Next step up on the streaming food chain?

I’ve been enjoying my Auralic Aries G1 for nearly 3 years now. If I wanted to explore a significant step up in my streaming quality, and not a small incremental increase in quality, what devices should be on my short list? Aries G2.2? Grimm MU1? Something else? The G1 is awfully good, however, I still perceive an extra layer of dimensionality and roundness with my analogs set up (see profile for details) that I would love too achieve in the digital realm. Or am I barking up the wrong tree, and should I focus on my DAC, a Bricasti M1, and try as non-oversampling R2R dac? FWIW, I think the Bricasti is excellent- it was the first DAC I ever heard that made me say- "that sounds terrific" instead of saying "that sounds great for digital"


I own the High End 432EVO. My DAC is a Mojo Audio Mystique Y. I have not heard any of the other streamers mentioned but have owned a handful of 'lesser' streamers starting with a Bluesound Node. Just before the EVO I owned a roon Nucleus. I would consider myself a very happy EVO owner:) 

i admit to having a sweet spot for Cary products.   I would suggest you audition the DMS 800PV

and, as I have asked before, where are all (anyone?) the happy 432 Evo owners?


“His opinion changes to match his inventory.”


Touché 😊

I don’t bother myself to read any of his posts. 


"Its also strange that he so strongly recommends a random Belgium made server he happens to sell as superior to products 3-4x the price"

I find it strange that you find it strange.

His opinion changes to match his inventory.

I’m not sure it’s the best advice to upgrade your $4000 streamer to something more expensive.  As always trust your ears and try to gear first before you buy if you can. 
I have an G1 and G2 and I have heard fundamentally no difference between them. 
I’ve heard all kinds of nuanced differences between interConnect and cables, however so it really depends on your entire audio chain.  I would scrutinize your audio chain before I spent more money on the streamer because those are usually tiny returns for a lot of money.  Thumbs up for power conditioning also for a DC blocker.  


I own (recently) a Bricasti m1 SE with their network card. Great deal, but, still very expensive for me. I listen to only rock and roll, also 60' & 70's. I use Qobuz and Audirvana, and couldn't be happier. Just saying:  Robert TN

+1 @kennymacc

Most likely, a better streamer would help achieve your goals. If budget is a concern, have you considered a DDC - such as one of these with a trial period. This approach would keep the Lightning DS interface.

I’m also a fan of OCC wire. Then I installed this Synergistic Research Galileo digital cable between the DDC and the DAC. Wow! Full bodied & dynamic. No digital leanness. Zilch! Good luck in your quest.

And to add, I had Pass XP-22 and X260.8 with Aurender and Bricasti. I see you have Pass XP-20 and X250.8.


thsnk you got your suggestion, as you’ve owned the G1 and have had Bricasti experience 

@zavato I owned Auralic Aries G1 and it was overall a nice streamer. I found it to be slightly lean and “digital” sounding though. I also owned Bricasti M3 DAC.

I would recommend you focus on the streamer and leave the M1 alone - there’s more to be had there.

I own and really like the Aurender N200. Excellent streamer and sounds very natural. It was awesome with the Bricasti M3. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement over the Aries G1



I hear you, outside ROON;  the UI App should be a top priority in selecting your next streamer. And no one else does it better than Aurender and Innuos (2nd best) in terms of App performance and build quality. I found Aurender’s Conductor app to offer best SQ with least bit of coloration to original bit stream. They are not cheap but totally worth it when paired with equally exemplary DAC like Bricasti.

As @kennymacc pointed out, everything in digital chain matters just like analog. Digital is definitely less finicky compare to setting up a turntable but still needs bit of care if you want your digital to rival analog. First thing first, decide on a streamer and then tweak away.

Just like you said “that sounds terrific” about your DAC, your next streaming upgrade should provoke the same feeling. You need to be your own judge.


