I have been upgrading loudspeaker Xovers for over 20 years .
in your revels the parts quality is a average at best !
meaning maybe a 7 out of 15
just pull a driver out and you-can see inside not even a name brand Taiwan on some capacitors.the resistors are $1 , when top quality even $12 mills are much better . The Xover is the 🧠 or ♥️ of the Loudspeaker . As much as you think it sounds good a upgraded Xover would’ve at minimum 10% better still. Look at Humble homemade hifi capacitor test. For all capacitor ratings to prove my point
OP - This guy is such a breath of fresh air. Wait til he tells you he’s owned his own audio business for 40 years and he’s forgotten more than you’ll ever know.
End game so far seems to be Vandersteen Quatro’s. Everytime we listen to live music , my wife states how great the Quatro’s are compared to all the others we have listened to or owned.
Don't believe in end game
speakers. Currently love my
Graham 8/1 speakers.
ENDGAME means that we are so happy passing this threshold of MINIMAL acoustic satisfaction when acoustic problems are solved , that we know that upgrade even if they are possible exist , they suddenly appear way less interesting ...
Thats my situation with a very low cost system well embedded ...
@mbmi +1
he kinda nailed it.
”end game high-end” audio is an oxymoron. It’s a “MY CURRENT end game” proposition in this crazy hobby at best …. Ergo, A current assessment and pause , but thay insatiable thirst, drive, and active hunt for “more” and “better”persists.
The litmus test presents itself by our communal participation in this forum and supported by our attendance at major audio expos .
"Endgame" simply means end of the spending....there's Always something Better out there!!
Endgame is like any relationship. Sure, you're committed, but you're always going to explore options in your mind. I'm happy with whatever is in rotation in the setup at the moment. Until I'm bored .
Changing houses makes me change speakers. My end game speakers become unsatisfactory as the room they are in changes.
I've given up believing that I can build the ultimate end game rig. I've embraced the reality that swaps and upgrades are part of the journey. I love it!
Here's a video of a woman with a million dollar system. Listen to her talk about it- she's not satisfied yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJGnDSa71VE
....bruises on my head 'n shoulders from the spouse trying to get me out of my Zone......😒🙄
@skinzy hhhhmmmm, No speakers at all, frankly. Be too busy with other bucket stuff....;)
@waytoomuchstuff ....*G* Running that as of now with my bookshelf versions...
They don't mind it, but the sub wants to get in on the act...so I've dialed up the crossover....*bliss out time*
That's better....gets one into the 'roll' of the harmonics....
.............ad infinitum......
*!* ...well.....that fried the day.....punched in the monks on a loop @ noon 11/7...
I'll remember that routine if I have to follow thru with @skinzy s' thought, but will save it for the last week.....;)
I love my FYNE F1-12. upgraded from B&W 803D3 less than a year ago
Breaking in a new pair of Monitor Audio Platinum 200 3G speakers. Connected to Pass Labs equipment and a VPI classic turntable, this combination has begun to satisfy my search for musical narvana. I find myself smiling as they fill my listening room with music. I’m pleased…
Harbeth 40.3 XD
Can't imagine anything better for 20K and under.
Maybe a better way to ask this might be; If you won the lottery and found out you would die in 6 months what speaker would you buy?
@ nicholsr
They do indeed exist. Jeff at hdacoustics is very good and I highly recommend a consultation with him.
Yes. Linn AV 5140, passive crossovers removed. Now "Aktiv" via digital crossover inside Akurate Exaktbox-i with dedicated amplifiers for each of the six (2 x 3) drivers. I have no desire to tinker further. Very, very pleased with the sound.
"OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz. OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe."
Any collolation here to your interest in Ohm speakers? Are your Ohms highly competant at 417Hz?
I build and design my own loudspeaker systems.
One of my builds was loosely based upon the Wilson X1 Grand SLAMM and was featured as part of my then system, in the UK HiFi Magazine HiFi News & Record review; the April 2002 issue.
Unfortunately I had to decommission the system when forced to sell my house.
Hopefully in late 2024 or early 2025 I will have some stability back.
Once this situation has been resolved, I will commence building a real successor, a 4 tower system somewhat larger than my X1 type build which will use massive subwoofer towers reaching below 10Hz. I have been working on this design for the last 3 years.
Current speakers being used in separate systems are Yamaha NS1000s and Graham Audio LS5/1s
12 years on I have no desire to upgrade my Ohm Walsh 2000s, each paired with a Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. If I win the lottery, sure, I would start auditioning. But nothing I have heard under $12,000 the pair makes me want to upgrade. And, yes, it feels effing fantastic!
I'll hold and fold with my 4 large Heils.....play around with whatever I run into that can keep up with them....*S*
Other than those, I’ve got my DIY Walshs’ to play and continue to perfect. One can spend another lifetime in that pursuit. ;))
The only way it seems that y’all will ever get to hear a pair...or 4...😏....may be a signed and numbered set from a very limited production...
The only thing that could divert would be a winning ’big’ Lotto....
Then, I might consider buying Ohm, and getting back to build them with a ’proper’ Walsh driver....or two....three....sub....*LOL*
I consider my Maggie 3.7's to be endgame. But whenever I go to Axpona, there is always another one that trips my trigger.
