Entry Level Tube Preamp or Higher Quality Used Model?

Hi All-

Overall I have great system that I’m happy with. But I recently heard a tube preamp and am smitten. There appear to be some well reviewed affordable models from Schiit Audio and Rogue, etc. that can be had for relatively short money. However for roughly the same price I can get a used piece from a traditionally higher quality brand like AudioResearch, Conrad Johnson, etc.

I’d like to stay around $1500 or less. Balanced operation would be good too. No phone pre section needed. The Schiit Freya+ Seems to be a good economical option. Are any of the new Chi-Fi brands worth a look? Does anyone have a recommendation?


Definitely check out Quicksilver Audio.   I have a C-J Classic 2 SE and love it but it lacks remote .  Its pretty stripped down but sounds great , have two main outs tape out,  most people would pass it by but its a real sleeper . Can be had used for less than 1500.   The Quicksilvers are your best bet new in that price range.  1000 for non remote 1500 for remote line stage .  I have QS amps and Headphone amp, super reliable , excellent sound , built like a tank.  
CJ PV12, stretch to a Premier 14/16/17, or a similarly priced used ARC.  

Schiit benefits from terrific marketing, the pieces I've heard are priced accordingly for their performance.  
I would look for a used MP-3 and see if you can push the budget a little
more. the Pre-amp is the heart of the audio system.
Not that the OP said this is a requirement but isn't this one of the few preamps currently made without a remote? That could be a deal breaker for many.
I would look for a used MP-3 and see if you can push the budget a little more. the Pre-amp is the heart of the audio system.
Just a quick observation that many CJ and Audible Illusion preamps have very high gain (25-30ish db).  This is often too much, and you end up having very little usable range on the volume control. You might ask PS Audio how much gain they recommend with the Stellar.  I see that their Gain Cell Preamp has 12db, so that's probably a better range to shoot for.
The stated budget of the OP is in the range 1500.00 dollars. You won’t find either of those Atma-Sphere preamplifiers anywhere near that price used. In particular a used MP-1 would be multiples of 1.5K dollars. Most responders  are trying to   recommend options that fit the stated price range. I’m very familiar with the MP-1. It is excellent sounding but in an entirely different cost bracket.
I forgot i also owned the BAT gear and Aesthetic Preamps which gave me reliability issues and was sold off within few months so i never had that much time on them. The BAT were ok but not a keeper. 
Having owned tubes pre-amps such as VAC AudioResearch, Jadis MAC and few other solid-state pre-amps. I can wholeheartedly recommend the Atma-Sphere MP-3 or even better the MP-1. It's more of a destination Pre-amp rather than something you will exchange over the years. It requires careful setup with Tubes & Placement. Once Dialed in the purity and magical experience is hard to beat. 

They are reliable and the designer stands behind his product support with passion. 

audio research recently changed hands (again), but back to old guard folks, so i would imagine the arc ethic and care will live on as much as practically possible

but bill j and leonard and others we knew are gone (rip), there are newer folks that are less linked to the history of the place when it was founded and built its reputation, so even dealing w the new guard like greg c the technical/service mgr, it feels rather different

that being said, arc will live on, and care for customers with old gear as much as possible
Unlike the Audio Research, and models from many other companies, the Aesthetix is and will continue to be serviced by Aexthetix. ARC still services almost everything they ever sold. The only thing to stay away from is the units that used those potted modules, those parts are no longer made.
Several years ago I was looking for a preamp, found a clean serviced SP8MKII and have been very happy ever since. Love the built in phono preamp as well.
Thanks. I know Audio Research services almost every model. My points were the Calypso is still in current production, and Audio Research does not service every model. Audio Research may also decide they can't support the model you purchased in the future. Nothing against Audio Research. I have owned products from Aesthetix and Audio Research in the past. I don't own either currently.

