Any regrets in selling gear?

By its nature, our hobby/passion for gear encourages buying and selling gear, hoping to land on a final purchase, that point of satisfaction where you can sit back and just enjoy the music without any niggling issues about there mechanics of it all.

That said, is there any gear that you came to regret selling? 



Oppo……the opportunity to keep!

Speaking here from the UK.

Oppo in the UK was branded Cambridge Audio and they have stopped selling now. They were badged Oppo units. They fetch really good money over here with the CA 752BD being the last of the bunch equal to the Oppo 105.

Universal players will be hard to find soon and all that functionality will be missed…..

Did you ever consider about using yours as a streamer?  An avenue some users in the UK have not even thought of. And that onboard DAC is so good.

Best wishes.

I have made up my mind that I want to sell my Oppo UDP-205 soon. Not sure if I will regret later. I have not spun a single disc since July-2020. But you never know how regret strikes.

I miss (but not regret) selling two pairs of speakers: Thiel CS 3.6 and Infinity RS Kappa 8 speakers. Both are finicky to place, and are hard to match electronics to, but when set up properly they are magical

A phono stage because I needed the money. But now boy do I regret it. It was terrific. Wish I had found another way for the money or found a way to do without the $.

Talk about regrets. A friend's grandmother left her a Van Gogh signed woodblock print. My friend sold it to pay for her college instead of taking out a loan. 10K in the 70s. I was not impressed. I said why didn't you hold on to it? She said Sotheby's told her it would deteriorate. I figured they just wanted the commission THEN to meet a budget quota.

I brought it up to her recently. She said 'I don't want to talk about it.'



I regret selling my pair of teak 15 ohm 1986 Rogers LS3/5a’s, my Naim NAP 135 monoblocks, and my Classe DR3 VHC. Other than that I’m content with the audio gear I presently own. 👍

I don’t truly regret anything I’ve sold because I simply had to.

But I do get quite wistful about my MBL 121 omnis.

I owned them for about 10 years and nothing else sounds like them.


I also Sometimes would like to listen to a pair of waveform Mach MC

Monitors that I sold.  They were such a A beautiful balance of monitor like

Frequency response, yet warm toned and completely disappeared.

Original 15 ohm Rogers LS 3/5a. Purchased for $495 in 1977.  Sold for around $2k in 1995 to help start a business.   Worked out well with th business, but still miss the speakers.

Around the same time, sold a Marantz 8b for $225 as I headed off to college because a dorm room is no place for a tube amp. Should have just put it in parents closet until I graduated.

the pair- the 8b into the LS3/5a - was magical.

I have had three sets of AR3a's and two sets of JBL L100's that I regret selling.  I have zero of either now, and wish I had somehow held on to a set of each.  I have managed to collect a set of AR6's, AR4x's, AR12's, AR2ax's and several other vintage speakers.

For a while I had tried to set up a vintage system in one room and a more advanced, non-vintage, system in my main listening room.  Now both systems are probably more vintage than new.  But in wanting more items, I stupidly sold some items I wish I hadn't.     

THIS HOBBY is my passion ! I buy and sell all the time ! I look for rare and vintage one offs that are very hard to come by...... That being said I have a honey hole of rare and valuable grear . I have had many regrets selling this stuff, esspecialy shipping it ! I take ALL THE RISK, EVEN WHEN YOU ENSURE IT ! THE BIGGEST rip off is with Vintage , rare hard to find custom amps ! PART PRIATES ! steal hard to come by components and send you back the componets missing key parts ! I have a huge grave yard of items sold and returned missing key eliment parts ! it is quite a scam , All at my expence ! i have thought about quitting but I am soooooo deep into it ! It sucks that the few who mis represent our hobby stoup to those lows and tacticks ! i don't know how to stop ! I have a small fortune wraped up into this gear that to most is just non working junk NOW ! God Help me ! 

The pieces that come to mind include a pair of larger Advent speakers and the high power (for the day) Kenwood receiver that drove them. My AR turntable. My Hafler amplifier. Many of the pieces lost in the fire I have very strong regrets for their loss. That is a long list...

"Regret getting rid of my Sony 707 ref cd player"

Marvelous player.  Gave it to my Brother-In-law and he still is enjoying it. 

Oh man, 50 years of messing with hifi but it seems my 70s -80s stuff gave me the most regrets.

Marantz 3300, 140

Crown D150A, IC150A

Pioneer SX1250

Hafler DH-200, NAD 3020 as pre


Audio Analyst M6 speakers

I regret selling my Luxman cl-35 mk3.  I am now using a Mac 110z. Trying to find another Luxman.

