XLR or RCA for my new DAC

Hi All,

So I ordered the Schiit Audio Bifrost (thanks to the good folks here turning me on to Schiit) which is arriving today (I originally ordered the Modius but the BO date got pushed back and I didn't want to wait). This is my very first DAC and I plan to use it strictly for my Pioneer cd player which is an ancient PD-F908, thus turning it into a transport. Should I go XLR or RCA connecting it to my processor which is a Rotel RSP-1582? 

What do you Kool Kats with DAC experience think?

Thank you all in advance...
Thanks @scratcha! Oh it has gotten better, and God knows I've been playing the piss out of it! 

Thanks for the advice with the cables. I had already ordered a pair of Voodoo Essence XLR's. They seem to be working quite nicely with the DAC. I wanted to go with Transparent but just too costly, got a sweet deal on the Voodoo through The Cable Co.
Good News King!
That DAC will get better, with more hours of "playtime".
If you're looking for GOOD cables; there are many, but check out Audio Envy or Cullen Cables.
Excellent cables with a decent price tag.
Why the debate? Try both, A-B and make a decision. My 2 cents (and that's all it's worth), XLR are better. I use with my headphone system (Topping A90 & D90 MQA) as well as main stereo (McIntosh MA352, Quad+, NAD...). A good set of XLR do not have to cost a fortune. Good luck!
... for if it’s not true balanced that extra ground on the xlr just connects  into the 2 wire outputs ,True Balanced will have transformers for inputs and outputs which is very rare ...
Not necessarily. Differential circuits are what many considered "true balanced" and transformers aren't used. 

Who'd have that you could ever use the term "nuances" in describing an Iron Maiden cd, LOL!
Just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to reply and share...

@guy-incognito, thanks it's fun writing my impressions of the DAC :)

Unfortunately damn work gets in the way so I'll have to be away from my new toy for the next 9 hrs or so...HOWEVER, I just put in for Monday-through Wednesday of next week for a little r&r time with my new Bifrost. Gonna spend most of that time re-listening to my "new";) cd collection! That's how super crazy excited I am over this thing. 

You know what seriously? I've listened to Iron Maiden "Live After Death" literally countless times over the last 25+ years. I mean over and over and over. Every road trip, every night with the boys going back to when I was a late teen Live After Death always came with or was playing. It's a staple in my cd collection. And I am truly going to ask that this cd go with me in my coffin (I will never go any journey without my Maiden :)). It's classic Maiden so you just pop it in and turn the volume up to full and just jam out!...Last night was the first time I listened to it differently for the first time ever. I didn't blast it, I didn't want to. I heard detail and nuances I truly never have before (and maybe that's because I've always listened to it so loud that about midway through the first track the ears go numb-but it's Maiden that's what you do). At the risk of coming close to using the typical cliché, I won't go there and say it was like listening to it for the first time, but I will certainly say I listened to it and heard it very differently for the first time...That's about the best way I can convey what this DAC has done for me...
Cable types could act differently on different setups. It’s really hard to suggest. Buy both of them and stay with one you like the best. 
I do like using RCA: more open. (For short distance). XLR is more ‘direct”,more black/white, miss a little bit “the feeling” of music. Both are detaifull , I’ve tried both, but RCA, brings me more ‘into” the music.
(system: CEC (cd-player), Auralic (streamer),Metronome technologie C6 (dac), Daniël Hertz M6L (préamp) , Wavac MD 805m. (Monoblocks) and the Ilumnia Magister ( speakers)
If the cable length in question is less than about 4-5 feet, a SHIELDED RCA cable is almost as good as an XLR.  Otherwise, XLR starts to win.

Be aware some RCA cables you buy are NOT properly shielded.

Here is one I use that I KNOW is properly shielded:


Looking at the specs for my amp and in some general reading, I see that the input/output impedance, voltage, and sensitivity are all about double for the XLR connections. I am not sure if those stats equate to a sonic difference. Here it is for my pass labs amp:

Input Impedance: 50 / 100 (SE & BAL kOhms)

That Bifrost 2 is a good starter DAC. I have one in my collection. Look there are a number of things to consider regarding SE and balanced connections and cables. This was noted above. However, all things being equal I would go with the XLR connections and you are paying for those XLR connections. XLR connections are new to the Bifrost with the Bifrost 2, so you might as well take advantage of them. 
OP, happy for you to have found the magic a good DAC can bring. I love it when people really get a noticable improvement on a piece of gear. That bifrost has multiple inputs I believe. Could be a good opportunity to explore the world of streaming. Happy listening and keep posting your impressions with the DAC, they are fun to read. 

