I want to know for those who have arrived got their best system together. What is the story behind how you ended up with your gear and will you be happy for a long time with it.


@akg_ca i definitely understand how you feel. But sometimes you can get to a point of just being happy.  I’m in that place with my system.  If I won a billion right now. I wouldn’t change any of my components. Maybe I would get a better room. lol. But components I’m happy sometimes you have to allow yourself to be happy. To me that can be your dream system. 

Taking time to listen to different speakers over the years is what helped me the most to get as close as I could afford within reason - and truly getting started.

From there, once I had a small batch of different speakers I liked, then re-started down the amplifier path. This helped gain a sense of direction towards what I preferred and could lean into more. Visiting with locals and their preferences saves time to learn more about what you might like more or less.

Going to audio shows helped some, and yet it actually alienated me from ultra expensive speakers I would not splurge on. Started building my own speakers more seriously again with help from various parts source providers. Got help from a few folks a lot better at crossovers than I could do as I bought higher $ parts.

What I learned fairly early on is my preference to the type of sound I like the most was not always the same as friends and colleagues (and local audiophiles) and how this can vary by individual, greatly. Learned fast what I don’t like, lol.

Another helpful tip was driving up to 5 hours away, getting up early, and going to check out audio shops with a completely different spin as to what they offered for speakers and amps compared to more local dealers. Eventually got hooked in with people who do a lot of gear mods and serious upgrades, this was the game changer for me and my own gear. 

While visiting and comparing to other systems, do bring your music with you to help compare more efficiently and effectively.   Dream system no, closer than I started with, absolutely. Be sure to listen and enjoy the music along the way.  Have fun.

….Gabor my sensei in many dimensions of my life often said two very important things ;

Even the change ( read improvement ) agent NEEDS a change agent

There are mountains beyond this celebratory peak we stand on now..

Unlike me, he is famous for helping save Porsche

For those wishing for more… you don’t need the rarified air of 1% $$$$ to learn to….solder…

@tomic601 and if one is absolutely lost, another audiophile will pull him out of the whole and give him guidance :)

thanks again!!!

When I finally reached the point of 'diminishing returns". In other words, to take the next small step forward just didn't make sense anymore. Audio has always been a rewarding hobby, but there are other things more important. 

Merry Christmas!! 

This crazy hobby is a journey and no a destination.

unless you are one of the rare/select very top net income oxygen breathers, participation in this hobby for the rest of our forum masses is pegged as “good-as-I-can afford, for now,,,”

Sure …we attend the audio shows  and we wistfully fantasize about an upgrade to the 7 figure rigs with their eye-watering price tags. This is costant tension with that pesky reality check of household budgets,

its been a five decade progressive ride for me with four current systems.

i am solidly content with staying put with my current “A” system, in the context of it empirically being high-end  “good ” in general at its price point , AND  contemporaneously “good enough” at my advanced age without an insatiable lust for further major wallet  draining upgrades. 

All who wander are not lost, but if you don’t know where you are going…any…road will get you there. 

@mksun Lovely system you have in a beautiful room - enjoy !

@noromance naked laser trimmed Vishay = happiness 

@everyone I have so much more to share. I got into the business side by happenstance. I was allowed to hear the supreme high end early. I had long auditions of equipment that I initially couldn’t afford. Then eventually I out myself in a position to by some of the best stuff.  I got lucky with the Gato Fm6 speaker which is a hidden gem in audio. 14k sounds like a 40 to 50k quality speaker. My Infigo gear rivals the best in the business from a design and performance standpoint. I like instrument heavy music with losts of layering detail and transparency. My system does it in spades. I wouldn’t trade my system for anything 2 to 3 times the price of what I have right now because it’s built on performance not perception. Sound and sound quality over everything.  It’s engaging and I’m over the moon happy. 

@phusis  quite the story. Learn all you can. Get the most out of whatever gear you can get your hands on. Use what you have learned through the fullest and enjoy. 

@calvinj wrote:

I want to know for those who have arrived got their best system together. What is the story behind how you ended up with your gear

Some 10 years ago I started to resaddle into a different approach with speakers that are high efficiency and at least partially horn-loaded, with the initial intention to use low powered SET amps in conjunction with these. While the combo of all-horn speakers and SET’s offer a sonically alluring and extremely well-sounding solution, I slowly veered into a different direction with dedicated horn-based subs, large format pro segment horns, direct radiating mid bass section, SS amplification (eventually class A/B) and outboard active configuration.

