Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Please don't, m....

I understand you....*s*  But, you understand Me, which I consider a plus, if only to us. ;)

(Too many commas put some into comas...*L*)
I just feel that your life (and ours!) will be more coherent and less crazy if you learn how to articulate your thoughts more clearly - what are you really trying to express? Why do you want to express it? What is the best way to get your thoughts and feelings across? What are you learning from these exchanges?

Have a great day.

I dont know how to take your post...

Am i totally unintelligible ? if it is so, i am afraid to conclude i must cease to write in these threads...


But if some answered to my posts in the past and they understood the most important parts of them perhaps there subsist some hope for me?

I dont know.... The problem is i enjoy being here with almost all people here, even those with which i am not of the same opinions...

What can i do?

Writing more cautiously.... You are right for sure...

Thanks for your friendly advice....

My best to you....

 I just want to express a single truth:

The controls and tuning of a system is more important that the system and his price...
And in some threads i communicate my "crazy" experiments and read some others for inspirations... Thats all....

Dont upgrade ANYTHING before being sure to have  embed EVERYTHING in his working, mechanical,electrical and acoustical dimensions rightfully...

Is it not cristal clear?
A note: i never spoke english save few minutes each months for all my life...I read many science and philosophy books in English, not the best books to explore syntax and rhetorical subtleties...

And it is very impressive that you are engaging in an English langauge forum if this is the case.

I just feel that your life (and ours!) will be more coherent and less crazy if you learn how to articulate your thoughts more clearly - what are you really trying to express? Why do you want to express it? What is the best way to get your thoughts and feelings across? What are you learning from these exchanges?

Have a great day.

mahgister - it seems like English is a second language for you, so kudos.

But could you try writing more clearly? I am not talking spelling or conjunctions, just "universal grammar" and consistency and less ambiguity - stuff that is not culture and specific language-dependent.

It is extremely frustrating to read your hogwash at times.
I apologize...

I tried my best but sometimes i wrote too speedily...

I must recognize that you are right...

I cannot do much better i will try....

My best to you....

A note: i never spoke english save few minutes each months for all my life...I read many  science and philosophy books in English, not the best  books to explore syntax and rhetorical subtleties...

"Consumerism is what plague audiophile thread, and forbid the real question : How to improve the experience at low cost working with the controls of the embeddings dimensions of the system: mechanical, electrical and acoustical...."

...but, Hey...if you can make it expensive....*L*

What used to be a pursuit of the hobbyist yearning to hear music in their homes has become everything from the original intent to high cost items that rival the cost of 'big ticket' offerings such as cars.  And that over just one part of the whole system, that invoke the need to defend one's' choice in places such as AG....if one thinks they must do so.

One can buy a sabot, or a multi-million $ yacht....both will transport one across the water.  It all comes down to expectations and what one thinks is necessary to make the trip. ;)

Fly coach, first class, or rent the jet.  Buy the craft if you 'must'.

*g*  Nothing new about it....let me know if that changes, 'k?

(Engaging in deep irony on a rainy, lazy day....)

Best back to you, J

arcam88 - I have mine placed just above and behind and in between my speakers. About 7’ tall, a few inches behind, and several feet from each tall planar speaker.

I have also tried placing it above my electronic components, and behind and above my head at my listening position. I am getting a second soon, to experiment with one between the speakers (fixed) and moving the second one between components and my listening seat.

Not sure of the rationale for the 5’ minimum height, or where that came from. As if anything is truly rational with these SGs! Except the observing through listening part.
mahgister - it seems like English is a second language for you, so kudos.

But could you try writing more clearly? I am not talking spelling or conjunctions, just "universal grammar" and consistency and less ambiguity - stuff that is not culture and specific language-dependent, but simply requires clear thinking (in any language!).

