PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread

Hi everyone,

We are the official PSVANE team, and we are thrilled to announce the release of our latest Horizon series vacuum tubes. This discussion thread is dedicated to engaging with you and addressing any questions you might have about PSVANE vacuum tubes.

With 16 years of experience in the tube sector, our team is empowered by many seasoned experts. We invite everyone to join in sharing, communicating, and discussing any questions and knowledge about vacuum tubes here.


@alightronics  real fast youre sending out bad tubes with this horizon series. from a friend, 

"Ordered a pair of these via Amazon to try in my Decware SE34I.5 amp. Installed them turned on the amp. They biased up the same. About 20 seconds after turn on I hear a slight pop out of one speaker. Start the music playing and that speaker sounds muffled. Turn it off, let if cool a little, swap the two power tube position. Power it back on. Same result, the problem follows the tube. Will be sending this pair back to PSVANE via Amazon."

the reputation of psvane is the tubes sound good but frequently go bad in no time flat.  was hoping youd correct this with the horizon. 

in addtion, your official seler on ebay GD parts, ripped me off. i bought the new TIII art series on ali express as directed to by psvane, and as i purchased them the seller GD parts kept increasing the price. the seller promised theyd fix the price as soon as i place my order, so i did, and they refuse to adust to the correct price. 

you need to fix these things right now. 

    I too had reliability problems with some 12ax7 Psvanne tubes, which failed quickly, several years ago, so I swore off them, but I might try an improved design.

  I could use “phono quality” 12ax7’s, for a phono preamp.  The only way I know to identify sufficiently quiet tubes is via testing; only a relatively small percentage of any manufacturer’s tubes are quiet enough for a phono preamp.  Will Psvanne offer anything like that?

 I could not find any kt-150 Psvanne tubes on Amazon.

it is nice to see a manufacturer be proactive about these things, and provide a real contact.  Thank you, @alightronics, for the info you are providing.




Post removed 

For those of you waiting for a response from alightronics you'll apparently be waiting quite awhile for whatever reason she has been suspended

your ali express authorized seller G-D parts has already ripped me off. pleae fix this. they change the price while i buy then promise to refund and still refuse to refund. 

The PSVANE EL-34 PH is the highest quality grade from PSVANE at this time. In the future do you see an ACME EL-34 released?

I'll likely order a quad of ACME KT-88's soon now knowing the warranty and service information you shared. I feel much better ordering Psvane tubes once again. 

I have an older quad of KT88 treasure ll in my VAC amp. The Treasure are better than reissue Gold Lion and sound close to a vintage GEC quad. One Treasure tube failed at about 500 hours and six months but Grant replaced it via warranty. 

It's clear Psvane can make wonderful sounding vacuum tubes at fair prices. Reliability is a but of a concern though. 

+1 on the 6DJ8/6922 tube.  A Horizon series would be pretty cool!!!

I use A LOT of that particular series of tubes...

I'm considering acquiring a pair of PSVANE HIFI Series 300B-N mesh plate tubes for my 300B SET amp. I'm a fan of 300B/N (mesh plate) tubes by TJ Fullmusic. Given that TJ Fullmusic was acquired by PSVANE years ago, I was wondering if PSVANE HIFI Series 300B-N and 300B/N by TJ Fullmusic are the same tubes ? Their plate structure appears very similar but I'd like someone from PSVANE to confirm.


Hello, I am Melody. I was also replying in the other thread. Thank you for your questions. I’m happy to respond again here so that more audio enthusiasts who are interested in the Psvane brand can gain additional information.

Thank you for your thoughtful questions. I believe you’ve raised some excellent points, and many of them are things we’ve been intending to clarify and explain:

    1.    Are non-conforming tubes destroyed at the factory?
Yes, all non-conforming products are destroyed, whether at the factory or within our authorized dealer network.
    2.    Are some sellers authorized and others not?
Yes, some sellers are authorized, while others are not. We are actively working to resolve this issue. This is why we’ve opened an official store on Amazon (though currently only the HORIZON and ACME series are available), and we will be launching our official sales website later this year. If customers prefer, they can purchase directly from us.
    3.    Are only some sellers trusted to sell the best-quality tubes?
No, we provide the same products and after-sales policies to all dealers.
    4.    Are there differences in specifications between the various Psvane tube families?
You will be able to find all product specifications on our new website, which will be launched in about a month.

I hope this answers all your questions clearly. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further clarification.

