Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone?

It’s no doubt that us as Audiophiles spend a lot of time listening to music by ourselves. It’s just the way
it’s, a hobby most others don’t understand. So do we prefer to listen by ourselves or is it more enjoyable 
with others? For myself, I generally enjoy listening by myself. Usually when another Audiophile friend is over listening it becomes more about the sound ( system ) than the music. Also, they only want to hear
music that brings out the best in the system and for myself let’s just listen to what’s playing. 
Non-Audiophiles tend to get bored easily if they don’t like the music, and can be even more picky about
what music you play for them. Non-Audiophiles put no value in the sound. They only want to hear their favorite music and that can be even more frustrating. At least acknowledge it ( sound ) even if you can’t hear the difference.
For myself it’s more enjoyable alone, but that doesn’t mean all the time, or does it?

I love sharing with other people but finding someone who appreciates things the same way is the challenge. Most people just don't get it. I would say when you find that rare unicorn that you can tell appreciates the effort... that is the best. When you broaden someone's view of this hobby. Otherwise, the majority of the time I would prefer to listen with my cat Agustus (we call him Mr. Poods).
@gents & tlong1958..."Hell is other humans"? *L*

It's rare to run into audiophiles in the 'real world', imh experience...
As for the 'f/m dear', spouse is my only 'regular', and she has her own take on what she likes and likes to listen to as well....

We compromise...she tolerates subwoof bass lines, and I tolerate her 'volume to 12' on occasion....*G*

A recent 'outburst' of late '50's and early '60's  'popular music' threw her into laughs when I not only recognised 3/4's of what played.

That I knew the parodies of some of them 'blew her mind'.

"Not all of them were well-loved by some, y'know...."

"My boyfriend's back, and you're going to be in trouble...(hey la, etc.)
He's psychotic as hell, and likes to use his shovel...."

Mowed Down Town....;)
Whoever is willing to enjoy it. Usually alone since I’m single. I have streaming services with which m my dinner guests can operate and DJ. Beware, you have to delegate the latter to those that have better judgment. Best guests are those that know how to operate a platter!!!
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I prefer to enjoy listening and sharing the thrill of hearing "the absolute sound" with others who can appreciate it or with someone who may never have heard it before. However, if your guest has little or no appreciation for high end sound (like my wife), then it's far far better to listen alone.
Good cases made on both sides, but I believe that great music, like a great 30 year old single malt, is best when shared with someone who is capable of discernment and appreciative of the experience.  It's not about ego (OK....maybe a little) but rather the bonding derived from the appreciation of the spirits and the spiritual that rocks my world.
Most people can care less.  They think you are crazy for spending more than $200.  Go to their house and they have the TV sitting on a $5,000 entertainment center listening to their TV speakers.
I used to try to “show off” my system to whomever visited, but after many fruitless years, realized they didn’t understand or care about good sound.  They’re polite responses we’re, to say the least, unsatisfying.
However, I did (and still do ) have a few good friends who did appreciate music and sound.  With them, it’s a very fulfilling experience, especially when we concentrate on the music rather than the sound

 The sound then becomes a great bonus.
Except for the amazing effect my "mad scientist lair" AKA audio room had on children and adult, I dont think it is very satisfying to listen music with others except in exceptional moment indeed with exceptional friend...

Listening music is very intimate experience akin to making love and i dont invite spectators or participants....

For sure music can be for dancing and feasting and drinking....But that exclude much of the music I listen to.... And I prefer to be with one  friend at a time or alone.... 
When friends show up I usually put on something we’re both familiar with. Then we discuss what’s new sound wise. That’s not difficult since they’re imaginary friends. 🤗 🤗
When friends show up I usually put on something we’re both familiar with. Then we discuss what’s new sound wise. That’s not difficult since they’re imaginary friends. 🤗 🤗
I hope I was there with the other imaginary friends....But if I was there why i dont remember it at all?

geoff, I was wondering how you'd fit two heads in between your Walkman headphones. I'm not sure how "two heads are better than one" fit's in your case. 👯‍♂️
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Having a friend over tomorrow to listen. I enjoy solo or with a friend. Having someone to share it with is a lot of fun.
I'd like to have people come by and spin records. I have cigars and scotch, but friends.

