Schiit Audio feedback

I wanted to provide some feedback on Schiit Audio.  I had been wanting to get one of their Freya+ tube preamps to try with my recently modified Adcom 555II.  John at Musical Concepts did a phenomenal job on my Adcom.  I’d highly recommend them if you’re an Adcom owner and you need some work done. 

I had been hesitating purchasing the Freya+ and then I ran across one that was barely used in just fantastic condition at a pretty good price.  I brought it home, hooked it up to my Adcom and Tektons and have really enjoyed it the last few months.  Several weeks ago, I was listening in solid state mode (tubes were bypassed) more for background music as opposed to critical listening since I was getting some work done.  I took a phone call, hit stop on my player, and while I was on the phone, I heard a terrible pop or bang from the area of the Freya.  I ran over and all I could hear was a sizzling sound coming from it.  I unplugged the Freya immediately and it was extremely hot to the touch.  I was worried at that point that it might have taken out my amp or speakers.  I debated on what to do as I was the second owner so I knew that the warranty would be no good.  I figured the repair bill would be a few hundred dollars.  I checked with the original owner for the date of purchase and it was 10/21.  I am not going to lie – I gave some thought to seeing if the original owner would send it back for me in order to get it covered under warranty, but I decided that was just not the right thing to do.  So, I contacted Schiit, filled out the paperwork explaining the problem and that I was not the original owner, got a return authorization, shipped it back, and gritted my teeth waiting for the estimate.

A couple of weeks later I got a shipping notification from FedEx and a couple of days later the Freya+ arrived.  No charge for the repair.  There wasn’t even a charge for shipping it back to me.  I was absolutely stunned.  What company does that?  They had no reason to cover that repair since I was not the original owner but they did.  I hooked everything back up and my amp and speakers seem just fine and everything sounds just as great as before.  I can’t thank Schiit Audio enough so I wanted to do it publicly on this forum.  This will definitely influence future purchases as I will always look to them first.


Schiit's a class act made in the homeland. Jason Stoddard's a genius grade designer of front end electronics, in recent times.


One of my freya plus tube blew up. I called them. They gave me 4 tubes. Schiit treated me well.

I have a few Schitt items. I find the Yggdrasil+ OG and LIM DACs are reference level for me. That is after comparing (owning) many DACs from the $1k-$3k range, and one $15k. The Yggi+(s) saved me a lot of money to spend on other gear.

The Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp is a beauty and much better to my ears than the Freya+ I sold long ago. Only issue with the Mjolnir is that it does not have a remote. I use that preamp for my RAAL Requisite headphones along with the Schitt Aegir amp (another rather good unit). This setup is almost as good as the king of the hill, RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp (I also own).

I used to think a bit negatively of the Schitt products until I bought a few pieces and listened to them. They ended up replacing some much more expensive pieces.

Through my countless number of transactions over the many years, luckily, I have had only a few companies that I thought did not treat me right.

But those companies I remember and do the best I can to let others beware. Perhaps they (Schiit) are better these days, but after reading your recent purchase adventure, maybe they are not.


I had purchased a Freyer + it was delivered with a small pin prick above the volume control,  observable when close, they immediately knocked off $100 should I keep it. 
Within a week the volume was acting up, I thought they should then send me a new unit. They did not and eventually it was dead in the water.

 I said send me a new unit, they still did not and I had to send mine back in and wait two weeks while being repaired. I believe my 30 days were up by then and now it was warranty  work on there part. 
The moral is you'll will soon outgrow these pieces of gear and require better gear, so skip them in the beginning and every one will be happier. 

I however had a very bad experience with Schiit.

I purchased one of those add-on digital jitter reducer devices a few years back with a 30-day money back guarantee.

When I returned it in about a week (at my expense) they subtracted out their shipping cost and charged me a 30% restocking fee! I should note: There was nothing wrong with the unit I returned, it just didn’t impress me.

Never, ever, will I ever buy another Schiit. Properly named.


Has anyone replaced a fuse in a Schiit Bifrost 2

DAC, I ordered Synergistics Research Pink Fuse

Large, 500Ma, Slow Blown?

My Freya+ has fried two transformers during its 5-year warranty period. Both fixed with no charge, return shipping paid.
HOWEVER, Schiit gear is no longer the bargain it once was. Buyer now pays shipping even on delivery of new purchases. Plus, as at Upscale, state and local sales taxes. I do know one high-end CA audio dealer charging no nonresident sales tax or original purchase shipping cost, and one CA high-end wine dealer ditto, but won't name them for fear their loopholes (if any) will be closed.

