All the best,
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
Americans? I said World Wide. The effect is still the same if 5,000 people migrate to the US per year that have had Malaria. I think your missing my point. I don't have any of the diseases in my home. It doesn't mean the world doesn't have an effect on ME...or the people around us, kinda one sided, ay? Again the statement stands, the whole world locked down, that lowered the death rate on EVERYTHING contagious, plane and simple. BUT really curbed the potential for something REAL BAD.. When the world FORGETS what CAN happen, you get the Flu like the turn of the century It swept like wildfire. Some were affected much worse than others... 1/2 of a town sick at one time, every town locked down... World Wide.. Met with blockades, to enter towns... Was the "Cry" loud enough? Gosh I hope so.. Let's not get sloppy and forget, good common sense.. Regards |
My point is that if only 5 Americans die from malaria each year then by definition it’s not a pandemic. SARS - bad analogy too....same with Ebola. These are not pandemics dude. No one in the US gets these diseases. And how about your wonderful SARS analogy? Even during the 2003 outbreak only 8 Americans died of SARS. In fact only 8,000 people even got sick worldwide from SARS. This is why NONE of your examples are even close to being analogous to COVID. Perhaps the best comparison to Covid is cigarettes which kills 480,000 americans each year. Pretty easy cure for that - ban cigarettes. Imagine the burden that would be alleviated from our healthcare resources and insurance premiums plus all the easy lives that would saved. A better argument would have been why aren’t we being as militant with cigarettes as we are COVID? That’s an awesome argument but sadly one you didn’t raise. |
Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You left out the number one killer in the world Malaria. AND # 2 World wide! Influenza No my information stands, uncorrected, by you.. Over 500,000 last year alone more like 700,000. If you have suffered the effects of Malaria, or the LONG lasting effects of it, you wouldn't say 5 in the US. 100,000 of thousands have their whole lives riddled with episode of reoccurrence, they live in the US...or it's Island states. Influenza? EVERY year 50-100,000. THAT many die of it..and that big of a variance, because of preventative treatment, and a HIGH contagion factor... Me wearing a mask helps me NOT you...Though the secondary effect is ME spreading less crap from me, to the guy right behind me. Social distancing, more so than anything... No it was a good analogy.. You see Covid struck my wife family, I know how bad it is. We were told not to attend the funeral. I knew the guy for 47 years...A close family member, though 89, still quite witty.. Regards |
I worked with a German company for 13 years, they paid a LOT of taxes in that country, a WHOLE lot. Super high dental cost. Their labor force retires well, as they should...A Union Country for the most part... I went in the hospital at 0900 hours on Wed, and was released on a Friday, before noon, including my ride to the hospital. EMT, at home treatment, and transport Wed morning. Admitted from Emergency. Stint installed Thursday. 51 hours total time at the hospital. Released before noon on Friday. 83,600.00 so far. All but 1600.00 is paid for, and they didn't ask for payment, The EMT, The hospital, The 4 or 5 doctors. I was treated like GOLD, by the hospital and a LOT of folks at Agon. You guys would never guess who either. Great word of encouragement, when I had to go BACK for a second and third time... I was scared to death.. That first time was a nightmare, and the 15 additional HA I had before the second procedure, I was wore out... I'm sure better now, but it was not cheap... Great folks though, I just can't say enough... The whole Covid thing was in FULL swing... For all I know everyone was sticking their tongues out at me.. LOL Regards |
@oldhvymec The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year.. Let's be honest here. Do you know how Many Americans die each year from malaria? About 5. Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months. SARS? got it zero. Your comparison is extremely weak. |
This is what I’ve seen. A world scared by a pandemic called Covid 19 when the fact is we have on going PANDEMICS every year. We all saw a reduction in deaths by "transmitted disease". A total reduction worldwide. IF there would NOT have been, mask, social distancing, and social awareness, with RAISED attention towards POOR habits regarding infectious disease, the death toll would be through the roof all over the world. NOT JUST because of Covid, but the flu, SARS, Ebola. The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year.. MALARIA Influenza X A LOT of different types SARS, Covid is SARS Ebola. When we react to ANY single disease and treat it as "Very Contagious" ALL diseases and their infection rate DROP... SO THE whole death rate number drops also. What we see world wide is a good, result from some serious action taken by the WHOLE world... IF not the rest of the nasty diseases would run amuck... It smartened up the world....I think. :-) For those that want to treat a deadly disease, any other way than a, "DEADLY DISEASE", Don’t. Unfortunately, you might get to join that rather small number of fatalities, but fatalities none the less. The most important part to remember. YOU are responsible for your good health. NO ONE ELSE is.... That is PC in my book.. I’m ABLE to RESPOND, Responsable.... Good health to all, Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas.. Regards |
"Seriously wondering how long even the larger hospitals are going to be able to continue to exist at such LOW LEVELS! Your ignorance is astounding. Hospitals routinely operate at 80 to over 100%, especially ICU which are very expensive. Last thing you want is an empty bed in an ICU. Well, a lot of them are empty." To millercarbon’s credit, he did get a thing right. Not completely, though. Hospitals are struggling financially and it is not because of empty ICU beds. Those beds are not that empty and are, in fact, quite full in some localities. Hospitals are struggling because the money lifeline, elective surgeries and other procedures, had to be postponed due to, in many places, overwhelming number of COVID-19 patients who take resources, staff, and space in addition to some of the staff getting sick and being out of commission for a while. That is what reimbursement for taking care of COVID-19 patients is hoping to cover. |
