How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?

By truly satisfied, I mean, zero desire to change a thing-

I'll raise my hand- and being at a happy place with my system is a happy thought- 

Oh, plenty people here look for a little more from their amplification, something different in there speakers, etc. I do not really see folks by and large proclaim total satisfaction with their systems as so many are on a never ending quest. And in fact I know of one guy that always proclaims what he has as amazing however he rarely keeps anything more than a year. 
I was a tad dissatisified with one of my setups until last weekend.  Moved the speakers about 3 inches and bingo I'm all goo goo eyed again. 

 I dont think Ive ever really been dis-satisfied with any of  my systems, but as we all know, one of the symptoms of this disease is the urge for constant improvement, no matter how small. I recently bought new speakers and I am very happy and content. ( for now)
I was happy. Like the kind of happy where almost all the audiophile categories and phrases didn’t matter, and I was just deeply enjoying a connection to the music.....then I went mucking around with stuff, trying to get just on more level of somewhere. And I lost it somewhat. So now I’m trudging through the processes to get back to that place...but leveled up a position—lol. But I believe this round will do that..... I think... I hope. It better! 
There are more elements than just thee rig itself.  I once had a great man cave not any more.
Count me in twice.  Both my main system and my secondary system have been optimized so far as I am concerned and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Elizabeth said it best. 
  If you’re an audiophile, you tweak, because you’re an audiophile.
If you didn’t tweak, you wouldn’t be an audiophile.

 It’s all in your head.
It is not easy to exhibit financial restraint when it comes to our hobbies or passions (in our case, music & audio). However, retirement or impending retirement will certainly force one to do so. If you are in that boat, I hope that after 40 - 50 years of trial and error, you've managed to find an audio system that you either love or can at least live with.
I am satisfied, but it took a quarter century to get there and I have two systems to give me everything I want.  But it is possible!
I guess I'm one of the uninformed happy ones. I haven't purchased anything of substance in over 6 years, my speakers haven't been relocated, nor has my chair been relocated. I fiddle with minor stuff on rainy days but for the most part all of my audiophile energy has been redirected to the recorded music  aspect of this hobby. My present systems sounds good enough for me as is, but I can always appreciate new music.
It is possible for some to be truley satisfied but probably out of reach of most of us....

Master Po: It is written in the 'Tao Te Ching', "Under heaven, all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil. Therefore, having and not having arise together. Difficult and easy complement each other. High and low rest upon each other. Front and back follow one another."

Caine: But Master, do we not want all men to know our peace, our joy?

Master Po: Would you make the whole world a temple? Be like the sun, and what is within you will warm the earth.
Well I was satisfied, then the air conditioner came on for the first time this season. Such struggles (LOL)  
Problem is, if we hit the pleasure button of new gear and more pleasure comes out..the monkey tendency is to hit that button again. Harder. With a stick. Or dynamite. To die like little cocaine mouse, sittin' on the switch -with the new wire in his head.
The whole world is a temple, just a different one.
Sun can also burn. Master Po was idealist.
It's like speaker wire. I was a high end audio dealer about 30 years ago. I sold speaker wire from $1.00 a ft to infinity. Speaker wire will alter the sound of most systems. Which one sounds best? Some are obviously better then others but many people will like the sound of lower priced cables.
Same thing applies to any part of your system. On any day, one amp might sound better than another but in most cases it just sounds different. 
Pick what you like and enjoy it. I lean toward the "British" sound and enjoy my system. If you are going to upgrade, be sure you are getting an improvement and not just a different sound. 
Not quite there yet but I am getting very very close to being satisfied 😊
If you’re satisfied with the sound of your system there are two possibilities. And I don’t mean this in any derogatory way.  One is you’re easily satisfied. Two is you don’t understand the problem. It’s practically impossible for the average audiophile to get to Base Camp. Most audiophiles are at Camp 1 or Camp 2. Maybe not the right mountain. The deeper you go the higher you fly. 🤗

Metaphors be with you! 🤖
There is an advantage to being easily satisfied.
Otherwise it’s like being a horse running after a carrot dangling from a pole in front of him 
That’s the definition of audiophilia.
I came to enjoy my sytem more, once I faced the fact that no system will be perfect at any price.  Being satisfied with what one has is a talent worth pursuing.  But, easier said than done!
never satisfied and compulsive. when i think of the gear that i’ve bought and sold i feel rather foolish. 
I'm only totally satisfied when the recording is very good (at least).  Otherwise, I'm wishing I could make it better somehow even though I know it's not the fault of my system.
tostadosunidos-- I agree totally.  I am 100% satisfied with my system.  I am not satisfied with the fact that my music tastes equates to a lot of poor quality recordings!  When the recording is great, my system sounds fantastic.  Couldn't be happier. 
GeoffKait15,695 posts06-08-2019 10:44amIf you’re satisfied with the sound of your system there are two possibilities. And I don’t mean this in any derogatory way.  One is you’re easily satisfied. Two is you don’t understand the problem. It’s practically impossible for the average audiophile to get to Base Camp. Most audiophiles are at Camp 1 or Camp 2. Maybe not the right mountain. The deeper you go the higher you fly. 🤗

Metaphors be with you! 🤖

Indeed Goeff is right, this is my own revelatory experience ...It takes me some years even to decide that I was not even on the right mountain!
Went to T.H.E. Show in Long Beach CA yesterday. Heard several multi-6 figure systems, some of which sounded better than mine. However! For the first time at a show, there was no immediate desire to sell my stuff and upgrade. Just went home and listened to music. Enjoyed it.
I guess that means I’m “satisfied.” — for now.
Very Satisfied.... but always restless.......

