Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
millercarbon thinks the climate scientists at NOAA are wrong. But I bet he would check their forecast if he was to offshore in a small craft.

The socialism versus capitalism debate is a 19 century old and dusty fact that look now more like two eyelets for horses ....We must see and care for the 22 th century because the 21 th century is way on his course already....We need new thinking from the bottom to up, not the reverse...And this cannot be oligarchy (usa) nor authoritarian socialism(china)...

I will suggest a key word : participative democracy... A concept rarely and seriously contemplated...The conditions for his implementation are for sure incompatible with many of the actual social economic politic conditions...

By the way if we must go with the topic: Snow is key to the survival of our spirit and not only for better sound ( a dry winter is best for sound here)...Hexagonal symmetry is a teaching, linked to the prime numbers, and key to understanding the universal memory.... A truly desired awakening indeed... :)

Ok ,i apologize for abusive use of this thread topic...  
..a collective conscious organized goodwill.... Let's see that would be a quasi socialized look at the needs of the many and yes we lack the compassion to do it, after all the needs of the  .01% must be met. 
All solutions to all problems are already available now.... The only thing that lacks is the collective conscious organized good will...Nothing else is necessary... This the apex of the actual historical mankind tragedy...

We will die not because we lack something, we will die because we will not use it.... :)
Yes the space is there and the right question is should we? Not only is it an environmental question but an economic one, who will live there? Young people today want different amenities than my generation a big house and a nice green lawn and a $25k stereo system isn't what they are looking for so they are flocking to urban areas that meet their desires. In my city there is an urban renaissance and it's the younger generations you find congregating in these areas. 
I agree with Oregonpappa that there's plenty of open space to still build out.  The question is whether we should?  There's 7.8 billion humans on the planet and do they all deserve multiple houses and highways to drive between them?  Do you need an Environmental Impact Study to figure that out?
The reason that air is now as " pure as snow" is someone began a sentence with ....The government should... so we got the clean air act and you can thank unfettered  capitalism for that 1950's miasma of breathable particulates. America's wide open spaces are filled with opioid addicts now with no jobs or hope yeah what we need is more people. People go where they can find work and it isn't in the Mojave desert or a wheat field in Nebraska. 
  • "Also, if you don't think overpopulation is an issue you might need to get out more."
Wolfie ... That's exactly how I feel when I'm traveling from my house to LAX and fighting the bumper to bumper traffic down the 405 freeway. It is a 50-mile trip that takes at least three hours. As I sit in the traffic, I wonder ... from where in hell do all of these people come from? And where are they all going? When I drive from my house to Las Vegas, not so much.

The point is, everyone wants to live on that narrow strip known as the California Coast Line that extends from San Diego to San Francisco. Driving North through the Mojave Desert, there is wide open spaces between Bakersfield to Utah. And beyond that is Middle America's wide-open spaces. 

Still plenty of room for expansion. 

By the way, as a person who grew up in the Los Angeles area in the 1950s, I can tell you that in comparison to then, the air here is as pure as snow. 


Rachel Carson was 100% correct and we owe her a debt of gratitude for Silent Spring...from the New Yorker: “Silent Spring,” a landlubber, is no slouch of a book: it launched the environmental movement; provoked the passage of the Clean Air Act (1963), the Wilderness Act (1964), the National Environmental Policy Act (1969), the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act (both 1972); and led to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, in 1970." Also, if you don't think overpopulation is an issue you might need to get out more.
It’s as fake as the fake impeachment BS.... "How dare you!" Said that brain washed environmental nazi teenager chic....and Perona Pelosi makes me sick. Snow in new england tomorrow, yay....not!
Looks like nobody has an spl meter or RTA and has established a scientific baseline 

maybe DDT is the cure for black lung ?....or windmill cancer

the surf is in one acoustic baseline for me and Jets and ocean freighter wakes crashing on the bulkhead

Going back to the original post,

"The roof is muffled..."
What exactly is "muffled roof"?
Well Miller credibility has certainly taken a sharp downhill hairpin into the daisies.

Just 😲😲
DDT was banned by the Nixon administration and only in the US with exceptions for health issues. Millions died from malaria because countries abandoned effective uses. It worked, they thought they had it beat, they quit using it. They didn't  so they had to start again. Another reason for the resurgence of malaria is caused by that other conservative boogeyman evolution. It was already loosing its  effectiveness in the 1950's. Mosquitoes became immune to it from over use so now they rotate different chemicals and naturally mosquitoes are becoming immune to those which is why they are working more on vaccines now. 
Which part was hooey? All of it.
Did I explain that.

