Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
millercarbon OP
I and the Father are one. Well, of course you are. Thousands of years later and all of modern science has produced not one shred of evidence to the contrary.

>>>>You can’t prove a negative. Hel-loo! I am the Egg Man.
This is simply brilliant....
97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

Blog/Climate Posted Jan 23, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions:


Do you agree that global temperatures have generally risen since the pre-1800s?

Do you think that human activity is a significant contributing factor?

Only 3146 responses were received of 10,000, and of that 31%, 90% said yes to the first question but 82% said yes to the second question.

This is how the fraud was carried out by people who have used this survey. They narrowed down the responses and found that among Meteorologists who responded, only 64% said yes to the second question, so about 1/3 said NO!

Then disregarding all the others of the 3146 responses, they focused on only 77 who described themselves as “climate experts” without any proof of their credentials and found that only 75 said yes to the second question.

Therefore, when we divide 75/77 we get to their claim of 97% of all scientists in the world say there is a climate emergency that warrants raising taxes and seizing property.

This was only 2.3% of those who bothered to respond and I doubt that they would agree with the solution which is COMMUNISM!


If we take the 75 responses of 10,000 scientists surveyed, that means that 0.0075% agreed that there is climate change with some human causality. Why are they lying to the entire world? Because behind this movement is the destruction of capitalism and the resurrection of communism. And people wonder why our computer has been forecasting that the financial capital of the world is moving to Asia? Climate Change Activists are trying to recreate the Marxist experiment all over again.

And I’m a macaroni.
The brain is convoluted, by natural necessity; human reason is not in the necessity to be convoluted each day to promote an agenda.... Falsities by use of numbers interpretations are always that: rhetorical exact delirium...This remind us at the end of those who try to lift themselves off the ground by their own hairs...

The problem with lying is that an accumulation of lies modify the structural functions of the brains, and the lightning up of areas linked to emotions and cognitive controls and stress are in the process to light up always and always more easily with more lies... Except for psychopath that had no moral internal code then no stress...

Someone lying too many often without good reason to say so, except his own benefit, will be lying more and more easily by the absence of internal moral constraints, these barriers undermined, less firmly reflected in the function of his own brain...For normal people it is like learning to be a psychopath by decreasing the stress but being always at the end unable to be really one( increasing stress)... Lying always seems to be free of cost at first, but it is an illusion of the lying process itself...By this way of getting around our moral ingrained personality composure we cheat our own brain up to a point only...( It will be interesting to make a neurological interpretation of the lying process in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden just saying my 2 cents :) )

These opinions of mine are not science, like all my posts, but reflections and interpretations of mine around science or other matters...By definition science has no opinions it is a process...

Science  isn't interested in proving or disproving God or Gods more important  things to worry about like climate change.
You are right djones51

But we can makes an opinion for ourselves....About God, or about climate changes, if we really think hard and dont lie to ourselves...

Thinking hard is never stopping to think, and not lying to ourselves is always looking for something(truth) that cannot be our own property...

Opinions are at best only marking steps on a new road to the mountain of truth...

And " we're going all to the mountain" say some song... :)
The problem is not convincing yourself whether climate change is real but convincing other people that it’s real. If you can’t convince other people how can you possibly be convinced yourself?

How do you know heaven is beautiful? 
“Because it’s what I wish to believe.” - Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Science Officer, Prometheus

”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus
You cannot convince someone who does not wanted to be convinced whatever the rhetoric... It is already in the gospels spoken by an intelligent man of the past... :) And argumentative rhetoric is best served at the end by the purpose of greater clarity, not only and mostly to convince...

I do not need to convince myself about something I was seeing for myself trough interpreted facts (Never mind whether I am in the illusion or the truth)... The bridge between beliefs and reason is the thinking process itself; if this process stop, there is only the abyss of robotic stupidity at worst and at best habits the mind dont cares to correct...

« I am perhaps born with this vocation of being an idiot, but it is no more my daily job» Groucho Marx
It appears so. But don’t feel too bad, even Einstein never got on board the quantum mechanics train or the Black Hole train. Toot Toot 🚂 Think of it as a form of self hypnosis. 😳
On the TV. right now are some perfect examples of the impossibility for a "wanted to be deaf person" to listen to facts whatever the rhetorics... I am amazed by the acrobatics exhibited by grown men establishing carefully and firmly a ladder descending to the abyss...

I am amazed but terrified...

