Have Audiophiles lost their CIVILTY!

Have we lost our ability to respect each other and our differing opinions.  Why are some people so insecure that they are hell bent on being right?


You're asking a group of hobbyists of varying stripes in what can be construed as a rigidly dogmatic hobby by some of it's members, who, alienated from family and friends, take to a public forum to expound how they have the answers to the rest who simply enjoy it for the love of the music they can get from their systems, why they all can't just get along? 

Have I got that right? 

All the best,

are hell bent on being right?

You ain't got no friends on your left, your right

you ain't got no friends on your right, your left

sound off

one two three four

hit it again

one two three four. Alright

one more

One, two, three, and a quarter
I've got a date with the COs daughter
One two three and a dime
I told him I'd have her home by nine

CO, CO, He's a sucker
He don't know that I'm gonna... kiss her.

Three months later and all was well
But four months later she began to swell
Nine months later and out he came
A little paratrooper, bearing my name.

CO looked at me with a grin
said, "Be a good dad, or be a private again"


I say this because when I first got on Audiogon I didn’t see it like this. I mean guys shared knowledge about the hobby and that was all good  but now it seems like if you disagree with someone they are your sworn enemy. People get personal a lot quicker. Just my observation. 

It's the nature of modern online posting.The algorithms of lots of sites reward bad behavior and promote a lack of tolerance and these stupid manifestations spill over to other sites. 

It's a pathetically limited learned response as evidenced by intolerance that leads to firstly, going nuclear, and then censorship. We're living in a world of what online observers call rage monkeys. 

It's like that movie, The Crazies, but there wasn't any military plane crash that leaked chemicals into the local water source for a small city that drove them insane. They just spent too much time online at the wrong sites. 

All the best,

Post removed 

You answered your own question.  People that feel insecure may feel threatened by a different opinion which they may consider a threat so they feel more secure by doubling down on their opinion and rejecting the other opinion, which can be become personal.  So lashing out at a different opinion and the person is a defense mechanism.  The best defense is a strong offense or in this example offensive behavior.  If people feel secure they are more likely to be open to listening to different opinions that challenge their own way of thinking.  

 Maybe some double empathy issues. Not all Audiophiles are the same anymore. An ontological problem that rears its head when the group becomes more diverse. 

The answer is obvious.  The combination of "reality" television, "social media",  the right wing disinformation machine, and the current holder of the highest office in the land and his supporters, have derailed honesty and decency.  You can disagree with that, but you would be wrong.

This is a perfect example of Sayre's Law:  "The feelings are so strong, because the stakes are so low"

It’s just people being people about something they feel passionately about. Everyone knows something, but no one knows everything, and an awful lot seem to think their way is the only way.

It’s always nice to be nice, even if we don’t agree. It’s such a personal and subjective thing...we don’t have to have the same favorite beer to enjoy a beer together!

Before this topic is taken down ...

I’ve studied the causes of toxicity, contempt and destain for each other for about 8 years, being involved in several "unite" groups -- including my own. Here are some comments, from a "uniter’s" perspective.

- we’ve gone from the holding certain "idealogies" of the sixties, where we were passionate about specific issues, but still liked and respected each other to "identities", where we ARE the thing we support. It’s VERY personal. We just can’t imaging being anything other than who we are. And those who don’t support the "thing" are the polar opposite of US as individuals. We are intelligent, loving, caring, moral, and ethical. Those who disagree with us are ... quite the opposite. There is no wiggle room whatsoever. We are "the good guys" and they are "the bad guys." 

This "identity" can be healhly, or unhealthy. One who places their indenity as a group member above there identity as a family member, or even their personal identity, can have devastating results. They hate <fill in the blank> more than they love their <fill in family member, lifelong friend, coworker>.

- What’s in it for them? Anyone who contributes to a particular subject has a reason for doing so. It could be that they want to contribute, learn, be challenged or have an intellectual exchange. It could also be not-so-admirable traights (too many to list here). There’s also a difference between an attempt to be persuasive, and an attempt to nullify and humiliate.

The list will continue on the next post. (I want to get these out there before it’s taken down).

Well, since it was asked, I don’t do public spectacles brandishing a chainsaw like some fake pro wrestler so at least that’s something?

Nor do I publish fake AI showing me vacationing like a king in a grand palace in place I just played a role in destroying in the first place to now promote luxury real estate that the locals can’t afford. So I can’t be all that bad right?

- its seems that rigid partisanship leaves little room for nuance.  Driving an initiative through broad, general, typically profound, riveting statements rallies the troops and clearly differentiates the differences between "us" and "them."  What is missing here is the realization that if we discuss items calmly, respectfully, and intellectually, we'll discover that more than one answer can be true.  (I can list several examples). That would form agreement, which is totally unacceptable and would weaken our position. So, we continue to shout out talking points, squash descent, and mock alternative viewpoints.

