Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?

I own 3,000 plus lp's that I just don't play anymore. I told my 14 year-old son that he can have them when he starts college. He said no thanks, he said that he can carry around that much music in his back pocket in his iPod. I tried to explain to him that if he played LP's in college, he'd easily be one of the coolest students on campus. He told me to "get real" and thanks, but no thanks. I think I just may have to go through the task of grading each LP and selling them off. I've tried to convince myself that I will one day play them. I was just fooling myself. For the last fifteen years, I play one or two LP's a year just for the hell of it. I do like looking at them in their Ikea racks and marvel how I assembled my collection over nearly 40 years. I do like it when visitors comment on them and look through them. Cd's killed my vinyl and now my Squeezebox is finally going to bury it.

How many of you still have a sizeable vinyl collection that you don't play, but refuse to let go of?

I think it's time for me to let go.
I personally found that it is the time that you finally make the committment to get rid of something that is taking up space after years of mulling that you come to a realization later, what was I thinking?

There is still music on those LP's. Unless you have transferred to digital why get rid of them all? Maybe some, the ones you don't like but the whole collection?

I have a decent size collection myself many of which I don't listen to much but there are always those moments. You've gone this far maybe you need to revisit and carefully evaluate before making a final decision on a wholesale dump. "In reviewing the situation...."
The day after your sell your vinyl collection will be the first day of regret.
i have one regret in this hobby (plenty of mistakes, but one regret)

selling my vinyl.

i justify it by saying i dont have space for it (i dont), but as good as my digital rig is, its not vinyl.
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My collection also goes back many years. I have reduced my collection of close to 10,000 down to about 5,000.
I think I hold on to many of mine because of the nostalgia.
I still get up some days and decide to play only vinyl.
I also plan to take photos of many of them before parting with more.
Mitch, with such a stellar rig, why don't you love your vinyl?

It's not the playback system, which is great, so it's process. If you don't love the process, you should get rid of it. Since you have had them so long, I would take the time to grade them and sell them off to someone who values them more.

Since you were going to give them to your son, and he didn't want them, you could use some of the proceeds to give him a great small college rig (Wyred4SoundDAC2, Paradigm Active 20's, AppleTV, Definitive Tech SuperCube III) that can play all of his digital files.

Anyway, hope you put some for sale that I can buy!
Why Do I Still Have CD's if I only play vinyl now ?

CD's for me are for the car or for live music recordings that I have done or obtained from others. CD playback when compared to vinyl counterparts on my system is inferior.
Mitch, I will be happy to take your unused albums. Send them (post paid)to me at ........... :)
I still have most of my vinyl because I have not found a way to transfer it to someone else in a fair and efficient manner. Some years back, I sold all my opera sets to someone newly arrived in NYC and wanting to get a headstart. We agreed on a mutually acceptable price per disc and she took them all as that was part of the conditions.

Now, I need to find someone like her with a wider interest in classical music. Short of that, I have no idea what I will, eventually, do with them.

As digital playback improved I listened carefully back and forth from good vinyl to good CD and decided that since I do not enjoy the vinyl rituals and the each sound had pros and cons, to sell my collection. I recorded some of my absolute favorites and not available on CD onto computer. Got good prices for them here. Boy, it saved a lot of space and I have no regrets.
Just keep the gems and give the rest away. It's not worth taking the time to grade everything and then try to sell it to some guy who wants it for $1 (if that much) and then will complain to you because there's a pop on the third cut of side 2. Not worth it.
Basically, this whole thing comes down to convenience. A lot of the LP's that I own, I only want to hear one or two tracks sometime. Sorry, but I'm just not going to go through that ritual for one track. Over the years, I've gotten cd copies of everything in my LP collection that was issued on cd. Of course a good number of those items were never issued on cd. About 90% of the vinyl that I don't have a cd copy of can be heard on Rhapsody.

To satisfy my need for convenience and to keep my vinyl, periodically I try to talk myself into getting a reel-to-reel and move my favorites to tape. But the cost of a good machine and the cost of enough new tape make me hesitant.

Rhapsody, Pandora, a good cd player, Squeezebox and a hard-drive are making it almost impossible to justify playing LP's. The sound quality of all of it sounds good to me and I'm done splitting hairs about what sounds absolutely the best. The thing for me these days is instant access.

I have a retired cousin in Florida that has just as many LP's as I do. I went into the room where he kept them and it seems like there was an inch of dust on the shelves. It was clear that he hasn't played his LP's in years either. But of course he's adamant about keeping his LP collection.

