Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation

In the span of 2 days I had 2 separate deliveries of expensive audio equipment delivered by FedEx. One on the east coast and one on the west coast. They were both insured for the full amount and high dollar values, which triggers FedEx required direct signature by the recipient. In one case the recipient let me know that the driver signed for him and left the package in the snow next to his mailbox. He never made contact with the driver nor signed for the package. In the second case the driver again signed for him and left the package on his porch, and never made contact with the recipient. In both cases everything turned out ok, but this terrible business ethics from FedEx employees.

It's blatant forgery by the drivers, and who is left holding the bag if the package is stolen? It's the driver's word against the recipient. I have a feeling the shipper (in both cases me) would be when I paid for full value insurance. What is the motivation of the driver, just laziness so they don't have to come back for another delivery attempt? I made a formal complaint with FedEx which supposedly they are going to trace down, but I have a feeling this is not going to make a difference.

Things are getting worse and worse these days!


FedEx drivers are employees of the company and not independent contractors. This was determined by a class action lawsuit that involved over 2,300 FedEx drivers who sued the company for misclassifying them as independent contractors. The drivers had to buy their own trucks, uniforms, scanners, and signage with FedEx logo...

UPS are actual employees of UPS, FedEx drivers are "independent contractors" according to FedEx.  FedEx drivers drive around in the company vehicles and wear the company uniforms but are paid much less than the unionized UPS workers because they are essentially working for a contractor, not FedEx.  UPS has been in court fighting for years to get this "independent contractor" status that FedEx uses removed so that they can compete with FedEx on an equal basis. The old adage "you get what you pay for" is true in this case:  higher turnover and employees who  care less

I do a little custom work and ship with USPS.  I, knock on wood, have never lost a package.  I print barcoded labels and insure my package with an ample supply of tape.  

I occasionally have people who have had a bad experience insist on UPS, or insist on fedex. This will last until they have a bad experience with the new shipper-of-choice.   99% of all problems with shippers is a result of inadequate packaging or poor address labeling.


"..yet you people seem to think you can use them to send very valuable goods anywhere in the world. "

Well, yeah. Since that’s literally their job and what they’re in business to do.


In my area UPS drivers work for UPS and the service is good, same for USPS. FedEx is a mix-and-match of people in rented trucks who are subcontractors. They are way less reliable and accountable.

@onhwy61 ​​​​​​My brother-in-law worked at UPS as a delivery driver, he was paid well.

Fed Ex used to be the best and now they’re the worst in my experience.  Have had the best experience with UPS most recently.  Amazon is good because they take a picture of the delivery to confirm where it was left.  

Well Guys, don't forget USPS!  When I bought My Pontus DAC, shipped from Singapore, a signature was required.  The weather that day was rainy sleet storm and I knew it was out for delivery.  I was doing the dishes with a window in front of me with veiw of the road and the USPS goes by.  WTF!  Ran out to my porch(uncovered) and there was the package, promptly getting wet.   I knew the USPS truck would be returning from the sub-division again so I went out side to stop her.   She blatantly lied to my face.  Said she knocked on the door(I have a doorbell)  Brainless!!

I just had an experience where the Fedex guy didn’t ring the doorbell and left a note saying attempted delivery, no one home when my son and I were both home and waiting attentively. Wine. I redirected to a Fedex facility for pickup. I don’t think I am entitled to be pissed that I spent the day home uselessly for this package.

The sense of entitlement express here is off the charts.  Delivery drivers (UPS, Amazon, FedEx, etc.) are not highly compensated jobs, yet you people seem to think you can use them to send very valuable goods anywhere in the world.  Most of the time it works, but sometimes it won't.  Think of it as the cost of doing business.  In the long run the public gets what it pays for.

Dumb lucky perhaps, but we've minimal hassles with our deliveries....but we're a live/work situation and the 'regular' drivers know us personally... and our dog by name, who knows them.

Note I reference 'regular'....when out on vaca or during the holidays' scrambles we get the irregulars that can't seem to find their butt with both hands....

It's my understanding that there's a lot of turnover in that gig....yeah, there's the idiot factor in play in that and those that can't cope with the pressure of it and wading through the combat traffic daily and all day....

If it's pricey or fragile, go pick it up at their facility...if 'noid over it, open it there.

Anything we order that's expensive generally requires a forklift to receive it, or I meet the truck with a hand truck......