@milpai Thank you so much for your support of our Horizon series products! We’re thrilled to hear your positive feedback on the 12AU7, especially regarding the sound quality and aesthetics. Your appreciation is the greatest encouragement for us. Please rest assured, we have used new materials and internal structure stabilization technology to ensure the longevity of the tubes.

Once again, thank you for your trust and support, and we hope you continue to enjoy your experience with our products!

Greetings - 

I posted another version of the questions below on another thread started by a Psvane employee posting as "Melody". I am reposting my questions here for your convenience. I have obtained answers to come of my questions so I have reduced the number of my questions.

Thank you for inviting comments and discussion regarding Psvane tubes.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Are non-conforming tubes destroyed at the factory?

2. Are some sellers authorized and others are not?

3. Are only some sellers trusted to be selling best-quality tubes? If so, who are those sellers?

4. Psvane has described differences in sound for the various "families" of Psvane tubes. Are these differences reflected by differences in specifications? If so, can you provide the specifications for the various varieties of Psvane tubes? For convenience, please use the 6SN7 family of tubes as your case-in-point.

Thank you , in advance, for answering the above questions clearly and directly, line by line.


I will say that I am impressed with the Horizon series 12AU7. I was NOT expecting them to sound this good.

I purchased this set to save my NOS Mazdas. The Mazdas are amazing, but these are so good that I don't care about doing a comparison. I am in no rush to put the Mazdas back in the system and can rest easy that if something happens to these Psvanes, I have the Mazdas to go back to. I will say that they are indeed neutral compared to the ART series. In the initial hour, the bass seems a bit muted, but has opened up since. In fact I feel that the bass is more taut. And they do glow a bit from bottom up. Very pleasant when you look at them. The Mazdas glow very faintly compared to these Psvanes.

The biggest concern for me is - how long will these last. Keeping my fingers crossed.

@milpai Thank you for your support of our product. I look forward to your review and feedback!

@no_regrets You’re welcome! I’m very happy to communicate with you, and if you have any questions in the future, feel free to reach out to me.


Hi Alex,

Maximum Screen Voltage: 315V

Maximum Plate Dissipation: 14W

Screen Grid Current: 45mA

Grid Resistance: 100kΩ

Amplification Factor (μ): 10

Transconductance (gm): 4.1 mA/V

Plate Resistance (Ra): 80kΩ

Maximum Cathode Current: 70mA


 I have placed an order for the Horizon 12AU7. Will be eager to find out how they sound.

@alightronics Thank you for your timely communications with me.  You have been absolutely top tier!

Best wishes,


Hi @alightronics ,

I just ordered a pair of PSVANE 6V6GT on Aliexpress.

I didn't find any information or reviews of these tubes.

Do you have any information about PSVANE 6V6GT?




Hello, regarding the issue you mentioned, we have reached out to Amazon, and they require the relevant order number to investigate the situation. Without the order number, they are unable to process our case. Could you please provide the order number from your purchase where the tubes were packaged in bubble wrap instead of a box?

Thank you!


Thank you for your support of Psvane. No matter where you purchase from, you are supporting our brand. In fact, our official warranty policy is consistent, which is to offer a 24-month free replacement. Each distributor may provide different commitments to customers based on their own conditions. The difference is that Amazon is currently managed by our team, and the products are from the latest batch that has just been stocked. We can offer very prompt technical support and service.

Regarding your second question, if you order from us and encounter any issues within 24 months, you can get a free replacement tube from us.

For your third question, yes, you can directly send an email to this address.


In your reply to me you had said..."Since we ship directly from China, we are unable to offer a 90-day free return window. However, we can certainly provide you with a 24-month warranty."

When I had purchased my first pair of the Acme 845's thru AliExpress, it is my understanding that they were sold by GD-Audio Parts store out of China.  They were able to offer the 90 day free return window as well as a 24 month warranty.

1.  I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to to do the same.

*** It is my sincere hope that my next pair will not be defective, but if they are...***

2.  If I order directly from you and the tubes become defective within 24 months, can I return them for a full refund or is it just for a replacement pair?

3. How would I initiate a return?  Would I simply send an email to ?

Thank you and best wishes to you,



My Art Series 12AU7 arrived about a week ago and I have about 25-30 hours on it in my Triode 25. 

Was a bit steely and forward out of the box which was to be expected but even with zero hours it was apparent that this tube offered quite a different presentation from the JJ ECC802S which it replaced. It was clear from the get go that the Art Series Psvane offered up more detail and a more defined tuneful bass as well as more apparent refinement, even before break in. 

