Do You Have to Play a Component to Warm it Up?

Is it necessary to play music on a CD transport to warm it up? I have a Jay's Audio CDT2 MKIII and they recommend one hour of warm up. Is that just turning it on or playing a CD? I have read that Hegel recommends 10 minutes of warm up for my H390. Again, is that playing or just switched on?


Hi @fleschler

Did you compared your cdt3 vs et3 transport head to head?

If yes, what is a difference in sound?

I always leave my cd transport and DAC on. My 300b SET starts sound better after 1 hour and continue to improve. After 2 hours the sound doesn’t change too much. I need to check if volume is important during amplifier and speakers warm up.

My system improves for the first 20-30 minutes.

Congestion is diminished and soundstage and imaging improve,

...back to the topic at hand...

I fully power down my equipment as I don't listen every day and to have them on "standby" in my mind is a waste of electricity.

I do find that after about 10 minutes my system seems to sound a very slight amount "warmer".  I'm not sure if it's the equipment, or the listener settling in.

Back to the original question/post at hand.

My old 70's Sansui 8080 would get hot when cranked for quite a while so I put a muffin fan on it.  It certainly helped and everyone noticed the sound didn't flatten out any longer.  Sounded good cold though.

My Krell FPB amp does like to be played a bit to get the components warmed up, or so I figure.  Like I said years ago, I feed the fish, cook dinner and clean up a bit whilst it plays.  After that all is well.   And yes, this is the same amp stuck at Krell in CT while they re-organize after the owners passing.  The KCT pre-amp is always on, or so it seems, as it stays very warm to the touch.  I feel the on/off switch is there for decoration.  

asvjerry:  I am getting up there myself.  One of the prime things that keep me moving forward and smiling is to remember I have a lot of living to do yet so I better keep going.  Even with CIDP I enjoy & relish the day.  I hope it helps you get a better outlook.  Maybe a Happy Birthday from someone you don't know will help a bit..  All the best, John

It’s hard to understand how any component requires more than 30 minutes to an hour to reach operating temps. My h390 seems fine pretty quickly. 

@backlagg I also have Jay’s Audio CDT2 MKIII and put it on standby after each listening session and leave it this way.

Apart from properly running in components - be that electronics, cables and speakers with moving, mechanical parts - and in addition to the warm-up period of electronics after being turned off (I always leave my DAC/preamp and Xilica digital XO on 24/7), I find there’s sonic gain to be had from playing the speakers fairly loud over a period of time, at least an hour. Lower levels won’t do - one has to crank up the volume for the effect to properly set in. I’ve found that watching movies over my setup with "muscular" soundtracks and at reference levels (i.e.: ~80dB average, 105dB occasional peaks) has the desired effect here when listening to music afterwards, as well as demo’s or sessions with audio mates with elevated SPL’s over longer stretches of time. Usually I don’t listen that loud, but when I want my setup to sound the very best I’ll leave the listening room with the system playing fairly loud, and come back later after an hour and so. With this "treatment" I find there’s an even more effortless flow or liquidity to the sound, as well as a fuller, more organic and open imprinting.

Whether it’s really the speakers (or amps?) that account for this, I couldn’t say for sure, but I suspect it is. I’ve also heard from some audio friends with overall different setups sharing the same findings, and so I deduce it’s not exclusive to my setup context and its particularities.

@ozzy62 +1.  I do not bring up politics with my very good and close audio friends who only vote for Democrats.  I talk politics to all others. 

As to my Westminster Lab REI amps, I'm too much in a hurry to wait 30 to 45 minutes for full warm up.  The distributor said to leave them on all the time except when a lighting storm is pending (in Los Angeles-rarely).  He suggested a power surge protection be built prior to my audio power subpanel.  I plug all equipment into a wall or star grounded switchbox with NO effect/protections/power manipulations.  A Stromtank could be a future buy to separate the now dirty power line from my equipment (wasn't like this 50+ years ago, pre-computer/cell phone, etc).

I would like to know more about the Jay's Audio because I own a CDt3 Mk3 and always turn the front power button to off when not in use.  If it would sound better immediately if always left on with no negative effect (especially on the laser) then I'll keep it on.  Same with my 2nd system Topping D70s DAC/Shanling ET3 transport.

My tube equipment is always turned off when not in use.   The Lampizator Poseidon has a 15 second countdown for tube warm up and the manual indicates 3 minutes to stabilize the sound.

@ozzy62 ...Beg your pardon, but the current 'state of the states' is but one of the 'things' of concern; albeit one I've but one voice and stake to drive into it.

As for a "A'gon vaca", I've been considering that option.

I suspect you'd hardly notice, and would 'good riddance' over it, as would some others.  Since I wouldn't get an invite to that brief celebration, it'd be up to you to host that.

Be a good egg and don't get too wasted during it...😏

Too much to do on the horizon, too little time remaining to make it happen.

'Twas always thus....*s*

My regards to those who found my banter amusing at best.

C'ya on the avenues....ciao.


WTF is going on around here? Every thread seems to spin into some political s$&t.

@asvjerry should be given a “vacation” from the forum to ruminate about how to act. More vacations should follow……

@secretguy ...Yeah, astounding, isn't it....*S* ;)

I cope with depression most days of late....has nothing to do with this that I run music through to combat that, attempting to drive the demons into that corner that keeps it at bay...