- the most divisive, highly energetic, events where people were radicalized to the degree of destroying things (including each other) had some element of disinformation attached to them.  The entire premise could based on information that isn't true. Or some elements are intentionally taken out of context, misinterpreted, or "dots" connected where there was no actual connection between them.  Its doesn't have to be true, to get us fired up.  It just has to compelling.  We are beating the snot out of each other based on information that isn't true.  The sad (disgusting) part is that the truth is obtainable (or lies dispelled) but, that could blow up the entire thing we are fired up about.  Can't have that.  Let's just continue to fight. (I can site several examples here, too)

Yes spectacle like taking a chainsaw to the US government that people depend on. Who likes that really? Besides Vladimir Putin and now apparently Elon Musk? Our President?

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge”

“They won't listen. Do you know why? Because they have certain fixed notions about the past. Any change would be blasphemy in their eyes, even if it were the truth. They don't want the truth; they want their traditions.”

“There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death.”

― Isaac Asimov

I'm just here for the pie..

Honestly I'm here because no one in my personal face to face life is like me, a music and hifi junkie. Years ago I gave up trying to talk to my peeps about music and hifi, the usual response was eyes glazing over and a quick subject change. Here I get to hang out with folks who share my passion (or sickness).

I'm not interested in feeding energy vampires. A healthy back and forth is one thing, getting into a derogatory exchange over who's is bigger is another. I have a choice in what I'm going to invest in. ten out of ten times, I'm going to pass on the latter. 

Life is too short. I'm in my second title fight with cancer and it's taught me for sure what's important and what is not. I'm choosing fun and joy. I'm choosing to be polite and respectful, it costs nothing. Walking away from a conversation that has turned vile, and literally means nothing in the bigger picture is just so damn easy.

I love you guys 

Post removed 

Yes spectacle like taking a chainsaw to the US government that people depend on. Who likes that really? Besides Vladimir Putin and now apparently Elon Musk? Our President?

Chaos is so soothing. 

@waytoomuchstuff posts state many truths.


As for divide and lack of civility, this as old as human existence. wars nearly always being fought. Dehumanizing the 'other' leaves no room for communication or empathy. These events play out due to human predilection for zero sum games, humans much prefer winning to compromise, Contemporary social media is the greatest propaganda machine ever known by humans, presents a perspective that total annihilation of your opponents is within reach, no willingness to compromise when total win within your grasp.

Post removed 

The 'Dunning-Kruger effect' is the best explaination I've heard. The less you know, the more you think you're right. (as shown in the comments above.)

“The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger Club is that you don't know you are a member of the Dunning-Kruger Club.” David Dunning The Dunning-Kruger Effect is when people are too ignorant to understand that they really don't understand. Their confidence exceeds their competence in a certain area.

How it works

  • People with limited knowledge or competence in a given area overestimate their abilities. 
  • They may be quick to offer solutions or advice without fully understanding the problem. 
  • They may take unnecessary risks because they believe they possess superior skills. 


I am waiting for my cue to talk about how I feel. Oh wait. Everybody knows it. I'm good.


Uhh, I never knew I had CIVILTY, whatever that is.  


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Lighten up, Francis.

Happy listening to one and all.

This is honestly the least of my worries even though I’ve experienced it. The mental disorder that is ravaging America (and the world) is overwhelming.

Think of how many lab-made chemical are in our food and water. 80,000? 100,000? Count from 1 to 1,000. You will start to understand how big 100,000 really is. And each of these chemical can really F people up.

Expecting people to be normal in a crazy world, you are the crazy one.

The people that wholeheartedly rely on FDA for their well being is the equivalent of air diving without a parachute. Albeit ones has a faster result.

After Almarg died, things seem to have gone downhill- at least for me. 

Thankfully, I have the Vandersteen Forum.


@immatthewj I appreciate that. Something tells me some here wish I'd contract measles or Ebola and just go away but that will never happen.

As for Almarg, I miss him too. From what I remember he'd have something to say and would be shot down by the newer members here.

All the best,

High fidelity is never perfect. When you can have two companies make great versions of the same product they still won't perform the same. That's a time when the human condition too often takes sides to claim their side is right. Thank goodness we're talking about high fidelity and not religion or politics when too often in history lives become at stake.

Well, @nonoise , you've probably been vaccinated against measles . . . unlike you-know-who and you-know-who. . . .

@immatthewj Yeah...I've been vaccinated but at my age (soon to be 71) I don't think I got the Edmonston-Enders strain but the Enders strain. From what I've read so far, old farts like me (or anyone over 50-60) should get another shot just in case. 

People at my age can have really bad reactions to measles and I don't want to be incapacitated yet. As for 'the others', let them enjoy their Freedom Sores. They can wear them as a badge of ...............?

(not courage, that's for sure).

All the best,

@kb54 and @waytoomuchstuff

Everyone should read these. You both have it spot on. Couldn't have said it better.

@csmgolf how have you been. You are definitely right this country is in a bad place and people are out of control.  I don’t argue with folks anymore. I let them be. 


I am doing well. The last year has been pretty trying, but in a good spot now. Looking forward to Axpona in a few weeks. 

oh to live in ignorance of the pain inflicted on others… every probationary employee terminated for performance issues… clearly a lie, fabrication and cruelty… not to mention a statistical impossibility…  And you wonder how it it could possibly seep in…. wow…..