What is this obsession with holding on to these things?
I have a lot of albums. They are remnants of a bygone era, I like them and would not sell them (too much work to value properly and again I still like them). I still listen to them on occasion when in the mood or when I want to hear something I do not have otherwise. Most sound very good and are a more enjoyable listen than ever when played on my current system which is miles beyond what I had when I bought most of them. Also, used vinyl from the Goodwill store and other inexpensive sources is still teh best sound value out there when you want to listen to something new and different on the cheap.
I ask myself the same question once in a while. I actually played a few last night "just cause". I hope when I retire I will have the time to stop what I am doing and flip the darn thing over. It seems Americans are always so busy we dont take the time out to enjoy the things in life we really enjoy. Opps, no time gotta go....
"I hope when I retire I will have the time to stop what I am doing and flip the darn thing over. "

Good Point.

I will likely have an appt with a lot of my records when I retire someday.

Right now the digital is sounding good too and allows me to squeeze in more listening when I have the time.
I figure there must have been a good reason for me to have assembled a large vinyl collection. This is what I tell myself when I think of selling it off. In the past 5 years, I rarely play vinyl. The task of grading and selling these one at a time is something I'd never ever be motivated to do. Again, I am the one who bought these records to begin with. Too bad on me, I'm stuck with them until the day I decide to give the collection away. Which will probably never happen.
Hi Mitch4t

If you already have the vinyl recordings on CD or other media and they sound the same to you then just unload all that vinyl. Keep your most treasured records and get rid of the rest. No point in having the duplicates if their is no difference in sound IMO. Just make sure everything is backed up. I'm sure there will be many people out there that would buy your collection or parts of it. If I lived close to you I'd probably want to stop by and look at the vinyl you would want to part with. From some vinyl enthusiasts I spoke too they only wanted out of print records or music that is not available on CD or download. Sometimes they would want earlier non remastered pressings as well.

I say let go and don't look back.
Same reason I have pictures of long dead relatives,to bathe my spirit in memories of better times.
Post removed 
To me if you don't play them and prefer the convenience of cd's then do what you will with them. But to me it is all about the sonics and cd's / sacd's just aren't at the same level as vinyl. I went all cd back when cd's first came out but kept all my old vinyl. Now I am back to vinyl and hardly ever listen to cd's unless it is passive listening.
Playing analog just seems too time consuming. When I factor in the time spent on analog I wonder what better things I could be doing with my time. Spending more time with loved ones or doing things with a greater payoff.

At a point in life it became about what payoff am I getting for various things that I spend resources (time, money...) on. Many things became low value propositions. The average person will never listen to 5,000 records, it's a low value proposition for the man hours spent, storage space and finances invested etc... I agree with the rest keep a select few records and pass the rest on. I'm in the process on moving my modest vinyl setup to a common space in the house to get more use from it, I could care less about better sonics, what does that matter if you have limited chances to listen. IMO, whole house audio, music servers and portable music are the only hope for many of us to actually hear and enjoy our massive audio collections. Isolated sweet spot two channel audio is a dead end low value proposition IMO. Spend that same time with family and friends and it becomes real clear.

Casually enjoying a jazz record while sharing a glass of wine and chatting with my wife is a hell of a whole lot more enjoyable than unearthing extra air, tone etc... from the record while sitting alone in my man cave. When that record is over the two different situations will likely yet entirely different outcomes. I know which one I'm choosing ten times out of ten. Playing music is not the event, music just happens to be playing during the event.
I listen to mostly LP's (3000+). I do have a good collection of CD's (800+) that I listen to when reading or just to lazy to go thru the process (cleaning cartidge, wiping dust off) or if I do not have the LP. I enjoy both LP's and CD's, but prefer LP's.
Looking at getting a HI-REZ player with a DAC then ripping my CD's, but that is in the future.
I still have a few LP's that are still sealed that I need to listen to. Never sold any of my LP's.
Joe Nies
If you think its not for you then ditch it and hope for no regret, I dont play vinyl much anymore and my 1000 or so albums really only spin when audio club folks are around. What I like about vinyl is what I grow to hate, the process, cleaning, care are whats great for many of us but its grown old for me. My disability surely adds to frustration, 20 minute sides are hard on us with physical issues.
Still I cant pull the trigger and sell, not yet but completely agree with those who have got to that point, do what works for you.
I keep thinking someday things will change and my vinyl enjoyment will return but if your sure how you feel, sell it off.
My wife was asking the same question. My present setup doesn't include a full function preamp so for the last seven years I've run my cd player into my amp and haven't been able to. Got the itch to play some vinyl again so off to the races we go getting the right combination of "stuff". It's been sooo easy, so simple but it's time to man up and get back to playing my albums of which there are easily over a thousand waiting to be listened to.
Would one want to discard all of thier books once you can do all of your reading on the ipad?
This hobby, at least for me,is not just about, a quick end result. Being a gearhead, means that music coming from a computer file, leaves me cold and unsatisfied.
Taking out an old lp, brings me back to the day and place and time I bought it. Yes 5,000 lps may be way too much to handle, but as my father used to say, its much better to have it than not
Sold mine five or six years ago after realizing they weren't going to get played. I auctioned them off here in sets of ten lps or so. If you go this route don't expect a huge windfall but I didn't do it for the money. Just wanted the lps to go to someone who could appreciate them.
I kept a hundred or so for sentimental reasons but no longer have a tt to play them on. Do I ever miss them? Maybe a little. But I also miss smoking every once in a while.
CDs, and especially my Mac Mini, are just too convenient. And I'm extremely happy with the sound.
If you don't enjoy the ritual, what's the point? It's just a matter of time.
Post removed 
"Just think of all the records sitting unused in folks homes.. Billions..."

