What's your definition of an audiophile?

Our love of audio is really basic biology with the brains dopamine reward system. The more we get pleasure with something the more we seek it out for the brains dopamineric response. Better sounding music equal more reward. MUSIC is our high! I tried to be a little eccentric from a science perspective. Alan Parsons cynically said "Audiophiles don’t use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipment”. Let me hear your definition


Ok I'll weigh in on this one. The stereotype (pun intended) is one we all know and love(?) of the know-it-all who puts down others for their choices in equipment when possibly their own choices could be called into question that cares more about the equipment than the music it produces. I think there is a part of that sad old sod in most if not all of us...boasting about this or that component and what it can do...but I think most of us also care about the music itself and most of us try to be NOT the stereotype. The war between the two extremes continues unabated and always will.

The music as captured on great recordings are hard to come by so that is driving most of us to preserve old media because there was something magical about the performance. The effort to do that is appropriate. Audiophiles I think are part engineer, part music lover, part artist, and some of them perpetuate the parts of this hobby that make the term audiophile a somewhat dirty word. I am speaking of the proliferation of snake oil concepts and products based on erroneous thinking...and its not necessarily malicious but done out of ignorance or lack of understanding, though in the marketing departments of the companies that make the equipment we know and love, this is deliberate and malicious. The effort some of these companies put into bullshit explanations for how their widget solves some imaginary problem is laughable, but I never cease to be amazed at the number of people who buy into it. If it wasn't so incredibly effective, these companies would have stopped doing this long ago. This 'buyer beware' scenario is one of the things that makes it hard for people coming into the hobby. I for one hate to see people get sold something useless or worse. I for one would love to see this hobby be more about inclusion and making efforts to draw others into the fascinating world that this hobby really is, helping each other avoid the shysters. Educate, discuss, share, and be tolerant of others choices, but when you see someone making a choice that involves real money that you know won't help the guy's system, try to suggest tactfully why the change will make no difference. We will always have the placebo effect to deal with and that really hurts objectivity. Yeah we throw money at all of it like a drunken sailor on liberty attempting to find that elusive nirvana...or the nirvana they can afford. Its a disease I think lol. I try hard to be objective and do what makes sense sonically and seek out value for dollar spent. I'll never be a cost is no object guy. I will always be the guy who realizes that no matter how much I know I still have a lot to learn.

If your system cost more than your music collection I'd say you're an audiophile.
I think it's about *listening.*  An audiophile is a person who dedicates time to the act of listening to recorded music.

If you actively listen to your Bose Wave Radio, you're an audiophile.  If your Wilson Chronosonics play music only in the background of your life, then you're just a person who owns an expensive thing.
Wow...you guys are tough!  And I just thought an audiophile is someone with a passion for recreating music in their home via electronics.
Heh heh," "Your system sounds like crap"

See, I'm an audiophile! "
  Followed by I spent a gob of cash on gear which qualifies me as an equipment audiophile aristo and I also spent $200 to buy a hires album (that is not one in reality)  so you plebes better watch out.
  Or this one. You are unable to spend the money I do on things and for that reason alone you have no idea of what quality sound is.
I tend to like the dictionary definition 

au·​dio·​phile | \ ˈȯ-dē-ō-ˌfī(-ə)l  \Definition of audiophile

: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction
Many good responses here.  I don’t know, and quite possibly, don’t care what an audiophile is. But, as I listen, I often think of a Duke Ellington quote; “If it sounds good, it is good.”


One of my friends characterizes an audiophile as someone who has "more dollars than sense".

Hopefully, it is someone who enjoys music, but in my experience, many of them seem to enjoy the equipment more than the music.
Music lovers chase a moving target as their system and experience evolve.  Somewhere down the road they become audiophile.  
An audiophile is one who obsesses over every tiny little sonic and technical detail for untold hours, weeks, years, in order to hear for a minute every once in a while music that sweeps him away.

Totally agree MC.  

JV has some interesting thoughts on this in a recent Abs Sound.   The one thing in common among all the 'audiophiles' I know, is that none fit a basic definition of 'sane'.  I know I am at least 15 standard deviations away from normal on that curve.  OCD pure and simple!  Happy tinkering/listening guys.
+1 with Alan Parsons and MC
Everybody listens to music. Audiophiles have no special credentials there. It’s the gear that makes the difference and all this bs about "I’m not listening to equipment, I’m listening to music!" betrays the hidden truth in most one of us audiofreaks: Many of us seem ashamed to admit that while we may love the music, it’s the sweet tubes, tight bass, airy DAC or deep image that we listen for and spend to acquire. That means we’re evaluating "the recording" and "the gear!".
Audiophiles have just been addicted longer and can find words to describe why they had an emotional experience with that particular performance.Where Dude #1 says: "Wow, that blew me away! and that’s the end of his critique of an emotional drum solo. Dude #2 says: "Wow, that kickbass is so much tighter with my new preamp, it really has impact." He can explain as well as exclaim.
Tone controls are an express train to happiness on a bad recording, see cello palate for a phd in “ tone “

