Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup

I'm moving from solid state class D to a Tube Integrated amplifier and have narrowed it down to (2). The Ayon Scorpio II w/KT150's and the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP w/KT120's. Does anyone have any experience with either or both of these they can share. Recommendations? Others I should consider in the $3K to $6K range? My speakers are relatively efficient at 98dB.


To clarify, he rectifier section is now solid state as opposed to the older models which were tube. I’m not an engineer, but have read that this is the difference.

I will say this and you are right no measurement of numbers will tell your ears what they are calibrating coming out of speakers in your own listening room..

I started with the Raven Audio Black Hawk for 45 day trial and what I heard changed me for ever with never owning tubes ..You can go to Audio store and listen and yes get basic concept but until it is in front of you that is the tell tale sign of tubes or solid state for you..And then this is just the start of your tube voyage..the good cables to gain little more sound detail and tube rolling will change everything you thought you heard ..You start buying Military tubes that will cost but the reward is worth it..No matter who you are you are always striving to hear a little more over few years after you get used to what you have...Its been a 5 year journey for me and I at 73 yrs old are at my max sound system ..

There is MUCH more variability in the sound of tube gear than there is between high end solid state gear.  For my particular taste, there are many high-powered tube amps that I don't like--many sound hard and brittle and less "pleasant" than most solid state amps.  But, this variability means that, with a diligent search, one can find a suitable amp; it just takes a bit of effort.  I tend to like lower powered tube amps, but the concern being voiced here is with how difficult a load the Moab might be despite being relatively efficient.  I've only heard the Moab being driven by solid state amps, so I don't know how significant are the concerns raised above (I liked the speaker, by the way).

Still, it is probably worth your while to look at some low to medium powered tube amps.  I agree with the poster above who suggested the Audio Note Oto.  I really like the sound of that amp and it seems to work well with a wide variety of speakers.  The only big downside for my purposes is the lack of remote control of volume.  Audio Note also makes another very good sounding integrated in the Soro (6L6 tubes).

My favorite brand of integrated amps are models from Synthesis Audio (Italian).  In particular, I like their 40 watt A40 amp (pushpull KT 66 tubes) which includes a very good built in DAC and has remote control.  The bigger, and more expensive A100 (a quad of KT 66 per channel) is also very good and perhaps more suited for a demanding load.

I have a PL Dialogue Premium with new KT-120’s and a set of EL34. I prefer the warmer EL 34 sound.  It has been a great amp.  I’m considering selling due to developing tinnitus.  if you’re interested, let me know and we can discuss.

I ran a SLI-80 as well.  Nice unit, built very well, great customer support, very customizable with different tube types/ brands, Triode/ Ultralinear switch, manual biasing and a remote.

The Rogue uses circuit boards where as the Cary is point-to-point wiring, if that matters.  Both are well-made units with great customer support and are American made.

I ended up selling the SLI-80 since it was just overkill for my home office.  I just run a little Decware Taboo (6wpc) and it does just about everything I need it to.

You can also look at the Conrad Johnson CAV45 S2 or a used McIntosh MA2275 for other options.

The best part about tube amps is the ability to customize the sound with different tube combinations.  Have fun!

I had a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP with KT150 and choice NOS 12AU7 and it is one unit I'm sorry I let go.

Now using LTA Z40+ and there is no comparison IMO.

Guttenberg called it the best integrated he ever reviewed and uses it as his reference. I would highly recommend if you can find a used unit in your price range.

+1 on the LTA Z40+ 

The PL Dialog Premium with KT150 tubes will drive your Moab's nicely.

And for sure the Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull with KT150's is a special amp that will also drive your speakers well. And a nice set of EL34 tubes will add more warmth to the sound of either amp.

"@paradisecom You can also look at the Conrad Johnson CAV45 S2 or a used McIntosh MA2275 for other options."


By chance did you have a chance to try and compare either of these to your former Cary SLI-80 - If so, what did you like more about either of them, or in different ways?


I didn't.  I was just offering up a couple of other options that are somewhat comparable in specs, features, etc. for you to consider.

Thanks @paradisecom I had an SLI-80 Signature with upgrades five years ago, reluctantly sold it to try some different SET amps, and a pair of ultralinear monoblock amps with more power with my speakers. 

Similar to the OP @jijoh123 I am reconsidering parting with one of my Class A SS amps and preamps to help fund a nice Tube integrated to swap in rotation every once in a while. Might be willing to look in the $6k range. Following along here. Thx 

PS Audio BHK 250's going for $4.2K.  Hybrid design. 


Never had a Rogue Power product but theie inline pre has been very enjoyable and they are a good company to work with as is PS Audio. 

@jijoh123 do you have any local chapter audio folks around you within an hour or so from your city, town?

I ask because I've taken a few of my former amps over to other people's houses and try them, to help them get an idea on their speakers in their room. A few members here still do this, and it can be a quick way to learn differences. That's one thing I do like about smaller mono amps  weight split in halves at say 45-50lbs each vs big 90-100lb stereo amps, not so easy to move or pick up and take to other peoples places to try out. Last few times I did this, the people ended up ordering tube amps within a week, and they both had Class A/B solid state amps prior.  

I just purchased an Aurorasound HFSA-01. Worth a look if the features match your needs.

@leotis I had the LTA Z40+ which I thought was excellent after I rolled the tubes but then got Don Sachs’ Valhalla integrated which was better in every way.