Yep for sure regret selling my mint pair of Plinius SA-102 amps and my Ultimate upgraded Cary SLP-05. I'm still crying over this

I regret selling S.A.P Anniversary monoblocks and S.A.P Anniversary preamplifier.  Two great pieces

I miss my VPI TNT 3 /Graham arm/ Van den Hul Frog

Also miss my Mark Levinson no.38s and no.332

Apogee Mini Grands with DAX

I buy high and sell low. Hence it's always a giant loss. Regrets? I am used to being around myself and I don't stress over it. 

Never regretted it.  Only regretted the time I spent fretting over finding the perfect recording set up.  Music is all that matters.

OK, get out your handkerchiefs. This is a sad story.

About 10 years ago, I was forced to downsize from a 3500sqft house to a 900sqft condo. This entailed a 4000-mile move, so most of my stereo could not make the trip.

This included meticulously restored Quad ESLs (1957), a pair of 1950s Class A Quad monoblocks, a beautiful refurbished Stereo 70, a bespoke sub designed specifically for my system and room (14-inch drivers, -6db at 8Hz!), a modified Dahlquist crossover, a couple grand of room treatments -- that’s not everything, but you get the idea. I even had a big box of NOS tubes and 2 NOS Quad replacement panels in their original sealed boxes. Really unique gear, which I’d spent over 20 years tweaking and restoring. And these units, even the half-century-old components, were all at least 9/10 aesthetically. The ST-70 chassis was like polished chrome, ESL’s copper grills were almost perfect.

Well, for some reason -- maybe because I didn’t have the original shipping cartons and needed a buyer who could accommodate local pickup -- I could not find anyone in my rural area of the country who was interested. The time for the move came closer and closer and one out-of-state bottom-feeder, sensing the pressure I was under, offered me $1800 for the lot. He claimed to be a dealer and justified the low offer with the statement that he could only pay half of what he could sell the stuff for. It broke my heart, but he had me over a barrel.  Even $3600 seemed crazy low for a set of carefully matched, beautifully restored, vintage components like these.

Well he drove to my place and when he heard the system, he was knocked out and immediately snapped it up. As we were loading everything into his van, he mentioned that he actually wasn’t gonna sell it. He planned to keep it for himself. I didn’t say anything, because I was just days from getting on a plane, but I was absolutely friggin’ furious!!

Regrets, I have a few, but then again, too few to mention. But this one still sticks in my craw. I spent so many years and so much time and money putting that system together and tweaking it into something special...


well I guess I must be the first one on here not to have any regrets selling past gear because I've always upgraded to something better and I've gotten fair prices on my used gear so no regrets for me.

Audionics BA-150 Self Biasing Tube Amp with selectable feedback settings.  It was a marvelous listen.

Regrets: Selling a pair of Sony SS-M9 and some Levinson amps

Close Runner up: My first "hifi" speaker...the great Pioneer HPM-150. It was in great shape too when i sold it. If i still had it, i would have attempted the GR mod and brought it up to speed a bit.



I’ve probably sold more gear than the average person here. But I do miss my Class A A/B Plinius amp. They don’t make them like that anymore. 


Pioneer RT-909.  During recordings, if I switched the output back and forth between source and tape monitor, could never hear a difference.


Proac D-15.  Luscious sound, could listen for days straight with no fatigue.  But my OTL tube amp at the time simply did not have the watts to drive the bass with the  control I wanted.


I can't get rid of tubes. I just stop listening over time. Need an 18inch sub.

I wish I still had all of my Hafler amps including a pair of DH-500's.  I also find myself missing my pair of DefTech BP7000SC's and Polk Audio SDA SRS's.  All sold to move out of California.

Just landed on Audiogon today. Hope everyone is well. Great thread. Just talking about this. Not sure if it's regret - more had to because of kid safety ha. Actually regret yes. 

1st gen Quad ESL 57's - not restored (they were incredible) AKA as totally not safe 

2 Marantz 8B's rolled -- no cages 

Sonic Frontiers preamp rolled - cage-less  

Mod'ed Eico HF81 driven blocks - totally unsafe and shocked myself more that once

Merrill Heirloom rig with a DP6/Koetsu - could barely lift this 

All sold in a week 20+ years ago due to kids invading the bat cave. The thought of them grabbing a tube or having any of this even near them scared the heck out of me - especially if their friends whizzed around ran into any of it and the lawsuits started rolling in - lethal. My wife felt the same way - no lock on the door allowed for their well being (?) Not sure what that was all about. 