I have about 25-30 hours on the tube at this time and it has smoothed out considerably at this point. The presentation was initially more front row and it's moved back somewhat; my preference would be more of the same if there's more run-in to happen (there are some suggestions online that the ART Series takes about 50-75 hours to fully burn in-my EL 34 UK's definitely seemed to need that extra time). 

Generally speaking am very happy with the ART 12AU7 but hoping for a slightly more relaxed mid hall kind of presentation with a bit more burn in. Not sure about moving to the Horizon series if they are more "neutral"; only time will tell in that regard and I'm now reading a few conflicting things online about the Horizon Series vs the Art Series. They are both inexpensive enough to allow for experimentation though so I may take a run at a Horizon 12 AU7 and possibly some Art Series and Horizon 12 AX7's. 

The Psvane Art 12AU7 also throws quite a nice image which seems to be a bit larger and projecting outside my speakers relative to the JJ it replaced which, to be fair, seems a bit muddy and diffuse by comparison. The only real area in which the JJ might have a bit of an edge is being more forgiving of weaker recordings. The Psvane will not win any awards there as I think it is simply painting a much more realistic picture of what is on the record or CD. And about 80-85% of the time that is a good thing. 

FWIW, I did purchase this 12AU7 from Aliexpress seller GD-Parts Audio Store. Also bought my EL 34 UK's from them and excellent on both deliveries. Bullet proof packaging and box to really protect the tubes and my EL 34's have seen pretty extensive use for the past 8-9 months. So hoping the 12 AU7 will be trouble free as well. I would not hesitate to purchase from GD-Parts again-I think they are a good Ali seller. 

Not too excited on hearing that the Horizons coming from Amazon are arriving in a bag. Hopefully this is something that Psvane can remedy-I'd like to hear from someone receiving them properly boxed before ordering from Amazon to be very honest. 


Hello Don,

Since we ship directly from China, we are unable to offer a 90-day free return window. However, we can certainly provide you with a 24-month warranty.

Best regards

Just bought 2 matched pairs of the Psvane ACME 845 yesterday.i had 1 tube from my original 2 matched pair burn out recently.cant wait to get them . They are great tubes.


Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I am very thankful that I received my refund as well.  Ultimately, I wish the tubes wouldn't have been faulty and that I could still be enjoying them, but I certainly understand that things can happen via shipment.

If I were to order directly thru official email that you have provided, do you offer a 90 day free return window and a 24 month warranty on your Acme 845 tubes?

Best wishes to you,



I’m really glad to hear that you were able to get a refund from the seller. If you’re not considering purchasing through Amazon, you can also buy our ACME series products directly via our official email (

Lastly, regarding the packaging issues with Amazon, we are equally shocked that our products might be treated this way. We are currently in serious discussions with Amazon about this matter.


So, my question for you is this….

Is it safe for me to buy Psavne 845 Acme tubes from any seller via Aliexpress?

There is a selling store by the name of JUEQIZHE Vacuum tube brand export store that is utilizing AliExpress that claims they offer a 90 day free return window if I am not happy with the tubes for any reason and a 24 month warranty at a reasonable price.

Should I feel safe purchasing from them????

Will I get refunded if the arrive defected???

I don’t trust Amazon shipping fragile tubes in bags, and their price is much more expensive.

I look forward to your thoughts and response.

Best wishes,



I just wanted to come back and say that after a lot of stressful “on me” trying to return the faulty Psvane Acme 845 tubes, due to me not knowing with whom I was corresponding with for the return, not being able to communicate directly with GD-Audio Parts who utilize AliExpress to sell their tubes, etc and not fully trusting if I’d actually receive the refund as promised; I’m very happy to say that I have been fully refunded 👍

So, my question for you is this….

Is it safe for me to buy Psavne 845 Acme tubes from any seller via Aliexpress?

There is a selling store by the name of JUEQIZHE
Vacuum tube brand export store that is utilizing Aliexpress that claims they offer a 90 day free return window if I am not happy with the tubes for any reason and a 24 month warranty at a reasonable price.

Should I feel safe purchasing from them????

Will I get refunded if the arrive defected???

I don’t trust Amazon shipping fragile tubes in bags, and their price is much more expensive.

I look forward to your thoughts and response.

Best wishes,




We are very sorry for the unpleasant experience! We take your feedback very seriously and have immediately reported the issues to our internal team for review.
We also want to assure you that our products are fully tested before leaving the factory, including parameter and noise tests.