It is extremely frustrating to read your hogwash at times.
Would it be possible for you to send us a link to at least one of the YouTube 7 figure systems in action (the more, the sonically merrier) that were inferior to yours in some way (due to absent/insufficient room acoustics or otherwise), and ideally, videos/audio of your system playing the same music, so that the Agon community can corroborate your claims?
No... I dont want to provoke useless controversies and arguing that will not make any sense...

I think you misread my intention...

An anecdote is an anecdote not a proof especially not with youtube...

I will be clear: i only say that walking among examples of system on youtube i discovered to my amazement that i PREFERED mine.. This is an ANECDOTE.... Not a claim...

Now i must explain, i would have to explain for myself, this real surprizing experience for me by what?

My gear has certainly not the same potential that more refine costly gear...Then why?

I detected problem linked to acoustical room control and probably also to the 2 other embeddings mechanical and electrical about the systems i listen to on youtube...By the way go on youtube and listen to speakers working in a showroom more than half sound bad....The speakers are certainly good one...It does not take a genius to figure out why they sound bad....

You want to read my anecdote about the importance of acoustical control like a claim about the superiority of my system.... IT IS NOT...

Then dont give me a bait to throw further controversies about naming particular system...

I am not an idiot....

What is affirmed by me is this: The tuning and controlling of the working dimensions of a system is way more important than the price of the system and may cost very few dollars to install...

That is my claim... And this claim is for me TRUTH and experience....

My audio system is low cost and average but satisfied me on all counts not because the gear is extraordinary, but because the acoustic, mechancial aspect, and electrical grid are under minimal controls...

This is my POINT...I never pretended that my system is better than any other one in the absolute sense, i pretend to like it now more than many others , why? because of my embeddings experiments controls devices....

Helmhotz tubes and pipes cost NOTHING to try and this is pure acoustic science not anecdotes or even claims...Pure VERIFIED science....They cause an upgrade superior to many other possible gear upgrades... This is science not taste....

It is not then my system itself , it is the way we install ANY system which is important.... And your desire to create a controversy, by picking my lived anecdote to illustrate this uncontroversial fact , the importance of tuning a system with his room, is not to my taste nor in my intention...

It is not the price of the system, it is the controls of the working dimensions that are the KEY to audiophile experience...

Is it clear?

It's better to wait until after a thunderstorm to listen in order to get natural resonances. I find it far superior to man made generators. 

Thanks for the reply - ’tis much appreciated.

Would it be possible for you to send us a link to at least one of the YouTube 7 figure systems in action (the more, the sonically merrier) that were inferior to yours in some way (due to absent/insufficient room acoustics or otherwise), and ideally, videos/audio of your system playing the same music, so that the Agon community can corroborate your claims? Many will dispute the validity of YouTube as a sound/appropriate comparator (and perhaps rightfully so), but if was good enough for your assessments, we will gladly take them under advisement.

Even if you cannot supply videos of your system going tete a tete with those extravagant systems, I’m sure the community would still find it helpful to hear those systems and their deficiencies first hand, so that we can further our understanding of the art and science of audiophilia.

Ultimate Schumann Resonator
Direct out-of-the-factory price SR-003 (C$580) / SR-200 (C$780) / SR-300 (C$980) / SR-2000 (C$1,480)

Special NEW AGE products promotion discount:

C$80 less for any SR models

SR-003 after discount C$499 only [US$ 424 only!]

SR-200 after discount C$699 only [US$ 594 only!]

SR-300 after discount C$899 only [US$ 764 only!]

SR-2000 after discount C$1,380 only [US$ 1173 only!]


Experiment with cheap one ....

If the cheap one work why buying costly one?

This will discourage other to experiment by themselves...

I bought myself no tweaks and no costly product...

Be creative and keep your money....

Consumerism is what plague audiophile thread, and forbid the real question : How to improve the experience at low cost working with the controls of the embeddings dimensions of the system: mechanical, electrical and acoustical....

We need minimal science and minimal money nothing else with experimenting....

