when the digital format keeps changing it's spots? It isn't even the same animal year to year. Punch cards to tape to 5.25 floppy, to 3.5" floppy, to optical dics (CD, SACD, super DVD and blure ray), ETC. This is but the physical media, the format media is even worse (serial, parallel, USB (several flavors), fire wire, ETC. Nothing is as fleeting as digital, or data as "lost" in the format cycle. Oh I know, YOU have it licked "this" time it's different! Did you put ALL your records on CD an throw them away (I didn't)? Well, when the optical format goes, so does your music.

I want to relax with my stereo. Plop in a (something) and LISTEN. I don't want to run an IT department to load music. And yes, I'm an engineer. I build my PC's as they go obsolete and wonder why my 40 year old records sound so good.

I would love to be able to use a blue-ray recorder and hi-res files for music. I've heard Blue-ray as a format is already on the way out since we all use MP3's!. A nice little disc with two hours of music won't tax my old body one bit getting up off the couch. And, it is easily moved about. Fidelity is as near what even the best systems to manage (better dynamic range than ANY system can manage!). Shoot the engineer and format an AUDIO digital standard.

A record is a great example of doing it right. It maxed out the media quickly, and stopped. Sure, there was wax drums, 78 and such but the fidelity was measurably poor. When LP's were developed, the fidelity was exception even to measuement. A record made today is no different than it was in 1970. Well, they can use digital DACs and screw it up! 24/196 can be that standard. Over 50 years and counting.

I'd say USB stick except that this "standard" can't be kept still long enough to make it "legacy" to anything except temporary data storage. My music media needs to be more than temporary, and so does the standard.
Thanks again Desalvo55. I guess I can blame my original hi-fi orientation for my current "old school" audiophile approach, (and firm belief), that the best way to reproduce a realistic, life-like sound is via a dedicated two channel/listening room, sans subs or TV. It has only been recently that I've moved from tubes to SS, let alone dive into the computer audio arena. Which based on what I've seen and heard, has indeed looked painful and in the couple of systems I've experienced, sounded horrible. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm getting truly great sound, from well recorded red book cds. However, that said, like must of us, I can't shake the faith I have in the notion that it can always sound better and just what may be the next step to get it one step closer to that myhtical (?) absolute sound? It was that very thought process that led me to originally ask the question regarding the Oppo 95s' red book capability, which after hearing from several quality mates such as yourself, has reinforced my decision to stick with my Bryston. Unless of course, I run across a good deal on the new Copland 825 cd player. Yep, a new two channel only, (not even SACD) 6,500 dollar cd player.
Good thread good knowledge. Rower30 I agree with the fact that SCAD is a superior format but my experience now is that 44.1 can sound damn close. SACD off the Oppo is excellent. And its limitation may be the Oppo. I haven't listened to an reference quality SACD player in a reference system so I can't comment beyond the fact that Sony, in its blind wisdom, has chosen to shut off a goodly portion of the audiophile world. More and more folks I see are going the music server route. That leaves out Sony and its SACD format.

Playing with DACs and servers of many types I come to realize that digital audio even at the 44.1 redbook format can sound equal or better than my pretty good vinyl rig. This at a reasonable cost! The downside is that it isn't easy. I've been using the BDP-95 as a benchmark as both a native CD, SACD player and as a transport to outboard DACs of many flavors. I think I mentioned this that generally speaking, the outboard DACs were better and better still when they could take advantage of the I2S bus such as the Oppo-NAD M51 combo. That was really good. But the Mac mini Cora PS was amazing. Warm and detailed, solid soundstage, I really was surprised as it was not subtle. But that's the cost of an outboard power supply and a Mac mini and some software. The PC version we built was equally amazing, more detail, less warmth and it utilized the Cora power supply. But the .02 cent wall wart cord fed the computer. It was ugly. So I soldered a VH-Audio power cable directly to the mother board fed from the PS. I know it's not topical but I felt compelled to add this little bit of information as the difference is sound quality was substantial, far exceeding anything from any source I've heard to date. I can't get out of my room.

