One route is a Schitt Loki.
gkelly +1
A 3-tone control integrated amp/preamp is nonexistent. Can`t do better than a Loki, or an equalizer, anyway.
The Luxman L509Z has bass-middle-treble tone controls.
Get a Wiim streamer, the app is very good and includes graphic snd parametric Eq, a well as room correction. The ten band eq works great, very effective.
Another vote for the Luxman 509z. I have the previous model, 509x with just bass and treble and it works for me.
Does it have to be new? Old Marantz had three tone controls and an adjustable "contour" (variable loudness) to boot!

Purchasing a Luxman 509z today!
I guess we know your (rough) budget now! I've been enjoying a Luxman Class A integrated for the last couple of years; no desire or need to "upgrade" further!
Thank you all for the replies!
Have seen the loki and not bad at all!
i’d love a Luxman but def out of budget.
The old marantz not bad but Idk if i’d prefer something more modern?
budget around 3k!
any other recommendations very much appreciated!
I’d say a hifi rose 280. Doesn’t have quite the bells and whistles as the 180, but still great reviews for the money at 250 wpc into 8 ohms.
Accuphase. If you can get a us voltage one at a decent price. Spectacular.
Check out Ehard Audio. 35 watts of tube sound under $3k
My backup integrated is a 15 yrs old Vincent tube/SS hybrid that has tone controls and.....a loudness button! 150 watts RMS. I have thought about selling it but I am having a hard time uploading photos.
An old Marantz won’t depreciate and may actually increase in value over time.
I think a “midrange” tone control is too undefined a parameter. I use a C-J line stage that has EPL loops…same as tape monitors…and a Schiit Lokius to help add or subtract color from recordings. Not as good as parametric but way simpler to use. Maybe you could score a used McIntosh C48, C49, or an MA-7900 or MA8900? These have 5 rotary EQ controls.
what's the goal?
I've got a nearly new dual 31 band EQ I'm not using since I got my hearing aids. Live near me, Plainfield, NJ, 07062? Borrow it, find the frequencies that make a difference in your space, then re-define your quest.
btw, I start by using an SPL meter combined with test tones, then I refine for my preference.
The new McIntosh 1200 multi band eq. is 3K...Beautiful unit.....
My Nakamichi CA-7A pre-amp has 3 tone controls, a world class phono section and, best of all, a remote.
But it is 35 years old and well within your budget.
Thank you all for your recommendations!
Def getting a better picture!
Anyone has an opinion on Mcintosh c31v or c35 preamp? Both have a 5 frequency band eq. so it could be a good alternative?
Luxman and Accuphase integrated amps have tone controls, and though expensive new, they can be found on the used market.
Both Accuphase and Luxman make spectacular amps!
M Y Marantz pm8006 delivers the tone controls and decent sound. It can still be found used. Some of the earlier Reference Marantz in the PM series like 11s1, 14s1, 15s1 might also.