I also went to THE Show in Long Beach yesterday, and of 62 rooms, I only heard maybe 5 systems that really impressed me.   Most of the rooms had a very boxy 100-ish Hz hoot to them.  I've been to several shows, and this hotel really had sonic signature to it.... not in a good way.  Only a few exhibitors somehow got beyond it.   My #1 fav room was Ocean Way!   
At the present time I’m totally happy with my system.
Just about everything sounds good if I make allowances for differing recording techniques. Some recordings, of course, sound better than others, but almost nothing sounds bad.  This is a place divinely to be wished for.
After those yearssss... and $$$... It is time to... only listen to my music and appreciate how good it sound to me... to you. Enjoy ze Music
I Had the owner of the top store in town come to my house a couple of weeks ago. I had reached a point where i had done all I could and thought it was very good sound. He was going to come and offer me suggestions on how to improve things. After checking my cartridge alignment, azimuth, vta etc, he had no adjustments to make and said, “you are hired.” Then we listened to music. He moved the speakers about ten times, till he returned them just where I originally had them. He was shocked by my high quality electricity (nothing else on the circuit). At the end, he said, “I wouldn’t change anything.” 
The guy who sells me stuff. It was nice to get his confirmation that he was hearing the same thing I was. 
So I am going to upgrade headphones and be done with my system for a long time. Just buy more vinyl. And a second listening chair. The end. 

I have the itch to go to horn speakers after years and years of normal dynamic speakers. I mean I have had these B&W 800s since forever it seems, and am quite pleased with sound, but I now I want to try horns due to their immediacy and efficiency. I like the mustang analogy above, been there done that with corvettes and mustangs, haha. But speakers, been hanging on for life...some Klispch owners have had their Klipschorns for nearly 20 years, which is like being married for 20 years, a rarity in today’s world. So, I have the itch to go horns,  Abe keep the B&ws, or maybe not, but everything is on the table, Classic Audio loudspeakers in Brighton Michigan, Klipschorns, spatial audio, pure audiophile project, and anything else I get a chance to hear. But, I like the sound of my B&ws, but want something different! What’s wrong with me? Or us, as an audio community, haha
 Horns are definitely a new world experience of sound. I miss them at times, yet know that the shortcomings can be off putting as well. Funny though, when you come from horns back to a regular speaker it is in some ways disappointing. 
I had thought of upgrading both my systems because of a weakness in the treble. Once I inserted Canare 4S11 speaker cables upon the recommendation of a fellow Audiogoner into both systems and let them cook each for 500 hours, I realized my system was now perfect for my taste. Gone was the slight dullness in the treble and now my bass which was good before has now become truly spectacular. I spent a grand total of $240.00 for a 15 foot pair and a 25 foot pair of the cables with locking bananas. It blew away my $1500.00 pair of long term speaker cables.

I really find it hard to believe that changing to a much cheaper speaker cable would let my system truly shine through. I can’t think of a thing I would want to change in either system. Well, perhaps a Dynavector DV20XL cartridge to replace the DL103 and a new pair of phono cables for the Technics TT.  The VPI phono cable I am using now is getting long in the tooth.
Very satisfied for the most part. It would be nice to test new arms and cartridges, or swap in a test phono amp etc. I guess it's like fancying a bit of strange but hanging with what you've got.
I’d wager that first.. we go for the best we can get -- to. Pushing for perfection.

Then, over time...we finally arrive at --- the least amount of annoyance that we can stand.

That satisfaction, is, quite likely, in the real world... in the long run: not owning and lording it over the grass as a god (as we can never get there), but ...keeping it cut back as much as possible.. and... just letting it go.

That perfection, like the grass, like us, like the a moving target. A rust that never sleeps, if you will. will always be mowing the lawn, but it is your outlook that governs satisfaction - not the grass. And coming to understand that, is the key. As you can’t solve the grass. You can only solve yourself.

not totally happy with mine...yet. I have made it as good as it can be for the current investment. And I won't be spending any more on it anytime soon. However, plans are being made for upgrades. The only limitation is money and the time to gather everything together.

Post removed 

Very happy with mine. I stopped buying into audiophile snake oil B.S. about ten years ago. My system is Oppo 203 UDP/ Schiit Vidar amp/ maggie LRS speakers.

Yammy Aventage AVR (used as a pre-pro)  

speaker wires (12ga.stranded copper) and inter-connects are low priced generic. 

Since I became aware of the placebo effect I realized how deluded I was in the past. 


I was truly satisfied with the system I put together last fall. But why settle for "truly satisfied"?

This is America. Always more things to buy. More things to try.


I know what you mean. I went from horns to an absolutely lovely set of direct radiating towers, but I miss the horn presentation now. 

I can truly say that I am totally satisfied with my system being able to reproduce music in an honest way.

I am totally Happy with All My Raven Audio Equipment Reflection/Corvous Speakers & Cables...The only thing I need to change at times are the tubes to get  more bass for some songs I play that just do not play as good with tubes I usually have in it..

The way songs are recorded at times just do not play to my ears as I would like to hear them..

But the system I have at 73 yrs old will please me for many years.

I am.  I'm happy with my system and now I find myself playing music that I like, not just music that is audiophile grade.