This thread displays for all to see the profound, enduring, unmistakeable scientific ignorance that infects, permeates, and taints so much of modern culture and what is particularly noteable in this specific thread is that this lack of understanding of even basic, elementary, fundamental knowledge is possessed by those who believe they have such scientific skill!
That survey, mentioned above, left out what 4 out of 5 dentists preferred.
You win clearthink, one long run on sentence that says absolutely  nothing.  
This thread displays for all to see the profound, enduring, unmistakeable scientific ignorance that infects, permeates, and taints so much of modern culture and what is particularly noteable in this specific thread is that this lack of understanding of even basic, elementary, fundamental knowledge is possessed by those who believe they have such scientific skill!

I try to makes sense of your post clearthink...

If I simplify your prose:

Scientific ignorance that permeate this thread and all culture, is more profound in this thread by those who thinks to be scientific and are not scientific at all...

If we simplify to see the vicious circle in your clear thinking affirmation, or botched argument, or decree :

Scientific ignorance is everywhere especially where in this thread there is some so called "scientific affirmation"...

It is clearer in this way, but is this makes sense?

We can reduce that to his simplest form : scientific ignorance is everywhere particularly here...

An interesting question indeed : Is clarity of expression a sufficient fact to create meaningful sense? Certainly no, for example in pleonasm and common places....

The affirmation of this post reduced to his simplest expression is evidently a common place and a pleonasm combined ( night is dark everywhere especially here or to be more in the spirit of this thread, snow is white everywhere especially here)... What distinguish it at first glance, from a single common place, or from a single pleonasm, or from the combination of the two, are only the use of other rhetorical means...

These other rhetorical means for example are these interesting rhetorical fact about your post where there is a triple repetition, three times in 6 lines :

( "profound, enduring, unmistakeable ... that infects permeates, and taints...lack..of basic, elementary, fundamental…")

That is the mark of pure reactive emotional response or active propaganda, I leave the choice to you...I say so because nobody in particular, no affirmation in particular, is clearly the target of this incomplete syllogism which look like a flag in the wind...

I apologise for making fun of this post, but we are all here to learn and have fun...And I prefer rhetoric sometimes to the science of some...

I apologise to djones51 because my post add nothing to his short and pertinent remark....Except more fun at least for me... :)
”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus

...and we saw how that little experiment panned out....:(
...and the ’follow-up’ movie’s ending promised to make matters even more disturbing, putting it mildly...

Watch ’who’ and ’what’ a quote pertains any good sword, it has 2 edges.
When you’re skewering one opponent, another may be right behind you with an interest in your neck...;)

"His head was on the ground, looking up....didn’t even have the time to look surprised...."

While I’m here, sticking My neck out....*G*....

10,000-3,146=6,854 that didn’t respond at all.
That 31.5% vs. 68.5% seems to echo the voting habits of the residents of this country.
Which does seem to indicate Why we’re in the current morass...

So....IMHO, long held....
If you don’t vote, for whatever reason...
Don’t complain about ’whatever’....
You have nothing to add to the discussion short of warm air....
(I'm just watching the 'floor show' here.....Y'all are an 'amusing act', but stay off Broadway, please?)

*...considering loading the air rifle with 'tranq' darts...*
"571 posts on the page, 571 posts....
Stick one up, 'Oh, WTF....'
572 posts...."

According to "Google"; Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000.

I really didn't need to look that up, from my own experience here in St. Louis I know that's true; 6 below zero was common in the middle of January, but now it just gets below freezing.

News flash, turns out according to modern science the Earth has been around a bit longer than 50 years. Longer even than you. Of course I know everyone will jump to your defense. I don't expect to change any minds. You go on believing in however long you think it is. 

This is what we are up against. It really is pathetic. But it is what it is.

Saying that the earth is there for more than 50 years is not an argument against climate change, and is in the drawer of totally useless claims just upper to the one where some dogmatic claim that the earth will be going better without humans at all... The first affirmation is a truism, the second an absurdity...

I am sorry to say that.... Between truism and absurdity there is precisely tough a place for the thinking process to begins out of these drawers so to speak...
To be afraid of sharks presence in our bathroom is not a fear  corresponding to a probable real event to say the least. (odds are too high)...

Those who fears about the future of humanity linked to climate change are absolutely not in the same category at all...

Even the more extreme naysayers will admit that, except those insane...

Then any reasonable sceptics, forgetting his rhetoric and his propaganda, can discuss with any climate changes scientist or people, forgetting their own rhetoric and propaganda... The question is simple : are we able to discuss, forgetting rhetoric and propaganda ?

Do our egos need climate changes debate to boost themselves?

