Well, regarding the wish list I posted last December, I did purchase the Jay's CD2MK3 this spring. It proved to be a well spent upgrade to the Cambridge CXC transport. Likely not yet fully broken in.
2024 Audio System Wish List
I’ve been doing this for years now- and it’s time for our 2024 wish list!
In 2023 I explored the world of room treatment and purchased a modest amount of products from GIK and Acoustimac, and for an approximate $400 investment, I was extremely satisfied how it really helped my music listening experience- far more than any $400 cable ever has.
My goal for 2024, as it has been for a number of years now, is to explore and add more music. Streaming has been a fantastic way of exploring new to me music, and in some instances after streaming an album, I also wound up buying it on vinyl.
I will probably add some more room treatment, but not much more.
What’s your audio goal for 2024? A new preamp? A DAC? More music?
Enjoy 🥂
These were simple wishes for 2024
Has changed a little. Have bought: Asus RT AX86U Pro router. FiiO PL50 LPS for modem. Upgraded coax cable to Canare for my modem. SR Orange fuses for 5 x LPS, and one HiFi Tuning Supreme. Upgraded USB cable to Mad Scientist Gold. Have Blue Jeans Horizontal Cat6a in-wall ethernet cable ready to install. Installed a Furutech NCF FI-33 IEC inlet on my Puritan PSM156. Stack Audio Auva 50 for my equipment rack. And, have just bought an Innuos Phoenix USB Reclocker. Other than the Innuos Phoenix, all are smallish changes. Still have the Uptone Audio EtherRegen Gen 2 in line when it is released. |
My wish list in no particular order: Second REL S/812 Farad or Sean Jacobs LPS for M Scaler to complement my SJ DC4/ARC6 DAVE LPSU Beginning room treatment (I know…but they’re so ugly) Super-tweeters for my Tannoy Kensingtons Upgrade to Transparent Reference IC for DAVE from current Syn Res Element Copper
1. Power conditioner or power regenerator. Aq Niagra 5000 or ps audio p12, leaning towards p12. 2. Audience front row or cardas clear or clear beyond xlrs in .5m and 1m lengths. 3. And maybe 4 cardas pc. 4. A bass trap and more aqoustic panels. Here and there. That should cover the next 3 years of saving for me. Lol |
The bug gets fierce when you're looking at Agon classifieds. You buy things you never really needed because it was used and the price was great! It will be happening to me soon in 2024, i suppose 😁. |
@mksun I am glad I upgraded to the Qstab. I don’t know why it works, but it delivers more bass and improves midrange. |
@baclagg I have had the CDT2 MK3 a few days now and it has far exceeded my expectations straight out of the box. It’s exciting to hear that it will even get better after the long break in period. I was considering the QStab Stabilizer as a potential upgrade. Do you think the sonic improvements are worth the cost? |
Currently on the waitlist for a Decware ZRock3 which will be placed between DAC and integrated- hoping for arrival by April/May. I’m also really interested in the Fibbre USB Optical digital cable between my streamer and DAC - still trying to do my research before trying. |
@mksun I had the 6000CDT and upgraded to the CDT2 MK3. I also upgraded the CD puck that Jay's supplied to the Qstab CD Stabilizer. You will be very happy with your decision to pull the trigger! If you bought new, you will notice an improvement right away, but after the 400 hour break in, the fun really starts! |
This year I bought 4 new Audioquest Dragon PCs. 2) source Audio Research REF 9 CDP and Audio Research Ref 6SE and 2) HC for my Audio Research REF 750s. Next I want to buy 2 pairs of Audio quest Dragon XLR ICs 2 for my Audio Research CD9 and 2 for my REF 750s. Gonna be a nice step up from my Straightwire Crescendo. |
Improving my streaming side--and maybe replacing the audio rack but thankfully (mercifully?) happy with pre, amp, speakers, turntable, cables (having just splurged on some Fidelium speaker cables) and room--and my only issue with streaming is occasional glitches with running Roon/Tidal/Quobuz that require reboots of core and bridge so looking to eliminate that--SQ is very satisfactory--and then all that's left is discovering new music, for which i'm grateful to this forum's occasional threads on favorites. |
@dorkwad ..aka Bob...*s Thanks for your comment re Sistrum racks and the Live Vibe approach to resonance and vibration in system, something that many approach with various means and intended 'cures' which may or not. Their acceptance of mechanical vibration(s) and a broad scope of 'live with it' v. 'fighting a tireless foe' is novel...and worth some thought.... 'Ell, everything vibrates...right down to the atomic level. Wave the flag, and surrender... 👍😏 The ER's are a bit Spartan, at least in the published pics....but the minimalist approach is kinda fitting for the 'That's the Point' listening space... and the comment that it's applicable to 'modest equip. expenditures' as well as stratosphere levels makes it more attractive to emulate... Thanks again... @stuartk ....Yeah, ssssSibilance is a pain to ssstymie...my ear aids don't help on occasion depending on the source and the program in prog.... Active eq can help, but it's transient and a 'bug hunt' to sssquelch....a 'notch' filter can cure or kill, the latter being a cost, perhaps too far and much... Good luck, happy hunting...at least, your methodology is more music... ;) 👍 ------------------------------------------------------------------------....and....as for 'gifting' self, If I was to 'go there'....not likely, but if asked.... Depends upon 'where I'd like to go or continue onto': - A B&K MRA 16.75+, used or new would allow my continued digression in my approach to that of audio....bi, tri, quad, surround, and flavour of the week. ---OR-- - A NAD M33, likely used by the time I'd get a roundtoit....and attach the end products of my choice to it when I wave the soiled white-ish flag and desist from this life of deceptance and subterfuge...*L* But, meanwhile, back @ the raunche'... Ramble On > Led Zep..... "...been this way, 50+ years to the day...." ;) Happy PreNew Year, y'all.... Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows (UNKLE Remix)
