Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

RE: mini-Ulfs. 

There is good news, bad news and even better news. 

The bad news is that I don't believe the mini-Ulfs will be ready for prime time any time soon. I spoke with Eric and he was not happy with the voicing. 

The good news is that I'm buying a pair of upgraded white DIs. These will be mine. However, as gesture of good faith and customer service, Eric will allow me to upgrade from the DIs to the mini-Ulfs whenever he has perfected them, with only the balance to pay for the Ulfs. 

The even better news is that Tekton is making sure the mini-Ulfs are perfect before sending them out. Eric believes the mUs will blow anything else away in its price range, and even way above. That he will sell lots of these (might be a big seller, only second to the DIs), it only makes sense that he takes his time. 

So, I'll have DIs pretty soon. :-)
Great news evolvist. You will love the DI's. I had heard that mini Ulfs might not be ready soon and its good to see Eric took good care of you and is doing the right thing by taking his time to make the mini Ulfs right before sending them out. 

Wondering if you discussed the DI SE's at all as an option with Eric? 
Post removed 
I could be wrong, but I got the impression that the DI SEs are almost ready to go, and that the mU has quite aways to go. We spoke about the SEs, but it would be more waiting and I have zero speakers.  

It seems they have building DIs down to a science, though. About 10 days, per. 
@charles1dad  & @grey9hound 

Let me third the desire to hear a shoot-out between the: 

Rogue Audio ST 100.
Line Magnetic 508ia.
Aric Audio KT 88.
& Coincident Frankenstein MK II 

At some point I'll probably try to put two of these amps (I already have the Franks) up with the Coincident PREs and the DIs and try to find the best pairing.  Unfortunately won't be for a year or so, so it might lose relevancy... but the thread's legs certainly are strong. 

- Chris
@seikosha   Thanks for the Quicksilver mid mono recommendation. I have seen Quicksilver listings, but have never heard them personally. Can you PM me with your impressions? I don't want to go off track here in the DI thread. Thanks.

@sbayne   Vinnie Rossi products have always been of interest. I did hear his LIO paired with Harbeth. His modular all in ones are a great way to go and keep things very simple in terms of components, cabling, etc. Something I should keep in mind, just like the TDAI 2170.

@mac48025  Thanks for the offer on your Decware amp. I have been open to Steve's products for some time now, but some of the feedback here and the findings that other amps are 'better' pairings with the DIs give me pause. I like what he does and what he offers at his asking prices.

As you know based on our discussions, Aric's KT120 is a leading choice for me as well. It will be great hearing your take on his work once it's in your system.
@evolvist  Thanks for the updates on the 'mini' Ulfs. Looks like a great outcome for you, other than the wait you've had to deal with. I'm sure you will be satisfied with the DIs. It will also give you some time to work out synergy and pairings and perhaps even some new component evaluations before the minis are back in play for you.
Evolvist --

That's great! You need some speakers so I think that was a good route to go.
@kdude66  Kenny, great to hear you will have your new amp in your system in a few days. And thank you for your thoughts on tube type choices.

One reason for my holding off on a quick decision on an amp was to get your opinion on it, in addition to @teajay  's. So far, Terry's recommendations and findings have been repeated by a number of folks here so I doubt this time will be different. : )

And yes, make that YES, I'm very happy with my current setup. Having another flavor is nice, but not critical.

I'm mainly looking downstream and temporally in preparation for having a second system set up.

I've also been really, really enjoying the Volti Audio Rivals and that factors in vis a vis a future amp choice.

Here is a link to a 845 set mono's that's on audiomart that you might look at.If I didn't already have several amps I would consider them myself.

I'm interested in the next new offerings from Nelson Pass in his FW lineup,specifically the Sit3.Plus I'm also pondering a high end music server.