Macro parameters were then sought with proper height of acoustic center, smooth power response at the crossover between midbass and horn section above (i.e.: sameness in directivity pattern here, which requires of the mids/tweeter horn to be large to control directivity that low), relatively unrestricted LF extension down to 20-25Hz, virtually unlimited macro dynamic envelope for effortless reproduction at every desired SPL, optimizing the amp to driver interface with active configuration, and finally taking advantage of a high quality digital crossover/DSP for use with horns and the requirements here for delay settings, steep filter slopes (to keep the horn sections within their safe and sonically best operating range), filter notches, PEQ’s, etc.

From this physically and acoustically appropriate framework, which is a requirement for me in whatever form or shape a specific setup would take (but which is still somewhat dictated due to these requirements), there’s a fairly meticulous tweaking process that’s ongoing. There are no severe bottlenecks in my setup as is; a some 10-12 old ref. model DAC/preamp that’s still excellent sounding compared to new iterations, a high quality DSP, great studio amps and cabling (mainly Mundorf silver/gold), and high quality pro drivers. Dedicated, some 50 year old JBL Alnico tweeters will be implemented over the next month or two.

.. and will you be happy for a long time with it.

Most surely, already have been for some years now, and it will only be better in the following years with further tweaking and smaller modifications here and there. Whatever changes may come down the road will be in keeping with the overall philosophy as outlined above.

A life of crime.

Not quite but close. I several times considered selling a kidney for a component (but have not. yet)


@calvinj I fully agree with you, music is one thing that has consistently brought me joy and has often gotten me through some rough patches in life.  I also feel that I have achieved my "dream" sound within the confines of my modest listening space.  My "dream" system would be some financially unattainable system housed in a dedicated listening room that I will never have. Its ok to dream, but I have finally achieved the sonic contentment I have been chasing all my life. My system may have costed a fraction of yours, but it would still be considered an obscene amount of money to spend on music reproduction to my friends and relatives.  Its a strange and unique club us audiophiles belong to and I'm glad to be a member. 

Couldn’t agree more that listening to music should bring you joy.  Nothing better than ending the day listening to music you love.  Having a system you love is living the dream.  As Hans always says, enjoy the music.  Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy New Year to all!  

As I mentioned near the close of the last record
This record you are now playing
Is another example of the Completion Backward Principle
If you can possibly manage the time
Please play both sides at one meeting 

Some already know my stance in this reverie, but some expansion of my local focal locus in this universe....whichever one it may be....🤷‍♂️ *laugh*

Long ago, I dispersed a rather nice collection of bits so's not to drag them about, doomed to dust in storage for an unknown span.  Kept a couple of items that I knew then they'd been and would remain the 'odd but very useful' items that would be difficult if not improbable to replace...

Upon reaching a landing more 'permanent', time spent settling the dust and an income stream, it was obvious that to return to that audiostrata would require +/- 2X$ to do so......which has repeated itself in the interim a few times, enough to make SOTA  SOOR: " Sota' Out Of Reach."

One could consider that a kick in the cojones' , but in stead took on the not-so-lost-'lean can be mean' scheme....likely for less than the lucky few will spend for a cable....yeah, one.

In same recent return to the flay, I recalled a fascinating stumble into a pair of new Ohm F's very long ago...about the same time I ran into the fledgling ESS brand prior to the Heils' which happened not long after....own 4 of the large drivers...

I make my own walsh drivers these days...spend too much time enjoying than I ought, but whattya say at the end of the day.... ;)

Enjoy where you are until you don't....

Watch for those post- holidaze ads...and have a wonderful Christmas. *5's * 


  • @mksun one thing I have learned is my music brings me joy. Also you can achieve your dream sound . Yes I gave an expensive system. My speakers are 14k my dac is 35k. My amp 20k streamer 5k subs (2) 4k each. 10k cabling. Around 90k. But you still can get a very pleasing sound being smart and knowledgeable. 
  • @mksun one thing I have learned is my music brings me joy. Also you can achieve your dream sound . Yes I gave an expensive system. My speakers are 14k my dac is 35k. My amp 20k streamer 5k subs (2) 4k each. 10k cabling. Around 90k. But you still can get a very pleasing sound being smart and knowledgeable. 

Having been retired for over 4 years now, I recently just decided to go for it. My reasoning is that life is way too short, and my hearing is still good enough to enjoy and justify the financial investment. This year I upgraded my speakers, integrated amplifier, CD transport, power conditioner, audio rack, and also added bass traps. My “End Game” system is not my dream system and is modest when compared to many of the amazing Virtual Systems on Audiogon, but I feel that I have finally achieved sonic contentment which has been eluding me all these years. I can’t peel myself away from my system and it’s paying huge dividends right now during our typical dark and damp Pacific Northwest winter.


@mswale we give free trials on Infigo cables. Let me know.  I’m glad you are enjoying your journey. Keep building.  Yes good sound is like a drug. I’m now tapping my vein as we speak. Lol! 

