Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.


this thread is resurrected after 2 years - doubtful OP still follows......

D'Agostino are good.  So is Luxman. 

Vandersteen's amps beats them both.  Yes, they make amps.

The current darlings of the well-healed audio cognoscenti are (in no particular order) : CH Precision, JMF Audio, and Solution.  Jonathan Valin ,Robert Harley and many other notable audio enthusiasts run this stuff. 

A bad recording is useless.

I agree to that. My problem is all recordings in the world sound distorted and noisy. I have no choice and must listen these noisy recordings. Too bad. I must wait there is cleaner sound recordings soon. Is it only me? Alex/WTA

Listen to this.


When I called Upscale Audio to add another component to the system, they asked me what speakers and amp I was using. When I told them, they said my amp and speakers were a perfect match. I didn't call them before I bought the amp and speakers though.

I picked my second system integrated amp and speakers using YouTube. If I wasn't happy, I could have returned them, but I was happy and kept them. of course, the recording has to be very good, and my computer speaker setup is good (neutral sounding ). A bad recording is useless. It helped me get an idea of the basic qualities of the equipment. I had to listen to many demo's to find the good ones to use that sounded similar. It wasn't easy, it took a lot of time. When I set the system up, it sounded like those similar sounding demos I used. Call me crazy or lucky, but that's what happened.

I like the old 300 and 600 FPB amp Krell. Dan Agostinos amp are connected to Wilson speakers on the ground floor at Axpona 2024 by Quintessence Audio Iam very impressed by the music coming out. They were playing Gary Karr album.


Absolutely, a system should be built around the type of music one listens to.  Think about those "brute strength" demos that really high end hifi stores often do for their customers....I'm thinking $500k variety systems!  The music they typically use has techno roots, driven almost entirely by synthesized sounds and samples with an over abundance of deep very tight bass.  DOES ANYBODY actually listen to such tracks in their home systems?

Listen to "Make Us Stronger" by Ghost Rider (at 115db !!!)....are these hifi stores serious?

Has anyone ever thought about building your gear around the actual (type) music you listen to? Just food for thought...Rob

My iPhone amp paired with my YouTube pre-amp is the best combo / sound I’ve ever heard!  So glad I found this thread.


I'm quite pleased with my Pass gear. I have no calling on driving a .9 ohm load and I suspect neither do most folks. Mosfet mist? a term i've not heard in eons, yet in any event, I don't have any mosfet mist- 

However, Pass certainly isn't for everyone and all I can say Pass amps are among the better amps around (and not mid-fi as has been recently suggested by a frequent youtube creator). 

Once you hit the upper echelons of performance, "better sound" becomes even more subjective than otherwise. IT comes down even more to personal preference to determine what is best. Build quality is another issue and is probably less subjective, but alone build quality does not necessarily mean "better sound". The best products tend to be built by the smartest and most capable designers who will choose the parts needed to meet their goals. Depending on the target market, they may decide to always use the best most expensive components or those that may cost less but meet the requirements of the design just as well as the more expensive parts. Quality control and assurance is always key no matter what.  That is really what separates good products from the pack, especially when one is paying a premium for a supposedly "superior" product.

I had d’Agostinos, and loved them in one of my rooms, but I also had NH458, which I upgraded to NH468, while I waited I was loaned a NHB108, in a month I gave my d’Agostino to the dealer, kept the NHB108 and the NH468.

One does not have to spend €180k to get close to heaven.. 


No one really talks about either Audionet or FM Acoustics. I would be interested to hear the impressions, especially regarding FM Acoustics.
In any case, there are probably 10 or so brands at the very top level to choose from, including a few Swiss, Danish Gryphon and Vitus, German Audionet perhaps, American D’Agostino and Boulder. Good for us.

I have heard FM acoustics electronics. I find their pre’s outstanding; the mid-level pre offered better dynamics and similar transparency and coherence as a matched transformer-based attenuator (silver). The amplifiers are stellar in reproducing the musicians’ energy and sense of rhythm, presence, and the sense of space (if captured in the recording).