I received the Psvane Horizon tubes today. At first, I thought the order was messed up as the boxes they came in are printed with Psvane Classic series tubes, not Horizon. When I opened the boxes, that is when I saw that the tubes had Horizon etched on the glass.

Also, the Psvane web store states within the Amazon portal that these are matched, but there are no measurements scribed on the boxes, nor any indication that these are matched tubes. These are sold as a pair and are advertised as matched. I just don’t see any measurements to validate that they are in fact matched. One other thing is I don’t know if these are tested for low noise like when I purchase from other sellers. My preamp is sensitive to mismatches and noisy tubes. It will be a leap of faith for me to try these tubes in my preamp.


For sure. I will provide immediate feedback and likewise after roughly 20-30 hours of use. 

Audioquest4life: Very curious to hear your thoughts on the ART series vs Horizon 12AU7. Please let us know how it works out. 

@tlcocks The EL34 you have is already the highest grade EL34 from PSVANE, offering the best overall performance and sound quality.


I can certainly understand the defect concerns; however, that can be stated for any tune, new or NOS. I personally have had no failures with any variants, MKIIs or Art series. My failures were with NOS tubes. 

Also, the Octave Jubilee does not drive the preamp tubes hard. There is a high and low switch for gain. The Psvane tubes are in both high and low gain positions. I currently use the low gain setting due to having horns. 

I am not advocating or endorsing the Psvane but merely stating the facts as I know them from using the Psvane 12au7 Art and MKiI based on real world experiences. 

Since the Horizon is new and not that costly, I am going to order a set to experiment with. 


Sounds like the Psvane Art series may suite my needs since I prefer a somewhat “tubey” sound.  My only concern is that some users on this forum reported problem with the longevity/reliability of the Art series tubes.  Would be nice if Psvane corrects this issue 


Just ordered an Art Series 12Au7 to try out in my Unison Research Triode 25. I felt that the Art Series might be a better choice for me than the new Horizon series based on my subjective listening preferences.

Not looking forward to the burn in process. My Psvane EL34 UK's seemed to take a very long time to burn in (at least 50 hours and very possibly double that-it was a bit hard for me to tell as I was dealing with a cartridge breaking in at exactly the same time). But I have been extremely happy with the EL34 UK's. 

I'm actually very happy with my setup at the moment so will be curious as to whether the ART 12AU7 will result in an improvement. 

Will post back impressions in a few months. 

Here is a new YouTube review of the Psvane Horizon tubes.

I’ll have a short review, once I get them burned in. 12AT7 & 12AX7 in my phono stage and CV181/6SN7 in my DAC. So far very nice...

I tried Psvane EL34-Ph. Nice, but not bright enough for my Auris Nirvana. Is there another choice within the Psvane catalog that has more prominent treble extension?


You should try the Psvane Art series 12au7s for your Octave preamp. As we both have the same pre, Octave Jubilee, I have experimented with many NOS, including the original JAN, Siemens, and RFTs that Octave specs with the Jubilee. I find the Art series in the Octave Jubilee to be great all around tubes. They do need some good hours for break in, approximately 20-30 hours or so. I use all the same specs for all 4 spots in the Octave Jubilee, including the selected position. While NOS may sound good, sourcing them and reliability issues are detractors to me when I want to listen to music without any disruptions due to tube failure. 



1. The two Cossor tubes you mentioned are customized tubes. Besides retail, Psvane also manufactures tubes for many audio and musical instrument brands worldwide. Due to the differences in performance and application environments required by each brand, these products cannot be directly compared with our retail products. Moreover, we have confidentiality obligations to our OEM customers, so I am sorry that I cannot provide an accurate answer to this question. 
These tubes are currently discontinued, but distributors may still have stock for sale.

2. The Mark II you mentioned is part of the ART series and is currently still available for sale.

3. The Treasure z black glass you mentioned is part of the Treasure series, which is still available for sale. However, the Treasure series is a collaboration between us and distributors and is not part of our classification hierarchy.

@alightronics what hierarchy category are these tubes?

Cossor blue glass

Cossor dark glass

Mark II grey glass

Treasure z black glass

The hierarchy of our product line is as follows:

Also, are they current tubes or discontinued tubes?  What tubes are ART I have not seen any labeled ART 

@alightronics Still confused on your 300b tubes.  What Quality category  do the following tubes fall under and are they still current? Are they considered Art?

Cossor blue glass

Cossor dark glass

Mark II grey glass

Treasure z black glass



Yes. The burn-in test is a part of our quality control process. After a 24-hour burn-in test, we conduct another inspection to eliminate any tubes with quality issues.