Source of information Yale Environment 360
If you read the article, you'd understand. Just because it's the New York Times, reading it won't burn your eyes. Every point you bring up is addressed.

That 'nuff "splainin'?

All the best,Nonoise
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.
What a load of hooey.

Well let's see... 
Did Rachel Carson write Silent Spring? She did.
Was it involved in getting DDT banned? It was.
Was DDT then banned? It was.
Did millions die of malaria? They did.
So which part is hooey?

Splain it to me.
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.
What a load of hooey. This kind of blind acceptance of right wing theater is why lies don’t die.
See here:
If you can wrap your head around it, you’ll understand why RoundUP is so ineffective against insects, which is why they’ve changed the formula so many times now, endangering humans along the way. The same for DDT.

The old way of dealing with insects and vermin were to simply rotate crops and types of crops. There are over 40,000 strains of rice and it was simple to just swap out one variety for another, then another. Bugs couldn’t keep up with it. But no, not now. Now you have patents on seeds (which used to be illegal) and you’re getting in the way of someone’s right to make a buck, even if it means screwing everyone else.

And as for overpopulation, please, by all means, contact the DOD, the Pentagon, and even other nations militaries and ask them if they think overpopulation is a hoax. Ask them why they have plans for dealing with
it. They take things very seriously. Technology has kept up with over population.

Thanks to our ability to transport huge amounts of things around the globe, populations have exploded to the point where they are critically dependent on them. See what happens when any major part of that transportation system breaks down.

All the best,
  • "... people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us!"

Ah, but this is a religion to the folks who believe that "the science is settled."

I wonder if any of these guys have read Rachel Carson’s or Paul Ehrlich’s books.

Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.

And, thanks to Paul Ehrlich’s book "Population Bomb," written in 1968, the entire human population on the planet died of starvation due to overpopulation in the 1970s and the 1980s.

Both of these books were required reading in schools at the time and taught to children as gospel. The propaganda mills of the statists were working overtime to win over the minds of the young.

Fast forward and we have a Congresswoman, still wet behind the ears, touting the end of planet earth in twelve years.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...


Oh, they removed Frank saying someone doesn't even have an 8th grade education. But left up the other BS. Figures. Oh well. My response. Probably remove this one too. Oh well.

Third grade. Horace Mann got a new library. I was in third grade. They wanted volunteers to file all the new books. I went for the Encyclopedia Britannica. A is for atom. Which I found a lot more interesting than the Dewey decimal system. So yeah third grade I learned about atoms, molecules, physics. Geography. Politics. Go check out the Encyclopedia Britannica from around 1965. If its in there, I knew it. Because I read the damn thing. All of it. And understood it all. And yes in grade school.

Another one in the pile, Red Giants and Black Dwarfs. No not dwarves, dwarfs. NASA scientist Robert Jastrow’s book about the then fairly new idea of stellar evolution. Unimaginably vast and nearly nonexistent clouds (not a lot greater density than the vacuum of space) of hydrogen molecules are drawn together by their mutual gravitational attraction and coalesce into a ball of gas.

The mass of this ball pretty much determines what happens next. On the scale we are talking about now mass pretty much rules. Terrestrial size mass and it comes together in a ball. Its a ball by the way because at this size nothing can stick out very far due to gravity. That’s why asteroids are craggy but everything moon size or bigger is round.

The Earth would have long since cooled but for the fact there’s enough uranium and other radioactive elements to keep the core hot. Jupiter size gets warm but only a little.

Oh, what stops the contraction? Glad you asked. The outside of every atom is a cloud of electrons. We used to think it was an electron orbiting just like the moon orbits Earth. Now thanks to quantum mechanics we know its a cloud of probabilistic locations the electron inhabits. Whatever. Point is electrons being as they carry a negative charge repel each other. So when 2 hydrogen atoms come together they bounce off and go right apart again. That’s why hydrogen is a gas.

But get enough of them together, like the mass of the sun, and they keep coming back together. Eventually at some point if they keep doing this hard and often enough something really strange happens. The electron shells are no longer strong enough to hold up against this much force.

