I just assembled a new Salamander rack for Christmas. Finally, I have a rack that will hold everything. My wish is that when I unhook everything and move it, it all works. LOL. With the home theatre components, there are lots of things to connect.
Don't have any gear in mind. I've pretty much replaced everything in the last year, or two. Looking forward to discovering new music.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Merry Christmas to All,
In 2025 I will complete my HT system. I just purchased a Trinnov Altitude 16 and two REL HT/1510s. Next month I will purchase either a Trinnov Amplitude 8m or 16. Finally, I will purchase four in-ceiling and four side speakers to complete my HT system.
more time and exploring more music would be nice.
Gear sound really good. (always chasing an amp)
Organizing the wires behind all of it would make my wife happy (less unhappy)
Floor-standing speakers that achieve true low 30Hz (-3dB) frequency, are priced under $5,000, are at least 90% made in the U.S., and possess all the desirable sonic qualities of end-game speakers. Anyone?
A redesign of the AKG K340 with modern tech improvement but strictly reproducing the original hybrid design by Dr. Gorike only improving the materials used ...
Nobody will do it because it will cost too much to use this complex design and the profit will suffer ...
But i pity and lament anyone with any other headphone ...
Even if i never listen more than 10...
You knew it when something is top of the food chain ...

Dont buy one used, it is old and you must optimize it the right way (6 modifications )
The secret of the K340: his dual acoustic chamber, the volume of space between the ordered components ( an electroacoustic transducer-a cross-over cell-5 passive diaphragms-5 acoustic resistances tuned-dynamic transducer)
This dual chamber is the key to open the engine .
«We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.” Lao -Tse
"Don’t let fear of the thorn keep you from the rose". Groucho Marx
A hot Christmas mate` to you, Mon Ami!
A hot mate for a big heart!
I wish you a great year even if the world is mad...
I will pray for your health ...
My deep salute to thecarpathian....
I had enough of your gift left to "oil" a few new cables by the way ...
"Don’t let fear of the thorn keep you from the rose". Groucho Marx
A hot Christmas mate` to you, Mon Ami!
The winning power ball then I can buy the magico model m9 I think it is for 750k.anybody heard those? And then go to focal and other factories to see how it's made.i may start a new internet channel for audio.enjoy the new year and all the resolutions.mine will be to not buy any new audio gear. I wounder how long that will last? Enjoy the music.
Roon+Roon core
Finalize end game electronics
Well, I've got Jesus so I guess I will be looking for more bass.
@lanx0003 Take a look at the latest issue of The Absolute Sound for their review of the SVS Ultra Evolution speakers. Tekton Moabs also punch way above their price point.
The Phiharmonic BMR monitors curved in satin walnut that should be ready in February. A good way to warm up during what’s shaping up to be a cold long winter. I have 2.5 way Arendal 1723 towers and Revel M126Be 2 way bookshelves. A 3 way monitor to use either in my main system or another system that needs upgrading.
I'm having a preamp built to compliment my 300b. Will arrive mid year hopefully.
My 2025 wish list is for a CD Transport . I need your help in determining which to buy. My budget is 1200.00. My system consists of, Audio Research LS 2b, Simaudio 280d, Pass Labs X250, B+W 805s. Your input will be much appreciated.
Happy Holidays
Will be moving from SS to Tubes for more my amplification.
Looking at Quick Silver or Aric Audio not sure yet will decide soon
Floor-standing speakers that achieve true low 30Hz (-3dB) frequency, are priced under $5,000, are at least 90% made in the U.S., and possess all the desirable sonic qualities of end-game speakers.
Tyler Acoustics: T2
Only thing I can think is good dac /transport. It’s only wish why not.
Aurender N200 for me to replace a N100H. If the New Year is especially nice to me, some more tubes from Brent Jessee to play with!
I have been enjoying my digital upgrade with a Laiv Harmony R2R dac in 2024 and have the Laiv DDCu on order to come in early 2025. I am also enjoying some nos tube rolling with some borrowed telephunkin 12au7 tubes borrowed from a friend to try out in the Cayin CS-55A. Those combined with the RCA black plate 12ax7 and what I am hearing with these tubes, I think some new nos tube rolling may be in my future in 2025.
Installation of my HTS. Anthem:MRX740, MCA325
paired to ML ESL11a
Center: ML Motion C
4 ML MC8 (back) Motion R (front) pairs
2-REL HT/1205 Front /rear
Room 20x20x 18ht....
I've been trying to head towards a lower powered tube system but finding high sensitivity speakers I like without breaking the bank has been tough. So, some used high sensitivity speaks and el34/84 or 6550 amplification would be nice. Perhaps a better DAC to replace my Denafrips Ares II
To further refine my DIY TangBand W8-1808 single driver speakers. After a year or so with them I'm still blown away by there midrange/treble distribution.
Also want to dip into a tube pre-amp or maybe a Hybrid tube integrated. The Vincent line looks very intriguing.