(1) Finish my audio room, with all of the delays.....hopefully by March/April? (2) Receive and start breaking in my Clayton Shaw Caladan speakers (3) Build all of the DIY speaker and power cables that I've purchased over the last 6 months (Oyaide, Furutech, Neotech, RAMM, Acoustic Revive, SAEC, Viborg, DH Labs, GR Research)....got at least 2 months worth of work. |
Well I recently journed to the local high end stereo store to listen to the new stuff. I came away wanting a DCS Bartok. It was playing through the new SF Amati G5's, Nordost flat cables (forgot the model #), the 2 piece Mac Pre c1200 and Mac Mono-Block 611's. Extremely musical, fantastic detail, but most of all I was left with sense of palable depth and substance to each individual player in the quartet. This was all through Roon and I did not note their Roon core (the Bartok is a Streamer/Dac/Pre). Oh well, my audio budget is blown for the year. |
I'll play too---one of the first things I purchased after Xmas was a Petru Design graphic visualizer/record stand. I've seen them all over Instagram so I decided to get one as well. Super cool looking and it reminds me of the graphic equalizers from the 80s. Later next year, I'd like to upgrade one of my audio racks, maybe some new speakers and maybe a new streamer. |
I'll play. I have finished up my theater, which doubles as a 2 channel listening room also. My children are in high school, so will be an empty nester in the next couple of years. Time to turn the game room into a dedicated 2 channel listening room. I will start to piecemeal a really good system to work with my Focal Sopra 3 and Bryston amp. In 2024 I will get a Streamer. Roku just doesn't do it justice. |
@roxy54, I hope someone puts a great deal like I got two times over from the same guy. On my double racks I have 6 Sistrum platforms and 6 of the rods and it cost me about $2300 total. The same fellow contacted me when he had 2 more and I bought those for under $800 and later swapped them for many of Krissy’s products that make a significant upgrade in sound in all ways to any system. It benefitted both of us and neither of us paid for something besides the shipping of the stuff we were getting. I love those kind of deals. Robert Maicks at Live Vibe is a great guy to work with and I've ordered quite a few things from him over the years.
@tksteingraber +1. Only mine is a phono Preamp ordered Jan 6 2022. We are close buddy! At least part way up the first page!! I’m told it’s worth the wait! |
I owned a set of Sistrum SP101 stands for about 14 years and loved them under my large floorstanders. I sold the speakers and thought that I wouldn't need them since I planned on stand mounts, but the plan changed after I sold them, and I'm back to floorstanding speakers, so I need a new set. I wish that they were more affordable, but they are so worth the price. |
I’ve been going back and forth with GIK on room treatment and plan to get started in January or February. I have a small listening room (~12x16) so I’m doing near field listening. I really like the sound of my system as is, so I’m going to start slow with the 1st and 2nd reflection points and panels on the ceiling over the speakers. Later, I may add corner bass traps and panels behind the speakers on the front wall. My next major purchase will be a new or used preamp. I really like my BHK preamp, but it doesn’t have an RCA fixed output or record in/out connectors and I need that in order to record vinyl to my Teac X10-R R2R (like I once did back in the 80’s 😉). |
I'll be VERY happy if my phono preamp gets repaired and works as it used to--if it gets some upgrade to make it sound even better, that would be frosting on the cake. My system, room, room treatments, along with being pretty thoroughly tweaked out is sounding very good. I just need to sell the stuff I'm not using and there's quite a bit of it. I'll definitely be adding more music now that my room have at least doubled the storage space for records, CDs and cassettes. |
I've had double low Sistrum racks from Live Vibe for about 5 years and Sistrums under some speakers. Love the look and especially the sound. I have RTS couplers clamping each component to it's platform--great sound upgrade and it eliminates the possibility of tipping or knocking a component clean off the points. They even look like they belong on a Sistrum. Your can even put them in the middle between the speakers as long as they are a little behind the backs of them with NO sound penalties. Got a great deal on some used Sistrums and RT couplers--thanks Al J. You'll love what the Live Vibe stuff does for the sound! Bob
Buying a whole new audio system , upgrading Loudspeaker Xovers I have been doing over 20 years in Every Loudspeaker under $30k Xover parts are average at best and is the ♥️ of all speakers ,sad but true , the Coda8 amp, T+A200 dac , Active preamp innuos server streamer and a AQ Niagra 5000 line conditioner ,new power cords speakers we shall see $50 k retail before 20+% discounts. Hopefully before fall. |