NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
jond, If an empty balloon is dropped it falls. It is heavier than air. The same balloon with one cubic foot of air will fall a bit slower, less heavy. If the same balloon is filled with helium, why does it instead go up? "Gravity" should recognize it as yet just another filled balloon. 
New York, California, New Jersey, and a few other states PAY for this country. You “fly over” states mock us for our high tax rates, but the truth is if we didn’t pay the high tax rates we pay to subsidize y’all, YOU’D be paying MUCH higher taxes to sustain your money-losing states. It’s the great irony that WE in the more populous states support YOU through our higher taxes get derided for paying higher taxes to support YOU. Better you just say “THANK YOU” for us paying for you to live your low-cost lives. Or, better yet, just pony up and start paying more taxes to make your state sustainable WITHOUT NEEDING OUR help. But to criticize US for subsidizing YOU??? F off you ignorant wretch!!!
Gotta love @audition__audio ’s attack on me for responding to the outrageous stuff posted on here. I guess he’s fine with the alt right hate spewed around here like it was farcebook instead of an audio site but I guess it shows where he stands.

As for the use of "Karen", in case you’ve missed it, the use of "Chad" fell out of favor a while back and they’re now known as male Karens since they were making all the headlines anyway. Besides, sometimes it’s fun to sink down to others levels since that’s the only way to reach them, and it looks like I did. 👍

And as for my leaving if I don’t like it, how better to describe this as your safe space, Karen.

All the best,
Smart people want to understand the truth. Smart people LIKE to admit they were wrong. Some would rather hone their debating skills in which is not questionable as to why.
nonoise - "The real Einstein was never asked that in his life 👍" Tesla debunked gravity and said Einstein was a shill. TRUE (no offense meant or directed towards millercarbon, at all)
nonoise7,802 posts10-29-2021 8:37pm@desktopguy,
Unfortunately, this place has become a safe space for crisis actors and Karens. The mods even come across like Karens at times as well, leaving up some very nasty MAGA crap and deleting the rebuttals, but hey, this place is based in Texas.

That’s not to disparage the good citizens of that state but the people who run it and the business model they prefer.

All the best,
You need to look up the definition of ’Karen’.
What does Karen mean?

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.

And there’s only one group that has ever needed a ’safe space’. Or for that matter, felt compelled to police other people’s behaviors.

Wow.  So many reasons to be disappointed by this thread.  
There’s no shortage of hate these days, guys and gals.  So why create more?  Listening to music and pursuing the perfect reproduction of Live is inherently a beautiful thing.  But it's not infallible.  Let’s try to keep left, right, and center limited to channels here.   I get it — for some people, anger is delicious.   But not everything that’s delicious is good for us.  Personally, I put anger in the same category as high fructose corn syrup — neither one benefits our life experience.  
Let’s dial it down a notch.  This a hobby that brings great pleasure to us all.   I don’t come here to stoke the fire within me.   Quite the opposite.  A little awareness goes a long way. 
I keep my politics as far away from my hobbies as I can.  It takes effort sometimes.  But I’m better for the practice.   
I member in question, for me, is Nonoise. I think you will find him on all 3 pages. Who is the member with such great control? Dont want to make him feel slighted or unloved.
To state the obvious, the one you all claiming to be the hater stopped responding on the first page and this nonsense continued for 2 more pages with insults directed at him.  Great control on his behalf after multiple unnecessary attacks.   Might want to check yourself.  What a joke.
You are correct. I need to stop and will do my best to avoid such involvement in the future. Probably not the proper place.
There are plenty of political forums elsewhere for you all to spew.  Please stop making the moderators work so hard!   

What a turnoff...
As you should if you think he is correct in his beliefs. However supporting his demeaning attitude you do so at your peril and at the peril of this country. The peril arises not out of what he believes as much as how he presents these beliefs and the viciousness of his defense . He and those he hates arent willing to compromise and arent willing to discuss. Make no mistake, the extremes on both sides are not driven by logic or a desire for justice they are driven by nothing other than hate and emotion.
@audition__audio Nonoise is a defender of truth and tireless refuter of propaganda. I support his posts. 
Well desktop says if you dont like New York dont visit. Fair enough. Why not leave if you think the moderators are not even-handed. Certainly you are one of the greatest "haters" at least regarding Trumpers and the alt. right. But I guess hating is fine as long as you hate the appropriate crowd. You are not offended by this forum. In fact you relish the opportunity to state your beliefs. Why deny those who disagree the same indulgence?