Verifying I'm AB Normal, J ;)

My favorite is the fact we have to pay extra to insure a package just so they hopefully don't destroy it. Like a mobster slipping a $20 in their jacket pocket and saying, "take special care of this for me". All in hopes they do their job correctly like we are paying them to do. My work ships a metric butt ton through FedEx and there's been so many times we ship thousands of $ in paint and it gets destroyed in transit. We have gone to paying the full value insurance for any package over their $100 threshold. Unfortunately LTL carriers aren't any better most of the time.

I can attest this recent;ly happened to me as well with a very high value Audio Research preamp. Waited first day with note "attempted delivery" on my FedEx web account tracking---never happened. Then said out for delivery next day. Waited most of the day no sign of driver. Happened to check email which said package was delivered an hour earlier.Delivery was "signed for" by some bogus name. Rushed to front door not there. Went to side, opened garage door three packages stacked against door including an amp from Schiit Audio which also required signature. I was relieved and pissed at same time. Unloaded on FedEx customer service lady who agreed it was intolerable. Promised to have a "supervisor" call me ASAP. This also never happened. I think this was done to have him or an accomplice swoop by and take the packages but cannot prove it, so yes just beware..

I had a similar experience with FedEx in December - package delivered and my signature forged.

Post removed 

Bottom line - UPS and FedEx having been taking advantage of the American people and charging  exuberant prices...

Well, at least the prices were happy...

Bottom line - UPS and FedEx having been taking advantage of the American people and charging extravagant prices for insuring packages which they are supposed to deliver as their core function. Perhaps they should learn from Amazon on how to deliver packages safely and efficiently.

In Southern California, I had to either track down a UPS driver or drive to the downtown LA UPS location (which I did not want to do) to get my insured package accepted (Lyra Atlas cartridge). The UPS store would not accept high value insured items - they could, but my insurance would be void. Not only that, but I also needed the 3 page form that came with the shipping label so that the UPS driver could sign it and give me a copy. If I have to go through all that, I would assume that the UPS driver should get the required signature.   

I realize that this might not work for everyone but I find it best to redirect the package to a FedEx Office location and just pick it up there. Especially for signature required and/or high value packages. 

Sure wish they would for me. I hate waiting around, then missing them. I hate signature required with no way out. I get stuff delivered daily. Lots of high ticket items. Never a problem with theft. 

When Fed Ex delivers to my complex, They leave everything on the 1st floor outside the elevator. Every other delivery company leave the packages at the customers front door. I get the Fed Ex survey after and always state package not delivered to the right location.


Just last week I was waiting all day for audio cables the Jurk pulls up out in front 

door open I opened the door and called to him he was writing something on Sat around 4pm ,he just took off ,and I get a email,  attempt was made no one home.

if that were the case there would have been a door tag, there was nothing and I was there with the storm  door open .

I called FedEx  and filed a complaint , which they will never follow up.

I am sure he did this to others .

 As already stated,this has been Fed Ex SOP for many years now...IMO it is WAYYY past time for a Class Action Law Suit..It is reported that 12 BILLION $ in goods were stolen by porch pirates in 2024...

Kinda reminds me of the movie "Funny Farm".

I live about 500 feet from the street. I have had no problem with Fed Ex or UPS drivers. But many times, I have seen the mail carrier drive by and place a tag in the mailbox stating no one home. While I am actually watching them do it!

I called the Postmaster, and she said it is up to the carrier to determine. Huh?

It seems to be time for ramifications for this behavior.


Our FedEx guy throws boxes onto the street as he drives by. At least he plays rap music loudly so you know he's in the area. 

This has been the standard practice with FedEx for as long as I have known them.  I can't remember the driver even knocking on my door or ringing the bell.  They drop (literally) the package on my door step, take a picture and drive away.  The picture proves delivery.  Theft after the fact does not seem to be a concern for them.  I get an email telling me the package has been delivered.  

"What is the motivation of the driver, just laziness so they don't have to come back for another delivery attempt?"

It's time. They often leave the terminal with more deliveries to make than what can be done in a day. It's a hustle business.

One time I stayed home for an expected delivery that needed to be signed for. As I was walking past my front door I saw Fedex pulling out of my driveway and a "sorry I missed you tag" on my front door. He never rang my doorbell. It's quicker to leave that sticker on the door than ring the bell..... and wait.