Yes, and eventually they will all make their way to new homes somewhere...

I'm looking forward to retirement a little more now even than prior.......
Mitch, thanks for starting this thread. It's a topic so many of us think about, so it's refreshing to read everyone's slant on the issue. They are many, and they each make sense -- to someone -- sort of -- which is why I think it remains such a 'sticky' problem.

And though 'what to do' with large vinyl collections represent the most widespread concern, it's not really just a 'vinyl' issue is it? I mean, think of those 'digital only' folks who are currently wrestling with: Should I just put all my CD's on a server and get rid of the software, etc? And it's the same I expect for those in to 78's, mono LP's, R2R, cassettes, and (who knows?!) even 8-track!

Recently, about to enter my eigth decade. I thought, maybe there's another way to define this 'problem'. What if I say, as a personal policy, there are no "old formats"? What if instead, I take the position that; "the music (or performance) is where I find it, or have it, in MY collection", no matter in what format it happens to be?

Suddenly the choice/decision is what it always has been for me, namely; "What music or/performnce do I feel like hearing right now?" I don't expect everyone to see it this way, but it works for me and has eliminated much of the anxiety about what to keep and what to pitch without feeling bad about it, regardless of format..

BTW, I have nothing against background music or shuffle-play (I call it "chewing gum for the ears") but if that's all I need at the moment, I (still) have radio; and now internet streaming, XM, and of course making one's own mixes -- whether on a CD, iPod, server, or (God forbid!) a cassette ;--)
"chewing gum for the ears" reminds me of my first airplane experience. The stewardess was handing out gum to relieve ear pressure problems. It worked well, tho removing the gum from my ears afterward was a real chore!
Sold most of my vinyl years ago,thought it would be great to get back into it.Bought a nice LP12,new arm,power supply,3 cart,phon pre,cables,cleaners,stand yada yada.Fiddled with it for a few months trying this and that and after alot of cash and time relized it sucked compared to digital and dumped it all..Vinyl,forgetaboutit!!!!

The only convenient way to get rid of them and feel good about it is to give them to someone you know who'll appreciate them IMO. My secretary's husband had a huge vinyl collection in the attic that he didn't play for about 20 years. He didn't have the time nor patience to grade them and sell them.

He gave them to me under a few conditions -
I had to take them all - no rummaging through them to only take what I wanted
I wouldn't sell anything
The stuff I didn't want would go to another vinyl head or a library or similar place

It's been about 3 years. He has no regrets. I've given away a good portion of the albums to friends on another forum. All I asked was they pay shipping.

Just some food for thought.
I also offered the records to my 21 year-old daughter. She was nearly offended by my offer. Too low-tech for her and she isn't that thrilled about jazz. Besides, she doesn't have the space in her apt. If I gave them away, I'd like them to go to a place where I could at least 'visit' them every now and then.

My 14 year-old son is a violinist entering his freshman year at a performing arts high school in LA. He also plays guitar. There is a guy that lives in my building that buys up vinyl collections. I've bought several LP's from him over the years. I'll get him to teach my son and I how to grade them. Then I'll let my son sell them here or on eBay. It will be a great project for my son to teach him how to earn a few bucks. Most of my LP's are jazz. I'll let him keep all of the proceeds from the sale to buy himself a nicer violin. I'm sure during the process he's going to have lots of questions about the artists as he's cataloging them and preparing them for sale. He should easily get $3k for the whole kit and caboodle after it's all said and done. $3k should get him a pretty nice violin.
Missioncoonery wrote;

"Sold most of my vinyl years ago" "Fiddled with it for a few months trying this and that and after alot of cash and time relized it sucked compared to digital and dumped it all..Vinyl,forgetaboutit!!!!"