Unlike the Audio Research, and models from many other companies, the Aesthetix is and will continue to be serviced by Aexthetix ...
ARC still services almost every model it has ever made, and even offers updates for some of them.
The Rogue RH-5 can be run as a preamp, has balanced in and out, a remote, and costs a good deal less than a regular Rogue preamp with XLR.
Unlike the Audio Research, and models from many other companies, the Aesthetix is and will continue to be serviced by Aexthetix ...
ARC still services almost every model it has ever made, and even offers updates for some of them.
i looked in the classifieds, seems like 1500 won’t buy a recent/good enough cj or arc linestage...

here is an option - have it checked out thoroughly - if it is good this thing is excellent


otherwise the modwright or aesthetix may be good options as well
Good feedback and discussion with this thread,
+2 In regard to the Aesthetic Calypso . Audio Research is obviously the bigger name and has more brand recognition, it is a solid product.
In the stated price range of the OP I believe that the Calypso is the better sounding line stage. Very well made from a small but high quality company.
I would also look for a model that does not run the signal and/or rectifier tubes hard as even well reviewed current production tubes are not inexpensive (plus the hassle of purchasing/replacing them).

If you want to roll tubes, for different sonics, avoid anything limited to using the 6H30 (super tube).

+1 on the Calypso, though it would be helpful to know what amp you are using.
If you want balanced connections and don’t need a phono preamp I recommend buying the Aesthetix Calypso. Unlike the Audio Research, and models from many other companies, the Aesthetix is and will continue to be serviced by Aexthetix. Instead of introducing a new model every year or so Aesthetix continues to improve their product and offer upgrades to current specifications if you want the upgrades.
I'm certainly overwhelmed with all o f the helpful answers. Thanks all!

The more I read about my particular power amplifier - the more I hear that it makes a big difference when you go balanced over a SE connection. 

It kind of puts me at an Audio Research model. I'm just a little shy about buying an older preamp and having it become a "project." For years I ran an old Mercedes as a daily driver. But in the end, the constant attention it required wore me down. I know this is a much simpler device... but there you have it. 

If I decide to go Audio Research, are there any models to shoot for or avoid? Also, I see that they seem to be re-capped (or not). How often does that need to be done and what should I expect to pay to have it done? That way if I find one that is in good shape otherwise but needs re-capping, I can figure that into the mix.  
Used or new....better is better.  Used just tends to get you more better for the money. ;-)

I have a Modwright SWL 9.0 that has been upgraded with Modwright caps and a tubed power supply (very special unit) all in one chassis with remote! I would highly consider selling it ($1500). This is a amazing sounding pre amp with excellent tone and punchy low end, sweet effortless highs. it uses 2x5687’s NOS JAN and 1x5AR4 Mullard brown bottom (from Andys vintage tubes).

Hit me up for pics and more info.

P.S. this is RCA linestage only no phono no XLR connections.

Matt M
I would also say, go for a used higher quality preamp. You'll hear a much better sound. I have personal experience of a C-J tube preamp which has been with me for many years now. The electrolytics were replaced 3 yrs ago. Other than that, the technician did not see any issues. Still sounds great. If you're interested, buy a more recent model of course. 
A used ARC LS15 pre amp might fit the bill
and it has a remote l've had mine for 25 years and it's still going strong
Manley Jumbo Shrimp comes in used around $1800 usually.  I ran one for years and it was terrific with Manley Mahi Mahi mono blocks.  Imaged well, dynamic and had great attack.

higher level used, much much much much better for $ spent

buy the best cj you can afford, or if you must have balanced, then audio research
I would get a used preamp. I looked at the listings on Audiogon and there are a couple of Audio Research preamps at or under your price. There is also an Aesthetix Calypso a bit over your range at $1,900. Great sounding and still current production. I used to own one, it was well built, reliable with an excellent remote volume control
Good luck finding anything with full remote that sounds better than a new Freya for <$1K.
I have been running a Rogue RP-1 for years and like it, sans the cheezy remote. Support is good as well and these units can be had used for a little less than $1.5k.  I dolled her up with a set of matched Mullards and she sounds sweet.

If you want balanced in a Rogue you gonna have to double the budget.
OP,  the Freya is a wonderful preamp and it would still be so even if it cost $1500 new.  

I have a friend (40 years of audiophile tendencies) who swears by Audible Illusions preamps.  

Take a look at this...I'm building one of these soon.  https://www.audioasylum.com/audio/vinyl/messages/113/1136502.html

This is such a personal preference. I just looked and in your price range on A’gon, Parasound P7 is a great SS choice or Luxman or CJ tube pres would fit.

Another sleeper is the Parasound Zpre.