@pkatsuleas. I know what you mean. At axpona, I hope to look at Fyne loudspeakers, but realize I will need a new amp as well. Fun to dream, isn't it?
If I win PowerBall or Mega, the sky’s the limit, but coming back to reality, I am thinking about possibly getting a better DAC or maybe a DDC. I do like the sound of my Pontus ll, but I’m sure there’s better DAC’s out there and I want to hear a few.
Nothing with Roon or Class D.
thanks for the tip. I too hope to have time to explore at Axpona this year. Missed last year’s show. Darn work!
I had tyler acoustics make me some d 10 with the new satori textreme speakers.he did a fantastic job and now thier >200 hours breakin.new material has compliance and gets less stiff and more flexible so it can reach its x max.peak to peak excursion.put a be tweeter as well.i also love my moab all beryllium sound great and the reviews are supportive as well.tekton is a great value like tyler acoustics.you can actually call them tell them what you want and they will build it.the rosewood d10 look cool as does the paint on the moabs.enjoy the music and the holidays and family.
@cdc @pinwa @blackbag20 Thank you for the recommendations. They certainly have their value proposition, even though they are only rated up to Class B by Stereophile. The only sub-$5k speaker rated Class A is the MA Silver 500 7G. Do you have experience with this particular model? Is it that good?
@lanx0003 I heard what I think was the Monitor Audio Platinum 300 a few years ago. I thought it was very good indeed. It was also something like $16K so above my price point at the time. I've never listened to any of their other models but I would think it would be worth finding a dealer to give it a listen.
Since I retired, I usually don't "plan" to do much of anything.
That being said, when it comes to my audio system, two things that recently became top of mind are fixing my room acoustics and buying new speakers.
I am pretty handy, so the room acoustics are a fun DIY project, but because brand new speakers are not in the budget now. That means that I will keep my eyes open, keep reading this forum and selected reviews and hope I can find something on the used market.
To sell the roomful of audio equipment I have that is no longer used, and then put together enough money to make up the difference for the purchase of a pair of Clarysis Audio minuets and a Don Sachs / Lynn Olson designed Raven pre amp from Spatial Labs.
2025 for me will be a move to a better streamer. I am looking at the Innuous Zen MK3 or the Aurrender ACS10; I would like a CD ripping capability for I have several hundred CDs collected over about four decades, including some purchased in Europe at performances. I may also upgrade my preamp from the Rogue Audio RP-7 to either the RP-9 or McIntosh C2800 as funds permit. Other than that, I am quite pleased with the sound of my current system, which I have upgraded from my 1980s & 1990s system over the past three years.
This year, we should complete a move into a place where I can have a larger dedicated listening room. This will allow me to purchase larger speaker (perhaps Joseph Audio Perspectives) and enjoy the task of optimizing the room acoustics. I currently listen in smaller dedicated room with a near field set up, so I am excited about a larger space.
I’ve been using the onboard dac in my Hegel H390 after discovering my Aqua LaVoce was introducing fatigue. The Hegel’s AKM based dac sounds pretty good but I lost both detail and bass reach/definition in the process and would like to find a dac that restored these while still remaining musical/organic. If funds become available, this will be my top priority. I’ll be looking for a used Bricasti M3, Merason DAC1, Mojo Mystique XSE.
Although I just recently declared myself done with upgrades, I have been contemplating upgrading my Denafrips Pontus II DAC to the Pontus 15th generation DAC. After reading that the new Pontus 15 is essentially a Venus 12th generation, this upgrade is now on my radar for 2025. The Venus sold for nearly double the cost of a Pontus and was beyond my budget at the time. Just curious if anyone has taken this leap and if they feel it’s worth the upgrade.
Ebonized tiger maple racks--on the production schedule for 2025
Here's one--the other will be for turntable only--How gorgeous is this?
Well crud--pic was stripped--how do you paste one in?
My wish came true. Assembled my new Salamander rack, moved all of my gear, and everything works. 🙂
CryoTone 300b's. I have replaced all 5u4g tubes and the 6SN7's in my monoblocks with CryoTones with great results. So much quieter.
Funds to: complete my dedicated listening room, buy a new high end streamer, a new DAC (Denafrips Terminator 15th?), and another set of speakers (Volti Lucera or Rivals, Joseph Audio Perspective Graphenes, or Linkwitz LK521 Reference....as of today)
I'm hoping to find someone who can help me finish
setting up my Magnepan arm and Ortofon 2m black
cartridge mounted on a nice old Denon DP75 mounted
in a nice old VPI custom base/plinth.
- Buy a $2k Schitt Wotan amp to replace a $6k amp
- MAYBE buy the next iteration of the Schitt Tyr mono blocks ($??) to replace a killer $16k amp (may regret this one)
- If those 2 amps sells happen then I can afford an excellent new Open Baffle speaker from Requisite Audio
My goal for 2025 is to convince my wife to leave the glass doors over the speakers in our home theater console OPEN when listening to something!