I owned ASL amps before and had several issues with blowing tubes and resistors. They were different models like the Hurricane, but worth mentioning here.  
We sold ASL through a boutique and indeed,  it was a problematic brand with service issues more so than other brands.  It didn't do much for me sonically either, but it was cheap for people buying a price.  They may have improved by now though. 
@laaudionut  One of the repeated findings owners across the board have mentioned is that the Double Impacts are easy to pair with gear. I cannot imagine you being dissatisfied if you drive them with your McIntosh components. Perhaps others can chime in on this?
I only have the McIntosh MX151 Pre/pro with Lyngdorf .The amps is the outstanding Rogue Audio ST-100
I do not have any Mac amps , but i too ask about this many pages prior 

If you enjoy the fundamental qualities of you current electronics I can tell you that the DI's will let that shine through.  Can't imagine a "problem" that you will encounter-so I would not let that concern hold you back at all.
Corelli is right and I base this on my Double Impact listening experiences. These speakers are resolving and relatively uncolored so there’s very little editorializing taking place. You will hear the intrinsic sonic character of the amplifier in use.

If you like the McIntosh sound the Double Impacts won’t alter it. I certainly felt that the innate character of my Coincident Frankenstein was well preserved when mated to these speakers. Very natural/organic,live/palpable aura and commendable emotional involvement conveyed.

This is why people are reporting positive results with such a wide range of amplifiers with this speaker. If you like a given amplifier the DI isn’t going to change that. This speaker is very good at revealing the differences of amplifiers during direct comparison sessions. 
I am appreciative of everyone's comments to date, in particular your carefully chosen words in regards to my(current) Mac set up. The order is placed for the DI's and if I am as thrilled with their performance as I am hoping, you will soon notice a mint pair of Sopra 2's on AG. Perhaps the substantial difference in price might tempt me to try a SET approach.

Cheers and good listening!

Brian, That's great news. Congratulations!

One point though, and it's the proverbial ying/yang issue.

Your 'memory' of your gear, in this case McIntosh, especially if you have been a Mac guy for sometime, has likely been influenced by speakers that have editorialized (I'm not referring to the Sopras, per se).

Just saying that you may hear the gear in a new light / with a slightly different presentation/signature. This can be a good or bad thing depending on your learned preferences/memory.
Just so it's clear, I'm not saying that the DIs do not edit. I believe every speaker does.

The DIs do so in a way that is different, to my ears, than the norm for most boxed / similar driver based speakers - again based on my ears. 
Anyone looking for a Super Affordable amp!

Check out the Monoprice 50watt Tube amp on sale for $170

Reviews seem to be mostly positive?

Brian, very curious how the focal vs. tekton shootout goes... please do report your impressions.  
Well, I will finally get a chance to hear the upgraded version of the DI’s in @grey9hound system Friday. He was kind enough to let be come by for a visit and listen. Looking forward to meeting Dennis and enjoying his wonderful system.
I am sorry if I missed it, but does anyone here have experience with Don Sachs preamps? I have read some good things but wondered if anyone here has any experience. 6SN7 tube based, dual mono design. 
Eric states that the DI's will arrive on Friday. My initial findings will be written sometime after the weekend.

Thanks again!
I looked at the one for sale here and he uses very good parts quality for sure.  Very good quality. Better than preamps costing 4x his.  Wish it was point to point wired instead of circuit board, but that in itself is not a deal breaker. Plenty of circuit board built tube preamps sound great. 
My DI are already in the customs office. They contacted me and informed that you need a certificate of conformity (European Union regulations). I emailed Eric to send me such a certificate. I hope that is;)
Your Opinion Please

I currently use my Allnic T-1500 Integrated 300B amp (12.5 watts per channel) to drive my Montana EPX speakers with no issues or problems at all. I'm happy with the sound. Here are the specifications on my Montana EPX speakers: http://thesoundstation.com/pages/montana_epx

Having never heard the Tekton Double Impacts, I'm wondering would I gain anything by switching speakers or would I just be spending additional money? I'm located in Perrysburg, Ohio.