Or are we looking for "truth" ? I put truth in parentheses because it is not an object to be owned, nor a price in a competition, or the result of a vote, not even the mechanical conclusion of a syllogism...It is a direction for our own thinking process each one of us and the meeting point for all of us if we look carefully for it...If you dont understand this last point ask your wife about it... :)
The length of time the earth has existed has nothing to do with what's happening now. For most of the earth's existence humans did not exist. This is really happening whether or not you  believe it, also here is something I can never figure out.

Fine you don't believe climate change is real. But don't you have to consider what if it is? What is we continue what we've been doing which we are as the administration rolls out new plans to poison our rivers, lakes and waterways. But what if it's true? And you ignored it? And it's really too late? What then?
I'm still waiting to hear from that 5th dentist. 
I'm sure his opinion is a valid as any naysayer.

All the best,
@djones5 , well....I guess I should preface certain HO’s with not-to-be-misinterpreted in:

’The following comment contains Irony’....or ’is Snide Observation on the posters’ part’.....

I mistakenly thought that ’___’ would suffice, but apparently not....

OK....some interpretations may help...

Floor show = 12 pages and still underway

Amusing act = No resolutions in sight; even a simple agreement on what would seem to be ’common knowledge’ is rare.

"...stay off Broadway,..." = ...which occasionally hosts sheer mind-numbing ’Bombs’.

Character A; "....there’s nothing left to say..."

Character B; "And there’s no one write an this dumb-ass play!" (B slumps over, feigning death)

PLEASE NOTE: The previous is the Humble Opinion of it’s poster. No personal attacks or attributions are intended nor implied. The poster willingly accepts the potential of being accused as a ’Troll’, or any other depreciative description. The poster is solely responsible for said post’s content. The poster reserves the Right to, in the event of crowd’s appearing on his doorstep and/or property, unleash whatever means of ’crowd control’ strikes his fancy, fear, or deranged amusement. Individuals may be eaten.

There...feel better?

I really don’t care, frankly....;)
The length of time the earth has existed has nothing to do with what’s happening now. For most of the earth’s existence humans did not exist. This is really happening whether or not you believe it, also here is something I can never figure out.

Fine you don’t believe climate change is real. But don’t you have to consider what if it is?

Stop misrepresenting my position. It only makes you appear as ideological and detached from reality as Adam Schiff.

Of course the climate changes. Duh. Its changed a lot over the whole 3.5 billion years of its existence, and a lot over the shorter 3 billion year history of life. The vast majority of that time CO2 levels were much higher. Some of the highest CO2 levels in the history of life on Earth were during the Cambrian explosion when almost all genera of corals evolved, along with many plants and animals.

These are all relevant scientific facts, so please do try and follow along. I know its hard. Thinking, I mean. Please try.

CO2 is a required plant nutrient. Plants literally cannot live without it. Its a fact. You could look it up. PLEASE LOOK IT UP! Most of the plants on Earth evolved when CO2 levels were much higher. These plants today are near the lower range they are able to tolerate. Rising CO2 levels benefit these plants greatly. Higher CO2 benefits all plants, but these especially.

What are these plants? Just corn, soy, you know, plants humans rely on for food. Billions and billions of dollars and billions and billions of people are riding on these CO2 reliant crops. No plants? No food. No people.

I’m guessing they don’t tell you about this in the madrassa, or CNN, or wherever it is you go for programming. Oh well. True nonetheless.

So the climate you’re so convinced will destroy all life on Earth is the one most life is adapted to. And the CO2 you want to eliminate is the one thing we absolutely cannot survive without.

And you think I’m the one who’s nuts???!

...but at least you've gotten some insight as to how I sometimes perceive some of these forums...seemingly endless wrangling over what is already known to be contentious....

What is Reality?

Whatever 'you' make of it.  That would seem obvious, but...*shrug*

And that pretty much applies to All of 2 alike.

Similar....but still different, in some way.  And even that is situational.

I can accept that, and have for a very long time now...and I'm good with it.

*L* 'Reality for the stinkbug I just snuffed didn't turn out well, however...;)

A frog in hot water studying the thermometer theory and saying, at 99C or 210F, this water dont boil at this time being and was not boiling either in the near past.... This is an example of the passion for science studies or perhaps also an example for a complete absent mind idiot.... The context determine the interpretation...

This story is the same as the popular tale describing the absent minded professor blindly walking in a hole...

One of the possible interpretation is that in the general context of life it is also necessary to be attentive to the surroundings indeed if our life has value to us and not only attentive to some narrower idea or facts...

Is it necessary to wait before acting toward a common valued larger goal, even if all proven facts justifying the action are not there ?

In justice we dont act and lynch someone without waiting for the last of all the facts that are proof of his guilt...

Is the survival of humanity asking for the same precautions than justice for someone ?