millercarbon writes- "The danger is very real, and serious. The reason we just saw a comprehensive multi-trillion dollar stimulus package is this paper by epidemiologist Dr Neil Ferguson and published today by the Imperial College of London showing that merely acting to slow rather than completely stop the spread would "still likely result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and health systems (most notably intensive care units) being overwhelmed many times over." In other words exactly what I been saying for two solid months, only now its a prestigious epidemiologist reporting to the White House. Their projection is for 2.2M (yes, million) deaths in the US. That said, the Wuhan virus is spread not by speakers but by, uh, speakers. When you talk, or even breathe, it comes out in your breath. If you are infected. Which you must at this point assume that you are, and everyone else as well. Also assume every surface in the area of breathing people is contaminated, since moist breath and particles tend to drift and eventually settle on surfaces. Wearing a mask interferes with this process. Virus that gets caught in the mask is virus not being deposited on surfaces. So avoid people, especially people so clueless or inconsiderate as to not be masked. Avoid touching surfaces anywhere anyone has been, because they could be contaminated. Above all wash and sanitize your hands like crazy and especially before eating or touching your face." This is just one of many of your posts you wrote last Spring about how dangerous and dire the virus and situation is there in your country and the world. As I’ve stated before; you are quite an amusing fellow! First you are an expert in how horrific the virus is, now you are an expert in what a nonsense scam it all is, a money grabbing conspiracy. You declared masks worse than useless. You now call it a fake pandemic because there are no ’excess deaths’. You waffle more than Eggo. Just so you know, for future reference in case you want to flip sides again, you can have a pandemic without a single death. I find Narcissistic Personality Disorder fascinating. Indeed, an amusing fellow! |
There is by the way no wave.I live in Quebec and here the hospitals system is near his functioning limit with very tired health care workers... The political authorities will limit all Christmas encounters to keep the exhausted personals after months with this crisis more able to work...( The functionong limit of an hospital is determined not only by the % of occupation beds but mostly by the health and spirit and the effective numbers of working health care workers) I live in Quebec and here there is a wave even if our our situation is less worst than in some Us states by now.... Then there is indeed a wave.... There is the possibility now, a real fact, that the health care system will not be able to care for other case than covid by lack of space, or lack of personals etc.... It is a serious crisis, negate the fact do not help....And the death count is by no way the more significative factor, but the serious negative long term effects and the very difficult recovery on a great % of those who has contracted it are... Economic recovery has no real meaning and possibilities before solving first the health crisis.... |
MC has never met a topic he wasn't an expert in. And the fact that he selflessly delivers truth to the masses via this forum has him jockeying with Gandhi for Humanitarian of the Century award. The only thing he asks in return is for you to bow to him and his insatiable ego and perhaps leave a few gifts at his feet. |
@bluemoondriver Read over the document. It simply outlines the process by which the state run heath system will be releasing funds. It doesn’t indicate anywhere that they are going to be receiving greater funds for Covid patients than others, simply the manner in which those funds are to be “managed” |
Perkri - given that @cd never mentioned death certificates, I’m not sure why you mentioning them negates the suggestion that hospital payments are higher for COVID-related activity. Maybe the poster was not referring to death certification, but to this: |
Politicizing any question makes impossible to see the reality.... What is passing all around the world now is very clear for those who look without confort blinders....Political opinions of any directions are confort blinders... The details may appear unfocused to the serious onlooker, but the great picture is there anyway... But for the perception of reality onlooking is not enough we must transform ourself.... It is the same thing in audio, to listen and perceive we must transform ourself in the process... The music/sound must affect us not only unconsciously with an emotion in the body but consciously with signification coming from the spirit.... In the greatest of greek city, the oppositions parties waged rethorically against one another but at some time someone opinions prevailed and all the opposition parties dissolved then ,unifying all the city for the task to come.... « Small politics is for chicken conditioning» -Groucho Marx reading Pavlov «Free speech is our mother tongue, anything else is poisonous»-myself |
Opinion | What the Science of Addiction Tells Us About Trump - POLITICO Found this to be interesting. Rings true. People are all fallible but responsible people fact check things as best they can before spreading rumors as is so easily done on the internet these days. To not do that is being irresponsible. Being irresponsible is a bad thing. Look it up. Gotta keep track of these things, what is good and what is bad, carefully these days. Opinions are OK. Just don’t pitch an opinion as documented fact. |
ICU bed availability varies by municipality. In Washington State, 79.5% accute-care beds are occupied, according to today’s Seattle Times: From today’s Los Angeles Times: Readers may hit a paywall, but here’s the link: Zero ICU beds available in San Joaquin Valley, CA: |