Plus my musics of choice are not for everyone so....
I had more friends years ago who had systems and we would go over each others house and listen.But now I'm older and my friends either moved away or passed away.So I mostly  listen alone .But I always was a loner.
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I have Wednesday’s off so that I can listen to my system alone and loud. Nothing like The Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore at 96+ DB’s. 
I used to really look forward to music nights with a couple of friends both into audio. Great music generally, going by the latest reviews from Uncut magazine with tea and biscuits etc. It was usually a Thursday evening and often finished late. Work in the morning for me was the only reason it didn't finish later.

In the end there was just the three of us skipping between vinyl, CD, streaming and a bit of YouTube. We did try to invite other people but then one of us might get uncomfortable or as on one occasion, the new visitors got silly and started playing some Britney Spears/Kanye West stuff. They were not invited back.

It was very important to have a good atmosphere and a selection of music we all had some interest in. Not always easy as I remember struggling to stay awake on occasion whilst one of the others played some Northern Soul or some other five star reviewed album which would soon be forgotten. 

Highlights included an original mono copy of Sgt Pepper, some Steely Dan, some Floyd/Gilmour, last Bowie LP (Blackstar), tons of Americana, Kate Bush, Cat Stevens, some lesser known Dylan LPs (New Morning, JWH, and the Basement Tapes etc), lots of Ryan Adams, Lambchop, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Springsteen etc.

Hopefully one day we'll be able to reinstate our music nights once this Covid thing finally settles down. 
Mostly solitary, sometimes with another person, but you need a individual who has the ability to 'shut up and listen' otherwise it just becomes background music.
@geoffkait , that's ok....we all have those 'interior dialogs'...*S*

It's when you answer yourself, out loud, in a voice that isn't yours....nor is it one you could manage to mimic....

First sign of M.I.; Multiple Identities.....'the Waster'

It's when you find yourself listening to something that you've no awareness of cueing it up, much less owning it in the first place...

You may ask yourself, "How did I get here?!" ;)
Mostly alone for total enjoyment and ownership of the sweet spot (recliner). My husband may mosey in and request something every now and then. I share certain songs with my kids sometimes. But when the family gathered (pre-COVID era), I 'd usually have music playing softly in the back ground. But eventually the TV would take precedence and that was the end of that.
Alone, my wife doesn’t like jazz, or my 80’s-90’s rock either. I actually am using my B&W headphones more lately, since we are cooped together because of the Chinese virus😞. Miss my speakers, but headphones keeps the peace in the home at the moment. 
Listening alone allows for complete control over everything. For myself I’m almost relieved when other people have left. It’s not as enjoyable when others are around,
almost irritating in a way. Too many distractions or annoying requests: you should move you speakers a little or your sound stage is off. Especially Audiophiles, some of the comments want make me tell them where they can go.
Ancient Audiophile Adage: One who allows guest in sweet spot get's armchair critic.

"I ’d usually have music playing softly in the back ground. But eventually the TV would take precedence and that was the end of that."

Same here, but that’s what family life does.

Oh, the luxury of eating alone and choosing what music you want! I’ve had nearly 15 years of kids TV to put up with.

Thank god for the smartphone / internet.


"Especially Audiophiles, some of the comments want make me tell them where they can go."

They might be audiophiles but they’re not friends. An audiophile friend would be particularly sensitive to making comments about another’s system.

Especially as a guest!

Very poor form and bad manners too.

A true audiophile friend would only offer suggestions if specifically requested to do so, measuring their response for sensitivity and appropriateness.

They would understand such things.
Mostly alone as I chosen the artist that is well recorded and want to enjoy it dead center to the speakers. I don’t need a peanut gallery commenting on my choice. Conversation during music = annoying!
For me its always alone when I get most enjoyment from the music.  I indulge, in the specifics of the music, in the mood, in the volume, in the repetition, in other words whatever I am feeling I need at the moment I play.  No need for other's approval.  Or concern for someone else and their comfort.  
Used to prefer being an alone listener, but in the past last 3+ years I truly prefer listening with my gf (whom I started seeing around that time) beside me. This has pushed me to expand the optimal sweet spot a little beyond "head in a vice grip" size, and quite honestly I've probably voiced and tweaked my system around the acoustic effects of her body, lol. 

She lets me control the music playlist, but sometimes offers good suggestions too. And sorts my vinyl since I'm horrible at keeping up with it. I likely won't find this arrangement again.