I've been fortunate to have passionate audio friends with better ears than I and the means to rotate equipment like nobody's business. So I benefit with being able to listen, with them, a good number of sources. I'm hopeful today, we'll have a shootout between the mini, the PC and a purpose built Cora server.

My 2 cents is that I would stick with the Bryston, an excellent player, unless you decide to go an entirely different route such as computer audio, which is a bit painful.
Appreciate the input Rower30 and I couldn't agree more. However, I think you and I know that the chance of the music industry committing to a hi-res digital standard is slim to none. Just not enough money in it for them.
...As long as you are not needing SACD...
Hum, standard CD format is pretty poor compared to SACD high-speed serial (which is roughly equivalent to 24bit/196K high-res files). The only source of digital that is even close to a LP record is SACD and hi-res 24 bit digital.

To me, using standard red book or 16-bit audio as some sort of digital hi-fi reference is pretty lame to my ears. If a unit can't play SACD, I'd skip right over it. There isn't enough in a 16 bit CD to be worth the effort to capture. CD digital is all about what is WRONG with "Hi-Fi" to day...source material is too limited in quality.

Until the music industry settles on a standard for h-res digital, were stuck with 16-bit garbage. I wish SONY didn't shoot itself in the foot AGAIN (beta verses VHS) and limit SACD to almost obsolescence.
Thanks Harri009. Based on your findings, sounds like with the Ayre being clearly the better player, the myth of a truly affordable giant killer is alive and well. All the hype surrounding the Oppo remainds me of a very similar buzz that was surrounding the Cambridge Audio 851 CD Player a couple of years ago when TAS proclaimed it to be the equal of five thousand dollar units. They took quite a bit of flack for that one and rightfully so, as it didn't take long for that notion to be dispelled. Thanks, J.
Dbphd, you're right, while I was not closed minded to the 95s ability, I was at least incredulous to the hype surrounding the Oppo 95. Oh believe me, I wanted it to be true, who wouldn't? A thousand dollar do-it-all source that could actually hold it's own and in fact, surpass the performance of high end players costing two, three times the money! I so wanted to hear convincing testimony that would ease my doubt a move me to give the new 105 a shot, but I didn't get that. I heard from a number of people who were making the most of the units features that would not come into play for me. I get the impression that those who buy the Oppo are approaching this hobby from a different perspective, one that is not necessarily solely focused or the reproduction of the live musical performance.
I can say I have done direct A/B comparisons between the oppo 95, Ayre C5xeMP, and Emotiva ERC-1. The ERC sounded much more natural on cd playback with a deeper soundstage, obviously could not play SACD's. The oppo won out on ERC-1 to oppo sacd playback with details being a little better on the SACD's but still did not match the depth the ERC had. The Ayre beat them all in every category, just a better player. When I took the Oppo 95 into the movie room it shined, creating great dynamics and wonderful picture. As long as you are not needing SACD, if I were you looking for a 2 channel player I would go with the ERC-2
The "SE" unit is pretty well received by those that have indeed used "audio" only units with botique names. I'd still be interested in an A to B shoot-out before I drew a conclusion. I'll surely do that before I upgrade, or it might be a downgrade.

Just because something is sold in HUGE QTY, and can leverage a lower price, does it all of a sudden get you less quality of sound and for that reason. Audio has the opposite problem, to few units sold at high prices isn't making stuff sound better. You can spend much more than on the OPPO BDP-83SE and be worse off real easily.
Jay writes, ". . . while the Oppo may be a terrific home theatre/computer piece, it probably should not be confused with something it is not intended to be, and that is a audiophile quality cd source."

I get the impression his mind was made up before he started this thread, otherwise it's difficult to adduce evidence in the series of posts that support his conclusion.