It only matters if the Xlr are truly balanced from input to output 
on the dac as well as the preamp , I have been  involved with audio over 40 years ,on most ,if you pop the cover the rca, and xlr are connected together before the output  in the chain on over 90% of all units out there , it’s a nice selling point showing both rca,and xlr.
for if it’s not true balanced that extra ground on the xlr just connects  into the 2 wire outputs ,True Balanced will have transformers for inputs and outputs which is very rare .I have had balanced  cables and the rca same brand had better imaging, the xlr had a bit bigger soundstage a hair quieter depending on the design. It’s not a straight forward conclusion.
I use XLR as my preamp is balanced and I get more gain. If single ended, I would use RCA.
I use XLR with my Schiit Freya Plus preamp (DAC --> Schiit via XLR).  I tried RCA but XLR yields a higher gain and that was the deciding factor for me.   
Personally I never had good luck running XLRs with Rotel preamps.  Every pair of cables I've tried made the sound super forward and messed with imaging.  If you have some cables, it doesn't hurt to try them all and see what you like.  Personally I stick with the RCAs when using Rotel. 
Still having that little boy on Christmas morning should say :)

The only other time I can remember having this kind of revelation was 20 years ago when I went from B&W CDM NT to Dynaudio Audience (I'm now with Evoke)! No more tweaks for this cat, I'm good!
My post was removed (maybe I overdid it on the exclamation points, LOL), but I posted an update, all I can say is I am truly speechless at what this DAC has added! Right out of the gate I immediately noticed a true audible difference! I have no measurements to prove it other than my experienced ears. I honestly didn't know what to expect if anything adding a DAC, but I could not have been prepared for this big a difference! I'm just giddy. Having that little boy on Christmas morning moment right now...This Bifrost is truly the Schiit!
Even my shittier discs (my cd player is a 101 disc carousel) that obviously were not the greatest recordings have truly come "alive". Can't find a better word to describe it. Even Iron Maiden "Live After Death" has more detail, and this is definitely not a cd you use to show off the "detail" in your system...

You know I went way over budget for the Bifrost but this is truly worth every penny...Having that little boy on Christmas morning moment right now...
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Go with RCA unless you know the XLR input is real.

With many such devices, the XLR's (-) pin is grounded internally, and so you have no benefit. The Parasound A23 amps are an example of this.
@fuzztone the 1582 is an HT processor. I'm using Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel amp...
Appreciate all the replies, thank you...I know it's all so subjective but I'll draw on those here who have much more experience than I as this is my first DAC. I have always used Transparent ic's and speaker cables. Though I'm going to try Voodoo for the XLR ic's with the DAC. I do prefer Voodoo and Shunyata over Transparent when it comes to power cables...

Well I'm off to FedEx to pick up the DAC (wicked excited). Think I'm leaning towards going the XLR route. What I'm not at all excited about is going into contortionist mode to connect it. Hopefully I'll notice a decent enough improvement in sound just adding the DAC so I'll never need to wonder if the RCA would have a different (better) sound than XLR, lol...Much as I love new toys connecting them is an absolute logistical nightmare!

Thanks again All!
All other considerations equal you can get a benefit from using balanced XLR interconnects, and it shouldn't hurt anything.

In some cases, one of the XLR or RCA input of a component may be of significant higher quality over the other to an audible degree, but this is relatively rare and depends upon the component.
Who said only for long runs?
Had to look up 1582.  
It's a stereo power amp.
A preamp will make more of a difference than any silly cable call.
A good pair of shielded RCA cables.

  I only used the XLR on my older QSC amp which had only xlr connections. 

 Then you will ask which rcas’ are better, etc.
you may or may not hear a difference.....I heard a difference using silver rca cables, switched back to standard rca’s. the highs were more out front but I found a good shielded pair from Blue jeans.And to save myself, I ordered them in a nice Kelly green color to make the wife happy. She likes green.

 Try out a couple pairs to see which ones give you what your looking for.  I went through 3 pair to find the ones that gave silence through the tweeter.
 We live 1.5 miles from a radio station tower, so there is talk and such.   After the better shielded rca’s were installed, it is much better now.  

Happy hunting.

 There is an ocean of cables, from 8$ - to thousands.
as I’m a budget audiophile, I found my old audioquest cables in the basement years ago, and still use them. I like them, if you get a proper shielded pair.

 Plus audioquest has their lifetime warranty, which I used about 3 -4 years ago on a nice XLR cable pair. 
Pulled them to use, they must have been 20+ years old or more, sent them in, fixed like new and returned, no charge.
that is why I buy them.

you may like other cables.

 Let your ears be the judge.  
 Enjoy, I always liked swapping cables, it’s easier them swapping components.  :)
Only for long runs is one of many incorrect answers when it comes to hi end audio

Both I/Os need to be TRUE balanced to benefit, though
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You only really benefit from balanced cabling for EMI noise issues and/or long (+ 2 m) runs. I use it every where I can but it will cost ya (except for Morrow.)