BTW, back to your original question: d’Agostino’s big Momentums are great amps - the other models -- outstanding thought they may be -- are not in the same league IMO.
- I believe in that same category you have the big Dartzeels, Constellation, CH Precision, Soulution, FMA, the big Gryphons, the big Audionet & maybe the latest Symphonic Line Krafts.
I haven’t heard the bigger Boulders nor the MSBs mentioned above, so no comment there. The mid-range Boulders are excellent amps, but not in the same league (IMO).

I do not have any of this brand,but I get rid of face book and Twitter almost the same time.  That's the right things to do  and for a corp. , That means they lose a channel to promote themselves, which gain my respect.

Post removed 

I am sure that is real bothersome to him.

Yet you will support companies that support a government that oppresses, murders and tortures an entire subset of their culture and population.

I’ll never buy anything from D'agostino. Below is a copy and paste from his facebook site, 06/04/2021. I don’t care about his politics, I do care about the way he would potentially treat a significant subset of his customers that might have a different opinion. Prime example of narcissistic personality disorder.

    • MHDT Laboratory Orchid
    • Innuos Zen mk3


Never signed up for Facebook. Waste of time. I dont know what Trump has to do with Facebook. Some on it like him and some hate him. I wouldn’t let those statements by D’Agostino influence me on whether or not to buy his gear. If I LISTENED TO IT and liked it and thought it represented good value versus other options, I’d buy it.

i would bet most boutique audio equipment designers/manufacturers are either independent or liberal to some degree. Disqualifying them for that is a mistake.

I’ll never buy anything from D'agostino. Below is a copy and paste from his facebook site, 06/04/2021. I don’t care about his politics, I do care about the way he would potentially treat a significant subset of his customers that might have a different opinion. Prime example of narcissistic personality disorder.

"I am closing my face book account

Patriots unite close your account

No Trump no face book

Goodbye to all"

D'Agostino amps are some of the best equipment out there.  Regardless of whether they are solid state or tube.  

To say that tube amps are best is not correct.  To say that solid state amps are best is not correct either.  

A great tube amp is just that, same for a great solid state amp.

Basically a great amp for your speakers regardless of solid state or tube is the issue.  

Just like the classic judgement in Paris in the 70s for wine.  hide the equipment and play recordings.  See if people  really can tell if it is tube or solid state.  and also judge if one is better than the other.  

if it sounds great.  that's it.


nothing can come close to a (insert ANY) amp is a BS statement.

when you hit the stratosphere it‘s a matter of choice..

If you have heard D’Ag gear, it is good, but it is also one of the products that is designed for the a’phile who uses his eyes possibly more than his ears alone.


Price aside, I wouldn’t consider the gear based on the looks. It looks ugly to me. I have no idea how it sounds like though.

I have to chime in here, years ago I upgraded from Krell KAV 250a amp
to The Chord SPM-1200E. The audio character of my system became so much more musical and enjoyable. 

The amp  was purchased  to drive the B&W 80ds (2010 version). Later  I  replaced the Krell KRC-3 preamp with a Balanced Audio Technology VK 32 SE. 
I am very happy!

Go out and audition a Chord Ultima 5 Stereo Amp!  You will not regret it!

jbrrp1, I see. Great brand indeed. Very special sound.
No one really talks about either Audionet or FM Acoustics. I would be interested to hear the impressions, especially regarding FM Acoustics.
In any case, there are probably 10 or so brands at the very top level to choose from, including a few Swiss, Danish Gryphon and Vitus, German Audionet perhaps, American D'Agostino and Boulder. Good for us.
@inna   So, I did get around to putting the Luxman M900u back into my system and listened to it for over a week.  In my system, the D'Agostino S250 was a very clear winner, as I feel I am hearing all of the detail that the Luxman was digging out of the music, but in a more musically coherent presentation.  I sold the Luxman last week and am sticking with the S250.  Again, I do think that this could well be a case of this particular "horse" riding well on my particular "course" (TAD CR-1's).

I have since added the HD preamp, and it really matches up to the glowing review in Stereophile.  The D'Ag stuff is "all that" to me.

Anything SS sounds better than D’Agostino ?

The Gryphon top range "probably" could

The 180w Gryphon Antillion 3 x Class-A modes to chose from 10w for Summer and 100w for Winter, and can drive anything thrown at it.

