I think it's awesome that your boy loves music.... years ago I offered my son a pair of PSB M2 and told him I'd buy him a nice Integrated Amp and CD player. He held his phone up and said "no thanks, my music is all in here...."
I almost cried, anyway hopefully you can show him all about NAS storage and or music files and he doesn't have a phone yet so ...
My vote would be for a Bluesound power node and a cheap tablet.
Oh! ... and it looks like you can stream from a usb stick, there's a port right there on the front. So you could create playlists of his favorite tunes for him.
I bet you that Santa Boombox, left under the tree by Santa, hand picked by the fat guy himself "because you were such a good boy!" would absolutely slay it, Lol.
I would personally save something a lil more serious from the age of maybe 8 or 10 up, because it would mean a lil ore to him by then. OK, maybe 6 : )
My personal suggestion, there, since you have such great taste in the ecosphere why not give him the Atom?
Him being able to use their cool app from an old phone of yours or from your Room Core would be convenient.
You're a seriously cool Dad, by the way. And, for what it's worth, I was just having a conversation with my elderly Mom the other day about how she helped shape my love of music from early on and throughout my entire childhood. So yeah, it's very relevant, what you're doing, imo.
Usually high-end audio is not catered to the young, I surmised most in this hobby usually started later in life for adults with more disposable income, therefore nothing targeted as “kid friendly”. I guess one can teach the kid to use it, but powered Bluetooth speaker may be much easier for kid to use.
If you’re seriously thinking of spending that much maybe break up the budget and spend on an integrated and better speakers.
4K unity Atom for a 4 year old… lol. Twice what my 1st car cost. Bluesound maybe. Plenty good enough for those B&Ws.
I like the keyboard idea. My daughter started playing songs she like by ear at 3 yo. Now almost 8.
+1 Vanatoo. Loved the sonics at AXPONA so picked up a pair.
Never too young..... I was only about 6 or 7 when I learned from my Dad how to create echo and feedback on his Reel-to-Reel tape deck. It was hours of fun playing with echo, and re-threading the tape machine to playback music. 50 years later, I'm still recording and playing music in my home studio.
used Mu So…. keep him in the ecosystem….
You would think Fisher Price would have this covered. 😉
Give your own system to him, show him that you care.
A 4 year old?? Get him something cute dude....
Bluetooth boombox from Santa - Price 48 USD

I have a Hegel h190 and stream quobuz j
Fosi Audio BL20A 200W Bluetooth 5.0 Home Audio Stereo Amplifier Hi-Fi Mini Class D Integrated Amp with U-Disk/3.5MM AUX/RCA Input (on Amazon); very inexpensive, indestructible and works with Bluetooth. It's very adequate on the sound side; something you use anywhere and not worry about.
I will second the Vanatoo suggestion. The Vanatoo Zero is a full system in two powered speakers with Bluetooth for streaming or can be feed by analogue or usb. I use the Vanatoo One system in my office and the Zero around the house as it is smaller and easily moved.
Crutchfield might have some nice options.
For the sake of your wife and to make it easy for the kid, I would be looking at something entry level but fully competent unit like the Yamaha R-N303. The Music Cast app is nice. The system works with Alexa. It is fully networked so he can play local files or one of the streaming services. It has decent power. It has a power button and a remote for the wife.
What's the financial sense of getting him a cheaper 'starter system' only to spend more to upgrade in a few years? (Especially given his ability to hear the differences in audio quality.) IMO the Atom is a strong solution in that it is compact, has the streaming and control features you want while being very musical with great detail.
I haven't heard Rotel or Cambridge stuff in many years so I can't help with that part.
Good Luck!
Parasound makes a decent one call Anthony perrotta consultants
good service and deal and highly recommend Wireworld Eclipse cables excellent value per $$ dollar spent.
Best investment I ever made for my son was a keyboard teaching toy. Infinitely patient, he would play with it for hours a day then set it aside for a few weeks, then pick it up again. Highly recommended.
As for amps & speakers, nothing you list will really be suitable for several years, until he can read and has a phone, so get an Amazon Echo Show 8 and connect to a pair of powered speakers via the aux out port and a Y-cable. Maybe a pair of Audio Engine A2 or A3 or Kantu YU4 or YU6 You should be able to wrap it all up for under $500, and he’ll have quality music, voice control, lyrics on screen, parental controls (more important than you think!), and a bunch more. And you or your wife can shut it off from anywhere with an Echo, or from your phones.
I’d recommend something with "shortcut" buttons - so you can set up some favorite playlists or internet radio stations that he can easily turn on with the push of a button.
My 5-year-old son really likes our AudioPro C3 speaker - very easy to use with 4 shortcut buttons. Also rechargeable battery allows it to go outside. It also has "two speakers" ;)
When i was that age i was jamming to my favorite James Taylor tape (JT) in my fisher-price tape player all day and night.
And to answer your real question - yes you're crazy. Love for children makes people do crazy things.
Find an original Dynaco SCA-35. Sounds quite nice, low maintenance, pretty bullet-proof, simple operation. Tubes last a LOOONG time.
Take a look at Vanatoo or similar maybe even lower cost. Whatever your budget, I would keep it as simple and cost effective as possible for a 4 year old. If he tires of it before long then at least you have a nice sounding and flexible second system to play with moving forward.
As a point of reference, FWIW, when I was ~ that age, maybe a year or two older, in the mid 1960’s, I started to become interested in music and hifi and had my sisters portable Magnavox record player and records to listen to. SHe was in high school already at that time. I was as much interested in the record player as the music and I received a few electric shocks along the way as my curiosity went unchecked.
I often wonder if those electric shocks I received doing things with electric gadgets I probably should not have been doing at that age made me what I am today....... a big time hifi and music affectionado. YOu never know.... :)
A little kids keyboard is an interesting proposal. You never know what direction a kid at that age might go. So if it were me I would address his interests cost effectively but not go overboard at that age. and see what happens.
If he starts demanding high end hifi fuses before full adult hood then you know you might have a problem.
If you get him a keyboard like toy Casio, he may like it better and will try to repeat some music. This "change of direction" can be extremely beneficial in the future.