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My definition:
Audiophiles use music to listen to their equipment.
Music lovers use their equipment to listen to music
This, of course is an overstatement.  You can be both
But it’s very hard.
" Alan Parsons cynically said "Audiophiles don’t use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipment”. Let me hear your definition "

The better your system gets the harder it is to find really good music to listen to since so much of it is produced for for general public tastes and level of equipment. For me after a certain level is achieved with your gear the problem then becomes finding quality recordings.

If an audiophile can be described as a person who wants a superior, to him, level of sound quality both sides of what Parsons says are integral parts of being one.

Bliss is a good recording played on good equipment and sadly I spend a lot of time on the hunt for good recordings.
Also: Allen Parsons’ quote succinctly sums it up. (See above.)
I’m both at different times an audiophile and music lover.
Some fantastic definitions here.
Best for me:  started off as a music lover.  then...........

Any of the niche or esoteric pursuits have the same characteristics. Think Ansel hauled that large format box around because it was “ gear “ ? Dive in to anything cool, shotguns, working dogs, wine, Weber carbs, optics, fly reels and discover the same world.... the boat is just a tool for killing fish
Showbiz kids.....

the question is, are you self aware or just hurling rocks ???
An audiophile (if old enough) is someone who knows who Enid Lumley was.

She wrote for TAS like 40 years ago and helped start tweakmania (for better or worse).
A cool guy that loves music and equipment must spend at  least 50k on cool stuff.
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Most of us audiophiles are poor souls who began as a music lovers, but eventually morphing into critical listeners who focus on sound. Every now and then we are at peace with our system, allowing us to enjoy the music again.
I turned off the turntable, put in a CD, and helped with dinner.

An audiophile is one who knows you use a turntable to play captivating sit down and listen to it music, and CD for pass the time background music.

@aewarren  Nailed it! While herself assumes I am doing nothing, listening mode is the only time I consider I'm doing something I want to do.
My wife was preparing dinner while I was sitting in my listening chair spinning Miles Davis. She came in with a cutting board and some garlic and asked if I would chop some for our meal "since I wasn't doing anything."  I turned off the turntable, put in a CD, and helped with dinner. An audiophile's wise decisions don't have to be expensive.
Someone who appreciates music and the contributions equipment and accessories can make. Often to the point of obsession, but the core is a love for and pursuit of the ultimate sound quality, which is different for everyone.  
The Absolute Sound imo gives audiophiles a bad name. It's been a long time since it was relevant (though I do like Steven Stone, who was mentored by the great J. Gordon Holt.). You know it's bad when TAS founder Harry Pearson quits! But then JGH quit Stereophile too. And they're both dead and buried, as will be audiophiledom when all of us are gone.
Just read through the current Absolute Sound. Everything is too expensive for what I'd willingly pay to improve what I'm already happy with. Therefore, I'm not an audiophile.
An audiophile is someone who listens. That requires focus and a good sense of what real music sounds like. Obsessive behaviour in my mind doesn’t an audiophile make.
An audiophile is one who obsesses over every tiny little sonic and technical detail for untold hours, weeks, years, in order to hear for a minute every once in a while music that sweeps him away.
This is the definition. I think we can all agree that anything more can get obsessively over the top!!

An audiophile is a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction. An audiophile seeks to reproduce the sound of a live musical performance, typically in a room with good acoustics. It is widely agreed that reaching this goal is very difficult and that even the best-regarded recording and playback systems rarely, if ever, achieve it.
An audiophile is one who will sit in the dark listening to the same track over and over again neurotically second-guessing real vs imagined differences, then claim to be doing all this out of a love of music.
An audiophile listens to equipment. A music lover listens to music. You could be either or both. Most of us are both. Some of us are hard to figure out. 
The mindset of a true audiophile is...

"If I liked it I would be disappointed."


An audiophile is a person who is more in love with the gear than the music. They constantly upgrade but never spend any real time listening to what they have. They are always lusting over that next expensive piece and get more pleasure from the anticipation and buying than listening. They most likely have a very tiny selection of music to listen to.

I was that guy some 30 odd years ago
Audiophile is a man who is afraid that after his death his wife will sells audio equipment for as much as he told her he paid for it.
Audiophiles use their equipment as an excuse to buy still more equipment to graph the sound their equipment makes. Then still more equipment to change the graphs their equipment made. Audiophiles love a pretty graph. 

Not as pithy as Parsons. But you know its true.