Thanks again Desalvo55 and to all who have replied. You are absolutely right, not all dacs, (or how they're utilized) are created equal and system synergy is critical. After a fair amount of research and hearing from a number of very satisfied Oppo owners, you're right, I have decided to abandon the notion of replacing my Bryston with the Oppo. The reasoning that the Oppo is a great sounding player, "for the money" is of no consequence to me, in fact, that makes it less attractive. However, the main reason I won't be moving forward with the Oppo is that it has become rather apparent to me now, that while the Oppo may be a terrific home theatre/computer piece, it probably should not be confused with something it is not intended to be, and that is a audiophile quality cd source. Thanks again. .
I'm using an OPPO BDP-85SE version with DynAudio C4 Signature II's and it's darn good sounding for a grand. I'd say it is the single best "deal" I've bought as far as sound and price. I use it for music 90% of the time. I would be happy to buy another one when it wears out based on what this unit provides.

But I agree 100%, to tell the difference you'd need to do it in the same system with the same source material (put one on AUX input and one on CD input and RIP the same CD and listen, switching back and fourth between the two synced together). Switch the two sources to remove that possible sound bias and see what you hear.
Fair enough. The Oppo 95, in my home, does double duty as a 3D blu-ray player as well as an SACD player, then, formally, as an I2S transport to my NAD M51. Remember, I stream files from a USB hard drive.

So, as a dedicated 2 channel CD player, compared to a Bryston, I don't have an answer for that as I never compared the two. What I wouldn't do is buy the Oppo in exchange for the Bryston. My gut feeling is that you'd be trading an apple for orange as a CD player and, the Bryston, compared to the Oppo and its Sabre32 dacs may not be to your liking. It's that system synergy thing. DAC's will drive you crazy with their individually nuanced signatures, but put some clean power and reclocking devices in front of them, you're in different territory. At least in my experience.

This weekend we're looking to compare 3 pretty cool solutions to playing music. I've listened to 2 of them and I've found them very special. Mac mini/Kora PS vs CAPs server/SoTM USB card is crazy good. Another interesting but poorly designed server that supposed to be very good too will be put up against these two excellent sources.

If in the SF Bay Area, you'd be welcome to have a listen.

The Oppo will lag far behind these solutions in terms of interface, sound quality and expandability. But the Oppo is simple to use, plays SACD's, you don't need a computer science degree to set it up and is about ~30% cheaper.
Appreciate the detail Desalvo55, thank you. My real question is how does the Oppo 95 stack up, (in terms of audiophile standards) as a pure, two channel red book cd player? Which from what I'm hearing, is a question by it's very nature that misses the point of the Oppos' designed intention. The intent being the 95/105 is a player targeted to those video and computer entushiast who will make the most of it's features and not the dedicated two audiophile who may be better served to look along the lines of Ayre, Esoteric, or in my case, sticking with the Bryston BCD-1. Thanks
I have considerable experience with the BDP-95 as a 2 channel source. It has been in my system against a host of DAC's including Eastern Electric Minimax, NAD M51,BDP83se modded, Metrum Octave, Tranquility and others.

The way I used the BDP-95 ultimately was run an HDMI cable to the NAD. This gave me a I2S interface and was quite good.

I've moved on to higher ground (still have the 95 for SACD duty) and now I'm comparing a Mac mini fed by a Kora power supply to a CAPs server fed by the same Kora power supply but with a USB card that re-clocks and performs some other magic. This plays in a different league and it should given the $2K NAD and the $$ power supply server combo.

The Oppo is a wonderful machine in my opinion. The DAC is good, on par with the Minimax and a few others I played it against but to be honest it was apples to oranges. Depending upon setup the Oppo had a narrow soundstage but a solid central image whereas the EE had a wider soundstage with greater separation but singers also got diffuse. With the EE tube employed it softened too much in my system. Yet in other systems (last night I heard that same EE in a different system) and it showed a very solid image and was better with the tube employed.

So DAC's seem to play different in different systems. Shouldn't be surprised but I was.

So what do you do. I've been fortunate to be able to audition many DAC's and setups in my system with the baseline being the Oppo. The Oppo was the cheaper of the routes I had but it was certainly great until I discovered the outboard DAC's and the magic they can possess. In the end, your pocket book will decide.

One thing I hated about the Oppo was its interface. I use an outboard hard drive to stream my library. If Oppo came up with a good interface, it wouldn't even be fair considering how good for the money this player is.