Could you please elaborate and substantiate - how many 7 figure (currency of denomination?) systems have you listened to and where, and what components were they comprised of? Any supporting evidence you can cite would be extremely helpful to both the specific case you are litigating in this thread about Schumann generators, but even more generally, would help advance the views and recommendations you espouse at large when it comes to the pursuit of sonic primacy.
You misread my intention or perhaps i was not communicating them adequately...

I NEVER affirm that my system is BETTER than a 7 figures system "per se"...

I am not stupid...Affirming so will be stupid...

I only say that when i listened to youtube some 7 figures system, at least at 2 different memorable occasions, that reveal EVEN through the limitations of mine the limit of the room where they worked...Any experienced acoustician already know that a good system in a bad room could sound bad.... I verify this by accident many times listening youtube... You cannot assess anything on youtube BUT harshness and unnatural timbre sometimes is truly there and not in my system testing with the same files...

I affirm that i was so glad with mine than i prefered mine....this is my truth...

BUT i dont say this in relation with the use of my Schumann generators at all...

I use 1 hundred resonators, with many connections in my room, with Helmholtz tubes and pipes,and bottles with near 45 "golden plates" all along my electrical grid with many other devices....I even use ionizers with great success....

The reason why my system pleased me is the SUM of all this not the results of the S.G. mainly and only...

Dont use my words against me....

Read it like i intent to communicate them.... I know that saying that with the S.G. matter will make it like a false CLAIM about S.G. use...

I already said it CLEARLY that S.G. cannot be used generally like the FIRST working embedding controls...

Is it clear? I hope so...

My Helmoltz pipes and tubes grid is more impactful on the room than the S.G. and work and add completely different qualities to the system...

I affirm that Helmholtz acoustic science is more helpful than any UPGRADE at any cost yes....The S.G. is very good but way less impactful for example...

Respectfully. You are not the only one who follows the need and sense to experiment. New materials and a sense for shapes that augment the sound not to make it chaotic and unpleasant are chief components of my product designs all thru my audio room and sound system. A lifelong expression. Tom
I apologize if i give the opposite impression...

I am here precisely because i know that they are many peple who already experimented...

But i am the only one that say loud and clear that a minimal  and even very good audiophile experience is there possible at LOW cost and even at near no cost....

I know first hand that you experiment and know what you speak about then i apologize for giving despite my intention  the opposite impression....

My deepest regards...


Ultimate Schumann Resonator
Direct out-of-the-factory price SR-003 (C$580) / SR-200 (C$780) / SR-300 (C$980) / SR-2000 (C$1,480)

Special NEW AGE products promotion discount:

C$80 less for any SR models

SR-003 after discount C$499 only [US$ 424 only!]

SR-200 after discount C$699 only [US$ 594 only!]

SR-300 after discount C$899 only [US$ 764 only!]

SR-2000 after discount C$1,380 only [US$ 1173 only!]


Ultra precise Schumann resonator

This is our new design series of SCHUMANN RESONATOR , with special features of variable frequency and variable output power, as well as crystal locked super high speed high precision frequency readout (in SR-200 and SR-300 , 0.01Hz resolution with 10 updates per second ) . According to most advanced researchers finding, this device can suppress / shield / cancel the bad effect of those RF/EMF interference generated by GPS/cellphone/TV/wireless routers.....etc, after shield out those interferences, our brain will function in a more proper way, which makes our perception of sound become normal again, and we can hear way more details , better soundstage and much wider frequency range without the need to change a bit of the room acoustic or system.

This unit suppose can boost the immue system of the body and achieve certain self-healing effect, most obvious is better sleeping due to improved body condition and perfection the nerve system, boost blood circulations..etc. We have research a list of different resonance frequency which can enhance different area of our body functions.

It looks like no other manufacturers in the industry can offer the same level of features, signal quality and performance as ours, but you will even need to pay 4x to 5x more for those handicapped products.