Of all of it, the Merrill rig is what I regret selling the most, There really was no reason to other than I wanted to buy an exotic camera lens. 

Gene Rubin set me up a LFD Mistral LE, Apollo CD Player (I think), Spendor S3/5's and an RP3 tt - and that is what I still am using decades later. It's decent mid-fi, however John Coltrane is not standing in front of me any longer. 

Post removed 

I had a Yamaha A-S3000 four amps ago. It was the silver face model. IMO that amp was the most beautiful solid state integrated amp out there. It sounded great with my Infinity RS4b speakers. 

It wasn't a good match for the speakers I upgraded to after the RS4b's so I sold it. I have a 2nd rig now that uses the RS4b's and that's where I miss the A-S3000. 

@dekay funny you say that, re:


"I keep planning to go with a simple SS setup with more traditional speakers, but doing so keeps getting put on the back burner."


Last year I had a friend who worked at Threshold for Nelson upgrade a Pass/Forte’ true Class A 50w SS amp for me recently, having the same simplicity ideas. Matching F44 preamp too. Super nice for what it is. One small aspect is missing. I listened to it over the summer for like 90 days straight leaving it in place. Swapped the all-tube system back in, and quickly realized I’m not getting rid of my tube system for simplicity any time soon if I can help myself. The layering is just unmatched with my all-tube setup, likely same as yours. Maybe a simple smaller SS integrated to swap in once in a while. Won’t be doing any serious listening with that though, maybe for background music just to have it on,  LOL.


I've only used an Audion Silver Night 300B DH/SET, an Audion single ended EL34 amp, and early Decware single ended amp  and a few vintage single ended EL84 amps @ home.

I keep planning to go with a simple SS setup with more traditional speakers, but doing so keeps getting put on the back burner.




@bgross Audio Note, Meishu Line... Good God, what was I thinking!?

Ouch, can truly relate. It’s a work of art inside too. I listen to the Mieshu integrated at a friends place every few months, and compare sound to more expensive amps further up the AN line. For my own use, I still have that one on my list to own one day. Not sure my existing speakers would match well but its a future goal :)

I sold my ARC SP3a-1 Van Alstine when I bought the SP11 MkII. I love the 11, don't get me wrong. It's so much better in so many ways. No buyer's remorse.

But some days I miss the beautiful euphonic sound of the SP3.

Happy listening.


"@dekay Decooney: I have Bottlehead Paramours paired with vintage Elac S517 wide band drivers in Acousticraft cabinets."

Nice, that Paramour kit looks like fun to build. By chance did you get a chance to directly compare them to Dennis’ recent 45/2A3 amp then? My buddy has the 45 amp with horn speakers, likes it quite a bit. However he's on to other amps now as well craving just a tad more drive. Boy those Elac 517s are rare these days and bet that sounds nice paired up with your Paramours. Keepers for sure! :)


Yes, I regretted selling my LP12 turntable five years ago. It wasn’t too much of problem because I was able to buy another better one for not a massive amount more money. The bad part of it was that I also sold my records. I wish I could buy them back for the same amount as replacing them would cost many times what I got for them. 

I bought a Rega P10 turntable last year. A beautiful demo from the merchant . As soon as I plugged it in, I knew that it was not for me. My old Heybrook TT2 upgraded with an Alphason HRS-100 sounded better overall .

Luckily I was able to sell it back within a month without loosing money since I had such a good price on it. Was able to find a used fully upgraded LP12 since and I have no regrets. A bit more expensive but much better. 
Learned a lesson . Always important to listen in your environment with your system. Lol 

After 26 years I still kick myself daily for selling: Roksan Xerxes/Rega/Grado/bluepoint, most of my vinyl collection, YBA electronics, Original Totem One, and Martian Logan Sequel. I'm still traumatized.

I have, on occasion, sold something that turned out to be more engaging than the thing that replaced it. It usually takes me a while before I notice whether I’m present with the music or drifting away, or wanting to read a magazine. 

I think my path has been zig zag, with some good choices and some choices that were not so hot. But I think I’m in a good spot, with equipment that makes me focus on the music and how it makes me feel. And I have no doubt that I’ll replace some of it down the line with something that doesn’t work as well on my heart. It’s okay - I mostly like the journey.

Quad 57’s. 27 years ago, my (then new) wife encouraged me to “get rid of those room heater looking things”.

We are still happily married but I regret daily, the loss of my beloved (non-WAF) Quads.