@ross6860 that is alarming. I thought mine was a freak accident. Could be a design issue. But I still appreciate Schiit standing behind their product. 

I've had decent luck with Schiit gear except for two Frey+ preamps.

Both exhibited the same problem as the OP right out of the box.  Sounded like frying bacon and pops and bangs so bad I thought that my speakers would be damaged.

Schiit replaced the first unit (after sending me some replacement tubes) but the second one did the same thing.

FWIW they only showed the problem in "tube" mode.  They played fine in the two SS modes.

Also, Parasound serviced my JC-2 preamp for "no charge".  I am not the original buyer, either.


They must be doing something right, opened a second facility in Texas and are not in receivership. Yet that is. 

Well, not always. I bought several pieces as an experiment and in helping a friend pick out a system and had no responses from customer service… at all in the three weeks after ordering. I tried to contact them multiple times, no response. This does not condemn the company. But they are a budget audio company and customer service can be spotty. 

That company really does have their Schiit together. Great customer service and dedicated people who really give a Shiiit about what they do.    

I'm running a Ragnarok 2 and loving it! Always had prompt and professional communication with the company. Would love to visit the Schiit'r one day. 

Great to hear they have awesome customer service! I have three pieces of Schiit and so far no issues, but good to hear that they really stand behind their Schiit. 

That was great that Schiit did repairs in that situation at no charge — I don’t find that kind of customer service very often.  I own the Freya+ — don’t really have much to compare it to, but it seems like quality gear for a fair price.  I like the option to play it SS, to save on the tubes when I’m not seriously listening.  I recommend it to anyone putting together an affordable system, 

I own two Lokius EQ's. A Freya S preamp and a Jotunheim headphone amp that came with my Raal Requisite SR1a ribbon headphones (Only works with those cans.)
I live on Maui so there are no show rooms, no dealers. I buy based on features, price and reviews and then A/B components. The "loser" of the test is returned or sold. I state this because an issue did come up with a Valhalla 2 Headphone amp. Tested it against an Amazon bought Nobsound 8W Class A Tube integrated amplifier. Tube rolled. It has IMHO great midrange and high end for the price. The soundstage is very good, the bass is mud. The soundstage collapsed when switching to the Shiit.
I spoke with them and they said return it (was within two weeks) or tube roll it. IDK much about Tube rolling so I bought the best new, not NOS Gold Lion tubes and it didn't help. 
I sold it but it really made me wonder about the Freya Preamp I own. I did not test the Freya S against anything else as I could not find a balanced preamp made in The US for anywhere near the low price of The Freya. The soundstage is good with my ADAM A5X near field monitors. 
Any suggestions for a preamp with as many balanced inputs as possible for under $1000.00? I don't need a headphone jack but a remote is really nice!

I think Schiit is a great company.  I’ve had lots of their gear and it’s hard to beat for the price.  I’m upgrading from the Yggy right now and have found you need to spend 3x as much to make a dramatic improvement.

Had the original Freya and also had to spend MUCH more to get a big improvement.

Long ago I had the Freya preamp and the Gungnir multibit dac. Not bad sounding, I was quite happy.

I’ve got a Schitt stack for headphone listening in my den, feeding a Vali 2 and a Modi 3+ (AKM chip) with a cheap WiiM Pro streamer. Has worked fine so far over the last couple of years. Have loved tube rolling the Vali 2+, currently have some 6922 tubes in it.

I would be interested if they conveyed what the issue had been? Did they explain what failed?

Since you aren’t the original owner you can’t know if the unit had been dropped or abused in any way. That’s a risk we all take buying 2nd hand gear. Still, very cool of Schitt to fix it. That is customer service we just don’t see in this day and age. Wow. Good luck with it! Enjoy.

I am a fan of Schiit and they are a solid company with a quality product line. No nonsense. 

I’ve had three of their products over the years. I’ve never had any issues, however,it is GREAT to hear about their service. That is wonderful advertising. 

I’m not a huge fan of their products in general, but it’s nice to know they actually care and are willing to take care of people. Nicely done, Schiit. 

Good time to sell it. Luck like that may not be around next time!

Get Freya that piece asap!