Why even bother?

I’ve been in the market for a specific speaker. Twice I’ve responded to ads.

The 1st one: We were agreed on price and that I would drive (about 6 hours each way) to get them. Just a matter of timing. They’ve been packed up for some time apparently. On April 27th, I emailed, simply asking if he’s run them lately just to make sure they are ok. As of today, May 10, no reply. This is even after a phone conversation a few weeks ago. Oddly, he has good feedback. The ad was on the "other" site but feedback here was good also.

The second was from just a few days ago. I responded to the as right after it was posted. I asked the usual questions (age..how many owners, etc.) No response. After a couple of days, I resent the questions. So far, nothing.


So....WHY do people go to the trouble of placing ads and then not responding? It’s really baffling.

Post removed 

I hear ya, I hate that.

But there are many reasons for someone not responding, including medical. Perhaps send one last message stating that you are reconsidering the purchase. If he doesn't respond in a couple days, I guess move on.

At least you didn't send payment and then no response. That's worse!


I have found that some people are just plain lazy and only respond to questions when they feel like it.  By then, I have lost interest in the equipment posted and do the same, reply when I feel like it.

 Many people dont feel the moral duty pertaining to someone who sell something...

For most "moral duty" as a concept  had no more sense than biological sex, it is a free choice , no consequences for them...

If they don’t respond to questions about what they have listed, I would take that as a big red flag. Buyer beware.

Honestly look at the new Reveal I think that's the name for $5000 will just knock your socks off. I'm still scratching my head after hearing them. Just plain WOW. Hifi direct in Hackensack new jersey has them. Just plain WOW for only $5000.

Honestly look at the new Reveal I think that's the name for $5000 will just knock your socks off. I'm still scratching my head after hearing them. Just plain WOW. Hifi direct in Hackensack new jersey has them. Just plain WOW for only $5000.

Can someone translate please?



I ran an ad and wasn’t able to respond without the help of Audiogon staff.  When I followed the email inquiry I ended up at my ad, and no inquiries showed up?  Plus I was accused of sharing my direct contact information, which I did not do.  Audiogon told me “we are having some trouble “ ……..

I have found that, as a general rule, “first $$$ [sale price] gets it” is the unspoken terms under which an item is sold. Sellers aren’t willing, able, or feel an obligation, to make allowances for buyers, unless, of course, you pay for it first. 

There's a certain guitar repairman I've been trying to contact and he simply isn't responding to my texts, phone messages.  Why not? Could be a variety of reasons. What you're experiencing is not unique to Audiogon or audio. It's simply part of dealing with people. 

4 days on the  2nd ad and still no response.

If I'm trying to sell something, I answer inquiries promptly. I'm just funny that way.

O well. The search continues.

I’ve pretty much decided that buying used equipment from private parties is more trouble than it’s worth. 


Where’s the ad?  Is it still listed as available? Maybe the moderators can help.

I know it’s happened to me before and it takes all the fun out of the process of getting someone new.

All the best.

Those are both indicators that you shouldn't do biz with them.  If they act that way what else might be wrong?

Not at all the same, but a few years ago, before I had a SACDP and before I knew anything at all about SACD, I saw what I felt was an expensive MFSL hybrid for sale on ebay. I really wanted an "audiophile" copy of that CD but I didn’t know for sure whether hybrid meant compatible with red book CDPs, so I messaged the seller and asked him and I got no response. I did some research and found that it would play on my CDP, so I then trued to buy if from that ebay seller, but he had me blocked.

I bought it from another ebay seller, but I always wondered what I did that pissed that guy off.

I have had similar experiences, sellers simply don't want to do anything other than place an ad expecting gear to simply go away by itself? I have had people not wanting to answer questions, insisting on pick up only, refusing to pack stuff, insisting on only one method of payment, refusing to hold something long enough for me to get there, you name it, just the way some chose to operate, I simply move on.

There are many great sellers out there who are a real pleasure to deal with, I have been fortunate to run across several and have acquired some excellent pieces.

There are also many horrible platforms that are a real hindrance to a sale, often preventing it outright. I had made a deal on this site for a piece and during conversation an extra piece was offered that was not listed, all communications were blocked so the sale died, it was suggested that we were trying to share contact info to deal offsite which was not the case.

I have also had offers blocked on another site as they believed my cell phone number was actually a landlines, faulty research on their part but killed the sale. I was even blocked on one site as the moderator did not like my name, thinking it was fake. The odd thing on that one was I had not been asked for a name, the site scraped it from a social media platform which sported a screen name.

So many obstacles to prevent simple transactions from occurring?

Hmmmm ….I don’t have a dog in this fight , so I’m taking a wild guess here that you may have lost him here:

” …. They’ve been packed up for some time apparently. On April 27th, I emailed, simply asking if he’s run them lately just to make sure they are ok...”

SELLER may have taken umbrage (…rightly or wrongly….) at any challenge to his reputation/feedback that it could be inferior or somehow damaged goods being offered in the first part:

…. and/or ….

it’s simply not worth his time nor effort to drag them out of storage, set them up, and report back to you singularly, for an effort creating a duplicity when his ad would have properly and accurately already reflected their position condition

His attitudes may have been favourably improved upon receipt of a modest cash deposit with your late query …He may have lumped you in unfairly by doubting your commitment, predicated on his reminiscences of prior bad experiences by “ tire kicker” parties . In these audio forums, these irritating types DO walk among us,

of course, it’s also plausible that his reported unit condition was say, “…a little casual with the truth ,” ….. .and your request for express written confirmation would have further strained that position….so he now ghosted you.

just sayin’.


Visit a reputable dealer if at all possible.  Takes a lot of guess work out of it.

Some questions are irritating. Read the ad, look at the pictures. I do not know how they will sound in your room or if they will fit in your back seat. 

"...simply asking..."

The use of this expression always suggests to me there was nothing simple about it.