Rockport Lyras

The speaker that shuts down threads. Must be a good speaker.


I currently have Rockports powered by a Gryphon Diablo 300 and the only change I would consider is moving up the Rockport line. Please stop denigrating a great audio company and their products because there seems to be a dislike of a specific reviewer. Take the time to seek out a location to personally audition them so you can then post a factual comment on the your experience.

I’ve heard Rockport Avior in Seattle last year. I was very impressed. They can hold their own against Wilson or Magico. 

I'm troubled  no one on this forum seems to own the rockport speakers. My dealer just began offering them and I was interested and now I'm not sure what to do.

I need some speakers for another room and all of a sudden rockport is not as exciting as I thought it was.

Has anyone heard the rockport speakers excluding the Lyra which apparently is not getting great reviews . Flagship speakers are nice but nobody really buys these speakers it's more of a marketing game. 

I have a B&w 800 series speaker and I'm fine keeping it but I need another set of speakers.

I think those YT profiles in Audiogon that go too far should be restricted and blocked. They are of no use at all. 

"This is why listening to him on anything is ill-advised. He has no credibility."

Exactly @hilde45.  The day he left this forum was a happy day for me.


he then went on to hype up this speaker and a follower of his bought them off him. It was a quick flip and he made money

the funny thing is he didnt even like them. But he made sure to make it known in his last video that its a business and thats why he flipped them so fast

This is why listening to him on anything is ill-advised. He has no credibility.



He sold them anyways

because he said its a business and he only does this for the business aspect


basically, and he essentially admitted most of this in his latest video, he finally located a Lyra pair after a very long search for 2 years (aka he got a used set)

he then went on to hype up this speaker and a follower of his bought them off him. It was a quick flip and he made money

the funny thing is he didnt even like them. But he made sure to make it known in his last video that its a business and thats why he flipped them so fast

he also mentioned that they use the same exact drivers and tweeter that their much less expensive models use, and all that you are essentially getting with the lyras are the upgraded cabinet 


if i was in the market for a 200k speaker, personally, rockport wouldnt be in my top 25


Any negative discussion of this individual is shut down on other forums as well. Self  promotion, not content, is integral to so many aspects of internet activity and profitability that it cannot be nevatively discuused. 

Rule #1 You don't talk about Rockport

Rule #2 You don't talk about Rockport

Rule #3 If you TALK about Rockport, you will get SHUT. 



Sorry I’m late to the game and I missed the thread that was axed, so may be I’m totally lost here…but this may potentially be an interesting discussion. So what are we talking about here? Are the rockport lyra bad speakers? Or is it the guy who owns them? What is the 🐂 💩 you are calling out as part of your journey to call out 🐂 💩?

Rock port speakers ,i know well ,

As with other speakers overpriced 

But none the less a very good sounding 

Loudspeaker. Why the thread was taken off 

You should email Tammy, when you respond 

Give the date ,  to b we honest waay too 

Much censorshjp are we in China?

"I would greatly prefer that you were erased in all totality from my line of sight online."

That's not going to happen.

Post removed 

The guy in question is not on most Agon member's list of recommended reviewers.If one wanted to point someone towards a YT channel to gain knowledge it would be elsewhere. Bad publicity will get him more views and people will make up their own minds:-)


I heard from a friend of mine that he gets a lot of the stuff for free on consignment to showcase it from dealers so when he says that he’s paying for all of it I highly doubt he is and my friend confirm that, he told me that he strong arms A lot of dealers to get this real expensive stuff that nobody can afford unless they’re a millionaire, and I’ve heard the Rockport Lyra’s in person and I wasn’t that impressed for $200,000 speaker you would think it would have a more three-dimensional sound stage and more enveloping sounds stages as well, like they say the law of diminishing returns you don’t need to spend that much to get an excellent speaker, the monitor audio platinum 500 ll was $35,000 and they would absolutely destroy the Rockport Lyra.

I have been associated with a couple of private listservs with guys who actually buy high end since the early 2000s...membership was strict for obvious reasons. It was used as a coms platform/social circle primarily to swap/ audit gear between ourselves without having to buy everything. Typically, the houses of these guys look "happening" (been to a few) and the listening rooms are not repurposed garages, i.e., it would make sense to some that a guy who drops 300k+ on audio equipment any fine day would typically have more going on in certain other walks of life. Along those lines, it never added up with the dude running a "lab" in his garage, was a flag from the start.

No new guy can get an honest opinion on anything these days without this type of deception in the middle of it (enough of them exist on this very forum).


I've never been impressed with the ultra high end schtick that the "lab" seemed to vlog about.  As for the Lyra's wouldn't that be a step down from the Wilson's he sold?  Why would he do that?  I thought the journey was to keep going higher?  (rhetoric)


I heard from a friend of mine that he gets a lot of the stuff for free on consignment to showcase it from dealers so when he says that he's paying for all of it I highly doubt he is and my friend confirm that, he told me that he strong arms A lot of dealers to get this real expensive stuff that nobody can afford unless they're a millionaire, and I've heard the Rockport Lyra's in person and I wasn't that impressed for $200,000 speaker you would think it would have a more three-dimensional sound stage and more enveloping sounds stages as well, like they say the law of diminishing returns you don't need to spend that much to get an excellent speaker, the monitor audio platinum 500 ll was $35,000 and they would absolutely destroy the Rockport Lyra.


I usually disagree with most things that you say, and your use of the word dude is cringe-worthy, but you certainly got it right this time. That is exactly what Jay is about in my opinion.

@hilde45 and @rsf507 

Right on guys!

However it is no surprise any longer that if anyone or any company does not like what is discussed on here they now have the administration's ears to shut the discussion down. This used not to be the case and it allowed me to post needed frustration in the past. Progress, they call it...

Post removed 

Should be called Big J’s Audio Warehouse and assorted useless commentary of questionable validity!  Gotta move those boxes 📦 

Not sure why people on this forum need to keep hatin on Big J and others.  In general, I think he helps bring more people to the hobby and makes high end gear listening more accessible to the masses.  My ear and his don't agree.  I find him liking more analytical amps for example.  Does he spin for certain manufacturers - perhaps with some he does.  But aren't alot of the media ? You tubers, magazine reviews, audiogon reviews, TV news networks....the list is endless.  Everyone has the option of not watching/reading.  He has owned alot of audio equipment and I would certainly listen to his take on them over someone who has had the same equipment for the past 15,20,30 years.

@curiousjim the speaker was getting good press it was about a certain individual that was getting negativity many saying he was not an expert just buying these expensive speakers because he could. Sorry but if I named him this thread would be shut down again. 

I don’t know anything about the speaker or why there’d be such negativity after all it wasn’t a Bose.😁

I dont understand why alk the cendorship the ladt year 

Even when i am selling something

Why cant i give my email if i paid for the ad and yhe 3% 

This is getting  very Woke ,or controlled.

Not good.

I bet it was the guy who bought the speakers had the initial thread axed since there was a lot of negativity not about the speaker but about him. Just a logical guess

@stereo5 There was a discussion, and it was developing, and it got shut down before I could get back to it. This happened a few hours ago.

This is chum for anyone who still has something to say about the speaker. 

lol!   Pretty soon we can have “fake news” banners here too. The more banners the more real it is…

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