Is a common conscious acting valued goal must be suspended because some affirm that the facts are not all there?

What it takes to act?

A judge decision, a last scientific fact? The problem is: can we wait till these last scientific facts will come if they comes in times? That looks like the last centigrade degree on the frog thermometer...

The circle is complete, we act by our sense of values, not only by the relative accumulation of facts...A frog who value his life dont study thermometry in hot water...

We act by gauging facts and values, they are nothing without one another...

We cannot and never will be ever able to say that we absolutely know, we only in a relative manner gauge facts against values and values against facts...This is history...

Goethe says :« History of science is science itself»

And for the end:

Some say that the frog has cheated and falsified his thermometer, and affirm that his proof study concerning all the problem of the hot waters is not existing and not valid and at the end this is proof that there is no boiling water at all...

Submitted metaphors to meditate....

*L*  Not for that bug anymore....;)  Not that it had any concerns over it....

And I know a lot better than to strike that hook....;)

We're on opposite ends of that spectrum; this you know already.

Just another case of the 'irresistible force X immovable object', discussion-wise for either of us.  And, only time will tell which stance holds sway.  We both hope we're right.

I will concede that I would prefer your scenario...

Personally, I'm more pleased I nailed that bug....instant 'grats' over an annoying pest....;)
It only makes you appear as ideological and detached from reality as Adam Schiff.

Are you really going there? All the opposition can seem to muster is "Democrats are bad" which is not really a defense.

And really no one splits hairs quite like a conservative in high dudgeon. Fine you believe in "climate change" how about humanity's effect on the climate. And yes plants like CO2 I learned that in elementary school too but CO2 also is a greenhouse gas that traps the suns heat. AKA there is no free lunch.

Also the steady diet of Youtube crackpots really isn't helping.

I'll admit the presidents defense has been pretty underhanded. They quote the democrats own witnesses. And Mueller. Using facts like that! The nerve!
And yes plants like CO2 I learned that in elementary school

No. Wrong. Plants do not "like" CO2. That's like saying humans "like" oxygen. Plants REQUIRE CO2. They cannot live without it.
Do you understand the difference???!
Humans require CO2 as well we can’t live without it. The problem is to much of it. To much CO2 is detrimental to the nutritional value of plants humans consume as well as other problems like saturation, increased weed growth requiring more herbicides,  drought conditions from the warming of the planet. Saying more CO2 is good for plant growth because of the fertilizer effect is once again cherry picking one part by ignoring the bad effects.
Avsjerry I wouldn’t accuse you of being a troll but you are part of the floor show. Welcome to the off Broadway bomb some of us enjoy your part in the play.
  • "'l'll admit the president's defense has been pretty underhanded. They quote the democrats own witnesses. And Mueller. Using facts like that! The nerve!"

Millercarbon +1. 
I dont think that it is a good idea to speak about politics here....Climate changes are a survival divisive problem but not mainly a political one, a consciousness and scientific one first....

But politics is hardly necessary to discuss , like religious affiliations... Being proudly aligned with some popular divisive clown (tough less popular now ) , is perhaps a very bad idea to proclaim in an audio forum about snow...But speaking to those that dont use their brain except for agendas analysis is foolishness... I am a bit aimless I concede... I dont work anymore and this does not help...I feel almost forced to apologize for being here... Typing some post here seems preposterous...But I must remember the wise one between us... Those who had suffered... I am a bit too tragic this morning... Forget this post....

" Einstein was wrong, stupidity is not infinite, the will is" Groucho Marx
“It’s a political world.” - Bob Dylan

We live in a political world
Icicles hanging down
Wedding bells ring
And angels sing
And clouds cover up the ground

“Everything is broken.” - Bob Dylan

Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken
"it is a magical world" - wise chap

We live in a magical breeze
Nothing hanging down
wedding bells sing
And angels freeze
with great ease
Whiteness cover up the ground... :)

I will stop here because I cannot correct Bob Dylan and Geoffkait at the same times... :)

Thanks for the  nodding help Geoffkait...
“Let’s call it an environmental issue and not climate change,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on a panel Friday at WEF. Or we could just call it Nancy. Anything except what it is. I didn’t realize Mnuchin was a climate expert as well as a money policy expert. 
He is like the puppet master he is serving, reality come by decree in one stroke... Name it, it will be it...God was like that by the way, but off course a better chap... :)
Another well worn tactic, instead of responding to what i said about CO2 seize on the fact that I said like instead of need. That was obviously the important part of my post.
Dont bother yourself, retort mind use tricks, they dont need to think,  tricks and watchwords are enough...Their habits makes them see tricks and watchwords even in scientific studies they dont like...
More to discover