I am listening to a set tomorrow and will give you my impressions. I have asked myself the same questions. Good questions. I own the Crescendo speakers as you know. Terry L , the reviewer of the DI speaker, felt the DI was a better sounding speaker. That got my attention 🙂

I think you will also also need to hear a pair in order to make a wise decision.
I do know your amp will drive them easily based on all the comments here and elsewhere regarding how easy they are on amplifiers.
@mack71  -  I would call Eric. Emails don't get timely responses sometimes because he's so busy.  It's very much hit or miss. I've copied your post and sent it to him via Facebook messenger in hopes the mobile notification will alert him to your request.  
Hi lak,
That’s such a tough question to answer. Nothing short of a listening session will settle this. So much of course depends on what type of sound you want, simple to say but so true.

The reality is some listeners could hear both speakers and prefer yours, conversely others would prefer the Double Impacts. I’ve heard the Double Impacts and IMO they are very good. They will definitely reflect the  chosen audio signal chain and room setup.

@lak - Allnic equipment is some of the best available in my opinion. Your Allnic integrated, as you indicate, should drive the Double Impact with no problem. I've always been impressed with Montana speakers but have never heard the EPX. For me, the real breakthrough with these new Tekton speakers is the tweeter array. It presents the upper midrange and treble in a completely natural way.

This is obviously just conjecture on my part, but the only area you may feel is not a clear step forward is in the bass. The bass produced by every Montana speaker I've heard has been truly excellent. I'm not saying the Double Impact's bass won't be very good just that might be an area it will, at least, be a "wash" between the speakers. You may want to wait for the Mini-Ulfs to come out or even spring for the full Ulfberthts - simply based on what I remember hearing from Montana speakers generally.   

 jcarcopo -Thank you . I am already in contact, I hope for a positive solution of the case. I think I found a bureaucrat at the customs office.
grannyring, charles1dad, and sbayne as always thank you for your assistance.
I totally agree one must hear the speakers for themself to make a judgement call.
Finding a bureaucrat at the customs office should not bee too difficult. Kind of like sand on the beach. If you mean a helpful bureaucrat, well then.... that's a different story.

Hope you are able to get it resolved sooner than later and easier than more difficult.

Seems to generally come down to the individual who's handling it. Hope you catch a lucky break.
@lak I took a look at your speakers via the link you posted. I personally don’t have any experience with them.

However, based on the design, I would say that @sbayne ’s take is very much on point.

The special attention to the bass drivers, setup, front/bottom(?) porting, cabinet design would lead me to theoretically predict better bass from the EPX. How much better?????

The real differential is going to come down to the upper half of the two speakers. The mids/tweeters will likely be the deciding factor. As others have already pointed out...it’s going to come down to what you prefer and like.

The $3300 in and ~ $300 out for a 60 day shoot-out in your audio corral is a bl**dy fantastic deal, in my opinion. Hope you give it a go and let us know your outcomes. All the best.
Some footage of the Ulfs sans grills:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpVveDFRzuc&feature=youtu.be

The hurricane knocked me offline for a week, but we are okay. Massive power outages around here, though. Never been this bad before, and I'm a native.
Some footage of the Ulfs sans grills:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpVveDFRzuc&feature=youtu.be

The hurricane knocked me offline for a week, but we are okay. Massive power outages around here, though. Never been this bad before, and I’m a native.
Great footage @333Jeffery. First, I’m glad that you and your family are safe. Second, I still can’t decide of the Ulfs are ugly. Ha.

Fugly or not, I take it that they are effective in their goal.
hey guys - the case settled favorably:) Duty and tax paid and received speakers with ease.
First impressions are very, very positive - for 100-200 hours will surely be even better - great speakers :)
@mack71 Awesome that it all worked out. Congratulations!

I imagine you may have a very enjoyable weekend ahead of you.
Remarkable coincidence. I ordered a coffee maker today. A new Nespresso model. What did you get? Is coffee and music a preferred pairing?