I considered the M5 before I got my Aries G1. Not really interested in Roon, plus the M5 didn’t work out for Kirk or Dr. Daystrom (if you know you know) 


Vinyl sounds a little bit richer & fuller w/ a little more depth but not by much but the digital sounds quieter, has a blacker background, bigger sound stage...Both sound very good. 

The above sounds very similar to the differences I hear streaming Qobuz with Roon vs. Qobuz with Squeezelite. It is nice to have options. 


Since you own a Bricasti DAC, have you considered their M5 Network Player? Outside ROON,  take a look at Aurender N200 or N20 (only if you prefer using AES over USB). 

I recently got a Bricasti M 1 Series II DAC to pair w/ my Innuos Zenith Mk II & OPPO CD player ( used as a transport).  It is the first time in my system ( only one I know well enough to say this) that streaming music on Qobuz or playing a CD ( recording dependent) can sound on par albeit a little different w/ my Basis 2500/ Basis Vector 4 / Hana ML/ Art Audio Phono amp which I’ve had for over 20 years ( cartridge is relatively new). Vinyl sounds a little bit richer & fuller w/ a little more depth but not by much but the digital sounds quieter, has a blacker background, bigger sound stage height & width wise. Both sound very good. 

I don’t know for sure but have heard the Series II is substantially better than the original Bricasti M 1 & can be upgraded by them for reasonable $. Perhaps that might be worth trying as you already like the Bricasti sound & know about their quality & excellent reliability. 

Grimm 2, no I2s @18k but does seem to be a nice "integrated" option if you don't want to mess with separates. Not for me. I like to tinker. I'm retired, I need a job :)

A whole house surge protector is inexpensive compared to audio gear. It’s a bacon saver. 

+2 on Grimm MU1 or MU2. Not a fairy tale. 

If you haven’t already, find a good electrician to run separate dedicated power lines from your panel with true earth ground and pure copper HD outlets. If you really want to go all the way, have a separate audio panel installed first. Then the dedicated lines. Made a big difference in my system and I don’t have near the level of gear you have. 

@Carlsbad2 said

Edit to add:  I don't think Auralic does Roon.  Grimm does not work without roon.  so it may not be a good choice for you.

Auralic are Roon certified Endpoints

Playback Designs Edelweiss Streamer MPS-X. Thew penultimate streamer. You can do no better. 


indeed - the notion of stereo music reproduction is an illusion, aka, a figment of the imagination. None the less, we try to achieve goals. Those goals may differ person to person. 

Let’s just say I prioritize the illusion of roundness and dimensionality 

I owned the G1.1 and G2.1, both excellent units. However, I now use an Aurender A20. In a different league with this gear. 

@kairosman @jasonbourne52 Dimensionality and roundness are indeed figments of the listeners imagination, as are all things stereo. But that is neithervthe question or the issue. The question is whether or not they are repeatable and reliable. If they are, then they are true, if unquantifiable. Likewise claims of blacker (a visual term) backgrounds attributable to lower noise are specious at best when the current noise floor is well below the listeners background noise floor to begin with. 'Improved dynamics' is another questionable term because dynamics have in our context a very specific definition: The change in the voltage envelope describing the event. A guitarist plucks a note. The microphone picks up that sound, its 'dynamics' defined by its voltage envelope. Pluck it harder, the voltage envelope increases. Absent an increase in the voltage envelope there is no change in dynamics. Likewise, a DAC whose output variations are greater than the input ('improved dynamics') is demonstrably defective. I'm not saying all equipment sounds identical. I'm saying if it does sound or present differently there are reasons, some quantifiable, some not. But to be valid they must be consistently repeatable.

@jasonbourne71 current measurement techniques and equipment do not adequately qualify ALL sonic properties such as soundstage dimensions (just one example). Besides, you are barking up the wrong tree here, almost no one here cares for the measurements crowd blather, the ASR forum is where you should be barking.

@zavato I think your DAC is fine for now, upgrading your streamer is the best 1st step, Lumin Aurender Innuos Antipodes Grimm are all good choices, hard to go wrong, budget around $8-12K to get the best value models, after narrowing your choices it comes down to software differences, if possible audition in your own system.