(SR-003) this model was designed with dual CPU for smoothest operation and precise frequency generation, it have 7 different operation mode,

1 -- Deep Sleep mode, sound sleep and be able to wake up full of energy

2 -- Audiophile mode-A (Regular 7.83Hz, also sleeping aid)

3 -- Audiophile mode-B (anti jet-lag as well as anti-depression aid)

4 -- Audiophile mode-C (also speed up body healing)

5 -- Audiophile mode-D (also enhance facial toning and skin smoothness)

6 -- Audiophile mode-E (also mood elevation)

7 -- Audiophile mode-F (also intelligence enhancement)


Five output levels 100% / 60% / 40% / 20% and zero ( higher output level better for audiophile usage, lower output level better for sleeping aid )


All frequency mode crystal quartz locked to +/- 0.01% stability, ultra-low distortion pure sinewave (0.1% THD) to make sure no headache side effect (this is the common probem for others designs with square wave, triangle wave or simulated sinewave generator)

Full function mini-remote control for 7 different frequency mode selection, 5 output levels and on/off fucntion, control distance around 8 meters .

Manual frequency and level selection on top

DC-12V 1A high power AC adapter included

(SR-200 ) This is a version with enhanced dual processor, which can vary from 0.01Hz to 9999.99Hz with 0.01Hz resolution (0.01% THD).

Frequency variable in order to match different people's perception. This unit implimented our most advanced digital synthesis sinewave generator technology with LCD read-out, super stable and accurate frequency output (once set , the resonance frequency suppose will be locked without drift for at least a 100 years) . Super wide control bandwidth in order to perform different functions (a table of frequency will listed on manual for various purpose including sleeping-aid, body re-generation, fast recovery for injury, anti-depression, anti-sleepy for driving.... etc)


Mini remote on/off control included for easy audiophile performance testing without leaving your seat

DC-12V 1A high power AC adapter included

(SR-300 ) This is a super enhanced version over the powerful SR-200, which can vary from 0.01Hz to 999999.99Hz with 0.01Hz step (0.01% THD). Super low distortion output available for possible of unlimited output power upgrade. This is a world class instrumental grade of high precision equipment, design to use in the audiophile world. Resonance frequency output at the back so that future upgrade / enhancement of output power possible, control by the front "Line" knob.

Remote on/off control available with mini remote

Ouput intensity from 0% to 100% variable




(SR-2000 ) This is our ultimate version, which process super natural postive energy, and can vary from 0.01Hz to 9999.99Hz with 0.01Hz step. Super low distortion RCA output available for unlimited output power upgrade (with optional external power transducer). This is an alien class product design for lucky audiophiles


Remote on/off control available with mini remote , output intensity from 0% to 100% variable

Customer feedback:

From Harv.

Al, I would say the resonator improves the most important elements of the sound; sound stage, the highs are very extended, the sound is holistic and the bass is tighter.
Over all the sound improvement is almost 50% for me.
Hard to believe really

From Peter:

I tried it while listening through my main system last night . I used 7.83Hz with 80% power, and heard a subtle but definite improvement in the sound produced. I didn't notice any change in tonal balance, but the sound-stage opened up, while images within the stage became more holographic. That's awesome! The whole listening experience was very enjoyable; the SR-200 is definitely a worthwhile investment!

Unlike most of the mass market products, we use organic pure sine wave as resonance frequency instead of square wave (much cheaper to build with square / Triangle wave but come along lots of bad side effect) , which we found out the sonic improvement will be much bigger , as well as no irriational effects to those experience headache from square / Triangle wave products.

with the installation of this unit in your listening room, most of the bad interference generated by wireless router, telephone, cellphone, TV and many other RF/EMF radiation device will no longer harm your perceptions. You can hear an immediately lifting in the sound quality (even a little bit on loudness) of your system, more rich, warmer, better high and low extension as well as instrumental separation, width and depth of the soundstage. It might even enhance your health conditions according to various researcher quote (check out schumann resonance related articles on the web for more details)


Specificationssupply voltage

AC 90 - 240V 50-60Hz with 12V universal adatper include for SR-003 and SR-200

frequency stability

+/- 0.0005% for all models

Waveform generated

Quartz locked super high precision digital synthesised pure sine wave

0.1% THD for SR-003 , 0.01% THD for SR-200

1 year parts and labor warranty under normal operation condition

All information on this website is copyrighted by Space-Tech Lab. Ltd. 1996-2020 and may not be reproduced in part or in full without written consent from Space-Tech Lab. Ltd. Nor shall our product designs be copied or implimented without our consent. All Rights Reserved.

