Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp now, driving Harbeth M40.1's.
I like the sound, but am considering upgrading to something more powerful and with greater finesse.
I have had solid state gear in the past and have always come back to tubes, so I think I want to stay with tubes.
I would like to get a stereo amp (no monoblocks) and match it to a very nice preamp.
I have been considering Balanced Audio Technology gear but beyond that I really don't know.
For my budget, I would prefer not to go over $10K total for both components.
I am in no hurry to make this change, just thinking and doing research right now.  I am willing to take more than a year to decide if necessary.  
Please give me your suggestions.
@snackeyp , is there an update? BTW, which phono-pre and cartridge do/did you use with the I32?
I have danced this dance many times; all tube systems, all SS systems, and tube pre SS amps. Since the amps are the hardest on tubes, consider SS amps (I love my Emerald Physics 100.2SEs) and the tube pre of your choice
I have a question about the Lyngdorf amps.  I do not own one, but am intrigued.
I recently bought a Audioquest Niagara 7000 power conditioner, and have noticed serious noise reduction and sound improvement from my tube amp and other components.  
Will I benefit from the Niagara when using a digital amp like the Lyngdorf?  I assume yes, but I'd love to hear from those who have experience with this type of amp.
The Luxman Cl38U-SE w/a Prima Luna Dialogue HP amp would put you at the 10K mark. The Luxman has an outstanding phono w/4 steps up transformers. 2 for MC High nd 2 for MC low carts. Also has tone controls and a mono switch. 
Went from Odyssey Stratos Extreme and Upgraded Jolida Fusion Preamp to the Lyngdorf 2170 about a month ago. Odyssey is nice stuff IMO. In my system the Lyngdorf handily beats beats them. If I had less efficient speakers it may not be the case. Odyssey stuff can drive some tough loads. 
I’m doing the same. From integrated to separates. I made the decision to go with a company who makes all of it. I’m going Odyssey.

My stereo Khartago should ship any day now. I added a bunch of upgrades and next year I’ll save and upgrade further. Later this year I’ll order Candela (tube preamp). Then Suspiro (phono preamp).

Things to know: you must order by phone (Klaus will ask questions to assess your needs). 20 year warranty. Upgradeable! Dude is monumentally busy and doesn’t advertise. Only hits the major audio shows and that’s it.


Dew it. Dew it.
Allnic  makes a couple of tube integrated amps. One I believe is the T-2000 now with k150 tubes about 100 watts. Very nice gear.
Uberwalt if you read auxinputs post you would know why I said BAT is not dark. 
I have no experience with Lyngdorf, but I can vouch for Neal at Sound Science as being a great guy to work with.   While I'd like to try the Lyngdorf all in one solution, I'm hung up on the nostalgia and sound of tube amps.

I've owned 40.1's on an off for about 7 years (currently on again).  I've tried several integrateds and three preamps, with the Aesthetix Calypso Signature being my favorite.

If memory serves me correct, I tried two SS amps... Bryston 4BST and Plinius SA-102.   Both were decent as far as solid state goes, with Plinius getting the nod, but SS just never sounds as rewarding  to me as a good tube amp.

There have been many good tube amps I've owned with my 40.1's...

Current amps (highly recommended):
  • VAC 30/30 Signature - only 32 WPC, but very high current and plenty powerful for my listening pleasure.  Great with female vocals, acoustic and jazz.  I originally owned this amp as a standard MKIII, sold it, then in the last six months found a MK III Signature and snatched it up.  I plan on keeping this amp a long time.
  • Music Reference RM9 MK2 - euphonic midrange and my preferred amp for rock.   Fun amp that makes everything sound good.
Other great to good tube amps:
  • VAC 70/70 Signature - this amp is difficult to come by.   Similar to the 30/30, but puts out twice the wattage.  Great for jazz, female vocals, classical and acoustic.  If it didn't weigh 135 pounds, I'd still own this beast.
  • McIntosh MC275 MKV - great, spunky all-around amp.   Not many of the MK V's are available on the used market, probably for good reason.  I'd own this amp again.
  • VAC PHI 200 - has the best bass of any tube amp I've ever owned, but lacks the finesse, micro dynamics and midrange of the other aforementioned amps 

Not Recommended:
  • CJ Premier 140 - sounds nothing like a tube amp.  I would go with a SS amp before I'd buy this amp again.
  • McIntosh MA2275 tube integrated - great looking amp.   I really wanted to like this amp because it looks so cool, but it sounded underpowered, soft and flat.  
  • Musical Fidelity M3 NuVista - just bad.

The first thing that jumped to mind when you mentioned finesse and more power is combining a tubed preamp with a Class-A solid state amp.  Not sure if you're looking new or used, but if the latter pairing something like an Allnic L3000 pre with a Plinius SA103 or Clayton S100 amp could be a sublime mix of nuance,warmth, and natural detail with excellent imaging and soundstaging -- and plenty of power.  If you'd prefer a tube amp maybe a VAC Phi 200 or ARC Ref 75se or 150 among others. 