Probably more information you wanted to know. As usual, my 2 cents worth.
Distance isn't the only consideration when talking about balanced. Ask anyone with an Ayre AX7e. It depends on the design.
Your point is well taken Jimmy2615, however, while that type of head-to-head would certainly be ideal, I'm not sure how accessible a comparison of that nature would be to most potential buyers. Realistically, I think most of us are left to judge a particular components' sound based on what we've heard previously, which admittedly, is most certainly fallible. That said, not having heard either the Oppo or the reference piece you cite in Mikes' comparison above, I'm not sure what that that tells me about either player, i.e. is the Oppo that good or is the $15K piece that bad? For the sake of curiosity, which did you like better, the Ayre or Meridian? Also, just to be clear, was it your impression that the Oppo sounded to be on par with the cheaper Denon? Thanks
When taking advice on this topic, don't listen to anyone's comparison of two different units UNLESS they have played them side by side, at the same time, in the same system, with the same disk, with a level-matched preamp. Too often you'll hear "XYZ is sooooo much better than abc" by someone who may never even have heard both of them, or not in the same system, let alone the rest of it. Often they will sound very similar. The only definitive review I have seen (and I'm sorry I don't recall where) was a session at Mike Lavigne's where they did properly compare two players (in this case it was the Oppo as well) with his Playback Design piece at $15k, and while they said the latter was better the Oppo still sounded very good. I have compared (side by side) the Ayre CX-5 against the Meridian G08, the Oppo against a cheaper Denon, a Sony SCD-777ES against some other cheaper players, and always the sound was much more similar than it was different. Don't always buy the hype.
Jay asks, "Will I be sacrificing to much of the Oppos' capability by not going balanced?"

I'm not sure, but I think the XLR stereo may get special DAC treatment. Oppo tech is very responsive and helpful. You can turn off video with the PURE AUDIO button on the remote. It may be an option in the setup menu as well, but my BDP-95 serves both music and HT so I haven't tried that.

Before limiting yourself to two channel audio, you may want to explore music on Blu-ray with the lossless codecs. The BDP-95 is spectacular with those discs.

Jay...Do not worry about the Balanced and Unbalanced scenario...its all relative to your distances from units to amplifiers and picking up noise...Read this thread and hopefully it will shed some light on the subject...the second and especially the third posts are on spot...

Thanks DB. Yes, I would be using the analog RCA output of the Oppo as my amp, (LFD NCSE MkII) does not offer balanced outs. Which now that you mention it, does bring me to another question/concern. Will I be sacrificing to much of the Oppos' capability by not going balanced? Also, it's my understanding that there is an Audio Only setting that eliminates the video features of the unit, are there other set up modes I should be aware of to optimize the Oppos two channel audio sound?

Your OP didn't make it explicit, but I assume you'd be using the analog output of the Oppo BDP-95. Balanced stereo output to a processor in bypass mode is very impressive, especially if you set SACD output to DSD in the Oppo menu.

Thanks Shakedown appreciate it. I think I'm beginning to take a sip of the Koolaid with this unit, just to many personal post and professional reviews echoing what you, Freediver and Csontos are saying. Can't fight the feeling any longer, I just have to hear for myself. Could what everyone is saying really be true? That a $1,200 universal home theater player rivals the best dedicated cd units from the likes of Ayre and Esoteric? I think I'll pick up the new 105 and give it a shot, afterall, Music Direct has a 30 Day return policy right? Thanks to all again, looking forward to being astounded and sharing my impressions.

I was in the same thought process before I made my Oppo purchase. As I said in my previous post, I couldn't be happier with my Oppo BDP 93...It was what I could afford at the time and I have ZERO regrets espeically since it is my main music source. I have been blessed with building a system over the past several years that I am very content with and having recently moved and my new room is WAY MUCH BETTER than what I previously had.. I am looking to now go up that notch and the BDP 105 makes it even more enticing with the headphone amp feature as well. You will not go wrong with the purchase of Oppo as a musical source, it is nice to be able to use it for video as well. These units are that and a bag of chips, try just one and you will be hooked...