NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
And as for @tom6897 — thanks for dragging this thread into the mud.  Why don’t you just accept the tax handouts states like NY give you and say “thank you” rather than biting the hand that feeds you.  Get a clue dude. 

Hey @millercarbon — still waiting for a logical, numbers-based response from you rather than some dumb and unrelated videos. Not holding my breath tho. Facts and numbers are truly pesky things to those who’d rather simply just “believe” things. It’s definitely easier that way — I’ll give you that.  C’mon man — bring it!  Or, just put your ignorant head back in the sand where it’s apparently most comfortable while living in your little bubble provided to you by others. 
Post removed 
Yeah that’s about right. You “see what you believe” types are confronted with pesky little things like facts and accountability and since you have no logical answer you counter with hate, attack, and diversion. I understand though — it’s much easier to plant your head firmly in the sand when you’re hearing things you don’t wanna hear and can’t debate and just want things your way — kinda like a crying, whining child throwing a tantrum, which is basically what you are right now. Facts will win out in the end in this country, thank God.

BTW, Einstein was very good with numbers and relied on them heavily in his work.  You should change your little picture here as I’m sure it has him rolling in his grave. 
It isn’t the way Texas produces oil and cattle. It isn’t the way the farmers in Kansas produce so much corn. Why, it isn’t that people are productive at all! They’re just dumb vacuum cleaners sucking money from government!
Rhetorical question. I know you can’t answer. You know you can’t answer. Loopy liberal logic depends on no one ever pointing out the logic being loopy. Frankly, it is a lie.
@millercarbon — I sure can answer it. And it’s not “loopy logic” at all — it’s relatively simple math and a balance of payments. Reference @nonoise link above. Just because you “believe” Kansas is a profitable state because they make gov’t-subsidized corn doesn’t make it so. The pure fact is they’re a government money suck. Numbers clearly aren’t your thing — stick to hocking Raven Audio products, which is more in your wheelhouse. Unless you’re prepared to bring some real numbers to the table instead of your unsubstantiated beliefs you’re better off just licking your wounds and exiting here and now. Or, try and make your case — that’d be fun.

As usual, MC Yammer gets it all wrong. Here's a complete breakdown of who gets what from whom.

In Texas, for every dollar they send to the feds, they get back $673 per person and in Iowa, they get back $1,492 per person for every dollar they pay. Funny that, huh?

And the biggest welfare recipients are in good ol' Kentucky, where the per person welfare amounts to a staggering, $14,153 for every dollar they send to the feds. 

If you really want to end welfare, I can think of no better way than to limit what you get from government what you pay into government and stop with all the BS about the takers, homeless, etc. 

I can see where a hundred years ago, those in those welfare states were all running around toothless with their mullets and confederate flags but nowadays, give me a break.

All the best,
@arafiq   Agree for 100%   NY- is the World Capital, dont bring political 
bul-----t , 
NY is one of the few states that pays more to the Federal Government than it takes in, which helps to allow people to live in their comfortable bubbles in less-populous states that suck money from the Government like a Hoover to even be viable. 

Let's see if we can follow the twisted liberal logic here. What makes the "comfortable bubbles" in the "less populous states" is the money they "suck from the Government like a Hoover" without which they would not "even be viable".   

See? It isn't the way Texas produces oil and cattle. It isn't the way the farmers in Kansas produce so much corn. Why, it isn't that people are productive at all! They're just dumb vacuum cleaners sucking money from government!   

Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces? I know government produces taxes and regulations. I know government has a whole army of people it pays to extract taxes and compliance, but what exactly does government produce? Besides debt. 

Rhetorical question. I know you can't answer. You know you can't answer. Loopy liberal logic depends on no one ever pointing out the logic being loopy. Frankly, it is a lie. 
There are too many here who can't help themselves and jump at any opportunity to spew their hate. It's all part of "owning" someone that they've been so easily conditioned to do. It's second nature for them.
Pavlov was right.

All the best,
What's wrong with people here? NY is one of the greatest cities, not just in the US but around the world. I was in Manhattan for a few days last week. Given the massive number of people who are out and about on a daily basis at all times of the day and night, the city is remarkably clean, safe, and well organized, relatively speaking of course. I'm always amazed at the energy, creativity, arts/music scene, and diversity every time I visit this amazing city. Why can't we appreciate the good and set aside our political beliefs and grievances for a change.