I suppose my audio obsession has changed from "petal to the metal, racing fuel, throwing maximum boost and timing at it, tettering right on the edge of blowing something up" to "adaptive cruise control" where I’m just safely and quietly integrating with the speed of the "traffic" around and ahead of me.
I designed and built my own speakers 32 years ago. They’ve been by my side (actually in front) thru the good stuff, and the bad stuff. The definition of the true friend. Dependable. Reliable. Loyal. Enduring. They’re not going anywhere. They have more than their share of sonic "warts", but do get some things right. My wife of 31 years still likes them. (And, me. Fortunately).
On my 3rd crossover upgrade/rebuild. If some "newer thinking" grabs my attention, their could be a 4th.
Congratulations on finding your end game speakers! I’m still looking for mine.
I guest. Iam done. I have no more desire buying except vynil, SACDs, xrceds, cds.
Purchased Wilson Sophia 1s about 4 years ago. They're fabulous and I'll always have them, but i don't think my room gets the best out of them. Would love to work with a sound/room consultant to see what can be done to help (if such a person exists).
50 years of experiments and head banging. When I found Legacy, the hunt was over. My complete 7.4 Legacy system (Lyngdorf processor) has cost me as much as a new car, but I love it, and consider my journey OVER.
Mine weigh 214 lbs each, so they are my end game speakers unless I want to move them again.
Yes, Tannoy Churchill’s with ST-200 SuperTweeters!
I have been upgrading loudspeaker Xovers for over 20 years .
in your revels the parts quality is a average at best !
meaning maybe a 7 out of 15
just pull a driver out and you-can see inside not even a name brand Taiwan on some capacitors.the resistors are $1 , when top quality even $12 mills are much better . The Xover is the 🧠 or ♥️ of the Loudspeaker . As much as you think it sounds good a upgraded Xover would’ve at minimum 10% better still. Look at Humble homemade hifi capacitor test. For all capacitor ratings to prove my point.
Keeping what we have but I want to give Magnapan and open baffles a whirl maybe even a open baffle kit.
My Wilson Audio Alexia V’s.
I don't know about "end game", but I am really happy with my current setup.
Emerald Physics 2.8's with external crossovers (2x15" Carbon woofer, 12" carbon mid, and a 1" poly tweeter) and a Rythmik G22 subwoofer.
Lush, lovely, and articulate.
I do know that no matter what comes in the future, it will be an open baffle speaker.
I’m pretty sure I’m done w speakers, now amplification on the other hand, I’ve got 4 right now, selling 2 and shopping for another. 6 if you count receivers. I can’t stop, I’ve owned dozens.
I found them. I can't afford them, YET!!! After the new year I will be the proud new owner of a pair of Fleetwood Devilles.
Lots of great speakers listed. Saw those Aries Cerat speakers at Axpona 2022. Wild looking speakers ! Mine are Rockport Avior ii. I’m done unless the lottery fairy blesses me.
At the moment and in no hurry to change. I have Crystal Cable, Arabesque, Glassmasters. They have full bass and dbs switches on them to help change the sound. I got them at a tenth of retail price, then changed my whole system.😎
Yes, Sonus Faber Il Cremonese
suits my room and delivers very satisfying sound
doubt I'll be moving on from them
Do you ever have that experience when you're upgrading of giving your old speakers one last listen and saying to yourself, "Boy, these aren't bad." Sort of like premature nostalgia.
My custom sealed box full range single driver (TangBand W8-1808) with dual SVS subs are currently my end game.
They continue to blow me away with incredible mid/high range clarity, sound stage, depth and top end sparkle. I had no idea hifi could be this good.
"They are nice for Mid fi Audiophile speakers. speakers like MBL 101 Omni directional speakers are true bend game speakers "
I don't understand why some people feel the need to dump on someone else's happiness. As my mother used to say. "If you can't say something nice to someone, then just keep your mouth shut."
Yes two pair
Viking Acoustics L’Instruments
Different. Good. Wonderful actually.
But my amps etc keep having power issues.
NX-Oticas. I have not found anything I like better at any audio show under $25,000. If you don't want to DIY, just hire a carpenter to make them for you.
I have has my 3.6 Maggies for 17 years and they make me smile every day, they are my forever soeakers!
Aries Cerat Aurora speakers are my end game and final speaker purchase after going down the B&W, Wilson, Sonus Faber and Vliking route. I should receive them in the next 4o days from Greece.
I am in a polygamous marriage apparently, as I now am married to two keepers for life--Spendor 1/2Es and Dynaudio Contour 20is. The former I have loved for 24 years as my only mate, but the latter have now come along and stolen my audio heart. So yes, the three of us will be together until the last song is played.
Since the late 60s my ultimate was the JBL Paragon. Never heard it. Never saw one in person. Still want one.
I did recently have a pair of JBL L300. Loved them. Downsized house so they had to go. Since the mid 70s I have been using JBL L222 Disco.
Quad ESL's - 2 pairs , plus pair Magnepan DWM's plus isobaric sub. Had the Quads 15 years.
Yes - Reference 3A de Capos. Paired with a good subwoofer and this is all Ill ever need.
Well - I may try Klipsch Cornwalls at some time...