If you're buying new I'd recommend a Sachs SP14 preamp with the Clayton S100, but not really sure on higher-powered tube amps in this price range.  Anyway, best of luck. 
Where did ANYBODY say BAT was DARK?
OP is asking for opinions and EXPERIENCES.
MY experience with BAT was that it really was good, however in my system in my room to my ears the Lyngdorf 2170 was much superior.
Obviously YMMV.
BAT is NOT dark sounding. Before passing on judgement or information please don't post this unless you have heard BAT in YOUR system.  It isn't as sterile or analytical as some tubed manufacturers but I would not consider it dark.  I think speakers, cables. sources make a huge impact on ones judgement :)
I can firmly second the Lyngdorf 2170
Never heard anything quite like it in my room for such a small unassuming little box it surely rocks period!
It is not truly a class d.
I took a leap of faith based on reviews both here and in the press and have never looked back.
The 3400 is more of the same, more power, built in media player etc.
The dac in the 2170 is of the highest order and I have no intention ever of returning to seperates, I sold off MAC and BAT gear!

After running the room correction and listening to it afterwards, once you defeat the room correction the best term I have heard used is that it sounds "broken". Lol, a bit extreme but it is that dramatic at least for me in my room.

I run cd, cassette, Tidal streaming and vinyl through it and enjoy every source

I use a Nottingham Analogue tt with ZYX cart going through a GoldNote PH-10 phono and I cannot stop flipping vinyl, it is that good!
It is not class D. It is a digital amp. They are different. Neal at Sound Science may be able to work out a loaner for trial. I build and modify gear for others. Don’t let the weight or all in one thing throw you. The times they are changing. Ultra short signal paths, dispensing of ICs, SOTA attenuation, SOTA room correction all come together in a special way. The future is here and this long time tubeophile who loves point to point wired tube gear cannot go back to all the shortcomings of these separates. 

Past conventional wisdom and preconceptions just dont apply here.  Worth an extended trial for sure. 
Thanks all for the suggestions so far.  Very interesting!
The Lyngdorf sounds interesting but I am skeptical of do-it-all devices promising to solve all room issues and weighing less than 20 lbs.  I would love to audition one but to take a leap like this against all assumptions I have in my head is a difficult thing.  That said, I will look into it and see if I can get an audition somewhere.  I live in Minneapolis-St. Paul area so I will need to search to find out if any local dealers carry this product.  Also, I take it this is a class D amp?  I currently own a Primare I32 integrated, which is class D, and while I like it when playing digital sources, I really don't like the sound when playing records.  I should have mentioned that I primarily play vinyl in my system, with the occasional CD thrown in for good measure. 
Other SS amp I owned was the Rega Elicit 3.  Really didn't like that one.  It was probably just not a good match to my other components but it just never sounded anything but clinical in it's sound.  I traded it in for a Cary SLI-80 integrated and fell in love with tubes from that point on.  
What SS gear have you owned? If you haven’t listened to Pass or Modwright you might be surprised.
Don't forget about Audio Research.  I think they are very nice for a tube amp/preamp choice.  Probably the most transparent "solid state" like tube equipment.  BAT is nice and powerful, but I have read they are dark sounding.  It really depends on what your after. 
Integrated Amp >>> Separates    Linear Tube Audio MicroZotl Preamplifier + Zotl Ultralinear present an interesting pairing for the Harbeth 40.1s. They come in at budget and keep you in tubes!
Another popular choice with the Harbeth speakers are the Luxman integrated amps.
I have the PL Dialogue Premium and went to BAT separates. VK55 amp and VK31SE preamp with great results. Yes they are older but sound fantastic. With your budget I'm sure you can get better.  Grannyring brings up a good suggestion also.  I know another Audiogoner went this Lyngdorf route and is really happy with his choice.  
Look into the Lyngdorf 3400.  Brand new model. I have the older 2170.  I used it on the 40.1s.  Amazing together. Sell your dac, power cord and ICs as you won’t need them. The room correction in the 3400 is stunning and SOTA. I sold over $18,000 of tube separates and like the 2170 better. The 3400 is even better. This piece will assure the 40.1s sound as the builder intended in your room. I know this is not conventional high end advice. This is not a conventional piece and it breaks all manner of aphile notions and perceptions. No worries regarding tubes as this unit transcends that whole SS vs. tube thing. Just is beyond that. It sounds like music and your room will no longer be against you. It eliminates the room. 

I speak all this based on vast experience. I know, this is not what you wanted based on the subject, but I sense you may welcome it. Enjoy. 
Check out Modwright, also I would consider a excellent McIntosh MC275 tube amp with a Mcintosh C22 preamp. This combo with the Harbeths would be a match made in heaven.....call Audio Classics for mac gear. 