FWIW I have a Lumin P1 and it was the best upgrade to my system so far in my digital front end journey.

Dimensionality and roundness are not quantifiable properties. Figments of the OP's imagination!

I have Grimm MU1. I haven’t compared to Auralic but was a huge upgrade to Innuos Zenith MK3.

Edit to add:  I don't think Auralic does Roon.  Grimm does not work without roon.  so it may not be a good choice for you.

Cant have this conversation without mentioning the two gorillas, Wadax and Taiko.  Can't justify the cost at this point for the Wadax, but maybe someday.

 Disagree strongly with audiotroy - had an Innuous server in house (think it was the Zenith - was their $15-20k model) and the Aurender W20 smoked it. (Its also strange that he so strongly recommends a random Belgium made server he happens to sell as superior to products 3-4x the price.  Can't comment specifically on the product, since I have never heard it, but if you check out their web site, its got some goofy stuff even by audiophile standards).

Innuos zenith mk3 Is how I roll. And Kenny is right about this one, the ethernet feed and the various clean-up steps for it are most important in getting a clean undistorted signal. Without it, digital can be fatiguing and not as satisfying as analog. It can be overwhelming to get there. By example I use high quality Freedom ethernet cables, optical isolation with LPS and an ethernet switch before the streamer. Then high quality USB cable to DDS then I2s connection to dac. And a master clock connected via sine wave to the switch, DDS and dac. There is absolutely no question that the resulting sound matches my excellent analog rig. Enjoy the journey.

Post removed 

I owned an Aries G2 a few years ago. It was pretty good, but I wanted to have sound quality  on par with my vinyl system. Then I found Aurrender, my first Aurrender the N150. I have two Aurrender and have heard the N10, N20, and I own the W20SE. If you can afford it, I recommend the N20. All of these should have much better sound quality than your current streamer. Also over the Grimm. I had one of those in my system for a while. The Grimm sounds very good, but… The Aurrender sounded a bit better, much more solid construction, easier to use and the Conductor App is much better at controlling it. I find Aurrender all around to be an outstanding choice.

I’ve been an audiophile for over 40 years. Approximately 3 years ago, I was so enamored by the unbelievable advancements made in the sound quality of streamed music, along with it’s otherworldly convenience, I decided to get rid of my CD player (I haven’t used a turn table is over 20 years) and concentrate on putting together an awesome streaming only audio system. And, I accomplish my mission with flying colors!!! All I can tell you is that, in order to achieve an amazing streaming experience, everything accumulatively matters when putting the system together. For starters, you must pay attention to the details of the fundamentals, like: choosing high quality ethernet cables, streamer, DAC, router, audio switch and server. Also, what I found that made a huge difference and actually took my streaming sound quality to a whole other level, was the tweaks that I use to further purify the network audio signal. Tweaks like the LAN iSilencer, and also the Puron plug-in conditioner devices that I use. These tweaks help to further remove hash, grunge, and noise from the audio signal in the system, creating a blacker background in the music, with marvelous effect. I’m extremely pleased with how my streaming only audio rig turned out. Now, it’s just me, my cell phone/iPad remotes, and the amazing music. I still rip some CD’s to my hard drive and enjoy them, as well. Happing listening.

I think you’re on the right track looking to upgrade your streamer and will very likely close the gap significantly between your streaming and analogue performance.  The MU1 would certainly be a big upgrade as would anything from Aurender from the N200 on up.  The newer Innuos streamers also look interesting and come with their excellent Sense app, but I’ve not read any reviews of them as of yet.  Best of luck. 

Only your ears will let you know if the additional funds necessary to enjoy the higher priced streamers and DAC's is worth it. Add Antipodes and Innuos to your streamer/player list. If you want to tackle the streamer/player and the DAC in one shot look at the Grimm MU2. 

Happy researching, hunting and demoing. wink