Save the earth and save yourself, be a vegetarian and keep enjoying music for a long long time !!

Mahregister -

This statement of yours is truly fascinating.

"My system is not the best there is but i did not have any frustration left and many 7 figures systems sound less musically than mine...."

Could you please elaborate and substantiate - how many 7 figure (currency of denomination?) systems have you listened to and where, and what components were they comprised of? Any supporting evidence you can cite would be extremely helpful to both the specific case you are litigating in this thread about Schumann generators, but even more generally, would help advance the views and recommendations you espouse at large when it comes to the pursuit of sonic primacy. Because if true (and I am certainly not saying that I doubt the veracity of your claims; rather some evidence would be most helpful to your beleaguered cause), that would be most revelatory and quite frankly, revolutionary even - for it just might upend widely held and longstanding beliefs in the audiophile community, obviate most of the exorbitant and luxurious endeavors of audiophiles here and everywhere, and indisputably point to a much less traveled, orders of magnitude cheaper, and far superior pathway to sonic excellence.

I am having the same positive experiences. Best $9.99 I have ever spent, perhaps.

I’ve started mounting them on Pacific Ocean driftwood, and giving them to audiophile friends.


Respectfully. You are not the only one who follows the need and sense to experiment. New materials and a sense for shapes that augment the sound not to make it chaotic and unpleasant are chief components of my product designs all thru my audio room and sound system. A lifelong expression. Tom
@mahgister - I am glad you finally came around and are willing to admit it may be affecting you and not the sound. I have no opinion, I only beleive in FACTS.
did you read my post?

i NEVER exclude that the S.G. could act on my body/brain/ears but i devise an experiment to prove to ALL that it cannot work ONLY on the body and brain, but also physically in the room and on the audio field...

Put a shungite piece on top of it... result: compression of the sounds

After that try an Herkimer diamond , results : decompression of the sounds..

After that put the 2 together, results: a balanced more positive effect..

I experiments with 30 minerals for 2 years in line EACH day....

I have no opinion, I only beleive in FACTS.
You believe in facts you read about, me too.... But i believe MORE in the facts i experiment with....This is the difference between your post questionning and my last answer....

I know what i know...

I dont buy hype in audio thread...I dont sell products... I dont review products..

I sell CREATIVITY.....peanuts costs....

Contrary to what said all audiophile threads, audiophile experience MAY cost only peanuts if someone know how to improve a bit all the 3 working embeddings dimensions of his audio system..

I apologize to repeat this but i am the only ONE affirming this truth....And this truth MUST be said.... This is an helping and hopeful one for all those who cannot afford costly gear but who want to improve their system with the curiosity to experiment...

My system is not the best there is but i did not have any frustration left and many 7 figures systems sound less musically than mine.... Then........Upgrading even with the best gear is not the way, working with the controls embeddings is the way....Especially with costly systems....

If not why a costly system could produce harshness and fatigue and being less natural in timbre perception? It is not the engineereing design of the gear the problem, it is the defects in the 3 workings embeddings....
Everything makes a difference
Change the position of one thing in your room and it makes a change in compressive and shear wave interaction and the air that surrounds these objects. They move ever so slightly between other objects and so does the air. Oh I hear a difference Oh I just moved something . Tom

@mahgister - I am glad you finally came around and are willing to admit it may be affecting you and not the sound. I have no opinion, I only beleive in FACTS.