Hate speech my a*s. These days it is all hate speech. Equal amounts from each side of center.
Unfortunately, this place has become a safe space for crisis actors and Karens. The mods even come across like Karens at times as well, leaving up some very nasty MAGA crap and deleting the rebuttals, but hey, this place is based in Texas.

That's not to disparage the good citizens of that state but the people who run it and the business model they prefer.

All the best,
Reading this thread, I'm disgusted, but hardly surprised, to find anti-vaxxers & MAGA types spouting the usual hate babble.

You hate New York? You hate having to show proof of vaccination? Good. Don't come to New York. 

As for not getting sick & not dying if you do (because you refuse vaccination) ... good luck with that. Please pay for all medical care with a credit card or cashier's check. 
@verdantaudio  , We are exhibiting   in NY Audio show also   room 706, 
You wish! I can go to Best Buy and look at the equipment you own. Get over yourself. You are right and in this case very right, you state you won’t see equipment like yours at audio shows. I have been going to CES, The SHOW, RMAF and others for decades and all of them have very good quality systems, something that we wouldn’t see at your place....Pretty dam funny,lmao

Can’t help but picture a pile of 750,000 dead Americans who had “the sniffles.”

New York is great. The population density requires public health measures that are not as critical in lower density areas. 
MC wrote “What is inexplicable is why anyone would remove a perfectly fine post simply because someone is, what? Jealous? Micro-offended? More than likely.”
You wish! I can go to Best Buy and look at the equipment you own. Get over yourself. You are right and in this case very right, you state you won’t see equipment like yours at audio shows. I have been going to CES, The SHOW, RMAF and others for decades and all of them have very good quality systems, something that we wouldn’t see at your place.
The web site has "TBD" for time / date / location, yet at the bottom of the page there is all 3. This with one month to go. No mention of ticketing info either. Seems more than a little amateurish. 

And, FYI, the ragging on NYC and the politics is just embarrassing. 
I am apparently under the mistaken impression this was an audio based thread.  

Shouldn't we be fighting over tubes vs solid state or digital vs analog or how much better my dad's system is than your dad's???
I have really enjoyed this thread! I like that this site allows people to communicate their beliefs along with their audio opinions. I am certainly not for ignorance, aggression or bullying.

I have always considered myself a moderate. Pretty much right down the center. I do believe that in recent years the mainstream left has moved further in that direction. Some now consider my views to be far right and extremely conservative. I assure you that they are not. I have enjoyed both sides of this discussion. I love New York City. I think it is a great place to visit. Prior to Covid we traveled from Philadelphia several times a year for concerts, shows, and a good meal! I cannot speak to what it has become since Covid. I also have no problem with proof of vaccine or a recent negative test. Don’t get me started about masks. I find it absurd that you have to wear a mask when entering a restaurant, but as soon as you are seated you can remove it. Does Covid know not to attack you at your table. Is it only dangerous when you were waiting in line or in the lobby? I saw steely Dan at the Met in Philadelphia the other night. Vaccine cards or negative tests were required. So were masks. Everyone wore a mask when entering. Prior to the show I would estimate about 50% of the people had their mask on. Most improperly, under their nose or hanging from one ear… Etc. by the end of the show I would estimate that about 10% of the people were wearing their masks at all. The ushers we’re not concerned. They were more concerned that you did not have your phone out as the artist did not want phones in the auditorium. I purchased two 5 dollar cans of water from the Alps so that I could sip them and not have to wear the mask. It was probably unnecessary, but staying hydrated was good.

I appreciate all of the opinions here, both audio and political. Let’s just try and keep it civil.
@joUnfortunately I am not going to be at CAF this year.  We have a family wedding that weekend that I can’t miss.  
I am exhibiting at NY Audio Show in room 703.  They just sent out invoices last week to those of us exhibiting.  As people are paying now, I assume that is why they haven't published an exhibitor schedule yet.  

It is NOT going to be in a tiny NY hotel but is going to be in a conference center with large hallways and very large rooms by audio show standards.  

My understanding is the rules will be the same as for Capital Audiofest which is proof of vaccination or a negative test.  The rules are driven by local ordinances.  The balance of this debate around politics is pointless and moot.  The rules are the rules so we either follow them or don't go. 

