I agree about the synergy between components, I think everything in the signal path makes a difference. The 25 ohm resistor I have shunted on both low and high frequency terminals, (Cornwall's) and the tinned copper wire from Duelund have made a huge difference in my love for this amp. I originally tried the 10 ohm resistors at Nelson's suggestion, but decided that was a little much and settled on 25 ohm.
I think with any amp you have to experiment with power cords, speaker wire, interconnects, 6922 tubes (Dodd) and in my case resistors to get the very best out of your amplifier. The SIT-3 is known to sound its best pushing a 4 ohm load.
My guess is that there are a lot of people that decide to try a new amp but never make the correct adjustments to make it sound its best. They never allow their forever amp a chance to shine, before they sell it someone else.
If you blinded folded audiophile friends that visit, they'd think they were listening to tubes.
ps. The Supratek preamp, and First Watt SIT 3 should wonderful together also.
+1 Pass Labs. In my case I have a SET 572-11 , a Decware ZMA and Wyetech 300 B mono blocks. All sound great and my Pass Labs XA 30.8 absolutely holds its own among the three tube amps. It’s a great luxury and privilege to have a Solid State amp of such high quality a long with three terrific tube amps.
I have 3 Bedini amps including a 25/25. Other amps come and go but never the Bedini’s. The 25/25 recommendation is a good one when you have a high sensitivity speaker. The 25/25 is the smoothest and most tubelike of the Bedini’s. I’m looking at picking up Pass Labs XA25 as I’m told they sound similar but the Pass has more power. After reading the above I might try a First Watt instead.
“It’s almost like we all have different physiology and hear differently...”
Exactly! And not to mention the most critical piece of the equation, the synergy between the amp and speakers. I can name atleast dozen amps (both SS and SET) that did not worked out with my 96dB Tannoy Canterbury’s
I have had SETs and now 6550 monoblocks. The only SS that I enjoy is my Jeff Rowland Continuum S2. I tried the Pass stuff (XA25 and SIT-3) and they were nice but couldn’t hold my attention.
+1 First Watt SIT3. When paired with my Dodd audio preamp, I prefer it to my Golden Tube Audio 300b and my modified Bottlehead 2a3. The SIT-3 has marvelous tone and texture. It doesn’t have the transparency as my Pass XA-25.
Pass Labs INT 25 is supposed to be fabulous.
Best SS I have heard:
JMF Audio -French, pricey. Only time I heard a Harbeth 40.2 sound good
Pass Labs - Okay I own one. Built well. USA made. First Watt would also work
Luxman- These amps make anything sound great.
Aavik- Class D at its best.
My Gryphon Reference One monoblocks. The I decided not to own any equipment I couldn’t move without a forklift.
No more SET here, all push-pull pentode now, yet I enjoy my American made full Class-A 50w upgraded Pass/Forte’ Audio amplifier on rotation once in a while. Fed by a 6SN7 triode tube preamp. When I play it, I’m not in a hurry to go back to my tube amps.
Zero consensus….
It's almost like we all have different physiology and hear differently...
There are some very good Chinese copy Dartzeel NHB108 amplifiers for around 1000 USD.Mine sounds superb and I will not be going back to a SET again.Used in combination with my Supatek tube preamp it is the best sound I have ever had.
Interesting! Did you buy from the eBay source or from somewhere else?
Vitus 25 wpc pure class A a great amplifier by Any standards !!
I liked my Pass XA60.8s (now gone) but they weren't quite as good as my PSET 300B monoblocks.
@soix +1. That’s where I’d look for a low-watt, Class A, solid state amp.
I run two SET systems, one with 300B tubes one with 2A3. The SS amp that I love, and which delivers almost all the delicacy and tonality that I enjoy in those tube amps, is the Reference Line Silver Signature I bought new in 1999. 100w of Class A into 8 ohms, 200 into 4. It continues to amaze.
There are some very good Chinese copy Dartzeel NHB108 amplifiers for around 1000 USD.Mine sounds superb and I will not be going back to a SET again.Used in combination with my Supatek tube preamp it is the best sound I have ever had.
The Bakoon amps are also fantastic and pretty SET like.
I'm waiting to find the time to hear Gryphon.
I like Naim solid state. Love only applies to tubes!
Yeah, the Dartzeel is a dream of mine if I could ever find a reasonable one
the solid state darTZeel NHB-108 stereo amplifier replaced Tenor Audio OTL tube amps in my system 19 years ago now. and over 19 years with the darTZeel brand i’m still a tube lover using solid state.
you can find used darTZeel 108 stereo amps at reasonable prices from time to time. low noise, sparkling mid range with a touch of tube ’breath of life’ magic. zero solid state edge or blandness, wonderful smooth high frequencies.
Swiss quality fit and finish, and built like a tank.
I have Zu Def 4s. My preferred amp is a 300b SET. Although I have not tried many solid state amps, I rather like the Bakoon AMP-12R.
SS: I had some good ones: Loved: None,
I recommend you go for a tube amp 35-45 wpc,
with remote volume, and remote balance would be a great feature. Mono/Stereo modes.
SS, IF I consider SS, it is Receivers I have ’liked very much’, Sounded great, I just prefer vintage, tubes, and tube sound
my Tandberg 2080, 2 phono; 2 tape, features up the kazoo, great Radio, and 3 sets of speakers
Listed here

Tandberg Died (my fault), I replaced it with a terrrific Yamaha CR-1020. If thinking long, I should have gone for the top model CR-2020
btw, it has the best implementation of ’Loudness’ that existed in those day.

To get remote volume, balance, (and other features I don’t use) for any Vintage unit without remote,
use this either 1st in line, or, what I do with my Yamaha, thru the tape monitor for optional use.
Chase Remote Line Controller RLC-1

You MUST have the remote, no controls on the unit itself.
PS: IF/WHEN you get your 300 amp fixed, what will you do with it’s temporary replacement? Let that help you decide.
I had a Modwright KWI-200 and a Pass Labs INT-30, both now discontinued, but fine sounding amps. Good luck in your search.
Bedini 25/25 or any of the higher-power models, depending upon how loud you like to listen! I have a 25/25 and a 150/150 to choose between. Class A and superior to any low-power SET amp for headroom/avoidance of clipping distortion.