@sbayne  - you are a helluva researcher. How many of those articles talk about SG effects on a stereo system versus the human body?

Until someone can show me one of the 2 following things, I will surmise that SGs may effect some people physiologically, but NOT audible sound before it hits your ear and enters your brain:

1) A single professional audio consultant who designs concert venues, move theaters, recording studios, home theaters, stereo store demonstration rooms or home audio rooms who uses SGs. These guys charge by the hour, not the equipment, so they would MAKE money by increasing time spent having to worry about where to place these things and don't.

2) A measured microphone input signal from a listening position with and without SGs from a record or CD at a constant volume from a stereo system. Not pink noise. Not decibel meters that measure inaudible waves like those the SGs generate. Real audible sound, corresponding frequencies and volume (amplitudes).

I won't respond again until someone shows me one of these 2 things. This repetition is exhausting.....seems like Monty Python's "The Argument" and time's up!
An extra large cold mate' for all your work and dedication to better sound, my friend!
If i was so sticked to Orthodox facts about audio in audio thread, i wll be frustrated today and waiting to upgrade with an audio system that did not satisfy me at all....

I am not....

I am curious to understand HOW work the S.G. in my room and body....I dont know.... Bemused posts is a beginning of a clear questioning...

But i created my S.G. grid, with 12 cheaps one connected by cables and modified with minerals, and it is simple to verify they worked...I begin with 2 non modified and i EXPERIMENTED...

I communicated this fact to some who tried it.... Even with my improved modification with golden plate and Herkimer dimamond...With success...

It is an audio thread ,save for some engineers whose work miraculously would be at the confine of MANY fields, no one here know the exact explanations about the S.G....Calling this snake oil is preposterous...

What is stunning for me is the way some stick to opinion instead of improving their system with experiments...

If i had said in the thread to all people to buy my dac, because it is an extraordinary one and cost 10,000 bucks they will all have listenend to me....Some would have bought it... So is the human...

If i said that i can modify a prepared room with only one straw with an impact huge like an upgrade, will you believe me? Probably not... BUT it is pure science....Helmholtz science...So is the human...

The truth is all people, self proclaimed scientist or real scientist included, are + or - binded by their opinions more than by investigative curiosity...Myself i was motivated by self interest more than only curiosity...

I always wanted an audiophile experience...It is the reason i inhabit these threads but i never had the money necessary to fulfill my dream of the BEST audio system... The difference between most of you here and me is that i created mine for 500 bucks and peanuts, i realize HOW to do it, with homemade dispositions or low cost products...I discover that tuning a system is more important than the system itself and it is the main audiophile law unbeknownst to most here...I am the only one who affirm that audiophile experience could cost very low money.... I never read it in an audio thread if so point this thread to me....

The S. G. is NOT the first device you must try in your room...With irrefutable positive results for all.... The effect is real but not audible by all for many reasons.... The perception of the effects depend of the acoustic specificity of the room and from the system also, because it is a real but subtle effect, and not only from the acuity or listening habits of the customer... Anyway it cost almost nothing to buy 2 cheap one...And having fun instead of mocking other intelligent human beings more investigative than us or less opinionated about what is or what is not "science"....

The way in Audio is tuning and controlling the 3 working dimensions
of any audio system... This is my discovery not "tweaking" but installing a set of listening experiments in relation to this 3 dimensions...

Not "tweaking" with costly device and not upgrading with costly product...This is not the way...

All audio thread are about these 2 uncompleted ways...Plugging a costly amplifier in the wall is not audio....

It is not my way....

I dont sell "snake oil" , i dont buy "tweaks"....

I think a lot about the many ways to controls my 3 working embeddings dimensions...Yes....

The modifications i installed on the S. G. are ONLY one of my grids of other devices grids...

For those who think"placebo" try my experiment:

Put shungite on the S. G. and listen...

Put an herkimer diamond and listen...

Put the 2 together and listen...

Instead of reading wiki to look for arguments for or against the S. G. and reinforcing your opinions you will LEARN something....
All this is very interesting!