I know plenty of people who are going, good for them.  If you choose not to, good for you.  Whatever makes you happiest.  If you are going, hope to see you at the show.   
Dill....I hear Tekton is in the main room this year, don’t miss it.......You heard wrong ,Tekton is being displayed in the Trump room. The promoters used gerrymandering tactics setting up the show so it maybe hard to find.
I'm going with a friend. The ladies are going shopping. I'm hoping to stop by Soundsmith on the way to listen to the strain gauge cartridge. 

I can report on it afterwards if people want.
Our listening room is open by appointment only in northern New Jersey if you want to really have time to listen and bring your own material  Coming next week are Vivid speakers.  We are excited  PM me if you want to schedule some time

Happy Listening
Hundreds or thousands of people winding round narrow hotel corridors and bunching in small unventilated rooms heated by overcrowding and big amps is a sure COVID spreader, masks or no masks.

Take sub-aqua breathing gear or stay VERY WELL CLEAR.
Dude crime happens all over including NYC yes. No one's disputing that, I see my point sailed way over your head.

Do you realize that you have ZERO clue what you’re talking about? What you call “tragic anecdotes” is happening EVERY SINGLE DAY in NYC…but I guess if you don’t read about it on Facebook it never really happened. 

missioncoonery said: "anyone know anything about it"

I hear Tekton is in the main room this year, don’t miss it.
On that we can agree. 
You say what you want.
Then I'll say what I want.
You'll notice I did let your comments stand on their own,
and come to my conclusions.
You're own justifications are solely yours.

All the best,

nonoise7,788 posts10-28-2021 10:23am
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.
Here are two prime examples of not knowing what you're talking about but winging it as best you can so to save face (and what a mug).

All the best,
I don't have any reason to 'save face' here. My comments stand on their own. Everyone here is free to consider what I say, and what you say, and come to their own conclusions.
NYC a criminal hellhole? These must be the crooks enjoying themselves at their criminal lair. Look at all the scofflaws and crooks getting a look at what they stole. A really hellish place to be, indeed.

Makes you really wonder why they couldn't pull off the audio show. I don't think it was because of the crime but rather the requirement of vaccination and masks for those who wanted to keep wearing them.

All the best,
@jl1ny What I said was crime in NYC is no different from crime other places too big a deal was being made of crime in NYC as if it's some criminal hellhole. And seriously using tragic anecdotes is such a cheap ploy keep that one to yourself next time.
He cant help himself as if suffering from a disease. How he read anything into your post beyond the correction is a mystery to me. Guess he got a bit emotional
Nice try.

Having union crews on a set where someone got killed has nothing really to do when comparing someone being killed on a non union set. Comparisons like that are food for folly. 

I seen people run stop signs and not hit anyone and seen others stop and still get hit. Should we get rid of stop signs?

Union sets have much stricter standards and despite that, accidents do happen. This recent one was a killing in the making with two separate incidents from the same armorer days earlier in the shoot, which had the union camera operators walk off the set for safety concerns.

Unions are not sacred cows. My goodness. Do you view the common person striving for better working conditions as that?

All the best,

He cant help himself as if suffering from a disease. How he read anything into your post beyond the correction is a mystery to me. Guess he got a bit emotional.
No I asked if union people were on set when Brandon Lee was accidentally shot. You never answered. It wasnt a disparagment it was a question. It was you that made the assumption that the lack of union people on set contributed to this recent accident. Unions, sacred cows and major contributors to the (not alt) left. 
Hey woodsage, my bad for being in a huff over the preceding stuff. I missed that you only corrected the name and not out of spite for union members and for that, I apologize. I'm sure you a great carpenter (from the moniker) and not a big squirrel fan.
Mea bigga Culpa.

All the best,

Not sure how you segued from me correcting the fact that it was Bruce Lee’s son Brandon who was killed on set not Bruce Lee to Donald Trump? Perhaps you thought I was referencing a current meme? I was not. I was just pointing out a factual error that is of significance to me.
BTW, all this political BS (regardless of the side) is beyond tedious.
I also see that you decided to insult me by altering my moniker because I chose to correct a factual error. Mighty mature of you. But it’s my mistake for bothering to post here. Mea Culpa.

I’m out.