@calvinj I enjoy my system every day! Listing right now as I type this. 

Good sound is like a drug. You don't know what you are missing until you try it, then you get hooked and want more.  Every time something gets changed for the better, just want more, the goal is to get to the next level. When I started it was very easy to get to the next level (not much money). Now I'm at the point that big upgrades will cost big money. 

My journey now is better cart (going to try a MM), maybe a dedicated phono stage, steep slope crossover for my speakers, better cables, better streamer, dedicated AC line. Some isolation for the entire system. It will just never end, as there is always another step to go...

Calvinj I agree.  Listen, tweak, listen and repeat.  It’s a lot of fun even as my old guy hearing gets worse.  

@terry9 i understand. I also a guy Bob Spence.  Showed me a lot of tweaks along the way with getting great gear. It’s been great. 

@mswale i think you gotta enjoy awhile before the next upgrade. I’m at a point where I will not be changing components for awhile. I might tweak. But I’m in a great place. 

@knotscott got in doing collections for high fidelity cables 15 years ago.  Then I got slowly introduce to more and more folks and systems in the hobby.  I was blessed to hear super high priced gear before I could afford it. I learned and by chance met Hans Looman at Infigo. Who is about as more sound obsessed than I am which I didn’t think was possible. Man I look back I’ve met great guys and people in this hobby.  Great listening sessions too!

@sls883 i get it I started out with some cm9 and some def tech. I flipped sold and spent over the years while learning. Now I have great gear along with the knowledge to understand how good and how to use it all. I’ve made more money now so I could get whatever I wanted. But the knowledge to get right stuff has been  priceless 

@harleyujoe i understand. I been in 24 years now at 52 and it is a journey.  I’m in a good place. I’m finding music and trying tweaks and doing little things. I’m enjoying it. 

@vthokie83 music is my medication.  Keeps me calm. Allows me to think clearly. Takes the stress of practicing law away. It allows me to reflect. It allows me to put life in perspective. It’s not just gear and songs. It’s an escape.  

@jayctoy after 17 years of chasing. I met Hans Looman we did a show together. Infigo Audio had not been born yet he was with another company.  We had a room together at a show and initially using the equipment that was there it didn’t sound right.  I travel with a bag of cables and my cables literally fixed it all. He was surprised told me about this amp he was building. I brushed it off then he decided he was going to fly to Dallas from Canada with his amp and put it up against my KR AUDIO. Well I invited my friends over and he blew my amp away in front of 15 friends at my house. I decided that day I was gonna work with him. Infigo Audio was born and the next thing you know. I got the Dac, amp and now streamers.  I was actually the ear for our cables. The combination has me in heaven. I guess because I got to play an active part in getting to this happy  place I’m in it’s been great.  Working with someone who,is as ocd about sound as I am has been great. Then we both listen to a wide range of different music. I had learned so much before I met Hans then to by chance run into him while creating amazing gear has been great. I’m happy. I’m listening as we speak. Saturday night relaxing listening to some sweet sounds.  Lot of time and money I spent getting here but it’s worth it. I learned a lot over the years. Right now I’m in a great place.  

incorrigable Sold my late mother’s house.

Oh no! I was close to it too. Then I rethink "is anyone really achieved what I want?" I concluded that I can’t be there whatever I do because no one ever was there in audio history.

It was a good decision that I gave up. I have the world’s best sound audio system now. As I concluded that no one was there was correct? Why? Because every things are wrong in audio from start (recordings) to end (reproduction=speaker). I say this because I only know answers. This is like the one-eyed man in the country of the blind. I’m just a frontier. Nothing more.

Below (recording & reproduction) is the best in audio for now.



There are few recording studios are recording with my microphones to make right recording now. This is a start to make recording right. And the right reproduction will follow. It will take few years to take off, but it will happen because as recording studio staffs said that’s no match between natural and Hi-Fi sounds. I’ll say I don’t know how fast the world’ll change if you know what I mean. Alex/Wavetouch audio


I finally decided I wanted to listen more to my music, and it GREATLY helps with my mental health (I'm bi-polar)....along with the proper medication, meditation, etc. My wife consented to giving me the living room for a listening room.

I had been out of touch with audio for about a decade, I joined several forums, found members that have similar tastes I do, and read silently for about a year. I found a handful of reviewers I liked (and their reviews matched my taste), and followed their reviews. I talked to as many of my music loving and/or audiophile friends as I could, and listened to their systems. We ended up with an informal private audiophile group of some music lovers, and 5 years later it now has around 20ish people.....and it is great because a good number have or were/are purchasing "aspirational" systems

I didn't buy anything until I researched it thoroughly and listened to as many of my options as possible.