Very curious about this as a tweak.

Question. If this is there to create - oversimplified I know - a unifying field for EMI and sound waves, and to "clear the space" of unwanted resonance, if you implement multiple units, would they not cancel each other out if out of phase with each other?

I get they are all plugged into the same AC and are "synced" (in theory) to the same cycle, how do multiple units synced together? How can you ensure they are in phase? 

Open question for those 'who care' why these generators work in your system-

Do you believe it is affecting the electronics, the air in the room, you physically, or a combination there of?
The leading medical expert on this topic in the US is probably Beth Darnall  She uses Binaural frequencies around the 7-8Hz range for pain management but they only work with headphone because the the low frequency comes from the dissonance between two notes slightly apart playing to each ear. iTunes has a whole Binaural playlist for Alpha, Beta, Theta brainwave frequencies if anyone is curious about the relaxation side of these frequencies.

Everyone do a google search 
for"audio signals and emw" there are may pages on how and why these signals do and dont interact . I have much to read. Tom

"Schumann Resonances aren’t "special". It’s just like any other electromagnetic field that must be controlled and manipulated in electronics."
Please clarify your statement. It is overwhelmingly agreed and an incontrovertible fact that electromagnetic interference is detrimental to electronics- in our case stereo equipment- which is purposely shielded against emi. How is introducing even more emi via an SG controlling and manipulating anything? What exactly is being controlled and manipulated? If this particular electromagnetic wave is in fact enhancing the sound, it is indeed very special.
I’ve got to get back to my real job (which is not arguing on audio threads). Schumann Resonances go from 3Hz to 60Hz. The affect many electronic signals including the ones in our brain and audio signals. The fundamental at 7.83Hz seems to be the most pleasing. It’s as simple (or if you want to make it complicated) as that. 
I will report back here when I read something that is actually constructive or useful relating to the specific topic at hand. It ain’t happening. Half baked theories don’t cut it. Bye!
@rsf507 - Agreed. This idea that all the Schumann Resonator Generators are created equal so just buy the cheapest one is wrong. 
I've been using the Revive unit for many years and when 1st powered on I perceived a nice improvement, felt more "in-tune" with the music if that makes sense. A few yrs later bought another generic SR on Amazon but heard no additional improvement with it. 
@theaudiotweak -  take the shielding off your transformers in your equipment and listen. Because, you know, electromagnetics don't affect sound. haha
Schumann Resonances aren't "special". It's just like any other electromagnetic field that must be controlled and manipulated in electronics. 
Tell us why you believe the Schumann Resonance is different or special from the other  massive amounts of naturally occurring electromagnetic fields, many of them orders of magnitude stronger.
For all you "prove it to me" science guys, electrical engineers, circuit designers, degreed, patented people on this thread. Do you really think electromagnetism has nothing to do with the sound coming from our stereo systems? Schumann Resonances are naturally occurring electromagnetic fields. Right?

A very important point to be aware of is that this resonated radio from lightning is a vanishingly small component of the electromagnetic spectrum to which we're all naturally exposed. The overwhelming source is the sun, blasting the Earth with infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet radiation. All natural sources from outer space, and even radioactive decay of naturally occuring elements on Earth, produce wide-spectrum radio noise. Those resonating in the Schumann cavity are only a tiny, tiny part of the spectrum.

Nevertheless, because the Schumann resonance frequencies are defined by the dimensions of the Earth, many New Age proponents and alternative medicine advocates have come to regard 7.83 Hz as some sort of Mother Earth frequency, asserting the belief that it's related to life on Earth, despite its being so tiny and lost among all the other, stronger parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Often we find that New Age beliefs are often based more on what seems emotionally satisfying than on sound science.