Unions serve an important role in many cases, especially when it comes to specified training for certain tasks as well as safety protocols. A recent mishap on a movie set is an example.
NY is one of the few states that pays more to the Federal Government than it takes in, which helps to allow people to live in their comfortable bubbles in less-populous states that suck money from the Government like a Hoover to even be viable.  So, maybe go a little easier on NYC eh?  Better yet, let’s just keep this to audio and avoid the politics altogether shall we?  Lord knows we get more than enough of that everywhere else we look and certainly don’t need it here.  Jeez. 
Wow. I've been waiting for an audio show to come up near me. It's about time!

I'm 5 hours away!

Vaccine passports and masks?

I guess I'll save my $3.40/gal gasoline for something more inline with a free society.
NYC is still the shining beacon of freedom it once was, yes? If so, surely the show will be great!

Nailed it 100% 😂 NYC is a toilet…reverting back to the 80’s at warp speed. 
I flew in to NY from Arizona for the show.  It was the worst show I have been to and a waste of time.  
I agree with tom6897. The world went crazy over the sniffles and New York is a total loss. They might never recover. A lot of Store fronts are totally empty and they still want $30k-$40k a month for rent. Crazy. 
Uh oh. Politics has entered the fray.

He said before launching into the most partisan political polemic in the whole discussion.
I, for one, look forward to the NY show and hope proof of vaccination or a fresh test is required.

You go, girl!
The last show I attended from Chester was a Waldorf show in around 2013. It was busy, lots of rooms, I went mainly to see people- I don’t really consider show listening to be meaningful but it is fun for a couple hours. I found refuge in Robin Wyatt’s room--classical (Kodaly-Unaccompanied Cello- Starker) on tape via some old Quads and a Charlie King frankentape preamp.
Met Roy Gregory, who joined us for dinner and a listening session that was written up. My 5 minutes of fame. :)
We did have a nice time and I got to see people I hadn’t seen in decades.
I’m not in NY anymore.
Oh, I meant to mention costs of doing a show in NY, but you probably know that. 
tom68971,427 posts10-26-2021 7:53pmIt's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO
For a city of 10+ million humans, it's doing a pretty good job. Not everyone lives on the prairie!
Uh oh. Politics has entered the fray. Someone watches Fox (where, before NY law mandates-- employees were required to be vaccinated or tested every day), Newsmax, OAN or RT or some other medium that traffics in lies and conspiracy theories wherein the source of all evil in the world is in NY, LA or SF. 
I, for one, look forward to the NY show and hope proof of vaccination or a fresh test is required.

Chuctoberfest looks like a great time!

Indeed, so great it triggers some into fits of impotent rage. What is inexplicable is why anyone would remove a perfectly fine post simply because someone is, what? Jealous? Micro-offended? More than likely. Oh well, that is one of the many great things about Chuctoberfest, the utter and complete absence of prudes, scolds, and censors. No safe spaces! Just mature good-natured adults getting together to enjoy good music, food, and drink. Scandalous!

It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card!  NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
That show is JUNK not worth the effort. See the entire show in less than 1 hour BIG JOKE!!!
At least they're trying. Not their fault if it's all in decline. I had a blast for hours in Rob Wyatt's room one year.
dill, Chucktoberfest is SC. Thus the lager. Not that there’s anything wrong with lager, a fine German beer and a good quaff to be had for sure. But here at Chuctoberfest our beverage of choice is Deschuttes Black Butte Porter, brewed right here in the Pacific Northwet.

Also unlike your typical weenie so-called audiophile events held in hastily set up hotel rooms, Chuctoberfest features seriously dialed in systems tweaked and modded to the max. Brandon Wade in Woodinville has been improving his system for some time now, as have I, and we both have some pretty cool stuff to demo, things you simply will never encounter in any ordinary show situation.

I don’t know everything Brandon has planned but here in Redmond we will have pork back ribs with beer and all the trimmings. Take that, you dopey hotel shows! Which never even happen anyway. Chuctoberfest is ON!!!

Thanks dill for the link. My first year and already people copying me. Pretty freaking cool.
Miller carbon....Have no shame at?...you shill just about every post with your bs Tekton junk
That show  is JUNK not worth the effort. See the entire  show in less than 1 hour BIG JOKE!!!
Speaking of which this weekend is Chuctoberfest, held this year in Woodinville and Redmond, WA. Featuring Brandon's highly upgraded Tekton Pendragon XL and millercarbons even more upgraded Tekton Moabs we will also have a range of quality high end gear to enjoy. Join audiophiles from as far away as SoCal in this sure to be the greatest of all audio events this year! See the FB Tekton Owner's Group or PM for details!