My existing gear at that time: Tubes4hifi VTA ST-120 KT120 tube amp, Thiel CS 2.3 speakers, and a Denon C-7030 CD player. I had crap for cables all the way around except for some OG Vampire Wire speaker cables

My purchases have mostly been direct to consumer brands (Denafrips DAC, DDC, preamp, and amp (the amp and preamp are since sold) Buchardt Audio speakers, Clayton Shaw speakers, Aric Audio amp and preamp, Anti-Cables-Morrow Audio-Zavfino-Veritas-etc cables. I bought a CODA S5.5 from Audio Archon dealer this year.

The Buchardt S400 KI and Clayton Shaw Caladan speakers, Aric Audio Motherldoe XL pre and Transcend "Push Pull" EL34 amp, CODA S5.5, Denafrips Pontus II DAC and Iris DDC have all been home runs and ridiculous values for their purchase price.

No, I am nowhere near at my end game system. In 2025 I will finish my dedicated listening room in my basement. I will (money dependent) upgrade the Pontus II DAC, add a very high end streamer, and add another pair of speakers. I will also be building a LOT of DIY cables that I've bought parts for over the last 18 months.

Golf and my audio system, make me very happy.....have a few years left until retirement

Do any of us really have the end game dream system? At least for me, it's an endless upgrade. Every tweak leads to yet another tweak, or new part. Feel like our systems are just a moment in time, are always evolving. 

My system started very modestly, mostly at the time interested in the overall look to fit the room. After a couple months, sound became much more important, the deep dive started with searching for the next best piece, and so on and so on. 

My system today, will not be the same system next year. But very happy with my current system, but always looking for "more".

with me at 73 yrs old it started in 90's and purchasing first set of speakers from Bryn Mawr Stereo and going back and forth 3 times until salesman realized I was serious about speakers and needed up with Mirage M3..and had them for 23 years..And buying 4 Solid State Amps from 90's till 2019...Then saw a ad for Raven Audio and I know from speakers you can not listen in showroom and come home and hear what your heard in showroom with acoustics of your home..So did the 45 day trial and never heard so much musical details in music from any solid-state I owned previously..And my old Mirages needed to be replaced and tried Raven Audios Speakers.. This was a whole new world of sound for me... So since 2019 I have steeped up from a Black Hawk test Amp to Osprey owned for 5 yrs to recently purchased the Reflection and Corvus Speakers and I am set for rest of my listening days ...Wish You well into your finding your  musical happiness..

It started over 35 years ago.  Had little money, so I would work to earn enough to buy the highest ranked equipment in Stereophile that I could afford. Mostly class C, maybe B.  I had three boys and the house was too noisy for any serious listening, so the hobby went on the backburner for many years. 

We moved about 3 years ago and I now have a better listening environment and no noisy kids (occasionally Grandkids).  I now have more disposable income and my components had aged.  I began the process of upgrading everything starting with speakers.  Then dac, then amp, then preamp.  A second upgrade of dac and various cables throughout the process. I'm at a happy spot.

Final touch is a new Salamander rack which delivers next week.  I'm still using a $100 rack that's 30 years old. 

What CHAYRO said...


"Spend enough money so the next step up is either financially or logistically impossible." 

Spend enough money so the next step up is either financially or logistically impossible. 


 realizing that only knowledge can provide dream sound...

Post removed 

Calvinj I would also like to give credit to those who mentor me on this hobby on  how to put a system , and teaching me how to listen to music especially classical.This are all very important aspects to learn.iam happy on what I have now. Are they dream systems ? No they are not. I just enjoy them.

It's hard to credit that a few resistosr can make such a difference - but it does.

@terry9 Thanks for taking the time to expand a little on your components. I use Vishay VAR in the input of my tube phono stages and agree they are superb. (47k load, 1k stopper)

The systems I mentioned above are way too expensive to have it. But you can learn from them and applied it to our humble average system.

Skhong 78 and Mike Lavigne system are also amazing systems that I heard that was uploaded by Skhong 78 in YouTube.My one set up sound more like Skhong78 my other set sound more like Mike Lavigne system in a very SMall way.Even on YouTube this two systems you can hear the greatness of this two systems.

Many years of listening to different systems . Attending axpona yearly as well.Three systems that really I end up basing my systems were the Borensen c1 set up and Wilson and Dan Agostino gear combo this year. At CEs Westin Hotel in Chicago it was the Austin Acoustic set up. All three set has the musicality and live performance.My systems needs a little upgrade to sound like the three systems I mentioned in a small set up I have.

After 50+ years, I’m almost there.  I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m there.