The most pervasive of all the popular fictions surrounding the Schumann resonance is that it is correlated with the health of the human body. There are a huge number of products and services sold to enhance health or mood, citing the Schumann resonance as the foundational science. Before looking at some of these claims in detail, it's noteworthy that neither Schumann resonances, electromagnetic radiation, or the Earth's ionosphere are mentioned in any medical or anatomical textbooks. There is no detectable or theoretically predicted relationship between either ELF radio or the number 7.83 and the health of human body.

I truly have no opinion either way as to its efficacy as an auditory enhancer since I have not tried it. But this is a compelling perspective.
@djones - Took me 30 seconds to find this:

  1. Schumann, W. O., & König, H. (1954). Über die Beobachtung von “atmospherics” bei geringsten Frequenzen. Naturwissenschaften, 41(8), 183-184. 

  2. Balser, M., Wagner, C.A., 1960. Observations of Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances. Nature 188, 638–641. 

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@djones   "Where can I find some scientific papers that back up this claim?"
Google search for brain wave frequencies - alpha, beta, theta.
I googled but didn't find any scientific articles or papers that supported your claim.

The reason the Schumann frequency affects you, and all human physiology is because the frequency induces a calming, relaxed, yet alert and focused influence.

I saw some pseudoscience and wishful thinking. 
"I love my wife but how do you measure love? How do you know it’s there?"
Love as an emotion cannot be scientifically quantified.
A machine that creates a specific resonance can.

"The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%"

You are confusing the word ’we’ with the word ’I’.

"I don’t understand the source of gravity but I know it’s there."

The source of gravity is literally any and everything that has mass.
Bhvf-mcarbon is looking for anything that would improve his system no matter if he needs 10 or 100 of these things. Honestly, I don’t blame him for trying, just look at what he has. In 1 of his rant threads, he stated that the more drinks he had, his system was sounding better and better.  He just doesn’t add anything to these threads but he sure likes to put people down. 
Just because you don’t understand doesn’t make it false, the logic doesn’t follow.
The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%
Just because you don’t understand and/or don’t experience it doesn’t make it placebo. Try a simple blindfold test.
I don’t understand the source of gravity but I know it’s there.
I love my wife but how do you measure love? How do you know it’s there?
Our audio acuity is much more complex than current science can define.
Happiness/joy is a higher goal than understanding. Some find joy in understanding.

The $10 is minuscule compared to the cost of High-End Audio components.  I’m guessing more people than not find audio improvement using SR aka the odds are that you will find improvement also.
@audio2design - do either of you even know what the Schumann resonance is or how electromagnetic fields work in transformers and/or alternating current?

I can't speak for Mijoystyn, but I do. The degrees, inventions, patents, etc. seems to back that up ... actually started a lot of my career.   You on the other hand I am pretty certain don't nor so most people posting.

One of you can blame paint fumes what is everyone else's excuse. Again what do you do about the fact all these resonators you put in a room are not synchronized? Bueller? Bueller?  What is the gain of that PCB trace antenna at 8Hz?

Sound meter changes huh? Oookay.

I am not ridiculing anyone. You are doing that to yourselves.
@sokeogear -
I said that I have measured  between 0.25 and 0.50 dB increase, sometimes more. Take my word for it. Also, the more harmonic resonators are active in the system listening area the greater is the increase in harmonic energy. This correlates to an increase in the S/N or signal-to-noise ratio as well.

I am not concerned with any other accessories or tweaks.
@mapman  The Fourier series theory stands behind all of electromagnetism.
The em wave emitted eventually by way of speaker transducer, becomes a sound wave. The cart before the horse scenario. The reason the Schumann frequency affects you, and all human physiology is because the frequency induces a calming, relaxed, yet alert and focused influence.
It is a theta frequency (7-12 Hz).
The idea has nothing to do with sound.
IT has everything to do with the manipulation of e signals that become sound waves.
That's what amps and speakers do.

Again: square wave, Fourier harmonic series, and resonance. All supported by laws of physics, which includes the science of sound. Get it?

Delete previous sentence  " There is no rational explanation out there that connects the dots."  That was not my comment! My bad!