You should have mentioned that's your take because I would have to totally disagree when you suggest vinyl sucks compared to digital, you really had me laughing!

A top notch digital set-up can be very nice which I've had but once vinyl is played well it's game over, it's as simple as that.

Different strokes for different folks.

RE: "Chewing Gum for the Ears"
Is my audiophile homage to the great Frank Lloyd Wright, who absolutely HATED wall paper! And used to refer to it as "Chewing gum for the eyes." ;--)
A top notch digital set-up can be very nice which I've had but once vinyl is played well it's game over, it's as simple as that.

You should have mentioned that's your take because I would have to totally disagree when you suggest digital can't hold a candle to vinyl, you really had me laughing!
Funny how these things can go both ways.
Timrhu, no disrespect but if you re-read my posting I did say it was "my opinion" and you have also left some of my posting out.

My personal exspearience is digital can't but obviously by reading your statements you just haven't heard a proper set-up like allot of others whom I see posting.

If you don't get to hear such how can you make such comparisons and then make such statemens as you do, shows a lack of exspearience and credibility.

If you like what ever source it maybe good for you, opinions are just that so enjoy!

My current set-up;

- MBL 101e speakers
- Vac Statement 450 mono blocks
- Vac Sig. MK2a pre-amp
- MBL 1621a transport
- Acustic Arts Ref Tube dac
- TW Acustic Black Knight table placed upon a Minus K platform
- Reed 12" arm with MSL Ultra BC cart
- TW 10.5' arm with A90 cart
- Stealth Audio cable through out.
Timrhu, no disrespect but if you re-read my posting I did say it was "my opinion" and you have also left some of my posting out.

My personal exspearience is digital can't but obviously by reading your statements you just haven't heard a proper set-up like allot of others whom I see posting.

Sorry, but I reread your post and did not find "my opinion" in there.
While I have never owned a hi-end analog set up, I have listened to them. Which is better is purely subjective IMO.
I gave up listening for that purpose as my hearing is deteriorating and I no longer feel qualified to judge at that level.
I do agree with this though.
Different strokes for different folks.


And back at ya!
I have to chuckle when the come back is;

"I have never owned a hi-end analog set-up"


"I gave up listening for that purpose as my hearing is deteriorating and I no longer feel qualified to judge at that level."

Sorry to read for your loss but honestly with no disrespect I would not clasify your red book or system as a whole as hi-end either but do enjoy.

You seem to want to start a debate with me, don't see you responding to the remark suggesting vinyl sucks made which raises a flag to me, it's appears to me you have a hidden agenda.

That statement is so far from being the thruth and ONLY demonstrates lack of credibility from that poster.

I guess I really need to spell it out for you, I never said the specific words "my opinion".

Try reading again, I'll help you, look for key words like;

"I would have to totally disagree"


"I've had"

those are "my opinion" got it.

Really makes me wonder how one can judge such if they haven't had in their own set-up and lived with it but seem compelled to push those keys for others to read misleading them.

As I said prior; A top notch digital set-up can be very nice which I've had but once vinyl is played well it's game over, it's as simple as that.


I would say @$50K that's a pretty high-end red-book set-up.
Got ride of vinyl stash a few years ago , couldn't sell them so I gave them to a friend , no regrets .
Dev, I recently sold my Grand Prix Audio Monaco TT, Triplanar Vii, Benz LP-S rig in preference to my Sooloos and now a 6TB server fronted by a MacBook Pro/Amarra setup.

Too bad for you "it's game over".

Mine's still going on.
Khrys, and your point is?

Was that before or after you wrote;

07-15-11: Khrys
Anyone want to buy a Sooloos? I'll have one for sale shortly.

Their typically unhelpful support is less amusing since it is now useless.

Sounds like you must be in your 60's and frustrated, what's next ....

I gotta laugh when I read such postings
Ha! Ha! no just threw out that number.

So Unoear are you getting rid of your tables and replacing them with a Sooloos? I read Khrys has one possibly for sale.

07-15-11: Khrys
Anyone want to buy a Sooloos? I'll have one for sale shortly.

Their typically unhelpful support is less amusing since it is now useless.
I feel I don't really have the authority to say this, but it's my opinion, none the less...

Ditch it. The only regrets you may have - at least at this point, after you've pretty much come to your own conclusion - might be the sentimental value of any of the recordings. If that's not present, then move on.

I found myself agonizing over the whole damned process, and found that I spent more time fiddling with things than just listening to the music.

The Squeezebox + a decent DAC changed everything, at least for me.