It breaks, and the nuclei come together. Now at this point you need to know that way inside at the center of the atom are two very dense particles the proton and the neutron. Only in hydrogen its usually just the proton. But sometimes a neutron too. Anyway there are other forces that hold them together. Because think of it, proton, positive, they gonna repel each other just like electrons, right? So how come they stick together?

Well its because we got more than just one or two forces in nature. That we know of. Gravity, that ones weak but works over very great distances. Gravity famously follows an inverse square law of attenuation. Twice as far away, square it, invert it, one forth the attraction. Nuclear forces work the same but follow a different curve. And sorry its been a while and I’m not looking it up. You get the point I hope. I could go on like this all day.

Beginning to understand, to the extent you are able (which ain’t much) how silly you look trying to tell me I don’t know science? Absolute last worst subject you could pick to knock me on, and there you go. Not you GK the other one. The hopeless one.

Now with tweaks we have a very interesting problem. I’ve been in competition and been a track driving instructor for Porsche and in that field its all about traction. When some driver says some tire works best at some certain pressure, which happens a lot, I mean you can hardly imagine how often this happens, you know what? Nobody EVER IN MY LIFE came around knocking it saying that tire is some stupid tweak and you need to prove to the satisfaction of my mechanical engineering degree that you aren’t just shilling for Yokohama. Never. Ever. Happened.

That’s how far from normal it is to do what some are doing. Just nuts.

But hey, not like I didn’t know to expect it. Krissy said boy you are in for it now. Frank said watch out the crazies gonna come after you now.

Now what SHOULD happen, this supposedly being after all an audiophile forum, is people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us!

If you live by the seashore and it snows they cancel each other out. 
When my hifi gear is outside and gets snowed on it absolutely runs far more quietly as it completely shorts out and stops working. So don’t do that. Therefore I’m in a rare state of agreement with Millercarbon (footprint).

Note that on the "upper right coast" where I live, general coldness requires double pane windows or storm windows or you’re crazy or live in a tent. Consequently, at least indoors, it’s ALWAYS way quieter (in winter) than living with open windows like I did in Hawaii where I sort of grew up. Also worth noting, I’ve been in NYC during a’s amazing the degree to which it hushes the drone of the city at least temporarily.
Post removed 
Things outside do tend to be quieter when it snows. Does that make a hifi sound better? Well it might produce a lower noise floor in the room in some cases and that might help. Also snow days tend to be a vacation from normal life and that also could work towards one’s listening favor emotionally . Put those two together and you might have something.
Post removed 
+1 @onhwy61

”I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of the most ardent proponents of tweaks on this site have trouble with mainstream scientific thought.“
No one is saying there aren’t cycles in the weather. The tree rings speak the truth. Those rings in the trees as well as ones that are measurable in all manner of things, shows cycles upon cycles that range within norms with the seldom occurring outliers.

It’s all a delicate balance that’s achieved thru a variety of constants and relying on those constants, with the occasional asteroid or something earth shattering happening.

Then along comes a species that sees itself as above all that is which is nature and akin to the gods they imagine. This species has the ability to rationalize their aberrant behavior via all manner of devices, from religion (hastening the end times they crave) to economics (oh, the profits we can make in the short term as some other job creator will come along and fix everything).

Those cycles that the trees hold depict a balance so delicate because the cycles work in the confines of our atmosphere and oceans, which are finite, and therefore, subject to analysis. Pick any amount of toxin or pollutant, inject it into said model, and you can predictively model the results. Repeatedly. Accurately.

The cause is not in dispute and no amount of saying it is, is going to change any rational mind. Conflating it with "government intrusion" is just plain silly, I’m sorry to say. That is like saying I can park my diesel truck with it’s exhaust pointed at your open front door and idling it, all the while claiming "my freedom to do what I want without government regulations." Then, I’ll dump my toxic runoff into your drinking water and shout, "Take me to court and prove your harm."

The skies and oceans are not open sewers and when used as one, tend to back up on us.

All the best,
I doubt the power is any different whether it snows or not and I never noticed any difference in my listening. Perhaps if you like snow and there's a blanket covering all around it makes you feel quiet and warm inside your home and for sure that makes the listening better,  the way you feel. It has nothing to do with power or sound or magic mats or snow.
I dont want to be off-topic if I say that I like Oregonpapa last post...

I will not say it for the sake of the topic... :)

I will only say that his snowy hairs and perhaps beard are very good, like snow, for sound, probably the reason of his clearly great audio enthusiasm....
nonoise ...

  • "So, that's all there is to it?"  