millercarbon, "So when these people would show up with the flu I would smartly say well its probably a different strain or its probably too soon, in other words feed them the party line." It was not within the scope of your job to give out medical opinions or advice. It is not only wrong and potentially dangerous behavior, but it may be grounds for dismissal. Practicing medicine without a license is frowned upon by authorities and should have been frowned upon by your superiors. Do not do it. You may harm someone. |
I recently got my flu shot, which was advocated for quite fervently by health officials in an attempt to keep the strain on the medical system a minimum in preparation for this wave we are in. Right. Money couldn't have anything to do with it. One of my first surprises working in urgent care was the number of people who would come in for a flu vaccine, then turn up with the flu. There's different flu strains of course, the vaccine isn't really a flu vaccine its really just for the one or two or maybe three strains they make it for each year. Also none of them are immediately effective, it takes a while for your immune system to respond. So when these people would show up with the flu I would smartly say well its probably a different strain or its probably too soon, in other words feed them the party line. Because I was once like everyone else brainwashed into believing the party line. Except that within a matter of weeks I saw a whole bunch of people who had been vaccinated weeks ago, plenty long enough to be effective, who then tested positive for the exact same strain of flu the vaccine was supposed to protect against. Now being an x-ray tech I don't see nearly as many patients as the RNs and MAs. So I mentioned this to our most experienced MA. And he said, "Oh yeah, happens all the time." That they get the exact same flu we vaccinated against? "Yeah. All the time." There is by the way no wave. Again, I work in health care. Seriously wondering how long even the larger hospitals are going to be able to continue to exist at such LOW LEVELS! Your ignorance is astounding. Hospitals routinely operate at 80 to over 100%, especially ICU which are very expensive. Last thing you want is an empty bed in an ICU. Well, a lot of them are empty. But you lemmings will never know it because all you do is lap up the pabulum CNN feeds you nightly, where if they can find one in the whole country that is not empty they plaster it all over your news feed 24/7 never once mentioning the thousands of hospitals that are under-utilized. |
Shape-shifting aliens arrived on earth decades ago, settled, and multiplied. Recently, their sworn enemies from across the universe tracked them down and arrived here too, bringing with them the COVID. These enemies cannot shape-shift but they can exercise mind control, which they are doing selectively across the nation, on national and local leaders, to shut down the economy. This version of events is so much more plausible than the garbage relentlessly spouted by millercarbon, who is now seconded by cd318. Deniers will always find their Melissa Carone’s. But they are recognizable for what they are. |
"Currently most politicians are exempt but there’s no word about the Queen (94) or Prince Philip (99) getting the jab. You might assume that due to their advanced ages they would be near the front of the queue." "Influenza strangely enough seems to have stopped existing in 2020. Without any need for a vaccine!" Not strange at all. Ever heard of masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing? |
@cd318 "Influenza strangely enough seems to have stopped existing in 2020. Without any need for a vaccine!" Really? I recently got my flu shot, which was advocated for quite fervently by health officials in an attempt to keep the strain on the medical system a minimum in preparation for this wave we are in. Love it when people drop lines like that into a protracted rambling statement of OPINIONS... |
@cd318 "UK hospitals receive a monetary bonus for every death that they mark down as being due to Covid. If that’s not an incentive to massage the figures then what is?" Really? Love it when people drop lines like that into a protracted rambling statement of OPINIONS... |
We can discuss this all we want to but even going by the official data the average age of the Covid victim is, wait for it, a mere 82.4 years old. London has just had it’s lockdown elevated to tier 3 - almost a week AFTER the vaccine rollout. The UK vaccine target groups are primarily those over 70 years of age. Currently most politicians are exempt but there’s no word about the Queen (94) or Prince Philip (99) getting the jab. You might assume that due to their advanced ages they would be near the front of the queue. UK hospitals receive a monetary bonus for every death that they mark down as being due to Covid. If that’s not an incentive to massage the figures then what is? Thousands of doctors are being censored worldwide from speaking out against Covid or the vaccine. Why is that? Influenza strangely enough seems to have stopped existing in 2020. Without any need for a vaccine! And this with all fear and scaremongering that goes along with this scamdemic and all of its economic and social hardships. None of which are likely to help promote anyone’s immune system. On a personal note, some 10 months later, out of my social circle I only know of 2 people who contacted Covid. One is in her early 60s and took a few weeks to recover. She said it was nasty, just like a bad case of flu. The other is in her late 40s and said it was more like a cold. She can’t wait to return to work. My father is in his 80s and my mum is in her 70s. Both, like most people of their age, have serious health issues. I have suggested to them both that they should consider the vaccine, but so far neither of them have shown any interest. Like many other people they would prefer to wait and see how it plays out. ------ I have no wish to offend. So if anyone is bothered by strong language then PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THIS. Nurse with masters degree unloads on the Idiots in the world! |