It helps....🤞...most times....

The cost and quality of my audio items for the most part doesn't dull the enjoyment and distraction it offers...sometimes I can actually harmonize with a vocal, given a voice that most would cringe at that attempt....*g*  I keep that to're welcome....;)

Too often, I prefer the company of my cats to that of people...

Some here have 'issues' with how I express myself...well, back 'atcha, this isn't English 101, nor did I feel it a resounding need to be absolutely plainspoken to everyone at all times....rude as that may seem towards those I rub elbows with...

“About 130 million adults in the U.S. have low literacy skills according to a Gallup analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education. This means more than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.

I don't think, nor wish to believe, that the souls that visit A'gon fall into that category.  Comprehension of the nuances of the audio chain isn't for the brain dead, nor the levels of the ears/minds to do so....

There's enough of that about....*cringe*  I'd prefer an old halting president with a VP (Yes, a woman...Hilary won the popular vote in '16. snuffed by an ancient nod to 'empty states' 😣) that outranks the Chump in that which counts...

..saddled with a SCOTUS that seems bent on consigning us all to hell.

I type similes, analogies, the odd reference or ten.... if you get lost within them, PM and I'll send you the Cliffs' Notes I don't use, nor need....

I turned 73 yesterday....spent the day in a black funk that's lingering....

Not to screw yours up, but I'm just venting to the seems....

PA is on 24/7, as are a pair of eq’s with different duties....
I generally keep the ’puters on ’sleep’ when not in use; re-boots as necessary...

All solid state here, so power draw is minimal.

Vlad urged that users leave it on all the time -- though I don’t like running tube gear when I’m not home (and I used to pull power during electrical storms). That thing did not sound right for a long time from a cold start.

@whart  - It's weird.  I wish we had some way of determining exactly what components caused this.  For my class-D amps for instance, if we knew it was just the input section, or a particular set of transistors maybe those could be kept warm, leaving everything else off, but at 7W idle it wasn't a huge deal then.

@erik_squires - I’ve done it both ways. My experience with the Lamms is that they sound better warmed up using music than simply turning them on and letting them run without signal. The vintage Quad system is quicker to warm up--you can hear them open up after about 20 minutes of music playing. I do that sometimes, just to hear the transition. I don’t know if this is universal to all tube amps- they will certainly play after a couple minutes-- the Lamms use a soft start, the old Quad IIs do not.

When I had the Lamm L2 line stage, which was a solid state audio path and tube power supply (two chassis), that thing took forever to come back on song. Vlad urged that users leave it on all the time -- though I don’t like running tube gear when I’m not home (and I used to pull power during electrical storms). That thing did not sound right for a long time from a cold start.

I hear you on speakers--

What’s odd is that a fully "broken in" phono cartridge seems to like warm up too.

I don’t think I have "golden ears" either- I’m getting older-- 70 years now. Back in the day when I ran all ARC tube gear, I wasn’t as picky about warm up time-- that stuff was pretty much turn it on and let it play. (I did not bias those amps myself (I had several over the decades and still have my first one, a Dual 75a-- that usually required a trip to the shop for tubes and biasing).

Really, @erik_squires? My Lamm SETs like to play 45 minutes or so before they come on song. Ditto, my other tube components.


Hi @whart - I stand corrected and informed!  Thank you. I’ve not used much tube gear I’m afraid. The worst case of warmup I’ve ever had were a pair of Class D amps that took 2-3 days to warm up, but did not need to be playing at all.

Are you confident that the same effect wouldn’t happen if you left your gear on longer?

Also, when I said speakers, I was really talking about breaking them in, both drivers and caps seem to need it, but not really warming them up.

Warming up speakers, for a few minutes, may also help increase the plasticity of the surrounds.  That being said, the improvement may be difficult to hear.


Also, the manufacturer of my new preamp suggested breaking-in the unit by playing music, not simply having it turned on.  I did not ask why.

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Speakers need 15-25 minutes to heat up the voice coils for maximum enjoyment.

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I also have Hegel, H360 and it does take 10 or 15 minutes to sound better.  I cannot tell with other electronics except for phono stage.

Let your ears tell you. I let my system play for about an hour at low levels before doing any serious listening.

Electronics absolutely. My class A amps need a day at full power, preferably 4. Ditto my phono/pre. Brystons a few hours of idle. Cartridge and speakers 20 minutes of use..

With digital unless it is tubes I leave on 24/7 for it keeps the circuit optimum sounding and doesnot harm the circuit one bit for it is a low voltage item .

Typically you do no have to have music playing through it. An exception is the Audio Research Reference 5(SE) preamp. The Reference 6(SE) does not. Beats me why the Ref 5 was like that.

Really, @erik_squires? My Lamm SETs like to play 45 minutes or so before they come on song. Ditto, my other tube components. My phono cartridge opens up after 3 sides. My vintage system, which is less "critical" seems to like about 20 minutes and you can hear it open up- old Quads, Quad II amps with GEC KT 66s, vintage McI tube pre-tuner.

I never turn my CD deck off, but a few minutes playing time still improves the SQ.

It has moving parts (rubber belts and a greased rail).



Agreed. Although resistors and capacitors do have to come up to temperature. I would argue for leaving the transport on continuously. The most stressful time for the component is actually turning it on.

Typically, unless you are breaking in a component, yes just turning the transport on should be enough.