Pretty much, Nonoise.

Everything in the universe is cyclical, including life itself. Even stars die.

The study of old-growth tree rings points out that the climate has been changing over many hundreds of years. Same thing with snow-pack test cores in the Artic.

I know of no one who is denying that the climate is changing ... only that the cause is in dispute, as well as the solutions. The solutions that alarm me are the ones that begin with ... "The government should ..."

Interesting topic,  no doubt ... but it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. *lol*

OP (Since everyone seems to respond to whatever was just posted, without actually reading the OP):
Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better
So yeah, snow. But not only snow: "But I think there may be more going on." Ahh, see now that's what we call a clue! Its hinting maybe this is not  all just about snow after all. Sure enough: "it sure does seem like the power is cleaner." Then "For sure the listening is better."

So much for my entertaining version of writing analysis. Now then: What does a guy have to say to a bunch of audiophiles to get them to understand its all about power and sound?

What scientific methods applied by mere humans would, in effect, change the solar cycles and the angle-relationship of the earth to the sun? 
So, that's all there is to it?

We are waiting for our first winter snow fall in southwest Florida.  Seems like it will never arrive!
Never the less, the dampening effect of snow on audio systems is an interesting topic. Five months of snow, however, would just dampen my spirits. 

The OP took it off the main topic and went down the rabbit hole if he doesn’t like it he can delete the thread.
Audiogon Official
Can we take this subject off Climate Change and back to the main topic?
That’s a reasonable request. It’s unfortunate that it hasn’t been respected.
Post removed 
The problem with the term "climate change" is that it should have been called "pollution and overpopulation." Because even those politically in denial of the former cannot deny the latter.
Wise words...

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that some of the most ardent proponents of tweaks on this site have trouble with mainstream scientific thought.

There is many exceptions...

I will only add that no one can deny that humanity is at a critical point... At this point, opinions, dogmas, facts, count less than, in us, the strong desire, the affirmative will, to listen to each others, and to unite us to face the greatest challenges that will come... These challenges will not necessarily be those for which we wait for...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of the most ardent proponents of tweaks on this site have trouble with mainstream scientific thought.
And yes, snow in the woods is wonderful once the plows and snow machines are done.
The problem with the term "climate change" is that it should have been called "pollution and overpopulation." Because even those politically in denial of the former cannot deny the latter. 
What scientific methods applied by mere humans would, in effect, change the solar cycles and the angle-relationship of the earth to the sun?

The answer, of course, is to raise taxes to the limit just short of revolution, introduce stifling regulations on the individual to reduce people movement, house the world population in high-rise buildings to avoid "Urban Sprawl," destroy evil capitalism and convert all of earth's societies into one enormous company store, from which, there would be no escape.

And when finally climate ceases to change, we can move to the next level and stop that pesky wind from blowing. 

I wish it would snow here. I think the dampening effect would lower my system's noise floor. Not likely though. The last time I remember snow of any consequence was in 1949 when I was a pup living in Santa Barbara, California. The Channel Islands were stunning, covered in snow.

Here's some pics of life in Paradise:

"My goal is to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God!"
('Jimmy Tomorrow', The Waitresses)

Personally...(what else is there?*L*)..I want to have my carcass dissolved, and poured into a river....

In a relatively short span of time.....
I'll 'be' Everywhere.
And I can soak your head.
*L*  And all you'll be able to do is curse the sky.

Which may be what will happen...anyway....:(
....what I find so 'deliciously heartwarming' about all this....

Is that most of us won't live long enough to actually experience the worst of what may occur If the projections come to pass.

AND....if they don't...same thing.

I'd prefer the latter outcome; not that I'll get to enjoy or just merely get to carry on as usual...

MHO is that it's still a 'win/win' scenario to take the former seriously and clean up our act anyway.

We could at least save the honeybees.

Unless one's dream of 'full employment' is to a whole lot of people in the fields with small brushes....collecting pollen, distributing same, pulling weeds, killing the odd bug....

We'd all be fitter, tanned....and thin.

Post removed 
"The scary part is so many are so dumb and gullible they fall for it."
No matter how hard we try, millercarbon always comes back talking about PPT.

He even hijacks his own weather thread.
"On the next high tide, let’s send millercarbon to camp out in the middle of St Mark’s Square, Venice."
These days you could almost camp out in the middle of the canals in Venice. They are dry. At the same time, there was some major flooding in Dubai.

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