And if you have very efficient speakers, the 50w Mephisto which is also 50w Class-A, can drive evil loads also

Cheers George
I much preferred Dart to Dagostino, in a side by side integrated comparison.

I’m pretty sure a number of low powered SS amps will sound better on more efficient speakers. 
"Soulution amps, anyone heard them ?"

Maybe you could check em out on youtube;-)......
Post removed 
jbrrp1 makes a good point: it is hard to attribute all attributes to a single component. Cabling and speakers and pre-amp, etc .... can have profound impacts.

As another post stated, a true test is switching out a single component—in this case, the stereo amp—and nothing else. Same cabling, source point, conditioning. Essentially, the exact same system.

What seems as critical in what amp you select is the holistic view of the system. We are working with a dealer who specializes in D’Agostino paired with Wilson Audio speakers. We love the sound.

Are there better systems? I am sure. But you can go insane reading all of the pros and negatives about ANY piece or brand. I do not have to time nor motivation to fly around the nation listening to Boulder or Gryphon or Pass Labs. As fabulous as those are said to be, and as much as I would love to hear them all, there gets to be a point of diminishing returns because you are not hearing all of the systems with the same cabling, source points, etc .... let alone AT THE SAME TIME You are hearing that SYSTEM. THE WHOLE THING. And then a day or week goes by until you can hear another set up. 
Not really the best way to determine minute differences.

My point: find a reputable dealer you can trust with ears you trust who understands your ears and tastes. They most likely can put together all of the components that work best TOGETHER. Usually a great dealer has a SYSTEM that works TOGETHER, meaning pre-amp/amp/speakers/ cabling ...

THIS is BEST. For THAT amp.
I will need to try the switch back to Luxman soon and see what I think.  I have implemented other upgrades in my system that have me mesmerized with the sound quality, and I might be ascribing too much of that to the D'Ag. 

I do like to listen to a new piece for weeks usually before feeling I have their measure (cannot understand the camp that is constantly switching stuff fast and proclaiming their findings - - I know I can't do that confidently).  Switching back to the Luxman in the new context will be interesting, because I really am smitten with the S250 in my system now.
jbrrp1, I see. Thank you. I keep reading that D'Agostino are very special amplifiers.
@inna  sorry for the delay in responding to your question about S250 versus M900u. I still own both amplifiers, and I have been so engaged with the D’Agostino in the system that I haven’t put the Luxman back in yet. I will, and it will be interesting to hear what I hear then.  My gut sense right now is that the D’Agostino will prevail for my speakers and system.  But it is not certain, as the Luxman is a great amp in its own right.
There have to be at least 20 companies that make a statement amp that is every bit as good as D’Agostino.  At that level, to say that one is better than another is of limited meaning.  More important would be personal preference, and synergy with source material and other components. 
Also worth noting that at the statement level, some types of implementation are far more expensive than others.  You could make the argument for example that statement level Pass is a much better value than statement level Dartzeel, if sonics are the only consideration.
That’s because it was the MC303! It’s a great theater amplifier but unfortunately, it doesn’t cut the mustard compare to the MC352, MC462, MC602, MC2301 tube Monoblock, MC2000 Tube Stereo, MC2102 tube, MC272 tube, MC501 Monoblock, MC601 Monoblock, MC611 Monoblock, MC1.2KW - MC1.25KW Monoblock, or the mighty MC2KW Monoblock amplifiers. Sorry, these are just in a different league even within there own brand. 
Linn Klimax Solos.  Are they "better" than D'Ags (or other high-end SS amps)?  Pretty sure there's no objective answer to that question (as others have already said).  I tried them coming off a Mac that weighed more than a crate engine (the MC303), and the results were night and day (to my ears).  Never looked back....   
@bpoletti I just picked up a pair of M1s and am really enjoying them.  Nice to see another owner.  I couldn't find much information about them when I bought them and threw the dice based on Keith's reputation.  I've heard the Momentum M300 monoblocks and they were something special and the casework was a thing of beauty.  I love the M1s but I would definitely trade them for a pair of the M300s and have zero regrets.